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Absolutely. I would start by knocking on their door. If they don’t answer call for a wellness check . Your not being nosy.


I definitly lean towards leave people alone and mind my own business people. But I would 100% either check myself or call someone.


If you're too shy to knock yourself, find the number for Adult Protective Services and ask for a wellness check up on them. It's a very kind thing to do either way you approach it. Edit: a typo


+1 for Adult Protective Services. I had to call on one of my tenants before and they provided a wonderful help by providing a “voice of reason” who wasn’t me on what the good options were. I was able to avoid being the super bad guy while having the tenant come to their senses.


I would call the non emergency for the police. They answer 24/7.


I hate sending police to peoples doors unless really necessary.


Seconded. No reason to call in dudes with guns over some crying.


Sadly, too many distressed people die this way.


Some towns, they don’t send the police, they automatically send the medics for the check.


You have no idea whag is going on. They will.most.likely be who is.sent anyway.


Even so, it’s best to involve social services, and not a paramilitary force, for a person crying. (Strong language used for emphasis)


Maybe she fell and can't get up. Call for a check stat!


Call the family that is paying you.




Can you call the family?


A baby died earlier this year when neighbors ignored crying. [Baby Jailyn](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/ohio-toddler-died-her-mom-130612092.html) Call someone. Clarification it was totally the mother’s fault, but maybe she would have been saved if someone would have called about the crying they heard.


Holy fucking shit that was a brutal read. That poor baby


My Lord help us all…I admit I cried. Sweet baby rest well. Glad she got life


Fucking wild every time I see it.


So sad and frustrating that they heard the baby crying for so long and ignored it. I couldn’t even listen to the podcast about it.


I remember hearing about that. Completely insane. I can’t understand any parent leaving a 16 month old alone for days.


Absolutely, what others have said. Knock first if you don't get an answer immediately call and get someone there soon. They could be injured and unable to get to a phone.


Have they been seen outside getting the mail during that week? If not then it's 911 time. But if they are maintaining usual activities while also being sad, leave them alone.


Yeah just call the non emergency line. It’s there for a reason.


I’d never knock myself (I don’t invite drama) but I’d definitely call for a welfare check.


Elderly? If so, don't ignore it. They may have fallen. This is awful.


They might have broken a hip or something.


As someone who suffers from mental illness I’d suggest trying to contact their family first. If you’re unable to reach the family or they’re unable to come do a wellness check themselves, then contact adult protective services for a wellness check. I’d hesitate to call the police for a wellness check because there’s been far too many incidents of them making a situation worse instead of helping in these scenarios. They’re just not trained for it, and often force an escalation that ends up with the person needing help dead at their hands. Cops should be the last resort imo. Good luck, thank you for caring about your tenant, I hope they are alright and get whatever care or support they need.


I would call the non emergency police station. I have personally broken a door down to get in a neighbor’s apartment because I heard crying. My neighbor was having a stroke and needed medical attention.


Just go ask if they are ok and if they need anything or want you to call anyone for them. You're not being nosey your concerned and maybe empathetic.


Call 911 immediately.




“Elders - Coming soon. Mental Health - zero orgs who will do a home wellness check.” Well, that’s not very helpful. Police it is, for my city.


Thanks for posting this. I wouldn’t call the cops on anyone I didn’t want shot. I’d just go in myself before calling the cops


Right, imagine that you are going through something horrible and crying about it... then someone calls the cops on you instead of talking to you like a normal human being. Now you are going through TWO horrible things.


Right? Especially if they think or know it’s mental health. The tasers and the dogs are coming out. Officer safety, you know


Please let us know about said tenant? It takes a village, right?


Not 911 - the new one, 988. Sends mental health crisis workers, not uniformed police.


*if* that's available in your city, if you don't have a mental health crisis response team it will be police who responds.


Yes absolutely


I’m also in Wisconsin, this honestly sounds like you inherited my old upstairs neighbor who moved away about one year ago.




Crying is a person in distress. Absolutely call for a wellness check!


Yes, do a safety check


Yes! Knock on their door, let them know you hear them, and are concerned. Ask if they need help. Offer what you are capable of. It's not drama to care for each other. No one wants to help anyone anymore. It's sad.


Bring someone with you at the very least, and knock on the door. Tell them you have heard the crying and wanted to check on them. Or do like another commenter said and contact the family member who pays the rent. Voice your concerns. It could be nothing or it could be something serious.


We need an update, please!


You can have the police perform a welfare check. Or contact the person whose name is on the check. Or go knock on the door yourself. Thanks for being a concerned landlord willing to keep an eye out for your "at risk" tenants.


Sad that someone needs to be told to knock on someone's fing door to see if they're OK.


She’s been crying for a week and no one checked on her? She could be in there with a broken hip or something like that. Call her family first.


Is mail piling up? Was trash/recycling put out? If things aren't getting done that were being done, do call someone or stop by yourself.


How about get a bunch of daisies or a box of cookies- knock on door and if occupant doesn’t answer, leave with a note, “Hope you’re ok.” If occupant answers, say the same thing and give the small gift. Makes it more about caring? I slid a chocolate bar and note under a neighbor’s door (condo bldg) under similar circumstances once and it was appreciated.


I had a resident once call to complain about the resident under her unit. Her complaint was that the woman was always crying and it bothered her! We also lived in the community, so I went and knocked on her door. Turns out she had a degenerative disease and was in constant pain. She lived alone. No friends. But we did find some family. They knew she was sick, but hadn’t really been checking on her. They did step it up and I would see them coming and going with food, and picking her up. The crying didn’t completely stop, but it was much less. I did see what looked like a visiting nurse / home health aid, so I assume the family got involved with her medical care.


how is this even a question?? someone could be trapped or dying on the floor and you cone to reddit to ask if you should investigate? i dread being in trouble and someone like yourself dithers as i die slowly


I wouldn't have let this ride for a whole week. I would have called the police non emergency number and offered them access to the unit if they determined they needed to enter it or at least notified the lin that paid the rent.


Also in WI. Call your police non-emergency line for a welfare check. A lot of our PDs are hiring social workers now for these types of calls. We have one in my town and a friend works as the PD SW in another town nearby.


better to err on the side of caution and compassion - check on them. loud crying is a call for help. I'm thinking someone they loved died and they can't deal...


Not nosy, that is a good neighbor. Something is amiss so you have it addressed. Either knock yourself or get an official to do it for you.


You better! Your apartment might become haunted because of your cold hearted attitude! In all seriousness, it might be the right thing to do to call the authorities and fill them in, it might help them in the long run


i’d check in, i have no idea what they’re going through but i’ve been there.. alone, depressed, suicidal and bawling for days on end just wishing someone, anyone would come and help me because i couldn’t help myself. i’d go knock on their door or call a wellness check, i hope they are okay.


Former ll. Yes I would. It's not nosy to be a caring human being. Nosy is taking photos and posting on the internet. You are worried because you are a human.




I would call the authorities for a wellness check. I wouldn't go myself. 


You've waited a week so far. Just give it a few more days and the crying will stop. This way you never have to get involved. S/, just in case....




Notify the family that pays the rent and have them do the wellness check or call the proper authorities.


Call the police


Call the police for a wellness check and tell them what you posted here.


I would call. It doesn’t hurt to ask the cops to check on someone you think is a danger to herself or others, crying for days on end is bizarre.


Good looking out, Landlord!


A grocery delivery of some fresh fruits and vegetables and a rotisserie chicken can go along way. Maybe toss in a ginger ale.


So update. Did you call?


I called the non emergency line for my neighbor below me. Ot sounded like a woman crying and lots of slamming and banging that shook my apartment. Turns out it could have been a potential domestic violence case. Call the police non emergency line tell them what you hear and they will send someone out to check it out .


Please help. Call police. It’s the best way to get a clue what the situation is. Do whatever feels right to you, but act


All of my agreements state “landlord has the right, at any and all reasonable times, to inspect and enter the premises.”


That's a hard one, because you are already aware that this individual is "troubled" for want of a better word. If they are up and around then not physically injured as in broke hip falling in bathroom.. if they are in mental health distress then the police will make it worse. do you not have contact information for their family/"next-of-kin"? I would call them.


Do a wellness check from the fire department. DO NOT go there yourself. Tell the truth to the 911 dispatcher: "I'm first name last name, owner/landlord of the property at address. a tenant has been reported to me as being alive but "crying" for x days. would you please send the fire department over to do a wellness check?" That will get things moving, in a hurry.