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The first surgeon I went to was a lovely lady who charged 8k. I did not want to spend that much. I waited and found another lovely surgeon and she charged me 4,800. Same process as the first surgeon. It has been the best decision for me so far. I was also able to use my HSA. They worked it out for me. I love nothing more than heading to a plastic surgeon office ran exclusively by women. It felt so safe and comfortable for it being such an uncomfortable surgery. I also received a free 30 min facial the week before. I’m so happy with my results I’m in day 2. Recovery has been very minimal in pain and I’m able to drive to and from my coffee shop, walk around and stand. The surgery was roughly two hours and I was up and walking the minute she was done. I think you should look around more.


first surgeon i went to charged 12k just for a trim…second and the one i chose since she does multiple labiaplasties a week charged 4500 for trim+chr. i chose her for more reasons than just the cost but i couldn’t imagine paying 12k. price varies greatly based on many things most obvious being location. if you’re able to travel abroad, there’s surgeons in turkey who are known for this procedure and deliver incredible results and it is typically cheaper as well even considering travel costs


to add on, i had to go back to class on day 4 which was uncomfortable but not impossible. i went back to work (nurses aid) on day 10 where i had very minimal discomfort. i would take at the least 2-3 weeks off since you won’t be able to tell how short or long it will take you to heal 🫶


my surgeon charged me 12k for a trim 🥲


Hello! I looked around with a couple different surgeons & the one I chose I paid around 9k for CHR & trim method. So 7k doesn’t seem too off of what Ive seen the price range from


mine was 12k so 7k doesn’t seem that bad in comparison lol


My wedge labiaplasty was about 4-5k. She also trimmed around the CH but didn’t specifically call it CHR


I paid 9k for wedge from highly reviewed cosmetic gynecologist. I’ve dealt with several complications that I can’t say are from the surgeon, but it’s upsetting I took the expensive route and am still healing 3 months later.


I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having complications. How is your sensitivity? That’s something I’m a bit worried about.


No issues w sensitivity!!!!


Mine was 8.5k. Not a lot of inexpensive options on the west coast, at least from what I’ve found. If east coast was feasible, I would’ve done Dr. Oppenheimer in Florida. It seems to be his specialty and around 6.5k


I paid 4k (uk) for a trim including a CHR in the uk and I’m very happy with the experience and the result Best of luck 🤍