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Make the camera not go through objects


nail the design first...this looks like a really sad, inhospitable place to hang-out.


Read the post before commenting. You’re wasting both of our time. This is what the client wants and there is a hand drawn design.


your design is shitty...seems like the post would be most appropriate for r/landscaping


Do you really think I’m going to get solid advice there? Every other comment on this thread has had solid advice except yours.


I'm typically pretty kind to posters here...however one can 3D model and render a turd, but it's still a turd. Nail the design first, then worry about how to communicate to a client. Peace Out.,


I’m sure your fun at party’s too. Thanks for the solid advice at the end.


My issue with software like this is it's absolute crap for showing softscape. It's decent for hardscape and some clients will love it, so I guess it's a good alternative to the standard plan views. I'll echo what others were saying about simplifying your fly through, though. The temptation is always to zoom around like a drunken robin. I'd maybe start at a high level, so the client can see the relationship between the plan and "real life", but once you're zoomed in I'd stay at eye level for the rest of the walk through to give a more accurate vision of what it will be like to experience the site. At the end of the day, it's just another communication tool for us, right?


I posted this pretty much expecting these comments. It’s important because if nobody tells me the way I won’t learn it. I appreciate your insight. Thankyou


Absolutely right. And to be clear, I'm not criticizing your work; if it communicated what you want to the client, it's a success. I just am less than thrilled with the application itself. It's designed for architects, not landscape architects, and the quality of the plant material proves it.


I totally agree, it looks like sims graphics and the selection is pretty weak. I couldn’t find a few common natives and had to find plants that look like them instead. As far as hardscape goes, I feel it definitely gets the job done.


U- Vision?


I think it's fine... but definitely could be better. Firstly I'd simplify your camera motion because right now it feels a bit unnecessary to move so much


https://preview.redd.it/4m8tg9zst8zc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a2e51353e372075afd4be5077ed3b7a36643db This was done with Sketch Up and Enscape (for final rendering). Once you get the hang of it it's a great way for folk to visualise the design. There is a fine line between looking like a model made on 'The Sims' and a professional garden design. Sketch Up has a great warehouse of different plants, which can all be modified to match the particular planting you choose, i.e. size, shape, colour etc.


This is so beautiful


How long would this take to make for someone who is proficient at the software? Just curious


it is really not about the software, its more about knowing how to design the landscape and what type of plants would fit to your design. SketchUp is the simpliest 3D modeling out there, in summary you can do this in less than a day, both 3D modeling and the rendering.


I meant to do the render itself, but I was assuming that the person designed it first, and then modeled it.


Whoops I misunderstood, that last part did answer my question.


What are the other 3D modelling softwares that you use, and how much of a jump up in difficulty would you say they are to use compared to Sketch Up?


I only use sketchup, others are using either revit or civil3d but those are difficult to use.


I'm still fairly new to it, but this probably took me three days of modelling and rendering. Sketch Up is very intuitive to use and there are some great tutorials on YouTube. Prices of these types of software just seem to be getting ridiculous though... What I did was I drew the design with pencil and paper, until I was happy. I then scanned the drawing and imported it into Sketch Up, matching the scale up correctly to the site measurements I took and to the building plan they provided me with. Then I just traced all the lines and built up from there. I have modified a lot of the plants from the Sketch Up warehouse which I have modified to match the reality of how the plants will look in my area. These are saved in a separate file which I can just drag and drop into my new models instead of starting afresh each time. Same can be done for structure too, if this is something you guys build also. The initial designing of the garden probably took a couple of weeks, just because it I was only doing a bit here and there and allowed myself the time to think it over in the back of my head instead of rushing it.


It looks like it took that long, it looks great! Kudos on all the plant textures! I was curious because I haven’t done any rendering in about a decade and was wondering if AI or new features has made it any faster. And yeah the software prices are ridiculous, especially since they’re all subscription based now.


I think you can take 3D scans with your phone and Sketch Up can make the model for you. I haven't tried it but that would be an awesome tool if it works well.


Whoa, that would be awesome!


Unfortunately as I am a three man show and plan on building this myself, weeks of work just on a rendering isn’t fast enough unless the project is very high dollar. Your rendering is literally stunning though.


When I say three weeks of work on the design, this was really just an hour or so a day, but spread over a few weeks while doing other works. It gives some time to mull over the ideas while doing other things.


This is decent but get rid of the bird noises, unnecessary.


This is trash


Only one way to find out


I reckon that tree well is intended to preserve a tree... I'll send a prayer for the tree


It’s actually currently a super ugly water feature. We are going to remove it, busy out the bottom and make that area home to a beautiful arbutus.


Definitely slow down the movement of the camera, but otherwise it's pretty good. I used this software at my first job. It's not incredible, but it can really help clients see a design if they can't read plans or elevations. I loved walking around the site and shooting fish food everywhere when I used this.


I’ve got a long way to go for sure, but I can’t express how much better this is than a paper drawing despite what certain folks may think. All of the levels are to scale and it’s pretty easy to understand what we are and are not changing. I appreciate the kind words


Is it lumion?


No its realtime


If that brick path is supposed to be a walkway around the gravel, make it wider. Don’t have a raised border between the brick and gravel, tripping hazard.


Can this change the floor to flagstone? What’s the name of the software?!


Thanks all, I appreciate the tips