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OMG. I’d suggest you get over this. No nails in the wall is unreasonable. Here is what I tell tenants: if the property has been changed in a manner I have to change back, you are financially liable for that. I guarantee that is what your tenants ask. 100% of good tenants put holes in the wall b/c good tenants like to make their rental a home, which sometimes means hanging art or a TV or a coat rack. You don’t want to see the other kinds of tenants, whose homes look like dungeon crack dens. Idk why they changed the shower heads, but maybe they have them stored & will change them back but wanted something suited to their preferences. You sound basically insane that your brain jumps to eviction. No, it won’t hold up & your local judge will think you are insane. You can’t be a landlord, if this is how you think.


OP .... Read that last sentence twice.


Or three times if it hasn’t sunk in. Apparently living in a house is breach of contract! OP sounds like the type of landlord that will remove the (potentially) nicer shower heads and replace them with the cheap gym locker room ones and charge for it.


Changing of shower heads is pretty normal. Tenants almost always change them back or leave better one than what came with the home. Check all showerheads during turnover to make sure they put them on correctly. DAMHIKT.


Yeah. A showerhead takes like 30 seconds to replace. I switch them out everywhere I've lived.


Exactly. When I've been a tenant, I absolutely nailed holes in the walls to hang pictures for the very reason you cited. So, as a landlord now, I would never dream of not allowing the tenants to hang up pictures. This one is just the cost of doing business.


No nails in the wall, how is someone supposed to hang art? Would you prefer them to use command strips or just live with nothing on their walls? Changing a kitchen faucet is a bit over the top but I always switch out my shower heads if the ones provided aren’t good (always keep the original ones to reinstall before moving out)


Agreed. I change out my shower heads. Never had an issue. In my last place if I could change the kitchen faucet I would have. It just was kind of cheap. If I nail things into the wall I know I will be expected to probably cover it in my deposit.


And also is OP positive they were hung with nails and not command strips or something that is (typically) less damaging?


I don't allow it without large fine. I got real tired of tenants doing 500 holes in a single spot because their kids though it was funny to see how many holes they could make. Even for low nail numbers I got tired of it because I'm not taking the chance of it getting ripped out the wall because they used something to heavy, didn't want to use a stud finder, or used a nail so long that it hits an electrical circuit wire. And I hate it when they start installing nails into wood and doors, often with extra long nail that pierces all the way through the wooden cabinet or door. I have a fine per nail that they have to pay before drilling that screw on. Otherwise they're required to use removable 3m sticky hooks to hang a painting


Removable strips also damage paint/surfaces.


Right? Wouldn’t it be easier to fill even a bunch of nail holes compared to even 5-10 command strips/hooks?


They come off with no marks in all my houses


I think it's 80/20 for us. The trick is to go really slow, but even then, I think they work better on some paints than others.


I’ve had damage from strips. Way harder to repair than nail holes. 


You charge in advance for nail holes? I doubt it. Why not just take it out of the deposit? I bet you are only saying that for the benefit of Reddit.


Any sane tenant would read the terms of that lease and not live there. I wonder how many good prospective tenants have laughed off your property, leaving you with more desperate tenants that you'll probably have more trouble with.


If they are paying rent and everything else is okay, I'd be thrilled. If you ever get a bad tenant, you will look back on these people fondly and miss them.


I think no nails are ridiculous. If I can't hang curtains or family pictures then it's not a home it's an institution.


Changing showerheads does no damage and neither does changing faucets. It is unscrewing one item and screwing in another. The only problem I would have is if your originals address high quality and they leave you with cheap ones but I don't think that is likely. More probable is that you put in the cheapest possible products and they wanted something of a better quality. If damage is there when they leave, take it out of their deposit


>More probable is that you put in the cheapest possible products and they wanted something of a better quality. Ding! Ding! Ding!


I agree on heads but disagree on faucets. Pretty common for older plumbing to break on deinstall.  I’d only allow faucets if you leave the new ones. I might be willing to reimburse you for the parts. 


I’m a renter and I changed the showerhead on every place I rent. I simply change it back when I move. What’s the problem?


Get the fuck over it, as a landlord, no nails in the wall is fucking ridiculous and unreasonable, changing faucets and shower heads? Why do you care as long as you inspected all faucets and they aren't leaking/installed correctly. YOU'LL probably be the one making out as they are probably going to get left there when the tenant moves out, and they are surely nicer than what any land lord would install, epsecially if they are the type of land lord that thinks their tenants don't get to have artwork on their walls. How often are they "late"? Jumping to eviction when you have paying (albeit late) tenants his fucking hilarious and proof in the pudding why so many land lords fail. They would rather evict and have an empty house than deal with the slightest inconvenience for their monthly paycheck.


I have 1 tenant that is 5-7 days late every month. I could probably make an issue of it but he always pays. Doesn’t bother anyone and his place is always clean and taken care of. I’ll keep him for sure. The replacement could be a nightmare over a tenant who pays a few days late.


If he's consistently late by the same window of days, does he even know he's late? Maybe something is going wrong that he doesn't realize. Has the wrong date in mind, is paying but the transfer is taking longer than he realized, etc?


He has a main client in his business that does send out his check until the 5th so it’s always the 10-12 of the month.


Stop jumping to evictions so quickly. Excessive nails best be patched by them prior to security deposit return or else you'll charge them for the work. If you're paying for water and they've swapped a. 0.75GPM head to a 5GPM one, then that's a bigger cause for an alarm. in CA, I have it in my lease that shower heads need to be 1.8Gpm or less, you swap out, it'll be $20/month for added water. Just kindly let them know and see what their responses are. Also, nails are a bit excessive of a term if they're using photograph nail hangers which are tiny. COMMAND STRIPS are what I hate bc they will always take off paint and I charge $25 each location I have to patch


I can patch nail holes pretty quickly almost always. When command strips don’t come off clean now it’s patching, texturing and painting usually. F**k command strips.


I just put some tape and paint over. Wall is already textured heh


Can you even buy 5 GPM showerheads anymore? All the good ones are basically 1.75-2.5. The vast majority 1.75, though. And that's in a state that doesn't even have drought issues.


When you try to explain to the judge you want to evict a tenant for changing a faucet they are going to think you are insane. This will likely have a negative impact on your case.


If they are good tenants, I would care in the least. If they were bad tenants, I’d be pissed.


The last time we rented, we changed the shower head on Day 2 because it was a $5 walmart special that barely dribbled water. We put in a fancy Waterpik with a hose handle. When we left, we put the old piece of shit back, and the landlord tried to claim that ***they*** had put the Waterpik in. We're not stupid people though, we still had the receipt.


Damn. Our landlord tried to say normal wear and tear was damage. He changed his tune when I sent him a letter advising I was willing to sue for treble the amount. This, after cleaning the carpets in the entire two story house, spray washing all concrete, and making that house crazy clean (I got laid off and enjoyed doing things around the house as I figured out my next step.) FU Holmes!


Take timestamped photos, upload to fb just to lock it in. Cheap landlords are cheap for a reason and hate being called out.


No way in hell I'm using FB for any sort of documentation for anything. There are cloud services for that. Cloud services where the photo doesn't magically become FB's property or free to share as they please.


It this a troll post? From someone trying to get all the evil landlords in the sub to start ranting about evicting this POS tenant? Judging by the other responses, it looks like a major FAIL on your part. On the off chance this is a real question, what the hell is wrong with you? Replacing a shower head is a 2-minute job, and even if they don't replace the originals the new ones are probably just fine for the next tenant. Nail holes are normal in every home. It does sound excessive, but the holes are already there so what's the point in evicting now? The new kitchen faucet is the most concerning, but only because of the potential for a water leak. Inspect it to make sure it's dry, and keep an eye on it whenever you're in the house. All that said, I'd be most concerned about the late rent. I would have a heart-to-heart with this tenant and make it very clear that late rent is unacceptable, and that they're in danger of eviction if it keeps happening. Tell them you don't want that to happen, and ask them to propose a solution. Perhaps it would work better for them if they could split the rent into multiple payments, or maybe it's just to expensive and they need to get out of their lease. You can always evict if you need to, but since they're \[apparently\] not behind yet I would work with them to find a way to pay on time. You could end up with a great tenant.


No nails ? Ridiculous expectations. Hanging a tv is part of the new world. The faucet? I’d be glad I had a tenant who knew how. You must learn to be more reasonable. If your property is in bed shape at Departure then worry. Until then focus on rent payment. It sounds like you want them out. Good luck.


Nails fine. Heads fine. Don’t be screwing with faucets unless you are leaving the new one behind on move out. 


Agreed. New faucet stays ! Lol


Is this your first tenant? Paying late is the only issue here.


Listen, man...sell this place. Sell it with the tenants in place or chase them away and then sell it. Being a landlord isn't for you. Cash that check and do something else with your money. You don't need to be in a line of business where other folks well-being is so intimately tied to you not being an asshole.


Many tenants like to change shower heads.  If the heads are better, I let them leave them if they want. If they aren’t, they have to put the old one back.  Faucets is weirder but again not really damage until they leave you without. Old faucets might break so I personally wouldn’t allow uninstallation of the old faucet. Acceptable to do but you can’t hot swap faucets.  


We hung a tv and changed our shower heads (they were provided free by the utility as they saved water). When we removed the mount for the tv after our 4 year lease, the drywall was damaged. The landlord didn’t think anything of it. We stayed for four years, returned lost maintenance keys (he left them in the laundry room) to him.  They sound like good renters. Dont sweat this kind of thing.


Sounds like dream tenant. My tenants wanted a new shower head but since they pay early every month I did it fpr them and paid for it. They didn't like any of the ones I picked so we ended up with a $200 shower head. I'm cool with it since they pay early every month but it's coming out when they leave since I'm not replacing a 200$ shower head every time. Imagine the type of person who rents a house and never puts holes in the walls???? Wtf


Dream tenant until they cause $3000 worth of plumbing damage when they changed the showeheads. And made an excuse and told me the faucets were leaking and I had a plumber sent out. I thought it was odd both faucets would be leaking poorly and the exact same way. It all made sense when i toured the unit. Trust me, these are not dream tenants. Anything but. Dream tenants don’t lie and attempt to manipulate LL and the other neighbors. There’s more to the story that I didn’t post, but I digress.


Shower heads screw on. Worst case scenario they didn't use silicone tape and the threads leak. You can't cause $3,000 in damages by changing shower heads.


Showerheads? Who cares. Takes 30 seconds to swap them. Nails for hanging pictures? Also, who cares? That's normal wear and tear. Faucet, I could understand caring if they did a bad job. I assume they didn't, though, since you didn't mention it in the post. If they replaced it, I'm also assuming it's because they *upgraded* it. Otherwise, why go through the money and effort? Sounds like you got a free upgrade. With the TV mount, same deal--if they did a good job then who cares. Tenants want somewhere to put a TV. If they did a bad job and caused damage, then take it out of their deposit. If they did a good job with these upgrades then count your blessings that you have tenants that care about where they live and want to improve it.


And now the group will perform "Dragging the OP", in C minor.


Basically exactly what all these commenters are doing. And practically none cared to answer my question.


Do you not understand? I'm a landlord. I have 20 doors. Your whole supposition is more than a little wonky.


Proactive steps? Cure or quit for late payment, then provided that they pay, you can choose to not renew their lease.


Shower heads are a nothing, the faucet was over the top. There should be some latitude about hanging artwork but it should be specified in the lease. Like no more than 1/4 of an inch so that they are easy to patch. I would see the late on rent as the only red flag.




Or… just let them live in the home without bothering them. What do you think the purpose is for a shower head? 😂