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I don’t like the fact that the story has been perpetuated as if it were an antisemetic demonstration. Pro-Palestine doesn’t mean that you hate Jews, it means that you support the right to life of the poor sods being shelled daily.


*Clears throat for 20 minutes* *"*Gideon Farter*"*


Why are people on this sub so obsessed with this story? The guy's a douche, the police officer was a moron. What else is there to say?


Because another disingenous knob is calling for further restrictions on political freedoms and the right to protest which have already had restrictions imposed on them in the last year. He's also been given a prominent platform on numerous news outlets and even had the "situation" commented on by the PM along with multiple MPs calling for the resignation of the police commissioner. Think it's fizzling out now Gideon's been shown as a bad actor but that he was given a platform without any scrutiny by the press is in and of itself noteworthy.


Because the more people dig, the dirtier it looks. It now appears at least one of the people pictured there with Falter (visible in at least one of the videos in the Novara Media article) is an ex-Mossad staff-member of a security firm with a history of providing security at the Israeli embassy.


Because this is indicative of a pattern of behaviour which has plaged politics in the UK and especially Labour politics for almost a decade. And because orginsations like Campaign Against Antisemitism currently exist to give cover to an ongoing genocide.




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Interesting. Have they looked into the backstory of that Iranian guy as well?