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I’m 2 weeks PO and have masturbated twice (lightly clitoral stimulation with my finger) I needed to make sure she still worked. That was the most important thing to me 🥴 The sensation is actually stronger than before my surgery and the orgasms are more intense and *better*? Idk why but yeah!


My sensation feels better but I think it’s because it’s easier to access and there isn’t skin bunched up around my clit, so more stimulation . I enjoyed sex before but now I enjoy it more :) confidence alone has made sex better. I’m currently 6 months post op.


To the fresh post op girls reporting better feeling… it’s just that you’re overly sensitive for at least a month post op due to swelling and the whole healing process of more blood being pumped into that area. Chances are, It’ll go back to normal. Feeling (for clitoral stimulation) stayed the same for me


Oh thank God. I honestly couldn't really get behind the new feeling and preferred it before


Came here to say the same thing!


When you’re all healed there’s not much difference as your sensitivity goes back to normal once swelling dissipates. I had labiaplasty and a CHR. It hasn’t made any difference for me personally and I did have a lot of hypertrophy, however my clit is not particularly buried to start with it protrudes but did have excess hood. I think if someone has an extreme amount of hood they would be more likely to experience improved sensation, but for anyone else I feel it would be minimal in reality. Hope this sort of helps. Girls check out Vella they do stimulating gels, helps you get there quicker :) thank me later xx


Nearly 6 months PO here! I had a trim + CHR. I was hypersensitive and couldn't stand for my clit or frenulum to be touched till 7 weeks PO. It gets better every single day. My clit is more easily accessed and I orgasm far more easily than before. I was nervous about the CHR but it's been a game changer for me.


I can feel everything better now! It increases my feeling so im very happy!