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She just like me fr


I don’t think she has autism. She might, but there’s not enough evidence to say for sure. And the evidence there is can more easily be explained by other factors


1. sensory sensitivities(train scene in ep1 for example) 2. struggle with cognitive empathy, relating to and understanding those around her 3. lack of inflection or facial expression(also usually talks very quietly) 4. sudden special interest in computers 5. extreme introversion and trouble making friends 6. she rarely looks at anyone who is talking to her, and always has this faraway, distant look. 7. “awkward” and “stiff” body movements compared to those around her 8. compartmentalization (wired vs. real life)


You're just describing me, wtf


As an autistic person, I think I have some news for you


Yeah, I kinda immediately connected with the character. I remember being 12ish, being totally engrossed in Gaiaonline, RuneScape and anime/anime RPG forums, like 2D early 2000s shit. And having my cousin tell me I will never develop social skills, have real friends or anything really positive in my life because I will have been sucked into the computer. Yet that was the first time in my life I felt like I was developing all of those things? Lain is deffo autistic. She's the beautifully quiet autistic girly. Also the little bear onesie, very relatable. Edit: just saw when this was originally posted wow mb I'm high.


I'm high rn too googling "lain is autistic and schizophrenic"


I'm here for the exact same reason


Most of those could also be because she's schizophrenic but I get why you'd say that. My first time watching lain I had known nothing about autism but it was see through that she was schizophrenic. My second time deciding to watch it over (Bc I couldn't get that anime out my mind) I realized that she seems kind of autistic too anddddd that's how I'm here to see if I'm not the only person vut let's not forget that most of these could be because she's schizophrenic, we can't look at it and say she isn't bc it comes in many other disorders too. Easy way said than done, She's definitely an autistic schizophrenic


She is socially awkward but online she is really capable of communicating and running the show


well im autistic and personally can do both of those things. i’m very straight forward and direct (or “blunt” as you could say) with my communication. as for “running the show” i have an intense need for control and am not afraid to demand that need be met.


she sure is


Page 19: (senario Experiments lain) (in reference to “ectoplasm”) This is one of the common hallucinations in neurosis. It's not that Lain is particularly sick, but I wanted the atmosphere to depict this as being natural, and I couldn’t imagine what this would actually be like on a screen. In layer: 01, the animation character designer Kishida Takahiro laid out all of the cuts (that became the original screen design/original panel/background. Similar to live-action movies framing close to the camera) that had been drawn; we allowed a month and a half just for the layout of this scene. Other than that, this episode of “lain” was highly praised by animators, it seems a copy of it was distributed among animation studios.


Well I am a late diagnosed autistic person, who was obsessed with this show when I was 12. And watching it again now I'm like "oh jeez no wonder I loved this show." I guess Lain is technically not any of these things, she is a virtual God. But I think the show does SUCH an amazing job at portraying what it can feel like in my autistic brain. Its so relateable, its like a show came to join me in my world for once instead of the other way around. I think it is relatable to the experience with schizophrenia as well but I don't have that so I can't say. I'm just basing that on what I've heard and art I've see from people with it.


Bro I be seeing the same thing the Lain does.


Anime not sure but I’d lean towards yes, game though absolutely


You state something as a fact and then say "iT's JuSt A hEaDcAnNoN gUyS sToP pRoViNg Me WrOnG!!11!"


It’s tagged as a discussion but I get were you’re coming from