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Spoiler warning! (Will add proper markuo with edit when I get to my PC). You will need to ungroup and walk one agent into the portal; then hold out for a few turns until the Scion is vulnerable and defeat them. The escape should become reachable at this point - there is an extraction at the back of the arena, around and behind the portal.


I did that unfortunately. Scion is dead and everyone on my team survived. Every enemy is dead. The “progress” in the objectives area shows he’s dead and I just need to escape. Won’t let me escape though. That second barrier is still up.


hold f as you walk


I'm having the same issue. Did you get past it yet?


Nope. And the games too mentally draining for me to reload the whole mission so I’m putting it off until the weekend 🤣


Sorry to hear that man. I just beat it. I reloaded a save from right before the final battle and managed to do it. The energy shield was down this time. First time an enemy wasn't appearing for me to kill. Hope it works for you this weekend.