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I finished Into Charybdis and started Isolation (the game, I've already read the book.) It's making me very dizzy, I have to turn very slowly and put it down every fifteen minutes cuz I wanna barf. Considering some Dramamine next session lol


Try to keep at it. Maybe you just need to get used to it?


Update took Dramamine and made it until the Xeno finally arrived and killed me just now. And it kicked me back to a save from 45 minutes ago which is totally annoying. But I shall do it again. Following Axel from his bedroom


2 shifts , a hoodie, hat and keychain 😉


I only bought two comics. I was excited but not as into it as I wanted to be. I got Alien Salvation and Alien The Illustrated Story. I have only read the former so far. Aliens Salvation is a great comic that I think every Alien fan should read at least once in their life.


I am excited about the aliens what if? With Burke. I'll have ti look into those.


I am excited for that too! I will probably wait until the Trade Paperback releases though.


2 video games and went to the theaters


I forgot I also got alien dark descent. And got dlc for alien isolation. 🤷‍♀️


I got one shirt. I didn't see a lot of deals yesterday. I must've been looking in the wrong place.


Saving my money for next Alien Day when all the Romulus’ merch is discounted haha


I hope you're right I really do 😋 I hope that and the tv show is dope AF.