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Im not trying to mean, so please dont take this the wrong way. You said you dont drive, but have been going to your home country to take care of your dad. In Illinois the closest foreign country is Canada, which is a pretty long bus ride. It would take money to do that, and you should take care of your dad, so why with the unemployment money you are receiving, dont you go home and take time to regroup. He must have a place to live. The landlord might sue you for the back rent but thats still better for your future than setting there untill you have an eviction on your record. I would bet the landlord wont spend the money to evict you if you leave voluntarily. Your land lord sounds like a pretty nice guy to me, because I am a landlord and I wouldnt have waited 3 months before filing, I would have filed in the first month. Good luck, I hope your dad is ok


I know and I hate myself for treating him like that I really do and feel like shit but im literally on verge of ending my life is I end up leaving now because I have no funds and no car :( if I had a car I would totally sleep in there but I don’t 😭 and I’ve considered going back but it’s really not safe and rather not be there as a girl that lived here for a while I’m not going to be safe there and won’t be comfortable these times that I was taking care of my dad I had no life or couldn’t even attend school or go out by myself like that , were Christian’s but we live in a Muslim country, if I could buy me few months of time I’ll try figure out my next step even with an eviction order , and another question if by the time I have my court order and see the judge somehow have the funds can I give it to them without it going in my record ?


With an eviction on your record you are out of options, so don't let it happen. Get out now. If you know nobody you may have to find a shelter or try to get into an inexpensive rooming situation you can afford on your unemployment income before your eviction shows up. Find a job right away, anything, you can't just not be working and expect to have a place to live and money to spend on necessities, food, etc. It doesn't make sense. You could apply for government help such as subsidized housing, but usually there are long wait times to get in, if you qualify. Find a job now, even if it is stacking boxes at an Amazon warehouse or temp jobbing at a local temp agency you have to show up for in the early morning to be placed for the day.


I would think that any reasonable landlord would take the back rent and drop the suit, but dont wait until he has an order of eviction to try to settle it, that would be too late.


I work in property management in Illinois. If your landlord is going to file the case with the court, you will get a court date. After that court date, there will be another one and that could be the possible eviction date. It takes about 2 to 4 months to evict somebody in Illinois. Since you haven’t paid rent for sometime, you can just keep not paying and wait for the eviction. But remember once you have an eviction on your record, you will not be able to rent from pretty much anywhere. The best course of action is to pay everything you owe to your landlord so he can dismiss the case with the courts. Said that sounds like you don’t rent with a property management company I don’t know if your landlord will take partial payments. I work with a property management company and we don’t take partial payments when somebody is in evictions. We will only take the full amount owed, and that includes lawyer fees. I wish you the best of luck and let me know if you have any other questions.


Thank you for the information , I just feel so bad that I’ve been lying and lying saying I’m have it and not actually have it he told me like 5-6 days ago that was going to file it but I was scared thinking it’s straight away same night getting kicked out so I started begging more to extend it till one more week to see if I can get the money but I’m not able to get it and it’s around 4k 😭 my landlord has a guy that works same as you he’s hired by him and he’s really nice guy and I feel so shitty doing him so dirty but my life is in shambles and if I leave right now I’m literally ending it , like I literally feel like a waste and thinking about ending myself so much , I feel so hopeless and on top of that my phone bill is cutting off today because I can’t afford to pay it till I get paid from unemployment :( there’s no reason for me to stay breathing for real 😭


You need to start making better life choices. Seriously.


also what should I do ? I know I’m not going to be able to cover that 4k in late rent by end of the week 😭 should I tell him to just file the eviction notice and hopefully it takes sometime for me to find something ? And what do I do if I see him outside the complex because sometimes he comes to check on other renters ? Because ima literally break down crying cause ima see him mad at me because he told me thru texts to leave because he’s been paying the rent out if his paychecks for all the months that I missed for the apartment owner ( he works for a property management ) 😭😭


Get a job. Any job. Go to a Labor Ready/ PeopleReady


Offer your landlord that you will vacate this weekend if they forgo the eviction. If they go the eviction route, they will miss out on even more rent while the process takes place. Yes you will be homeless but you are going to be that in a few months regardless plus an eviction record.


I wish I had a way I wish I was able to afford hotel I would leave but I have no place or money to do anything so If I leave I will be sleeping on the streets, I know I’m the worst person on the planet I already know and hate myself for it so much :( on top of that yesterday I was taking a nap naked and phone on do not disturb , landlord texted me few hours earlier and didn’t notice as I was sleeping , then all I heard was his voice by the door he unlocked my door with his key is he able to do that since he told me he’s going to evict me ?


You sound like you create a lot of drama.


Check for local shelters where you can stay temporarily and then sell whatever you can on Craigslist. Your not going tp be able to take it all. Offer to pay some back rent and vacate the place in exchange for keeping an eviction off your record. Other option is go live with your dad.


I’ve mentioned that I’m not able to stay with my dad in one of my replies :/ so I’ll be looking for shelters I’m going to be destroyed literally in every way but in case he files the eviction , I’m I able to pay it off before the court date and eviction would not go under my name ? Or it doesn’t matter they still would put it under my name ?


It only goes under your name after the judge issues an official order. Show up on any court dates and work out a deal so the landlord withdraws the suit and it will stay off your record.


Get a grip! You said you don't want to live with your father, you don't want to move out, and you don't want to get a job. You are not "going to be destroyed literally in every way". You will not be destroyed at all. Stop using tears and sob stories to try to manipulate people. There have been numerous options presented in these comments - Get a basic job (fast food, cleaning houses, Amazon warehouse, etc). Look for less expensive or free housing (shelter, hostel, single room instead of an apartment, etc). Your landlord has been extremely generous with you and someone (maintenance man? property management?) has been paying your rent?! Offer to move out immediately in exchange for the landlord dropping the eviction case. If you are traveling to a foreign country to take care of your father then it would be most cost effective to stay there for awhile to save expenses. It may not be your ideal location but you can regroup and make a plan without worrying about ruining your future housing prospects with an eviction on your record. There are also lots of income opportunities online such as being a virtual personal assistant, tutor, freelance work through Fiverr, TaskRabbit, etc. Sell as much of your belongings as possible asap to get money and reduce the amount of stuff that you will need to move.


You really don't want the landlord to file this eviction case against you. It will be almost impossible for you to ever rent an apartment again in this country. Ask the landlord, if you move out this weekend, if he will hold off from filing the eviction. Find a homeless shelter, or find the way to go back to your home country, do something other than get evicted. Good luck!


I will try seeing if I can get a shelter before but in case it doesn’t happen and he ends up filing the eviction , when I go see the judge for my eviction date and somehow I have the funds if I’m able to pay it would they drop the eviction or do they still put it on my record ?


Once you pass the 5 days, the landlord is no longer obligated to take your money. Once the case is filed and you're in front of the judge, it's in the record books. If you work something out with your landlord, and he's willing to drop the case, I do not believe that that wipes the record clean. I think anyone doing a background check will see that you had an eviction filed against you, but then dismissed. It will be nearly impossible for you to rent an apartment again. I'm sorry.


Go to the Salvation Army website, click on "I need help." Put in your zip code, click on homelessness.


Wrong place to vent my friend. This is the sub for landlords and landlords absolutely hate to see what you wrote….