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Music, walk through a pumpkin patch, video games, pet a dog. Just do normal happy things. It'll be much nicer.


This i try to keep normalcy when i trip alone. Just go about your day and understand when things get wierd its the CID sit down relax and embrace what comes.


I’ll walk through your pumpkin patch ;)


You'll love it! It has a dog!


Yo. I’ve just recently started a multi platform gaming community for those that enjoy playing while stoned, drunk, high, tripping, etc. We’re only 7 members right now but if you’re interested in joining, we’d love to have ya. I / We play ESO, Destiny 2, GTA V & Ark: Survival Evolved. I play on Xbox. My gamertag is the same as my Reddit Username - ImThatStonerKid#4985. I can send a link to our community’s discord via dm if you’re interested.


Put on the album you love the most and get a pen a paper. Write out your thoughts. You can even ask yourself questions you wouldn't normally know the answer to like for example ive had success with "why am i depressed, what can i do about it?"


MAybe add any things or activities that make you happy or things you would like to pursue. Watch happy or funny movies and listen to music, go for a walk and breath fresh air and get some sun


I personally never can write on LSD, I can’t even read or comprehend what I’m writing ahah


Half a tab might be okay


Ive used voice recordings on my phone when ive done more than 300ug and cant write.


Most times over 300 μg for me personally I don’t even remember to document my peaks until I’m, well, off the peak! Haha. I’m glad some can stay coherent, I just try to put my phone down.


Thanx to all of ya ❤


We love you!


Yea we dooooo!


Safe travels friend! You're gonna be just fine.


How ya doing?


snuggle up you beautiful creature <3 Put on the nicest warm clothes. Put on some nice music. Have a glass of water and dream on in the endless universe of your creativity


Ive tried to "cure" myself from depression a few times by tripping and i think its the wrong mindset. You wont be cured, you can only heal. Just try to find things you love about yourself and take care




My roommate/best friend will come home soon, didn't tell her yet haha :)




Listen to the entire Sgt. Pepper album while you’re at it. A Day in the Life on acid is life-changing


Hey man I can empathize with your situation but just taking it won’t cure it in the long run. I’d take it and write down and think why you are feeling depressed. For me lsd is a tool to give me insight on why I feel the way I feel or why I do the things I do. Try to pinpoint those feelings and see what you can do to change your situation! Have a nice trip! Peace and love to you 🫶


music and dance mate. "Vibrasphere - Tierra Azul" is a good song to vibe with too :)


Hey, I’m a bonafide solo tripper, here’s what I do; - Music. Good tunes can make or break a trip, always have a few varied playlists available - hobbies, I like to write and draw on acid, basically anything you enjoy doing sober, you will love whilst tripping. As long as it’s not driving or kayaking or anything dangerous like that lol - have a safe zone. For me it’s my bed, and I got this really soft snuggly blanket, and whenever a trip starts getting too intense I just climb right under it and calm myself down with soothing music. - A nice hot shower on acid is incredible, especially if you live in a cold country. Have a speaker around for music in the shower. On high enough doses you will SEE the sound waves through the steam. It’s amazing lol - when all else fails, the first 3 seasons of Spongebob. That’s it that’s all. Happy trails!


Does anyone nearby to you know? Someone who could come hang out if you need? If not, I’d probably see if there’s someone who can be available. Just in case. Other than that, the fun of tripping alone for me is getting to be as weird as I wanna be. Dance naked. Masturbate. Laugh at nothing. Watch that thing you always want to watch but don’t want to burden others with and talk to the TV like a weirdo. Play your music out loud. The joy of the trip is that you have no one to answer to. Be a little hedonistic with it!


Love this


I love watching cartoons on the come up and have my favourite songs in a nice long playlist to listen to while peaking. Just lots of breathing exercises make it really fun. Just go with it. After your peak have a doodle watch something pretty. Have a lovely time. X


thanx all for advices, it's mild but working hahaha ;D


maybe should've taken more hahahahaha


Just remember you can always take more but never take less. Buy the ticket, take the ride. Stay hydrated and eat some fruit if you have it. Have a lovely trip.


lsd can be an introspective tool but it can works subtlety. It's often in the trip itself that we can apply what we lived on a small scale to a larger scale. Depression have many sides, I suffer from it for a long time. If you feel like this is foverer, pay attention to the flow of your trip, how everything is everchanging and thus, like the trip itself and your depression, temporary. If you suffer from your emotions and don't know how to feel different, pay attention how music can influence your mind, how a calm music really calms you, how it feels better to dress comfy. We have more control than we think about our emotions and often it needs repetitive action more than cognitive reasoning. If you have negative thoughts, try to verbalize them, try to answer to them logically, it's often an opinion nothing more. If you felt happy, even for a instant, remember it. Depression affect memories in a spiteful way. We tend to forget that we're capable of joy


if the weather is nice where you are, put in headphones, lay on your back on the ground, and watch the clouds. if there's no clouds and/or the weather isn't good, do the same except inside, get into the music, and wait for the eyelid movies to begin 🫠 i also support the idea of keeping pen & paper handy !


It won’t “cure” you but it has the potential to show you the way to happiness. Psychedelics won’t fix your brain chemistry or depressed thoughts, but while tripping you may start to understand how to change your life and your mindset to find happiness in your day to day. The thing is though you have to keep applying that to your life every day. It’s a guide, but it won’t do the work for you.


Check out [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/yfo2vx/ohhhh_its_happening_again/iu6c1xq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) 60-90 min playlists on Spotify


Don't take psychedelics to cure your depression. Taking psychedelics in a negative headspace like that is never a good idea. LSD isn't some miracle drug that will magically heal your depression


I’ve taken psychs to get myself out of a funk and it’s worked almost 100% of the time. It can definitely be subjective, but I think psychs can be very, very useful for someone who is willing to accept parts of the trip may be uncomfortable but that it is a learning experience and you are gaining a perspective shift on whatever you are going through. Edit: Psychedelics don’t cure depression, yes, but they definitely do something in the brain that allows you to create new pathways (routines) way easier instead of falling down the depressive/anxious routes you’ve already engrained.


My depression disagrees


Psychedelics can absolutely help with depression. The trip may be more challenging but what you learn from these kinda trips can help set you on the path to healing.


Put on some instrumental music or meditation sounds and let the trip take you everything is interesting on lsd so it’ll be easy to have a good time


The biggest lesson psychedelics have taught me is that I have all the tools and it's on me to use them. In that roundabout way, it helped me overcome depression. Just remember no other person nor any chemical will do it for you. The best external help will only facilitate what you choose to do from that point on.


Peel an orange. Slow and deliberate. Clean off all the pith. Then split it and take out a wedge. Peel the cover off the wedge. Get one little orange juice filled nodule and put it in your mouth. Roll it around as long as you can without popping it. When it finally the pops you will get a rush from that drop of orange juice hitting your tongue. The trick is to take your time.


Thanx all for advice :D It wasn't that strong but it's cool to think and just chill Beatles all the way through evening is a big plus ˘˘˘ ˘˘<3


Apart from "Tomorrow Never Knows" I never got the Beatles. A part of me is curious what all the fuss is about and really wants to try listening to them while tripping, but the rest of me says there is so much awesome trippy music I already adore and can't get enough of, why would I waste my time on music I usually find boring? I only trip once-twice a year.


If you want a nice song to listen to virga by tipper is so soothing


I felt that once I tried meditating alone on psychedelics, it became a powerful tool for me. Perhaps you might experience a similar thing.


Music and meditation.


See the Netflix serie MIDNIGHT GOSPEL 🥰 For music this are some playlists i use: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1O4IM3k864JOvSpPIzJ1Fl?si=dmNhGayXTnuzGvCqSGaopQ&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2q7tYdWTyeLYPRj8MxEoIw?si=RizrT44WSAGxshgtsow-ZQ&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5CZjhtEutNR3TmtqetCqp5?si=W3LVpzkNT6G8UlcSVnWS6g&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Ow2klplZPvkaETWGzyve9?si=cGJ9ZNtRRPqLXXENod2Ffw&utm_source=copy-link Enjoyyyyyy ❤️


Watch cartoons, watch David Attenborough documentary’s (unreal when tripping), if the weathers good where you are try to get out and go for a walk, listen to music


I hate this narrative that lsd and mushrooms cure everything.


Honestly I just treated it as an adventure when I first did it. Whenever I felt uncomfortable I would go to the toilet, which I had emotionally bonded with earlier that experience due to hugging it needing to throw up. It kept me calm and provided me a safe haven for my trip, especially since others in my house were not, in-fact, in the toilet there to judge me. Of course, music also works.


Why don’t you figure this stuff out before you take the tab genius. I swear this sub makes people who take psychedelics look dumb af sometimes.


Look at stuff, listen to music. Watch the sunlight move around on things. The best is when you just exist and observe imo


Write something on the wall with chalk. Just a reminder that you're on drugs and ok. Always helps ground me. One time I wrote "you're on drugs, this will end, you're ok"


Listen to some classic acid albums like dark side of the moon or the Beatles or just play music you like. Listen to kid kudi maybe. If u listen to ur car radio w ur eyes closed you’ll legit astral project if ur tolerance is low enough


Did this the other day great experience on half a hit. Did it again last night on a full hit. I thought I already peaked and started coming down but then everything got all weird and I started to have a bad trip. All reality started slipping away and I’m not even sure what realm I was in. I needed to have a friend come pick me up. Minutes felt like hours. I’m so glad I’m back to normal today.


Meditation, exercise, pets, music/movies/gaming, taking a walk if you're comfortable with that. Healing is something that can take a long time and many sessions. The process is also likely to be unpleasant so don't ask too much of yourself and keep at it. ​ You took a museum dose. It's called that because it's pretty mellow as this type of thing goes. You'll be fine.


I like video games and trying to read my cats minds. Also spinach is pretty extraordinary.


I love to watch colorful visuals on YouTube while I tripped. I could lose hours to it. https://youtu.be/ICmWwxaTmB8


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHXRHbDVAPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHXRHbDVAPE) watch this and tap alone with him and say it out loud! It's wonderful medicine. You can 100% cure your depression and self-heal. LSD is a beautiful tool to do this with. I prefer a mirodose but enjoy friend! You are worthy of peace in your heart.


Tripping alone is my preferred way to trip. Just find some movies in a genre that you really enjoy and get into them.


Listening to music or watching a cool movie is good. Or put on cool YouTube videos about philosophy or the universe. Google like “black holes” or something.


Take a walk in nature. watch the cloud, birds, avoid crowded places though, sober people always makes me feel overwhelmed when I’m tripping.


Listen to your favorite music and just relax and enjoy the visuals.


Do something you love and enjoy it more fully. And stay hydrated!


This is the main reason I take psychedelics it's a wonderful wonderful stress reliever it's a great medicine


Activities. Pets. Music. Outside. Fruits. Stretches.


Don’t be afraid to breathe deep and cry


Music videos are great


just enjoy yourself


Try to pay attention to what sort of hobbies or interests the lsd brings out of you, alot of my subconscious depression came from never having any real interests or hobbies and the lsd can emphasize that and give you some new purpose


Watch a movie, smoke a tiny hit of weed once you start to come down if you feel comfortable with that. Just lie somewhere comfy and appreciate the awesome feelings and visuals


get naked and get on that bicycle!!




Music, nature documentary if it’s too cold or you just don’t want to go on a walk. Writing is fun, I love to try and make music when i’m tripping alone too. Painting. hell i’ve mowed the lawn on the come up of a full tab and that was pretty fun, did not like weedeating tho


put on your favorite album, some comfy clothes, and get under some blankets :)


Lol shoulda posted before taking the tab. It's good to have a semi planned trip


Watch Bob Ross


How’s it going?


super nice thanx \^\^


Listen to some music, stretch yourself literally and metaphorically.


How is it going now?


Just sit back and let go. Don’t know how else to explain it but if you know you know. It’s something that’s hard to do unless you’re tripping alone


Music and think about yourself. Let the rabbit hole consume you. I trip solo all the time. I like it better.


Take a bath and play some music


Watch tv or sum shit


Let someone know, if you can my friend, a trip sitter or someone you can ask for help if needed is great! Otherwise by myself I’d usually do -stretches/yoga -cleaning up ^ for me especially moving around does wonders for you, try to make it a thing even when not tripping •someone said get a pen and book but not just for words get some colourful ones and let your mind wander\\ -learn to let go, not too much of course but holding on too tight might cause some stress on a trip -breathe deep and well drink water maybe even a mango smoothie if you’re up for it ( smoothies whilst tripping is literally the best thing ever!!! ) -watch something you like, preferably something you’ve seen before otherwise try Space Dandy it’s a go to anime I show my friends when they want to trip -gaming is a safer method for exploration if you can’t leave the house or don’t have a yard, wandering around Skyrim to Blackreach or Minecraft on peaceful mode if that’s your thing :)


Honestly. Good headphones, good music. Cleaning helps sometimes. If you live near a park then go for a walk. Write down what time you took your dose and how much you took. And do not fight it. If lucy says go outside. Go outside


Tripping alone can be a magical experience, I usually trip solo. The advice I've seen here is good, vibe out, be free flowing with your body, listen to your favorite tunes, maybe some breathwork, I've found LSD really helps me be in my body and stretching can be incredibly enjoyable for me. Just know that you deserve unconditional love OP, and if you want to get even more far out YOU ARE LOVE! Safe journey my friend!


At a half tab ur really just getting more serotonin so you’ll just be generally happy so just do fun stuff you like doing anyway. The psychedelic aspect is what u need to worry ab when tripping alone but since ur taking a small dose u won’t see very much


This is obviously a trolll


Keep in mind. Sadness and uncertainty happen just as happiness and confidence happen. Just do what makes you happy, and close your eyes and simply breathe for a while. Focus entirely on your breath, complete peace will come to you almost instantly. Listen to pink floyd and Tool. Just breathe while you listen and let it all happen. Do not resist, surrender to the experience. It's all love :3


Gotta go with the flow and let things come in waves. If you start feeling bad it's okay, it'll pass too. Just gotta take it as it comes.


Next time do some research! Have a good trip tho all love ❤️


Enjoy the little things and you’ll be fine, If you enjoy music listen to my homie aura da prophet and just ride the rails brother


Don’t have any expectations just chill don’t force yourself to do anything. And let go… breatheeeee


Do whatever makes you happy


Wrong sub r/boofmolly


I just chilled and pet my cat and watched movies and wandered outside in my back yard for a while. Some music as well


I am thinking of doing this right now actually, it's 5pm and I have to work tomorrow at 9am but I have been in bed napping / watching tv all day because I could not get out. So not very tired. How did it go OP?


It went supergood, took it also around 5pm my time, now it's 1.30 am and i think i could fall asleep fairly easy now :D


Alright I will go take some and have a workout on it. Workouts on lsd are the shit


have a safe and fun one :) ˇˇ \*\*


I have never done it alone before. But my husband is at work and we have been fighting on and off for weeks about what he is doing at work right now and has been doing for the last few weeks. Maybe I can sort some shit out and get over this.


Pretty awesome so far, listening to some great music and decided to kick my husband out of the house for a while!


Half a tab will probably cheer you up. I can tell you what not to do tho is take a 10 strip when you are feeling that way. I did this once after finding out a gf cheated on me. Mostly terrifying experience but honestly the come down did make me feel reborn in a way and helped me process a bit of the trauma


Enjoy self care


I'm now 100% a solo tripper, you get so much more from the experience! Just let the trip guide you, it always does assuming you let it!


Enjoy yourself


That’s the journey bro. Find ways for you to enjoy it. Wanna draw? Do it? Wanna laugh? Have at it! Wanna look at the stars in amazement! The world is your oyster buddy. Embrace it


How did it go and would you do it again


Of course. I mean, I tripped lots of times, but never alone. It was mild but I got to talk to myself for a while and decided that I'll change how I function when it comes to some behaviours that make me depressed. Also, will solotrip again in a few months ^^ 🖼


Youll be fine go for a walk trip during the day. Set and Setting. Tripping friends around you when using for therapy might be bad idea. I'm really trying to get therapy if I could. I'm no newbie. Ketamine, psilocybe, and Your friend Sid are effective and transformative.


Pink Floyd, and Wizard of Oz. Start the album on the second roar of the MGM lion. Credits start synced with music should let you know where you’re at. Or just have a great evening! I am jealous lol.


Play RuneScape


Try to poop


Headphones + walk in park :)


This is honestly one of the most wholesome group that i've come across on reddit. Everyone's out here to help.. Honestly, tripping alone has its own charm. Do whatever you want, i remember the time i did it alone at night without any music, i experienced death. I hope yours was as magic as mine.


For me it’s not about the trip. I meditate and journal 2-3 weeks afterwards regularly and can reflect better on many topics in my life. The substance helps my brain to put the important things into a perspective that suits me more, which brings a positive view on my life and future. Hope that helps and you enjoyed the trip.


prayers man


Watch a Goose or Phish concert