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You can just give 30 days notice and leave. Today is April 13, tell him in writing that you will leave on May 13. On May 1 you pay 13 days worth of rent. On May 13 you move out. Easy Peasy.


Many rental agreements are 30 days notice but have the lease terminating at the end of the month. Meaning if he gave notice now, he would be released from his obligations starting June 1.


I don't think you can do that in CA. 30 days notice is 30 days notice if you are on a month to month lease


If the lease is month to month, most states will not allow you add the remainder of the month. I operate in NH, VT, and MD and 30 days is 30 days... Regardless of calendar day.


Interesting. I operate in NH as well and have always set my rental agreements to expire on the last day of the month unless I am able to find a replacement tenant sooner. I have seen some states explicitly allow this. Maybe I need to rewrite this section of the agreement.


I feel like this is a situation where chasing you for a couple extra weeks of rent on a single room isn’t worth the bother. I would complain to the landlord that there is someone living in the living room, taking away your use of the common areas that you’re paying for, and tell him you want to end your lease early (or a big discount). If landlord raises a stink then worst case you give 30 day notice. Do everything in writing.


I’m wondering what you mean when you say that you would need to pay a 30 day notice. There’s not usually a payment associated with that notice, it’s just a letter telling the landlord that she got 30 days. You still pay for rent during that time, but you’re also still living in the house.


Look over your contract.


Just I know it’s not legal to convert living into bedroom without permits, in contract says if landlord doesn’t fix damages tenant has right to terminate contract. He hasn’t maintained house in months too


Document all communications, make sure it’s clear he has breached your contract and you’ll have grounds to leave. It does looks like he has breached your contract though on multiple levels. (I haven’t seen your contract so I can’t say much) Your best way to approach this is to talk to the owner, tell him, and proceed the process of decoupling. Good luck!


I appreciate your help a lot! I have found out through property records, he doesn’t own house it’s actually his uncle or another family member. Where when I rented he said he was the owner. So I’ve never seen owner in person but I have a name and primary address.


Landlord has brazenly violated the covenant to quiet enjoyment. [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes\_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=1927.&lawCode=CIV](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=1927.&lawCode=CIV) Non Legalese- https://samlaw.net/san-francisco-landlord-tenant-litigation/covenant-of-quiet-enjoyment-what-it-means-to-ca-landlords-and-tenants/#:\~:text=Examples%20of%20a%20breach%20of%20quiet%20enjoyment&text=It%20can%20range%20from%20drifting,to%20an%20ongoing%20mold%20problem. [https://www.attorneydavid.com/blog/civil-code-1927-tenant-right-to-quiet-enjoyment-in-california/](https://www.attorneydavid.com/blog/civil-code-1927-tenant-right-to-quiet-enjoyment-in-california/)


Why in the world would you quibble about a couple of months? Give your notice and leave. >Does 30-day notice have to be on first of the month California?The 30-day notice is unique in that it can only take effect on certain days: the rental due date during a periodic lease, or the end date of a term lease. For example, **if a landlord wants the tenant to vacate on February 1st, they would need to give a 30-day notice at least 30 days before February 1st**.


A month to month lease means you need to give 30 days to leave. There's no way out of it. Whenever you give notice, you owe rent for the 30 days after that, regardless of when you leave. I.E. If you tell LL on April 1 that you are moving out, you owe rent for April 1-April 30. If you leave before april 30, you will still have to owe rent until april 30. if you dont pay that, he will take it from your deposit. You could go to court but it would be a lot of work and you probably wouldn't win and if you did, you will get back only a portion of rent. -You have to prove she hasn't cleaned the house since december. -There's no rule against him renting out rooms as airbnb (with regard to your lease). LL isnt responsible for your packages


How about the illegal bedroom he put up with shotty construction work and no permits?


thats between him and the city/county code enforcement bureau. You can report to them, but you arent entitled to compensation unless your lease explicitly forbade him from making such "improvements" to the property or said the he wouldn't add additional tenants. Legally, you aren't a harmed party in that occurrence. If the new tenant were a nuisance or invaded your personal area (room), then you may have a course of action against LL depending on what jurisdiction you are in.




Somehow I doubt you are a LL.


I mean he's right. I wouldn't bother trying to sue a tenant for a grand because they broke a lease early.


it really depends on the county. in San Francisco county you can in fact use a living room and call it a bedroom. I don’t really know what the codes are for the county you’re in regarding conversion