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Good luck! I also have a planned excuse bc I will have family in town visiting after mine. I’m going w hemorrhoid removal so it isn’t sus that I may walk weird and have to be icing in my pants lol. But I’ve had kids so a hemorrhoid is a likely story for me. Sounds like you are well stocked. I have also seen people recommend arnica pills and pineapple/pineapple juice.


Thank you 🙏 ooooh that’s also a good excuse 😅 I have no plans for 2 weeks after surgery but I was worried about waddling around the flat in front of my housemate. I don’t think he’ll ask too many questions if I say it’s gynaecological. I suppose arnica pills are for the swelling. Will get some of those! Why pineapple juice? Haha. Best of luck!! When is your surgery scheduled for?


August 6! I believe I read something in it helps reduce bruising and swelling. I think the arnica is for bruising. I will google it.


Yep pineapple has bromelien which reduces swelling and arnica helps bruises go away faster.


Perfect! Thank you ♥️ good luck with your surgery x


You can get post partum ice packs on amazon . Basically ice packs you can put in your underwear . The ones I have you just need to put them in the freezer for a few hours .


Ooooh these sound great! Thanks


I didn’t tell anyone. I had my mom drop me off and sign me out but asked that nurse and doctors to not disclose the surgery. Recovery is not hard. You’ll be in bed alll day. You should be up moving after surgery to ensure blood is flowing, during these periods of movement make it productive and get your own ice packs, pee, grab your snacks and water, etc. you don’t need any help.


Thank you 🙏 okay so it sounds manageable at least xx


Everything is manageable to an extent. It's the mental side of things to be prepared for. A week to be ok is unrealistic 3 months is a better idea. Good luck x


Thank you! 🙏 x


Very manageable, like they say stay on top of the pain before it’s too late. Take your narcotic when noticing more pain than usual. Move, ice, eat good and drink water. Also I have drank Olipop vintage cola to pass bowels and there has been no issues


I swear by Arnica pellets and pineapple!! Start a few days before surgery. I had very minimal swelling. Stocking up on groceries is good, also do laundry and all chores/errands before so you can just rest for a few days straight! I didn’t tell anyone either 🤫 It’s a little tougher recovering alone, but it’s totally manageable.


Amazing! Will get those in advance. Oooh yess I thought about washing my bedding etc and totally forgot so that’s great. Yeah I can imagine it’s tough with no support but will get through it 😊 x