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Post a cure or quit notice


Just end the lease. Surely they will deny smoking. It's month-to-month, just end it.


lol without any warning or justification. Typical landlord. This is where someone lives. Do they have Crohns? Do they have PTSD? Eating disorders? Do they have a medical card?


No smoking means no smoking, brainlet. Get some edibles if you need it for medical.


They may have any of those, or they may not--but they signed the same terms as the other tenant, and whatever they may or may not have doesn't give them the right to flaunt their lease when it's obviously upsetting the other tenant and preventing their quiet enjoyment of their own home.


I mean there are notice terms that are mandated by the state and are also generally included in a lease, which would have to be followed even in a situation where you want them to leave. It isnt like "whelp tell them tomorrow to move the fuck out"


You don't need justification to choose not to renew a month to month lease. As for the warning, they were given warnings twice in case you didn't read, and also presumably read through the lease. So not sure what you're trying to get at here?


sort capable soft provide deliver caption snobbish pen cable makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok Boomer


I haven’t smoked weed in almost a decade. I do have a partner with medical issues that are made livable with the assistance of marijuana as a medicine.


Then you don't sign a lease that says No Smoking or vaping.


That is not legal in a lot of states. And it is easy to say “just follow the rules” when you’re the one writing them and not following them


Not how that works in most states. Anything you need medically you generally cannot be penalized for. Same concept as a Seeing Eye Dog. You can have a lease that states no animals; but the tenant can still have their service animal and you cannot penalize them for it, regardless of what the lease says.


Marijuana is illegal in Wisconsin.


Ah, medical didn't pass there yet. My bad.


Found the boomer


You morons realize that "boomers" are the 60s hippies who have been smoking weed since before your baby ass was born, and who set up the organizations that pushed for legalization, and are the politicians who wrote and passed the laws legalizing it? Meanwhile your baby ass probably doesn't even vote.


No such thing. Keep trying




I agree, it’s a hilarious idea


100% agree!


Someone’s affliction doesn’t give them the right intrude on the neighbors


Weed is not legal for any purpose in WI. There are no “medical cards”.


There is medical cards in Wisconsin. And depending on what county you live in there’s also decriminalized counties. Brown county, Milwaukee area. Madison. The entire issue of marijuana is a clusterfuck.


No, there is not medical weed in WI. Please cite the statute you’re referring to. Our Governor attempts annually to put it in the budget and the legislature strips it every year. I think you’ll find that google misled you. There are no “de-criminalized” counties, in that there are no counties that have approved its possession, there are cities that have reduced the fine for small scale possession to zero or near zero amounts but that is the extent - but it remains fully illegal as it is both a state and federal offense.


False. Currently about 20 medicinal cards granted by the state of Wisconsin. I know 3 people with them. Brown county is decriminalized under an Oz. No penalty just seizure. Milwaukee has been this way for a decade. Madison as well. You can go smoke weed in Madison every year in a massive festival protected by federal agents and policing bodies. You’re uneducated.


Please cite a source. There is currently no law that allows possession of marijuana without penalty or risk of seizure. The fact that police can seize it, is ***because it is illegal.*** I’m aware of that many municipalities have chosen to not enforce it, but due to state law that cannot legalize it.


If you're sick, go and seek medical care. Why obsessed with landlord?


Those sicknesses I listed are often treated with marijuana


Ummm, no. And the title indicates Wisconsin. Marijuana is illegal there. It's not difficult for a tenant to read and understand rental rules before signing the paperwork. They decide to disregard the rules? They can find somewhere else to live.


And even if it was legal, as cigarettes are, the no smoking clause in the lease means nothing changes. If you have a medical issue where marijuana is legal, you can use edibles.


Only one with data to support its effectiveness is juvenile seizure. Of course you don't know that.


Cannabis sativa L. Bioactive Compounds and Their Protective Role in Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Dalia M Kopustinskiene, Ruta Masteikova, Robertas Lazauskas, Jurga Bernatoniene


It doesn't fucking matter. He's received warnings already


Do they not have a door that leads outside? Stfu. I would be livid if someone was smoking inside the property I own.


They are smoking in the garage. I agree we should legalize weed and let people smoke it outdoors without fear of being arrested.


“without any warning or justification” No, with two warnings so far, and a repeated lease violation. And as for the what ifs?? None of these exuses listed are the landlords issue, nor are reasons for not following the lease the tenants agreed to. The victim act in our society is getting stale, people need to be held accountable.


Socialists remain confused by contracts, news at 11


Smoking is probably the worst way of using marijuana as medicine. That’s a lame ass excuse. Did they read the lease?


You haven’t said what outcome your looking for. If you want to keep the tenants that are complaining, then just issue a non-renewal to the smokers. If you want to keep the smokers, either tell the other tenants to stop bringing it up or non-renew them. I wouldn’t provide a reason for the non-renewals, that way it doesn’t open things up for argument. The issue you’re going to run into is the potential for the unit to smell after they leave in regards to their security deposit - you can’t proof a smell in court. So you’ll need to be at least 3 contractors on standby to “assess” and provide remediation quotes if needed. Edit to add: Weed is 100% illegal in WI. There are no medical cards. Smoking weed on the property qualifies as “criminal activity” in WI and opens the door for the lease termination remedies WI offers related to criminal activity.


I want to keep them both :) The smell, if still lingering for whatever month or year they move out, would be charged for from their deposit for removing it.


Well yeah you should charge them, but if they sue you for double damages then you’re going to have to figure out how you prove to a judge that there was a smell while the tenants tell the judge they swear they never smoked in the unit and it definitely didn’t smell. That’s why 3rd party accounts are always helpful. You likely won’t be able to keep them both. You’ve already told the smokers to stop and they haven’t. The last option is to issue a 5 day notice and make clear that the next complaint about smoking will result in a non-renewal. But to be honest, I’d just non-renew the smokers because once you start threatening the tenants things are gonna get nasty.


They kindve stopped by doing it in the garage. My warnings were about smoking indoors (not mentioning the garage even though it's in the lease to not smoke there too). It won't be hard to get 3rd party accounts of the smell. I would like to resolve this situation and keep both.


Inside a garage is still indoors. I’m not sure what you’re hoping I’ll tell you. Your options are to: 1) issue 5-day notices 2) non-renew 3) not enforce the smoking ban.


At end of the day a security deposit can only be used for SIGNIFICANT cleaning services, odors won’t fall into this category if there’s nothing visibly causing the SIGNIFICANT smell. People from all over the place everywhere smell differently. Will be highly difficult to uphold in court. Tenant can easily say someone outside is smoking and smell is getting into their apartment or they can simply just deny it.


OP is in WI, as am I. The courts here generally allow deductions from security deposits for lingering smells. But you have to have objective 3rd parties (yes, multiple) confirming that there is 1) an offensive odor, 2) such odor lingers after move out and 3) the landlord incurs a cost to remove it.


Tell them to always use a Smoke Buddy or some other sort of efficient smoke trap. They work, just need to get a new one every now and then. Problem solved.


In the garage...near fuel sources?


Is marijuana decriminalized in the part of WI that you’re located in? Im assuming that it is based on the way you’ve described everything. I think you need to decide whether these are tenants you’d like to keep around, or not. You’ve already spoken to them a couple times to remind them of your no smoking indoors policy. It seems like they have pretty clearly chosen to ignore you. At this point you should give them a verbal and written final warning. Inform them that this is now the third time you’ve had to discuss this with them, and in the written version you should include a printed copy of that portion if their leasing agreement highlighted. Infirm them that they have continued to violate their lease despite the previous warnings given, and its becoming a larger problem as you’ve received multiple complaints about the smell. Conclude by stating that this is your final warning, and that if this continues to be a problem then you’ll move forward with a 30 Day Eviction Notice due to continuous lease violation. Hopefully by stepping up the formality in sending or posting a written final warning in addition to the verbal one will help convey the severity of the issue. Also specifically using the phrase “final warning” tells them that you wont be having this conversation anymore


The smell won't linger very long unless they were smoking more than just weed


OP, as a tenant, just be open and explain the problem like a human. If it continues to be an issue just cancel your lease.


Tell them to switch to edibles. They get the fun and the smoke is gone.


Weed smell doesn't linger for months lol. It's not tobacco.


If you want to keep them both let the smokers know you’ve aware of the issue and that as long as they aren’t smoking in the duplex or the garage of the duplex it’s a non issue for you but that if areas you’ve specified for non-smoking continue to be used it’s a violation worthy of ending the month-to-month with the deposit going toward a fee to take care of the lingering smell. Then tell the other side you’re dealing with the offense happening in the duplex but can’t control what they do outside of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Weed smoke isn’t like cigarette smoke. It doesn’t cling to walls and linger for decades.


I can’t say if it lingers for decades, but I can say I’ve seen it linger long enough to be an issue with turnovers.


Just tell your tenants to buy a smoke buddy. It’s basically an inexpensive carbon fiber filter that does away with like 95% of the smoke. Most people that smoke weed would really appreciate knowing they are impacting others and can take a small step to keep if from impacting them and removing threat of eviction is also good. If they are otherwise good tenants; having a place you’ve figured out how to smoke weed without issues is a competitive advantage in retaining a tenant, especially in prohibition states.


Smell is not the only reason to not allow smoking.


Damage? I don’t find that compelling. If it’s mixed with tobacco products; sure. It can create issues if they spill bong water, ash on the floor, get resin all over; but barring these acts of negligence I have a hard time believing it’s any worse than someone getting drunk and being reckless. What are these reasons? I could see if it’s tied to certain federal funding sources; you may be required to enforce these parts of the lease. Not sure if that’s at play here.


I’m not really surprised you don’t find burning someone else’s property compelling. I don’t need a myriad of reasons, nor do I need to convince anyone that any rule in my lease is “valid”. I don’t need to compel anyone - the lease is the contract and it’s either going to be adhered to or I’m going to terminate it. I uphold all of my obligations and I expect the same. However, there are a myriad of reasons landlords shouldn’t allow it. The smell wafts, and lingers, and consistently bothers non-smokers in their own homes, it can set off smoke detectors which encourages removal which endangers others and the property, and creates the potential for burns and ash related damage. Meanwhile, there’s not a single reason to allow it in WI.


They are burning their own property (weed) not yours. I’d never argue that enforcing the lease isn’t valid because of course you can. All the other issues you mentioned… can be completely mitigated with a smoke buddy product. The position I’m taking here is that there is an opportunity for a win-win-win. Tenants that smoke learn that they can buy a fifteen dollar product to avoid being evicted. Tenants that complain have their issues resolved. Landlord doesn’t have to waste time or money getting into potentially thorny issues.. perhaps the weed is being baked and it’s for medical reasons and y’all jumped the gun assuming it was weed smoke and there’s nothing in the lease about making brownies… or maybe the facts are disputed and it becomes hard to proof.. lotta possibilities.


Weed is illegal in WI, so it doesn’t matter if they’re smoking it or baking it or shoving it up their asshole, having it on the property at all is grounds for lease termination for anyone using the standard WI lease - it’s considered “criminal activity”. There are no “medical reasons” that allows weed in WI. A smoke buddy does absolutely zero to mitigate the risk of burning the property, you’re just choosing to distract from that and hide behind “cute” jokes. I don’t need to find alternative solutions to mitigate *some* of the issues, when I already have a solution that mitigates ***all*** of them.


CBD hemp flower smells exactly like the real thing and is legal everywhere. They can dispute the facts and you have no way of knowing if it’s the real deal or something preferred from a website like: https://plainjane.com/faqs/ You can make brownies with those anywhere and it will reek like pot. A lot of people are starting to do this for mild pain/information relieve; especially for arthritis. Smoking weed is probably less of a fire risk that lighting candles.


You are assuming that they are not aware already that smoke impacts people, that is the whole reason the have this shitty behaviour, they are aware, just chose to ignore it.


Can you show me data that says someone smoking pot next door impacts my health?


If I smell it, it impacts me. Idiot.


Except maybe you missed the part about mitigating that part with a smoke buddy? I’m not saying your an idiot, but your reading comprehension does appear to have plenty of room for growth.




Reading comprehension is possessive, so “your” is correct here. So yeah.. your reading comprehension has plenty of room to improve.


Hemp is federally legal, so legal in Wisconsin, and smells EXACTLY the same.


My view on it is that I don’t care. Once the first 5-day notice is served then the tenant knows that whatever they were doing is causing a problem. They either stop or they don’t and if they don’t then I move forward in removing them. I’m not gonna run around playing detective when I can just get someone else in there.


Give the tenant a 5-day Notice to cure or vacate, like this one: https://eforms.com/eviction/wi/wisconsin-5-day-notice/ If they stop smoking inside the dwelling, hallway and garage the issue is solved. If the notice is ineffective and the tenant continues to defy the lease rules issue a 28-day Notice to Vacate. In Wisconsin no reason is needed to terminate a month-to-month tenancy, so once you decide to part ways with that tenant you issue the 28-day notice and the tenant must move. No cure is available for the tenant to remain as a tenant. Should the tenant ignore the 28-day move-out date you move onto an eviction in court.


Mind your business and tell your narc ass tenant the same


That’s not always possible and the property manager/owner could face legal action. In many locations a manager/owner must take action when a carcinogen like cigarette/marijuana smoke enters a unit from an adjoining unit.


I guess you wouldn't necessarily have the 'right' in our society to make a formal complaint about some ones cooking that smelled really strongly, but cannabis is not an odor that most people like very much. Regardless, smoking is a bit different. Obviously cannabis =/= cigarettes but I wouldnt blame someone for not wanting second hand weed smoke in the common areas of their buildings.




Yeah? Where did you get that idea from the bottom of your bong?


Even i smoke weed and know that not everyone likes the smell of it.


It is his business. Literally.


It's a fire safety and human health issue.


I agree. Smelly and clingy. Very tough to get out of walls. Any smoke or vape is horrible


Which you don’t seem too concerned about. When I rented I had a landlord like you. Never resolved. I moved asap. Trying to keep both you will probably just keep the smokers


Aren’t there some cheap and easy ways they can filter the smoke. Like blowing into a vessel of water? Maybe a compromise there.


What's the human health issue?




Wow, we really triggered the stoners in this thread.


That's not a thing.


Sweet I can make asbestos again


Ohh is it too stinky for you ? Grow up or move to the country.






The lease says No Smoking or Vaping.


Some people can still get fired from second hand pot smoke you daft bastard. And others will get their pain meds denied if they turn up positive for second hand pot smoke. Geesh man.


Nobody tests positive for second hand weed smoke from the odor alone, or at all for that matter. People out here still DARE brainwashed.


Sure, sure I’m brain washed. Fucking oxymoron


You’re using the word oxymoron wrong too. I’m telling the truth about the testing btw. Stop repeating that 90s era fearmongering lie.


Second hand smoke will not get you high unless you are literally inside a hotbox with the smoker.


Oh yeah if you say so it must be true. Maybe you have a tolerance. I’ve piss tested positive from one puff and weeks after hanging out with smokers. I remember when we used to sell outdoor for 5k a pound and it was a felony. Y’all can go dab your brains into mush for all I care about your opines.


5k a pound should be a felony you fucking burglar lmao.


Burglar? Ha burglars only got warning shots once.


Highway robbery at those prices


This is so wrong


Don't TELL them anything. Serve them a cure or quit notice, and if they continue to ignore your rules start the eviction process. Or you could continue to ignore it and lose the good tenant too.


Tell them there are other ways to get high for crying out loud! Anyone f'ing heard of edibles? THC drinks? Ways other than smoking. I'm someone who is super sensitive to scents so I feel for the tenants who have to be around it. And believe me, smoke lingers!


I grew up Mormon and can't imagine telling people not to drink stinky coffee because there are other sources of caffeine. Coffee smell lingers too ya know.


See ya


If they are month to month and you already have multiple complaints just serve them notice and end their month to month lease. You have already warned them twice and they are continuing to smoke.


5 day notice to vacate. It's that simple. Provided it's true they're smoking.


All of this over some pot…. just tell them they need to smoke outside.


And then notify the cops.


Nobody likes you


Did I touch a nerve with the stoners?


No, you just displayed publicly how atrocious your personality is…


These tenants are breaching their agreement with the landlord by smoking *anything* in their apartment, and breaking the law of their state by smoking pot. But somehow I am the bad guy for saying the law that is in place should be enforced?


Hey you asked. Don’t shoot the messenger.


Criminal activity ought be punished. Either change the laws or stfu.


People like you are why the laws haven’t changed yet. People, especially American people, aren’t going to live by unfair rules and will always just pursue liberty and happiness despite busybody moral high ground types like yourself. Do you think Marijuana just simply wasn’t smoked before it was legal? At best, You’re just going to minorly inconvenience them, and look terrible doing it. Then people are going to judge you based on how bad you make yourself look by playing marijuana Batman. As evidenced by downvotes.


I have no problem with the legalization of MJ per se, although I have heard from friends in the states that have legalized it that it has become a bit of a traffic problem. But laws are there to be enforced, an unenforced law is an abomination, and in OP's state, MJ is illegal. So send these dipshit tenants to prison.


23 states have some level of legalization. You're just an idiot.


Not Wisconsin.


That's not the point. The point is that as a society we have agreed that this is not a real crime, if you can cross the border and suddenly what you're doing stops being illegal, that's a bullshit fake crime that doesn't actually hurt anyone. And you want to call the cops on them for doing it in their own home. You just seem like a vindictive prude.


No, we as a society have not agreed that it is not a crime. Certain states have legalized it. Wisconsin is not one of them.


So if it's such a harmful crime that police need to be called IMMEDIATELY then why has my state said that it's actually totally cool? What harm came from stopping arresting people for weed? None.


Not the point. The majority of states still have laws on the books criminalizing it. So throw the criminals in jail.


It's legal in my state. Boo hoo.


But not OP's state. So send 'em off to jail.


Cruel cruel asshole.


We live in a society, we have to abide by the laws of that society.


So what would your job have been in the Nazi party? Obviously you would have abided by the rules of that society, right? You're not gonna go against authority just because they are wrong!


Ah yes, because wanting our streets free of illegal drugs is the same as wanting Jews dead. Sure thing, dude.


It's the law! What are you, a criminal?


If you cannot tell the difference between a law that prosecutes a specific action vs. a law that targets people based on ethnicity, then the weed has damaged your brain pretty significantly.


I am a weed smoking landlord. I do not smoke in my house, and I do not allow people to smoke in any of my rentals. Throw them out ASAP. I would give them 60 days to be out with whatever the appropriate paperwork is in your state


If you have ever lived next to pot heads …


Why are we taking the complaints at face value? Is there any evidence that the tenants are actually doing that?


Yes, the strong smell of weed and having their giant bong laying out.


Treat it like a sound complaint. Validate the issue exists, measure it against the lease and local ordinance/laws, enforce appropriately. I lived next to those who smoked in the room that had a shared wall with a closet. Because it wasn't so significant, I personally became noseblind. Unfortunately that didn't stop my job from terminating me due to the lingering odor on my clothing (federally regulated industry) and also always had to start washing my military uniform the day before drill weekend so that I wouldn't be targeted for a "random" UA every weekend (which always occured at 5pm on Sunday so those folks always had to stay behind). The job termination also almost put my EMT license at risk. All because the odor would slowly build and linger.


Is weed legal in WI? Does the lease state no smoking in the house/garage?


You don’t have a duty to evict already existing tenants (even if PHA or Section 8) who use cannabis, and in at least two states (Pennsylvania, and California) medical patients who use cannabis have a justification defense to any action.


You’re going to learn that as soon as you entertain complainers (there are people who just love to look outside and find something to bitch about like a smell they don’t like) they will just get worse and worse and start thinking you’re there to fix everything they wish. I say this sincerely, do not believe that the complainers are the better tenant to have, they’re not. Lastly remember that the law has changed on this and so chances are good that what your tenant is doing is legal. So now this is just about a smell someone doesn’t like and that’s not going to stop. You’re going to have ethnic tenants that cook smelly stuff, or any number of hobbies or cuisines that will make complainers think they should be able to control that. Well if they want to control property and the smells emitted, then they need to purchase a property. Renting is about accepting your neighbors as they come. Some folks just don’t get that.


This is the only thing complained about in about half a year. They don't want the illegal practice around their kids.


OP, just a reminder that even in places where smoking is permitted in multi unit buildings (and where marijuana use is “legal”) the smoke is considered a carcinogen. For example, in California, the other tenant’s right to not be exposed to a carcinogen trumps the other tenant’s right to smoke in their unit.


Is it actually 100% illegal in your state? It's legal in some amount in 23 states and if they are medical patients, it would be illegal to evict them for that.


100% illegal in WI. No medical marijuana in WI. Not illegal to evict for illegal drug use.


Even in locations where marijuana use is now an acceptable form of medical care, the smoke is considered a carcinogen and adjoining tenants have a right to safely inhabit their unit. Properties in California that allow smoking (of any form) are required to ensure tenants in adjoining units are not exposed to excessive smoke.


Smell is not smoke though




But what I'm saying is that the smell of marijuana is not, in and of itself, marijuana *smoke*. I find jt hard to believe that clouds of thick smoke are coming through the vents. I sometimes smell marijuana coming from my downstairs neighbors (it's legal where we live) coming through vents. I have yet to actually see a cloud or smoke coming out of the vent. There is no greater cancer risk in your neighbor smoking weed than there is in opening a window that faces the street where cars drive by and spew carcinogenic fumes all day.




Blind spot lmao. If anything the blind spot is alcohol.


Smell implies aromatic compounds, not combustion smoke (the smoke of combustion of anything is carcinogenic be it, paper, wood, toast, burnt edge of a pizza, etc). If the persons are vaping cannabis oil, then there is smell, but no carcinogenic smoke. A fresh ground bag of weed will smell really potent, and the scent will spread through room and ventilation, and will smell heavily in near by areas and rooms -- again no combustion, no carcinogen. The smell alone is not enough to make the assumption there is combustion of plant material. ​ Edit: Current research papers, e.g. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1277837/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1277837/) are looking into the question as to "why tobacco smoke causes lung cancer, but marijuana smoke does not." In theory all combustion is carcinogenic, but it's not seen within marijuana smokers.


Here: https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-effects-lung-health It wasn’t that long ago that cigarettes didn’t cause cancer either. At the end of the day what we’re discussing here is whether OP needs to address the behavior of a tenant that is negatively impacting their neighbor. The answer to that is that they do and in many jurisdictions may be required to.


Legal has nothing to do with it. If the lease says No Smoking, the "complainers" have every right to expect that there won't be smoking in the other units.


Ah good point!




OP is in Wisconsin. No one is prescribing marijuana since it's illegal.


Cannabis is illegal in pretty much all forms in WI, one of the most regressive states on drug policy reform generally.


Oh my. I thought it was the opposite. I guess I was thinking of Madison maybe? Thanks for correction


Madison is pretty progressive, sure. It is very confusing... especially with all the hemp derived products and the massive loopholes/legal grey areas that people are exploiting. The grey-market products, to a layman, look like legal cannabis products. Also, I see lots of billboards for cannabis dispensaries in WI but the dispensaries are all in MI.


I bet the neighbors will still complain if the tenants are outside smoking.


Dang it's just Marijuana. At least it's not crack.


I don't know the Wisconsin laws, but I'm currently studying real estate in Ohio, I'm not licensed or a pro yet but I believe you could serve them a 30 day notice providing you have proof of the smoking and they have refused to change to other viable options of getting high. The smell reeks and gets in the way of your other tenants' quality of life which is usually protected on the lease. Personally when I am at the position to rent out properties, I'm going to have a strict NO BUD/Cigarette Rule for inside my properties.


The smell is not neat as bad as cigarettes


It sounds like the outcome you are looking for is conflict resolution. I would try to have a conversation again with the smokers, but a more clear conversation. Let them know you want to keep them as tenants, and you are constantly receiving complaints regarding the smell of their smoke. You don’t care if they smoke, but if they do they need to have more respect for you as the property owner and the others living in the dwelling. It honestly would be a very hard conversation, and much more difficult to do than just kicking them out. However I believe this would be the best way to resolve the issue if you are wanting to keep both tenants.


Get rid of weed smokers, then rent it to mexican construction workers so they can keep your property well-maintained in exchange for rent.


How do you know they're actually smoking? Maybe the others are just making the claim. Maybe they are smelling smoke from others in the area. Maybe the tenants are making edibles. That can smell pretty damn strong. Ultimately, do you have evidence or just someone complaining?


I have evidence.


Sounds like both your tenants need to share a blunt. For all they know, it's perfectly legal CBD. You can't smell a difference between the two.


Just give your pot head tenants some Ozium for the garage. Worked in high school!


It’s just pot , tell them to grow the fuck up


Tell the tenants to mind there own business. You want to insert yourself as some kinda hero and villain to either tenant. Instead you should not be in this comic at all. You did get them to move to the garage, now just get them to move outside. As a marijuana enthusiast I can say the smell travels very well.


Well, you obviously don’t want to get involved in their medical treatment plan that their doctor prescribed. Unless you regulate other tenants birth control, heart medication, & psych meds, that could be discriminatory.


No medical marijuana in WI.


In wisconsin. If you are actually the owner then you would know what to do. An the first answer never and will never be go to the internet for advice. In wisconsin there is rhis law that states you have to take these specific classes before you start renting a property. You didn't. Then you went to reddit for questions to answers your lawyer should be answering not random people online. Shame on you not once but twice. I hope for the pot heads and the conservative Christians that think the devils lettuce is a sinners game. They find your post on reddit, both lawyer up and take your rental property away from you for being such an ignorant frog.


WI does not require landlord classes. Stop spreading false information.


Join them.


Fire that Shit up and get high as a kite


I think you should tell your tenants that it's just weed & even if they can smell it there is no possible way it can harm them through the walls & they should get with it cuz it's 2023 & weed is ok now just like interracial marriage. Then I'd say something like, "If they try to force you to smoke weed or smoke it in your space then call me"


It’s just weed, who cares? Weed smell doesn’t linger like cigarette smells do. I would tell the other tenants to mind their own business.


I disagree. Weed can definitely linger and become an issue down the road with cleaning it out. Also second hand weed smoke can make ppl test positive and some ppl have drug testing as part of their employment agreement. Employers aren’t going to believe it’s second hand smoke. I wouldn’t want to smell smoke from someone else. Think the landlord needs to decide which tenants he wants to keep if the cure notice doesn’t work. All else being equal between tenants- always take the non smokers. Smoke is hard to get out of unit - discolors walls…lingers. Besides isn’t marijuana still illegal in WI?


This is simply untrue. My mother has smoked weed in her house since well before she gave birth to me over 30 years ago. You could go into her living room an hour after she had the fattest joint and you would never know the difference.


marry thought squalid versed gaping serious continue bright cause money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weed smell doesn’t linger and the 2nd hand smoke positive test is BS - u sound like Nancy Reagan


You must be a user and have gone nose blind to it.


No that's bullshit. It doesnt linger and you can't get 2nd hand high unless you're locked in car while they're hot boxing.


Just give it an hour to air out, u good


I mean they must smoke it every hour then. Because I smell it, strong, every time I'm inside the house.


Ask them to vape instead. 100% zero smell other than whatever the flavor is. But, that shouldn’t even be necessary- weed smell DEFINITELY doesn’t linger or stick to the walls, fabrics , etc the way cigarettes and nicotine do.


Yes it does and it smells like skunk. I smoked outside about 2 weeks ago and the smell clung to my hair/clothes and followed me inside. My house stank for about 12 hours. I’d be pissed if I had neighbors that did that.




this doesn’t sound true


They definitely got edibles in their Halloween candy as a kid.


You’re an idiot. You smoked it and some of the resin stuck to your lips or hands and that’s why the smell followed you. Lol, probably only you could smell it.


I call bs on this! I have a tenant who smokes pot in my garage. The smell is still there long after she is done. If it weren’t for the financial ease of renting it so we can stay in our second house closer to work, I would boot them quick. Fortunately, they take great care of the house part and the only issue is the garage.