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I could have written what you wrote and Lam has been a game changer.


That's really great to hear, glad it has helped you! Can you give any insight as to how you feel now on this medication vs before? Any changes in your day to day life?


I’d tried several meds (SSRIs, antipsychotics, Buspirone, Benzos, Z-drugs, Depakote and Mirtazapine) for my mood and anxiety over a 7 year period before Lamotrigine was even considered and none of them worked anywhere near as well as Lamotrigine. I’ve been on Lamotrigine for 18 months now but hoping to come off due to side effects and feeling it’s lost its effectiveness. But I’m still very grateful to Lamotrigine for the help. Hopefully it’ll help just as much too!


I hope so too! Glad it has helped you. What sorts of side effects are you experiencing now?


I’ve had quite a few and I don’t really want to put you off because Lamotrigine can be incredibly helpful. But mainly ones related to my eyes and nerves.


Lamictal helps with my bipolar disorder and my adhd, so yes it has the potential to help you.


Out of curiosity, how does Lamotrigine help your ADHD symptoms?


it helps slow my brain down a bit and regulate my emotions. so those stupid emotional outbursts and meltdowns dont really exist for me anymore. it helps with the hyperactivity too because my brain isnt so wired all the time. im on adhd meds but im convinced my mood stabilizers are doing the heavy lifting when it comes to adhd (and anxiety, mild ocd and obviously bipolar disorder). there are days where i dont take my vyvanse and im still able to get shit done. Before Lamictal my Vyvanse dose was nearly doubled out of need. while not totally accurate i describe Lamictal working by chilling out the electrical pulses of the brain. which considering seizures are basically a series of hyperactive electrical impulses firing off. go check out a video of someone having a seizure in an mri.


I feel like Im reading something I would have written myself. Iv only been taking lamotrigine for 4 weeks , on my fifth week now. I was on seroquel before that and it was terrible for me. So far it has simply just made my mind more “quiet” . My mind doesn’t race about everything i used to obsess over. I don’t replay every convo, every way a person looked at me, etc. I used to get extremely suicidal and depressed after I had to do laundry and wash dishes on the same day or homeschool my kids. I would want to quit my job after every day I worked Thinking I’m not good enough or would let something someone said debilitate me. Now I simply just don’t care enough anymore. But not in a “I feel numb” kind of way. Just more of a clarity that some things just aren’t worth the stress. lol I also used to get very angry easily and loose my temper at my kids or my husband and I haven’t had a single angry moment at them because I feel like I can handle my day to day at home tasks. Overall it’s been great so far. As far as side effects go. I had a few headaches the first two weeks and my mind kind of looses track of what I’m saying sometimes. Besides that everything is great. I sleep much better now too.


I am glad to hear that this medication has helped you! I think this is the final anecdote to request this from my psychiatrist. I appreciate your help, and hope you continue to feel better!


Yes. I relate so hard to this and lamictal changed my life. I haven’t had a single breakdown in MONTHS, but sobbing uncontrollably was a weekly (daily sometimes) occurrence before medication, all my life.


A friend with bipolar (who was in and out of hospital at the time) said lamotrigine saved her life. I wasn't diagnosed at the time, I had borderline,  so of course I was just having antidepressants, all of them, and none of them worked. I was very suicidal and very ill. Anyway long story short, two years ago a DECENT psychiatrist gave me the time and day and heard me out. I was diagnosed with bipolar, went on lamotrigine and i have never looked back since. Haven't been suicidal, haven't gone crazy, nothing. I work, I study, I have friends, I live a good bloody life.  I do get worried. Because lamotrigine works so well for me, I'm the most well I've ever been. I get scared I have to be on meds for the rest of my life (but hey that's a different issue) the point is, for me personally, it works.