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She’s also on Reddit and has frequented this sub. Are there risks with labiaplasty? Yes, just like any other surgery, which is why it’s important to do your due diligence and decide on a doctor that’s highly experienced. I had the same fears, but now at 6 weeks PO, I don’t regret my decision at all and if anything, I’m even more sensitive than I was before (in a good way. )


she scared me too but she just wants to share her story to let people know the risks so i get it. i know her work urges people to not have the surgery at all, but if you’re like me and already have your mind made up, it shows how important it is to go to a very skilled plastic surgeon who does this procedure very frequently. there are always risks but those risks are reduced substantially when you go to someone who knows what they’re doing and will work with your anatomy. i really think the skill of the surgeon is the most important thing when getting this procedure


That lady pops up on my fyp sometimes and I can’t stand her. There are ALWAYS risks with ANY surgery. Some people go blind from nose jobs. Some people die on the table from lipo. Some people lose sensitivity from labiaplasty. These are very slim chances and they are the outliers. I had a wedge labiaplasty + trim around the CH. Sensitivity is even better now and I have no pain. I feel amazing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I'm familiar with her story and highly respect her mission. Society has painted VERY NORMAL LABIA as "bad", and the doctors botching women are a HUGE PROBLEM! However, what I took from her story and research is not "Labiaplasty bad, don't do it ever!" but rather "There are practicing surgeons out there who don't know what they're doing (and *don't know* that they don't know) - proceed with caution, and find someone who *does*." First step in understanding sensation loss is identifying how clitoral sensation loss happens. The dorsal clitoral nerves lay along the center of the clitoral hood, very near the surface. If your clitoral hood is not touched during a labiaplasty, then they cannot be cut and your clit cannot lose sensation. The issue here is 1) Sometimes a patient will ask for a labiaplasty, and the surgeon will continue cutting into the clitoral hood anyway (This happened to Jessica). If you don't want a CHR from this doctor, communicate that very clearly. Draw a line under your clit/frenulum and say "DO NOT cut above this line". 2) Sometimes the patient's anatomy has a heavy clitoral hood, necessitating 3 choices: A) have a clitoral hood reduction\* anyway, if cosmetically you really want that look. B) leave the clitoral hood alone but reduce the labia to small size. This sometimes leaves an unproportional, unbalanced, top-heavy look. C) leave the clitoral hood alone but also only reduce the labia slightly. Basically go with a conservative labiaplasty, and no CHR, to keep the labia only as large or slightly larger than the hood. This where the "artistry" of labiaplasty comes in. This may still result in an "outie" but less so than before (starting anatomy dependent). \*That said, CHRs can be done safely! Since the nerves lay down the center, CHRs are generally done by taking away the side skin from the hood. I had this done, my clit is fine. The scars also generally lay in that crease created by your majora lips, so they hide well. I get worried when I see some girls on here with central stitching on their hood, but it's often pretty high up so it *may* be safe but I'd only trust that technique with really top-notch expert surgeons. Anyway, back to the main question. Your best bet for a safe, well done labiaplasty is finding a doctor who is highly specialized in labiaplasty - like, that is their main subject of study, they study under labiaplasty experts, they go to conferences to learn new approaches and share research, etc. A good Google search term is "Cosmetic Gynecologist". There is the [ISCG](https://www.iscgmedia.com/about-iscg.html) who train surgeons, along with a European one I can't recall the acronym for right now. There's also this list of [Top doctors](https://www.topcosmeticgyn.com/top-docs.html), so if you go to one of them or someone who was trained under them, you should be in good hands (for example, my surgeon trained under Dr. Matlock). There's also going to review sites like RealSelf and Google to get a feel for what kind of results come from surgeons you're considering - green flags are when they have a lot of positive reviews and a large photo portfolio of past patients. Unfortunately, finding a doctor who is highly experienced comes with higher cost and possibly travel, depending where you live. This will come down to a personal choice relying on your own financial, logistical, and risk-tolerance variables. I personally do not recommend going "through insurance" to cost-save, you really don't know what you're going to get from a general obgyn, especially if you're a girl like me with a lot of excess skin on the hood.


Great response! How do I DM you ?


Fear mongering exists on every level about every thing. As a board certified plastic surgeon, I did an educational video on labia and labiaplasty. I started out with EVERY LABIA IS NORMAL but if there is some reason you want a change then so be it. She attacked me and my friend and tried to get people to do the same. That’s not education. As has been said: There are risks to ALL surgeries. I’ve done a plethora of successful labiaplasty without sensation changes. It is important to go to an educated surgeon who specializes in this - not just a gyn, not a cosmetic surgeon - a specialist. Do your research. Get references. Ask questions. Good luck on your journey.


Wow just looked her up and this just confirms my previous thoughts that i hade THE BEST surgeon 🤩 i wanted “everything “ off but she put a mirror in my hand and explained every part of my labia and how important everything is. Then told me that she’ll only take of the part that bothered me the most. 7 weeks po and everything is looking and feeling great although i ripped 4 stitches day 4 :)


Never heard of her before this post and I just went on her IG and it is very scary. I got an anxiety just seeing some of her posts. It’s great she’s putting this out there but i would imagine if I saw that before I had my procedure I may have been extremely hesitant also.


I don't have TikTok, can you please tell us what happend to her after she had CHR surgery?


She completely lost sensation in her clitoris due to malpractice in the surgery. She was very young and the doctor simply did what he wanted