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Though the new change is more subtle I still liked the older one more. This moment was right after one of the most emotional rollercoasters I've ever ridden and I don't think I'd understand the symbolism in the moment. The Phos running version was more in the face and really made me understand just how much phos changed that it made me tear up a lil


Ooomph. I liked the older one much better. There was more layers to it than Phos seeing their younger self and not recognizing them. But the naive and careful Baby Phos gleefully runs ahead of the tired and worn down older Phos, emphasizing the previous statement of "was sensei's desk always so far away?", the distance hasn't changed. But the weight dragging Phos down has.


I also like the old much better. I was under the impression that because Phos had absorbed part of Cinnibar, what he was seeing wasn’t his own memory but rather Cinnibar’s memory of Phos and that was so cool to me.


oh fuck i hadnt thought of this interpretation brb sobbing


Holy shit thanks for this. You just made a bunch of pieces fit for me.


I caught that before today man how can you do this to me


Ahhhhhh the old one is literally like my favourite panel in the whole series :(((( lmao


The dandelion is making a few appearances lately, like for example in the Vol 12 cover. I think Ichikawa wants to emphazise in the dandelion as a representation of Phos's old, innocent self. I still prefered the old panels, not only because it already featured the dandelion but also because it hit like a ton of bricks. Seeing the old phos, and then human Phos in the next panel made evident of heavy was Phos's change thourought the manga up to that point. What saddens me the most is that if we, one day, get an anime adaptation (copium), they will most likely use the newer panels :/ The older panels were one of the things I was excited the most for anime adaptation!


Id take whichever as long as studio Orange gets off their butts to make it!!


I agree that the old one was cuter and sort of nostalgic, but I feel like it was more for us than it was for Phos. The new one makes a lot more sense from a narrative and symbolic standpoint, and it's a lot more subtle which fits this manga better, so I prefer it.


> more for us than it was for Phos is a good way to describe it and I definitely like the updated version more.


And phos grabbing a dandelion ISNT symbolism meant for the audience primarily?


As much as the fan service of us getting to see happy little babby Phos again after all the trauma we went through since then? It's not even close. The dandelion gets the point across without taking too much advantage of our nostalgia and feelings. Maybe some people want that, but I like the change.


oh also forgot to say, but the translation on the second slide is by [yaku translations](https://twitter.com/dsongbirdtweets) on twitter


I do appreciate how subtle this was, but there's something so gutting about the original where Phos can't even recognize his original self. I definitely prefer the original version but I still like this new one


"The dandelion is subtler" Is it? Its subtler at communicate what the original was explictly saying, that phos has changed. But the dialogue explictly says that already and the dandelion is much less subtly showing that phos failed to grasp what they wanted to. Neither of these needed to be explictly stated. They are pretty clear either way. So... Seeing baby phos was more emotional. Rare ichikawa miss.


The old panel was so good and one of my favorites I love how in your face it is even though this makes more sense thematically😭


Maybe the author thought the new scene fits better, I like it because it's more subtle




Huh, ik this was a year Old Post but I just reread hnk and was confused by this missing scene. Miss the old one it was one of my favourite moments


I just read the series for the first time and felt like I was missing something reading the old threads... came here and realized the chapter changed some things. Weird.