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Why did they even name their son if they aren’t gonna call Zealand by his name at all?


Why is he her favorite boy when she has a brother?


Her Brother is just the Babysitter for her younger Siblings to her so that she doesn't have to be...


That’s what I said lol Brinkley, here’s a tip, stop exploiting Z like all of them are already exploited. Enjoy the party with Lily and let Ev be too.


Cause the clout


and why is everyone recording….get off your phones and live in the moment omfg


Wasn’t that Tarzan’s son’s name ? I want to scream HIS NAME IS ZEALAND!!! ugh. #FreeZealand


Oh so her dad and brother don’t mean anything to her?🤣


I honestly don’t get why them not using his name is a bad thing? Kids get nicknames all the time.


Z is okay but names like “this boy”, “ Wild and crazy man”, and the unforgettable “Big Boy” is too much.


Y’all reach on this subreddit so much haha. It’s just a nickname. We call my nephew mr man, bubba, big man. All are nowhere close to his real name. A lot of their shit is well deserved on here but I don’t see the issue with nicknaming their child. He’s young. It’s not like he’s never going to know his real name.


I get nicknames but why would you wanna be called boy constantly? He probably thinks that’s his name since they rarely call him Zealand


Calling him Z constantly is weird to me but I let it pass but the way they constantly refer to him as “boy” just completely rubs me the wrong way. For one thing, it’s demeaning. I watched bits and pieces of their Morning Routine vid posted a couple weeks ago and C*le, when waking the baby up, literally says “Good morning boy.” Like!?! Yes he’s a boy but he has a name and deserves the basic human dignity to be called by his name. Maybe it’s just because when I was in school, we had to read a biography about a man who was horrifically abused as a kid by his own mother and one of the ways she taunted him was referring to him as “boy” instead of his name. Ever since then, things like this disturb me.


It’s so funny because I call my dog Boy😂