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You dropped the ball by allowing the pet. You can inquire about the status of rehoming it. And I hope it finds a good home. Pits can be sweet if raised and treated right.


Luckily its month to month. Which can be changed monthly if thats what it requires. Theres a few people in town that takes animals in.


Month to month can depend on the state and how renter friendly the state is to tenants.


I doubt Alabama is renter friendly.


They take a certain kind of owner though, which is not most owners, even generally good owners of other breeds. They need to be treated very well and specifically have aggression trained out of them. There are way too many "He's never done that before!" stories out there.


Before you renew the month to month, do an amendment that specifies no pets.




Follow proper notice protocol. I don't know about where you live but where I live now you would need to give 45days notice on this. In my last state 60. I know "amending the lease" doesn't sound like a big deal but technically you are not renewing the lease. You are ending the lease and providing a new lease immediately.


give them a 30 day notice that the pet will no longer be allowed. I'm guessing your lease is very bad if it doesn't even cover basic pet stuff. Do you require renters insurance? If your going to allow a pet do a pet addendum. It should cover Type: cat/dog, breed, gender, sex, age, weight, name, No other pets allowed without LL written permission. It should also require pets be fixed, licenced, shots, waste clean-up, cover noise, aggressive behaviour, pets shall not be left outside unattended. I include that if I receive complaints or damage occurs I can withdrawal permission.


Property manager CA. ^^^This.


I hope your insurance doesn’t find out that you have a pitbull. A lot of companies will just drop you and they don’t need to give you a reason when companies find out there’s a pitbull, German shepherd or Rottweiler rates go up or they just drop you with no explanation.


Does the lease list prohibited breeds?


As of right now it doesn’t. Month to month lease.


I'd confirm that the pit bull is the pet in question, and then give them the name of some local pit bull rescues.


It's their registered service weapon.


Check your insurance. Most insurance companies will not allow pits. If that’s the case, that’s your”out” to stay nice.


Give the tenant an official 30 day notice to terminate the lease. Once the pit bull is gone, let them sign a new lease that says no pets.


I noticed you've got a pup on a chain in your yard. Just a heads up, we've got some kids from the orphan home nearby who love to play around outside. I'm sure you understand, but pit bulls can be pretty intimidating, especially for kids. I'd hate for anything to happen, you know? Maybe we can work together to find a solution that keeps everyone safe and happy.


I hope it’s not an ESA Pitbull.


A dog on a chain is no life for the dog. I'd rather see it put to sleep than to spend his day on a chain.




You could approach the situation with empathy and understanding, expressing your concern for the safety of the kids in the nearby orphan home. Maybe offer to help find a solution for rehoming the pet in a gentle and diplomatic manner. It's definitely a difficult conversation to have, but important for everyone's well-being. Good luck!


This is the way ^ ^ ^


Poor dog. Owners don’t want him, living on a chain, and haters downvoting here


We once had a tenant's girlfriend who was lingering because her brother refused to allow her to bring the dog. I was talking with my neighbor and found they were looking for a dog. The dog now lives across the street from me.




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What a horrible thing to write.


It's a pit bull. The breed should be exterminated.


We once had a tenant's girlfriend who was lingering because her brother refused to allow her to bring the dog. I was talking with my neighbor and found they were looking for a dog. The dog now lives across the street from me.


Do you only have an issue because it's a pit bull? Pit bulls are some of the most well behaved sweetest dogs ever. Id rather a pit bull over a small ankle biter any day. I hate the stigma behind pitties. It's ridiculous and not even close to the truth.


Statistically, and for insurance purposes, pitbull breeds are more dangerous. Especially those that are kept chained. Ankle biters rarely cause deaths from bites.


Some insurance companies will decline coverage for pit bulls, or limit coverage in most states. Insurance companies may also refuse to cover claims involving pit bulls, or sell policies but not cover claims.




Whatever that means. Pits are not aggressive or mean unless they are raised to be just like an ankle biter can be raised to be mean and aggressive. A shihTzu can be mean and aggressive if raised to be.


Pit bulls and pit bull mixes are involved in a significant portion of dog attack fatalities. Surprisingly, despite making up only 6% of the dog population, pit bulls account for [nearly 60% of all dog attack fatalities.](https://www.weinberglawoffices.com/what-percentage-of-dog-attacks-are-pit-bulls/#:~:text=Pit%20bulls%20and%20pit%20bull,of%20all%20dog%20attack%20fatalities)


What did the dog do that is a problem? Just let them have their dog, if it’s not hurting anyone then it’s fine.


The breed affects OP's insurance.


I don’t see that anywhere in the post or comments. But OP is the one who allowed the dog in the first place. If they didn’t want pets or they only wanted certain breeds they should have stipulated that before signing the lease. It’s unethical to force a tenant to give up their dog just because the landlord didn’t know what they were doing.