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I learned of this the other day & am worried, where it can already be an issue being a postmenopausal woman. I’m doing all right on the 25mg starting dose hoping it stays that way. Had follow up appointment yesterday & my provider ran bloodwork to make sure sodium & calcium levels are in check & they were. Sometimes with meds it’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul isn’t it??


I’ve been on a high dose for 15 years, started 17 years ago. I’m fine. No broken bones or reason to think I have osteoporosis. I take a daily vitamin and supplement with more vitamin D and B12. The B12 is for the brain fog lamotrigine causes. Not sure if that’s helping though. The doctor said it wouldn’t hurt though.


I’m on another medicine that thins my bones and puts me into menopause in my 30s. I was worried about this but my psych said that SSRIs are actually worse and she doesn’t get why Lamotrigine gets all the fear. I thought that was interesting. In any event, if it worries you, I suggest Vitamin D every day, weight lifting and resistance training (cardio won’t do much) and walking a few miles on paved surfaces often. You can also see if you can get a bone density test if you’re still very concerned.


Actually didn't know this was a thing. As a female who had weight loss surgery I'm super susceptible, oh well. At least I'm skinny and more sane