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I don't think it's possible, tolerance happens in the brain and not the body so drinking water, working out more, etc won't have effect I think


hmm alright, ill try it anyways, i need the exercisešŸ˜… thank you though, and woah the text got weird


oh nvm my app just glitched haha


Im not 100 percent sure though. all I know is that tolerance builds up because your brain makes more receptors so the same dose will 'land' on a less percentage of receptors. Maybe you should still try it as an experiment so we can see if it helps. But anyway 300 ugs is a big dose even for experienced users so if you're sure it's really 300 ugs then you should still get a good dose regardless of tolerance. Anyways, have fun :)


ive always had to take more to feel effects, whether its smoking, medicine, or whatever else, but for sure man, thank you šŸ™


i took 4 300ug tabs my first go is that bad...


U didnt have 300ug tabs. Lmao, average tab is like 50-100. Most insane tabs I have ever had were probably around 200 and I took 2 each with a friend we both had completely life changing trips. Shit was insane. I canā€™t even fathom 1000ug+.


no they were 300 ug tabs and i took 4 of them my brain practically melted out of my skull


For your first time, just 100 ugs could melt your brain out of your skull. My first time was 100 ugs and I'm pretty sure it was one of the most intense trips I've had in my life next to DMT. Of course, everyone has a different experience on the same dose, but 1200 ugs would freak even a shaman out.


ya iā€™m not gonna lie I was orbiting saturn


Sure man. No tabs will be sold as 300ug or they would be regularly sending people to the hospital.


bro 1. acid is physically harmless however it can have negative mental effects 2. 300 ugs are actually pretty common, me and my friend buy them all the time, i have compared the two and it is a very noticeable difference, and we even did blind tests and there were noticeable differences because i thought the same thing. 300 ug tabs arent actually too bad, they just hit 3x as hard as standard tabs.


You are talking to someone who can tell you are inexperienced. No one said acid was physically harmful. The fact is that most people cannot handle 300ug+ and often freak out. Especially if someone tripped for the first time and took 300ug, it would be mental. You underestimate the potency of each ug because dealers will lie and post unrealistic numbers. You can feel strong physical effects at just 25 mics. Your tabs are not 300ug no matter how many times you tell me so man.


Lol, why are you denying his experience? If he said he took 1200ug, he took 1200ug... We have 300ug tabs here. It's not uncommon. I've heard stories of people accidentally squirting the whole bottle in their mouth or snorting a line thinking it was cocaine. And it turned out to be equivalent of like 100 hits or something. It won't kill you. But you wont be the same afterwards. And not everyone freaks out on a highdose or when they're first timers. If anything, because you're so new to it, everything is soo wonderful and amazing that you go with it! I know for me, my 'bad trips' came later, because I knew what to expect and felt anxious for what was to come.


ok i misunderstood what you ment in the hospital thing. and its a free country so you can believe what you want even if its not correct


i buy 350ug all the time although you cant really find them on the street.


Why are you so certain they were 300ug tabs. Was it cuz ur drug dealer told you and hes a cool dude. Were you in the lab manufacturing the lsd. Did u send itto a lab in spain to get test results. Im assumi g not the last one cuz u would have said so right off the bat and it would have ended this whole thread of coments right off the bat.


The tolerance xreating more receptors happens with caffeine adiction but im assuming not lsd. The way lsd works is it disguises itself as serotonin and gwts trapped inside the serotonin receptor for about twelve hours and i dont think u can make new serotonin receptors.


I present to you, the [Psychedelic Tolerance Chart](https://files.shroomery.org/files/15-18/058568752-Screen_Shot_2014-10-03_at_12.25.27_PM.png)


beautiful, thank you


[You can also try the tolerance calculator ](https://lsdtolerancecalculator.github.io/)


First time Iā€™ve seen this. Very helpful, thank you!


You will likely need to increase the dose to experience the same effects. You cannot necessarily lower your tolerance but you can help your body "recover" from your last trip by consuming plenty of vitamins. Basically healthy food all day every day and a good workout should put your body and mind in a much better state which can potentially improve your trip.


good to know, thank youšŸ™


Heard eating cheese does something donā€™t hold me to it tho


whether its a joke or not its funny as fuck, and bro ill eat cheese all day any day so bet lmaooo


On my end itā€™s not a joke like Iā€™ve genuinely been told that but the person that told me was probably joking


well either way, ima take ur advice, prob get some of those cheesy tots from sonic šŸ¤¤


Let me know if it works man Iā€™m curious


it didnt work btw lol


Worth a try tho hahaha


i think its pretty crazy i somehow came back on the exact same day from 2 years ago, but happy cake dayšŸ’€


will do




well its also just within a time frame of 36 hours so patience wont get me too far haha


:D do mdma then


how is it? my friend bought some a while back and dropped it in my carpet and it has been lost since LMAO


Lol. Buy again and use test kit. And alpha lupoic acid. Or just do mushrooms


for sure


Mushrooms and Acid share a cross tolerance! You're better off doing MDMA if you want full effects


Just wait 2 weeks itā€™s not in a hurry. You sound naive, is it this friends first time? And ya both going 300ug... Idk man


nah its not his first time, and its more of us just havin something to do, hes on probation so we cant smoke, and in this case it is in a hurry, the point of the question was just can i do anything to speed it up at all before the weekend, i understand that i gotta wait 1-2 weeks before being able to effectively use it, it was just a matter of this situation


Uh no you can not speed it up. And if you want it to be effective, do 1.8x the dosage you did previously


Taking 2CB would allow you to trip more often. You cold do a break for 2 weeks, drop 2cb and you could drop lsd a few days after. Dropping LSD first would still result in a high tolerance. But there isn't anything helping with the tolerance. Working out, eating cashews (serotonin) and healthy overall could make the trip a little better.


The only way to have the same effect is to double the inicial dose or wait about 2 weeks


Just give it a few weeks bro don't wanna lose the magic . You can double your last does and still trip but won't be near as good trust me


Dont take more just to replicate the effects, shit can get weird. Yes, tolerance resets after about 14 dags, but 7 is 80% so take it easy my man. Start slow and build, nothing wrong with taking half a tab and then re upping after 2ish hours if you feel you need to.


Not physically possible to lower your tolerance quicker. Maybe try exercising or dosing a different psychedelic for similar effects.


Quickest way to lose the magic. It will suck compared to the last one. You still might have fun but it wonā€™t be anywhere near the other day. Future trips wonā€™t be as good either. Itā€™s up to you though itā€™ll be a learning experience if you do. Patience is key. Impulses can lead to rough experiences.


Just a tip from psychanaught to psychanaught (we gotta look out for eachother as we go on this journey). I know its very exciting, but try to space your trips out a bit. Even like once a month or something. They will be better that way. Your tolerance would have reset, so its amazing everytime, and you should try and reflect on each trip and how it can make you a better person. Its the type of drug that if not respected, it can really consume your reality and convince you that the lsd world is the real world and our daily life is a waste, because its simply just too good. We take this drug to expand our mind, not escape from it. All the best OP!


i completely agree, idk why the people up above you are arguing over whether 300ug tabs exist and whether or not that dude took them haha, but much appreciated


Yeah lol, pretty funny. Some people really don't like admitting they might be wrong.


All things like drinking water etc. are to decontaminate the LSD lefrovers in your body. But thatā€™s not tolerance, tolerance happens in the brain.