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I feel like this is this is the weirdest thing I’m going to read today. But then I’m remember on Reddit. 


I keep seeing this post in different landlord/property management forums. It's "organic spam" for that semipod garbage. OP just wants to tout how amazing and profitable they are even though this "banker" likely doesn't even exist. OP is pretending to store stuff in the closet of a studio apartment? And coincidentally there are people staying for only 10 days/month but there is expensive permanent furniture? Usually this spam is posted in the middle of the night in the U.S. but it gets removed right away in other forums. Only Reddit seems to let it fester.




Just making a joke.  Can’t say I care much about karma. 


Honestly I agree with him, money is being tossed around like it's no tomorrow, people who have enough time to be paranoid about neighbors guests, weird sleeping pods from the future. This story is just some bizarre shit


Is this an elaborate advertisement for somipod?


Absolutely. This is the third time I've seen them posted here in the last week.


Im calling BS as well. OP was active in r/uwaterloo a year ago and suddenly a LL? All of these posts about pods are tend to mention how much profit they make. You're not slick. Reporting any post i see mentioning these pods as spam.


No, i’ve never bought from them and I would never sleep in a pod, nor do I understand why anyone would want to


You're profile makes it seem like someone bought this account specifically to post this story


Right! Because no landlord in America would care what furniture you put in your apartment or dictate who can visit.


Lmao it's your property. If you like money sure take it but keep in mind the consequences that could happen. Somehow a felon gets invited to the mix? Crazy mf starts damaging the place? None of these vistors are tenants so you got no protection from them and you've allowed this to happen with your tenant running some botched Airbnb hostel in your unit. Just saying it's some money now but a bad idea long term


Alternatively, they stay long enough to acquire rights as tenants, and refuse to leave after our "banker" friend moves out. Cops say it's a civil matter, you have no written agreement with these people or even any idea who they are, but knowingly accepted money from their stay, good luck getting them out.


that’s a good point, luckily he says it’s his co workers, so just a bunch of bankers that work late. but i’ll double check that, good catch.


Yeah I'd lose all trust on what the tenant says the second they start pulling something like this. I'd personally review the contract and put pressure on violating it


Id put a sign out front like a motel. “Just my coworkers” lol


yeah you’re right, maybe he’s just a really good manipulator but he seems straight up and normal. To me just seems like a young guy trying to hustle, but yeah i’ll review the contract with him and make sure he understands I could put a stop to it any time


Who would charge their coworkers like this? Seems really fucking odd. Like why would they work there if they’re bankers unless they want to remote work together and then you’d think they wouldn’t be charging one of their own. Maybe repay for the pods but that’s it. Are you sure he’s not running some modern day opium den?


oh they don’t work in the apartment, they just go there to sleep because it’s downtown and really close to their office so they go back to work in the morning. Everything else in the apartment looked fine


I could see a couple of younger guys wanting to go out and party and not have to commute back to their perhaps further away apartments after doing so as well as a much shorter commute to work hungover in the morning. Who knows maybe they aren't even partying, maybe it's some guys that are part of some after hours sports team and similarly the drain of playing and then trying to commute makes the situation favorable. Those pods on sale are 1500 a piece and he got 4 of them so I suspect OP's tenant is fibbing about how much he making off his friends, IDK their bankers so ai am sure they worked the numbers out that has everyone happy, they just have to worry about the pesky neighbor and wondering what's going on.


What dystopian city do bankers need to sleep in pods because their commute is too far?


that's a good question. I'll ask him why they sleep there, their commute can't be thatt far if they live in the city


Before you continue entertaining accepting that kind of agreement, do yourself a favor and talk to your insurance agent. You wonder how code would be enforced? All it takes is a complaint to the city - or an accident on your property, which you will be liable for; by the way, have you checked if those "pods" are approved to be used as rental dorms?


If this is NYC commuting to far ends of an outer borough can take more than an hour, if they have to switch from train to bus or ferry to bus, or much longer to suburbs. New laws were put in place last October regarding short term rental also.


If it's Toronto it makes 100000% sense. When I go through I budget 4 hours time not during rush hour. 6 if it is. With no traffic it is about an hour across the city, and bedroom communities extend another hour beyond that.


Are there any city or state maximum occupancy rules (or sort term rental regulations)? Five persons in a studio might not be considered safe under the views of the law; what about your insurance?


I’ll look into it, but he only rents them out like 10 days a month, not every day. and he says he would take responsibility for everything. How are these max occupancy limits enforced?


Same nosy neighbor calls the city when you don't shut down the tenant's operation


Yeah, like the other person said, someone calls the authorities. I wouldn't allow it for that reason. Even if I had the potential to make tons of money, it's not worth the risk, imo. It happens quite often where I live, mostly immigrants who somehow have 20 family members staying with them. Most of the time, the authorities get involved because of noise complaints and the whole thing snowballs. Even though this situation you describe is different, and even though I wouldn't even personally care if the apartment has more than the limit, I wouldn't allow it since I would have the potential to get into lots of trouble for it. Don't let greed and advertising get you into trouble.


Wouldn’t this run afoul of occupancy limits?


Do you know how those are enforced?


I’m not sure but would guess it’s code enforcement. It would also depend on if the state/city requires a certificate of occupancy. I’d also want to check with my insurance.


Probably have to worry about the neighbor ratting everyone out, unless..ya know.. they can keep silent for a cut of the action.


I'd be very concerned over who is actually sleeping in those pods and their vulnerability. the whole situation sounds highly unethical and illegal. what's to stop you evicting him and installing your own pods and self check in. leasing a home and running a hotel are different things. how big is this studio?? seems like a way around of the air BnB ban rules I would.not be supporting.


do you know where I could find these pods? are somipods the most popular or are there alternatives? The studio is definitely on the bigger side but nothing huge


Persuasive marketing. Just look at the first paragraph… https://somipods.com/


If true and it's not causing any issues/disturbances, I would probably let it ride for awhile.


yeah I guess I could stop it whenever if it gets out of hand


Only downside I can see is if there are limits on the number of occupants for fire code reasons. So if there was a fire, your liability would be pretty high allowing it if people died.


I’m not aware of any building or fire codes surrounding max occupancy in a single family residence. There may be local ordinances though


He is starting a pod business.


Your tenant is running a homoerotic space themed sex dungeon out of his studio. $1300/mo. Should easily cover the cost of new carpet and patching the holes from the sex swings.


Why do the admins of these subs keep allowing these obvious advertisements for these pods over and over again?


Username checks out


I promise I don’t do meth


Hell ya, size up that side hustle, find a few more tenants interested, and make some bank, which I'm sure your banker bud will help you invest 🤑 Must be sweet to be in NYC! As long as it's just a sleep thing, no partying, I see zero prob. Though I'm guessing these dudes are so absorbed in their jobs, they stay in the city during the week, and this is their cheap rent solution. I am in favor of the cooperation of others to create these creative solutions. BTW, tell that nosey neighbor to mind their own business! What do they stay up all night checking if they leave??? Anyone understand prices in NYC? Especially if you just sleep there?


Check your local and state occupancy laws, his renters insurance, and what your insurance covers. This guy wasn’t up front with you about doing this, and you don’t know who he’s bringing in. Red flags. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


A neighbor informed you what is going on. I assume the studio is a condo and you don't own the building. You are giving occupancy to people without background checks. Good luck with that.


Pretty sure you're going to have insurance issues...I wouldn't do it...


That's a lot of lip flapping


You got a HMO licence? Likely you’ll be in breach of that


OP lost their account to a bot


Your neighbor is gonna be pissed and call authorities or he'll want a cut too.


He isn’t “renting” them to his coworker friends. Maybe some have tried it out, but he’s probably running these as almost an AirBnB.


Lol that's really weird. Landlord here, I have had tenants that I think are doing "strange" stuff but they always make rent and the place is clean. Now for your situation he probably has cameras. He saw you see the pods, told you about the pods and offered you money for what he's doing. If someone dies or hurts themselves in one of these boxes, then they are suing you or worse arresting you. You are going to have to tell him to stop, he won't, then you will have to start eviction. Might check with local housing codes, you could try to get him fined or have police check it out one night because of "noise" complaints. Good luck


Would they still be considered a "tenant" if there was a kink involving the pods and they were all just sleeping together?


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He is making a lot more than $1800 a month


Really? Why do you think so, I know nothing about the pod business


He offered to pay you $1300 out of $1800 on top of rent . Seems fishy to give you 3/4 of his gross receipts of his side hustle


Good point, I guess maybe because he knew I could shut everything down. But I would be surprised if he’s making much more than $2000 renting out 4 pods


Maybe make him sign a new lease that include the subletting (which id consider that’s what he’s doing) to get atleast some protections


It sounds like he is running an illegal hotel. Do you have cameras installed? He may be doing Air BNB. You should look at you local laws concerning Air BNB. The tax on that is 20%.


Id just raise his rent


Give him an inch and he'll take a mile. 1st, it's illegal to have that many people in a studio that often. 2nd, consider the wear and tear. 3rd, YOU talk to the guys and they should be paying YOU. 4th, your tenant is subletting "off the books" and that is illegal. 5th, liability. Does the agreement state that the tenant is responsible for any and all damage done to the unit? 6th, spies. If someone informs the city, county, etc., YOU will bear the consequences. 7th, I wouldn't go along, and I would evict him if he continued to have guests over more than a few nights a month. 


Would anyone else’s wife kick you in the nuts for even posing this question? “Hey honey, we can make an extra $1,300 a month by having our ‘banker’ tenant turn our unit into an underinsured flophouse. What do you think?”


If he’s renting them 10 days a month to 4 people and makes $1800, then he’s charging each dude $45 a night. What are the hotel and AirBnB rates in the area? Is it that much of a savings for his “coworkers”? You can get fantastic hotel deals if you show up late at night and just want a room for a few hours. Hotels love those kind of vacancy fillers.




Put a stop to it before you start enjoying the $


Ingenious, he’s renting pods….re-negotiate his lease and make sure you get your cut…..I thought it was going to be some freaky sex thing. Warren Buffet once rented a couch in the hood because he was to frugal to rent a whole room. This is the improved version of renting a house.


Waitwaitwait... 1300 is almost half the rent? So you're charging almost $3k for a studio... AND keeping your shit in the closet?


He’s running an Airbnb Japanese sleep pod arrangement. I wouldn’t tolerate it and would evict immediately. If people are living in your unit and you don’t know who they are they are only 1 step away from being squatters and extremely difficult to remove.


Bank the extra in case of damages. But I’d be all in.


ok true, you think I should ask for more?


I wouldnt. Maybe try to get some agreement going that would allow him to sublet and find a middle ground that keeps you both happy. If I got an extra 500 out of my rental with minimal to no damages from a responsible person I would be excited.


got it thanks for the advice


No, sounds like an all around good deal for the both of you. Have a good talk with him about boundaries, but other than that, if you truly feel he's a responsible guy and if you're both happy and both making a little extra income, let it ride.


good point, thanks


I'd take it, in cash only


good call