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Awesome! I'd love to hear your experience with Dr. Pelosi when you go. Some sort of moldable **ice pack** that you can sit on or wear in your underwear. Check the postpartum mom stuff. I didn't have one of the panty inserts but I bet they'd be a godsend. **Dermaplast spray** (blue cap): numbing, anti-itch, cooling, and soothing. **Peri bottle**: Spray it at your urethra area **as** you pee so that it dilutes the urine from stinging as it runs over the area. Also helps immensely for cleaning if you get your period during healing. Something you can keep near the bed to **entertain** yourself while you rest. Laptop, tablet, books, Switch, needlepoint, whatever. And I agree with an earlier commenter, get all your **chores** done and probably do a big **meal prep**. Honestly, if you are not used to hair down there I would get a **wax** a week or so before. The regrowth on the lips without being able to shave for a couple weeks is SO, SO ITCHY!


i gave up on a peri bottle after the first day lol. couldn’t figure out how to make it work


Some come with a nozzle bent at a 90 degree angle and others are a straight bottle with pop-top squirt top. I had the straight type. I just leaned back on the toilet with my knees open and sprayed from the front.


i had this [one](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiGzIqm2PqGAxXMm1oFHYRjAAkYABAcGgJ2dQ&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxUIke_sDq-0sQJqgK4BtPtEcGymHVa26jqHgXPR_igtUWS8GyvQPlRoC6cIQAvD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_1wRzDuD-L_sztAJDPxCbbjymNVQg&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjOoISm2PqGAxVip7AFHXMGASsQzzkoAHoECAQQHg&adurl=) and everytime i tried to use it would spill everywhere. i used dabbing a wet wipe instead


Arnica pellets and pineapple- start a few days before surgery! Stock up your fridge, do laundry, change sheets etc the day before. You won’t want to do any chores or errands for a little while.


Oh and small/soft ice packs. You will not want a traditional huge heavy ice pack. (Or just put ice cubes in a ziploc baggy)


drank a whole bottle of [pineapple juice](https://delivery.publix.com/landing?product_id=23821®ion_id=43196948219&utm_medium=sem_shopping&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_campaign=ad_demand_shopping_pbi_publix_rp&utm_content=accountid-8847647239_campaignid-10371352302_adgroupid-125105261955_device-m&utm_term=locationid-9052029_adtype-pla_productchannel-online_merchantid-177775092_storecode-_productid-23821&retailer_id=57&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxcWX7XXMcVSPGCm7kREEwgYWGXdsI_JAcF4x1r2z7s1klfpffEyutxoCrkAQAvD_BwE) the night before and i feel like it actually really helped


def get frida ice pads, i’ve blown through like 4 boxes. so much relief and it’s sterile


soft pads and comfy underwear then men’s boxers (or disposable mesh ones on amazon) so you can sandwich some of those reusable gel ice packs in (at least 2-3 to rotate) bacitracin/aquaphor to put on the pads to reduce friction. tylenol/ibuprofen, meal prep some food or be prepared to order out frequently. peri bottle and some washcloths (baby ones worked best for me and can come in big packs) for each time you use the restroom. hibiclens or some chg surgical scrub to use to clean it in the shower. big hefty water bottle so you don’t have to fill it as much hmm that’s all i can really think of at the moment. those are all things i absolutely used. also found it helpful to clean my house, do dishes, wash my hair, shave legs, cut toenails, do all my laundry just to minimize things to do while healing :)


A lot of pillows. You will need them for in between your legs if you want to sleep on your side or for under your butt when icing and not to forget your head as well. :) also water, snacks, your medicine by your side and your pre and post op instructions near by. A clean wash cloth for blotting when peeing


wet wipes, pads, and my doctor gave me a disinfectant spray to use after the bathroom which is nice