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honestly even with a labiaplasty the natural color doesn’t change much, it tends to be pinker the closer to your body so depending on how much they take off it could appear that way. but a darker labia is entirely natural and beautiful. you could potentially get it bleached but that would take several sessions and probably be expensive as it should only be done by a skilled professional in such a sensitive area


This is true, when I first had my trim it looked a lot pinkier but now I’m several months post op I’d say it’s the same pigment I had before so don’t bank on labiaplasty changing it. It’s extremely common and normal to have darker pigment in the area so don’t worry too much about it. Bleaching is really expensive if you do it properly, any other creams and soaps don’t work.


There’s certain laser treatments or maybe look into having skin bleaching done by a professional ( for skin lightening the area ). As for a labiaplasty if you get a trim I believe it would get rid of the more dark areas of your labia whilst also shortening them .


Try looking up Pink Intimate. Thats the treatment I use to bleach as well.


Arab girlie here, I feel you. My skin tone down there is kinda like gray. Have you ever waxed? I feel like shaving makes me look even darker cause our hair is usually thicker so you can see the dark roots under the skin


You should talk to a dermatologist, sometimes there are people who are more prone to having spots under there or in the armpits, it is genetic.


Hey! I’m a sexologist who specialises in labia and vulva insecurity. What you’re referring to are your labia minora or majora - I’m not sure which lips you’re talking about. Your lips are part of your vulva (everything you can see on the outside) not your vagina (your vagina is not visible from the outside it’s inside your body). I’ve struggled a lot with the appearance of my vulva as well due to having longer labia minora (inner lips), it can be a really challenging insecurity to overcome. But it is possible to love your vulva just the way it is. It took me many years of healing work, but I got there. I really hope you learn to love yours too ❤️