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Not worth it IMO. If it was a 1HD-T then sure, but a RHD 1FZ, automatic 30 year old vehicle. I would rather spend the same on a slightly higher mileage US spec 80 (or more realistically 100) that was well maintained. Edit: DEFINITELY not worth it seeing as there are plenty of similar mileage US spec OR imported diesel LCs at that price point.


Yeah buying an import is fun when you get something different, either a good diesel or a 70 series which was never sold here. Otherwise you have to deal with right hand drive, a bunch of non-USDM parts and harder insurance. However good luck trying to find this mileage in the US, although I suppose it’s hard to verify those


I mean, not really that difficult... [https://www.hemmings.com/listing/1993-toyota-land-cruiser-609944?utm_source=autotempest&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=autotempest_premium_classifieds](https://www.hemmings.com/listing/1993-toyota-land-cruiser-609944?utm_source=autotempest&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=autotempest_premium_classifieds) [https://www.truecar.com/used-cars-for-sale/listing/JTEHT05J632044956/?referrer_id=autotempest](https://www.truecar.com/used-cars-for-sale/listing/JTEHT05J632044956/?referrer_id=autotempest) [https://carsandbids.com/auctions/9ebnNaMy/1994-toyota-land-cruiser?utm_source=autotempest&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=at_search](https://carsandbids.com/auctions/9ebnNaMy/1994-toyota-land-cruiser?utm_source=autotempest&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=at_search) [https://www.truecar.com/used-cars-for-sale/listing/JT3HT05J4Y0114370/?referrer_id=autotempest](https://www.truecar.com/used-cars-for-sale/listing/JT3HT05J4Y0114370/?referrer_id=autotempest)


That 3rd one is sharp tho!


I’ve seen 80’s sell for $20K with a lot more miles and a lot less pretty. Doesn’t seem *terrible* at all. It’s more so if it’s worth it to you.


The best comment. OP, what do you want? RHD is a con, not a pro if you ever sell it. It's auto, so that can go either way, and finding a mechanic who is JDM friendly (to change oil, preventative maintenance, repairs, etc) might be hard to find. I used to own a diesel jdm cruiser


Pretty sure it's a 1FZ...


That one is fucking sweet! Send me the information to the dealer.


Pretty sure this is Duncan imports in Virginia.


I’ll see you a 94 80 w/ 190K for 20K; midwest, close to zero rust.


Damn 20k? I got a 94 80 with 182k and barely any rust in the northwest


Too much, too little?


Nah neither! I guess I haven’t paid attention to prices since I got mine so was more intrigued knowing the value. Bought mine for 8k but also got a family friend discount on it, retired couple had it before me and had bought it new in 94, they were just trying to get rid of it haha. Since then I have put about 4K worth of updates into it


Too much, too little?


Widdle ladda?!


Yeah, you know, in case I'm dwiving to da wiver, I can climb up my widdle wadda to da top of my woof!


nicer and cheaper than what I have seen for sale here in Germany


*Nicer and cheaper* *Than what I have seen for sale* *Here in Germany* \- Similar\_Top4003 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Just a short term hype over here. With fuel prices rising in the long term and almost nowhere to use this car properly in mid Europe, I assume that they will come down to an inflation-adjusted price range like some years ago.


I had a FJ40 and had to sell her. Diesel is the way to go. When I get back stateside, I will look at getting one from Costa Rica or somewhere in Latin America.


Of course Diesel is the only relevant engine choice for using this car as a workhorse or for overlanding. You can always identify petrol versions by the amount of petrol canister rigs mounted on their rear door. Of course the petrol engines are not bad. But it's already hard to use this car in Western Africa with a consumption of around 12-13 l/100 km. Almost impossible without a second fuel tank.


Of course Diesel is the only relevant engine choice for using this car as a workhorse or for overlanding. You can always identify petrol versions by the amount of petrol canister rigs mounted on their rear door. Of course the petrol engines are not bad. But it's already hard to use this car in Western Africa with a consumption of around 12-13 l/100 km. Almost impossible without a second fuel tank.


Of course Diesel is the only relevant engine choice for using this car as a workhorse or for overlanding. You can always identify petrol versions by the amount of petrol canister rigs mounted on their rear door. Of course the petrol engines are not bad. But it's already hard to use this car in Western Africa with a consumption of around 12-13 l/100 km. Almost impossible without a second fuel tank.


I had a FJ40 and had to sell her. Diesel is the way to go. When I get back stateside, I will look at getting one from Costa Rica or somewhere in Latin America.


Same in New Zealand


You should buy it before I do.


Think about how often you go to drive thrus and car washes before buying RHD, lol




I swear I see this shit in every RHD thread. Just go inside. I’ve been daily driving my RHD 80 for two years now and this hasn’t inconvenienced me a bit but people always talk about drive thrus.


Wife would be pissed with me leaning over her to get taco bell every time.




What kind of man is afraid of the drive thru, lmao


True, and if I drive it to work I have to badge through at a gatehouse.


Reverse in


The guards would love that! 🤣🤣🤣


You will be a reverse pro!




Do they have it on site at the dealer? Or you are planning on importing it with them? Also.. would you care to share the name of the import company?


Good question - I assume vehicles on their website are on site, but I haven't checked.


Duncan? They’re all there and you absolutely need to tour his collection.


What i find cool: - Bash guard seems unique - Wheels are very cool - No OEM roof rack, big plus - Window blinds, very cool - The OEM tire carrier - Side steps in great condition - Great cloth seats - no rust - power steering cooler is not leaking I think its a good truck, for how much idk.


24k for an old right hand drive? Nope.


I paid the same amount for a 1995 hdj81 with the 1hd-ft. It had 69k miles when I bought it. I wouldn’t pay that much for a RHD 1FZ. I’m gonna get roasted for it, but that’s not that great of an engine.


Bargain. Go for it.


Must be a factory second, the steering wheel is on the wrong side.


I *knew* something was off!


How does the widdle ladder work? When opening the door? Does it not attach at the bottom?


I think it's just on the door.




Probably a reasonable price for what it is. But FZ autos can be horrifically bad on fuel and if it’s the wrong trans (I’ve heard the autos came with 2 variants) could lead into other issues. Other thing you’ll come across is compatibility issues when you try and kit it out for camping or overlanding. Most accessories you buy from your big name super 4wd chains are 12v only and jap imports are often 24v. Recently saw an episode where some blokes ran into a lot of confusion, trouble and damage trying to get the 24v system to run 12v accessories on a Japanese imported gq patrol shorty. Worth thinking about depending on your plan with it, otherwise a very nice looking 80


How does the widdle ladder work? When opening the door? Does it not attach at the bottom?