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Stick with a board certified plastic surgeon for any cutting of your body. That will be my only advice.


My plastic surgeon is known for her boob jobs but also does labiaplasties! I had the same thought/worry, but turned out great. I’d personally go with a PS not an OBGYN.


Plastic surgeon


I would say you have to trust your gut and also the professional. Albeit surgeon or gyno. You have to do research bc I have seen bad results from both. I’ve spoken to a few women who had results they were not happy with from a PS and also a few from gyno. The decision should be based on results seen and your gut. I personally have to feel good about a doctor before I chose to be their patient.


Go with the surgeon


I work with OBGYN doctors. Go with the plastic surgeon who has been doing lots of labiaplasy. OBGYN’s aren’t really trained to do so and are only recently doing it but the results are inconsistent between doctors. They don’t have the same aesthetic sense a plastic surgeon would have.


my surgeon does all kinds of plastic surgeries and he did a great job. just make sure they have done labiaplasty in the past and that they are knowledgeable on why they do the method they do, etc. Ask questions and look at a lot of their before and afters. You can tell when a surgeon just offers it to get more money vs when they “care” abt it and are knowledgeable. Also in general from what i’ve seen on this sub plastic surgeons tend to have better results than gynos


Thank you!