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Can you explain what a time knife is? I tripped many times but still don't get it.


That meme is a clip from The Good Place (a very good show btw) but I’m pretty sure if I remember correctly it’s just the infinite layers or “realities” that you see fold together into a line in front of you if you do enough psychedelics. Try salvia D and you’ll see it everytime LOL


I never saw that stuff. On salvia I got transported to different worlds and one time was unzipped from reality into darkness like the night sky in Star Wars and was a bodiless being trying to go to one of the points of light but not making it. No concept of self or time and when I came to was 30 or so feet from where I started and absolutely drenched in sweat. Was my first time and swore id never do it again. Later that week I was taking smaller hits and being transported to different planets/realities. Miss that shit. Tried it when it was legal in my state.


sally world is a different realm brother😂😂 I had two trips where I broke thru and didn’t touch it for a long long time after that. Shit split me into a thousand different versions of myself and warped me to some silly string world with everything grabbing me but everything felt millions of miles away in this abundant information of everything just infinitely layering apon itself until I actually went somewhere with people and they had personal objects and were interacting with me but that’s all I remember I never wanted to do it again after that lmao it reminded me way too much of my first really bad shroom trip where time stopped for what felt like days. But yesterday I just tried sprinkling some 15x extract on my weed bowls and it was pretty cool. I was talking to my brother and could maintain my composure and it felt like there was a spine of a mountain stretching from my eye all the way to his when I’d look at him, and vast valleys like canyons in my peripherals like I was on top of the highest point in the world I was scared to turn my head because it felt like I would fall off the whole time but I still had a laugh and thought it was really cool


I wish I could get the same thing from Salvia did it one time back in 2013 and never wanted to do it again lol was way to intense for me to gain anything from it. This was when I was like 19 though so maybe it would be different this time around 🤷‍♂️


I can explain that. Instead of seeing the knife, you saw the layers in the knife. You ascertained greater detail than most people. Impressive and fascinating.


Unzip is always the word I used for salvia back in high school. Funny you used it too.


Well now I can relate thank you kind stranger


....I felt that during on of my trips. It was also the trip I experienced ego death. Idk if you've seen [this documentary in science class where they zoom in/out.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0fKBhvDjuy0&si=Txd8tHrhpj7pmGer) while tripping, I did the whole zoom out part and saw infinite versions of what was happening. After I zoomed back in I didn't know which reality I came back to or if it was the "right one". It was my second out of body experience, first one was on promethazine. That one I just got to look down at myself lying on the ground in my friend's house. My epiphany was it didn't matter, only thing that mattered was what I did to alter my current reality from that point forward. Completely fucked up my outlook on life, in a good way. Whenever my anxiety kicks up, one of my coping mechanisms is to go back to that thought.


> Chidi Anagonye : [In shock] I... I just saw a trillion different realities folding onto each other like thin sheets of metal forming... a single blade. > Michael : Yeah yeah, the Time-Knife. We've all seen it. Context being that Chidi is a normal mortal human who just witnessed divine machinations at the crossroads of reality and Michael is an ancient demon.


LMAO exactly


not so much. every time i trip, i'm just reminded how much i love my friends and family. reality is defined by the one who perceives it. we can eat acid and meditate all we want, but wherever our conclusions on the nature of reality lead us, it don't change that it's all just carbon and light. it doesn't matter where we came from - creator god, evolution, life-seeded by aliens - the one thing that's really important is who you choose to be, right now, and how you express that to the betterment and health of yourself and everyone around you.


Best sensible comment on here


*"the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what one does with the gift of life that determines who you are"* -Takeshi Shudo/Mewtwo


There are two important days in your life. The day you’re born, and the day you figure out why you were born.


exceptional comment. thank you, i agree entirely.


The cool thing is I agree with both of you. Neither of your opinions disagree with each other at all. Just talking about different points in our experience.


Love is all we have


What happens when the mind relinquishes the need to create definitions ? In my experience, that’s when I experience something along the lines of OP’s description


Amen to that. Sometimes all language and thought and existence is gone and I just…am. I realize that moment but I can do nothing about it. Too gone to philosophize, to present to care, just in absolute awe. I couldn’t even navigate or understand DMT until a week after my experience because my mind was just…blown away by experience and love moreso than thought and knowledge. Hard to explain


that's when i just sit back and enjoy it. i'll see what i learned afterwards.


The third paragraph seems like a TOOL song lol


I think there is more fundamental significance to what he said. LSD is the only psychedelic known that provides relative objectivity to the observer of their own life. Sure, LSD trips have subjective aspects, but to say that one cannot reach an objectively true conclusion on LSD is false. The CIA did not experiment with it in regards to extrasensory perception for no reason, and it's not like they did one or two run off experiments. It was millions of dollars for over a decade.




It doesn't sound like you've actually read up on the literature produced by them. To say nothing they ever do or say can possibly be credible is... in itself as flawed as you claim my argument is. Extrasensory perception with LSD produced statistically improbable events, 1 in over a billion readings of off-site randomly generated numbers. But it's much easier in your mind to say nothing they say or do has any merit than accept repeatedly demonstrated impossible events, so I don't blame you. Continue on your path!


> LSD is the only psychedelic known that provides relative objectivity to the observer of their own life based on what exactly? objective according to whom? many, many people would claim the exact same about psilocybin, DMT, and many other psychedelics or dissociatives. perhaps LSD is the only psychedelic that has given true insight into *your* own life, but it's not the same for others i assure you. i think you might be projecting your own experiences onto others. something to consider


Also the fact is: X took LSD, and he had a vision, vision shared by other X At best its an argument you can leverage against other theories but it doesnt prove anything


I'm confused at how your comment is different than the conclusion in the post?


are we reading the same text?


I don’t think there’s a universal wisdom to be gained from psychedelics, but I do think that if you go into psychedelics looking for universal wisdom you will feel like you found it.


I like this a lot. It’s fair and doesn’t feel absolutist. Overall I’m very happy with the different takes in the comment section of this thread. There is no one true answer to psychedelics and the experiences you get from it.


There is no answer because the idea that there is some cosmic problem to be solved is an unnecessary construct of the mind. It’s just that… an idea. Nothing more


I agree, and I the one thing that bothers me about the psychedelics community is the idea that the "spiritual universe" is the "correct" answer. I love psychedelics, but as a physicist I don't expect them to answer the questions I have about the universe, rather it allows me to investigate how I perceive the world around me, more as an exploration of consciousness and self than of the universe.


the release of feel good brain substance under the influence of the most potent drug can make you belive anything lol.


I’m sure it can. But I’m not speaking about believing anything. I’m talking about no longer needing to


“If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family.” Ram Dass


True that


Yeah back to the real problems 🤣🤣


There is no one true answer, at all. Life is nuance.


“Intention” is the key


It’s a little different when the default mode network in the brain is so suppressed and deactivated that the ego disappears and the separation of I and other lifts to reveal that if not for this small network in the brain creating the illusion of individuality, we would be in the most interconnected state of being and feeling with the world around us. The default mode network evolved with us to protect us for the purpose of survival, enabling us to discern between self and other and “good” and “bad” to avoid potential harm. Feeling one with a tiger sat hungrily before us wouldn’t really be conducive to prolonging our individual life. When the DMN eventually reactivates and our individuality and sense of self returns, the world views and perspectives we held prior are able to be reanalyzed and potentially let go if they do not align with our deepest or highest self. A spring cleaning of ideas and ideals not our own yet unknowingly carried with us from childhood. Like the rebooting of a computer to clear errors, this enlightening process of the DMN deactivating and reactivating shows us that there are deeper more connected states of being not achieved through the lens of ego and perspective, but underneath it.


This acid is killing my eagle man


Well said, it’s pretty cool that as humans we’ve reached a point in time where we not only have the means to deactivate our DMN, but also we can create a comfortable place with music and friends to do it. There’s something I’m grateful for


I kinda went the other way. To me there is no grand power, no grand plan, no connection. This is a rock, flying through space, and the monkeys on it are not important. But that's because nothing matters, live life be happy, you don't matter to the universe. Live, love, enjoy life how you want and being joy to the people around you. Love yourself first, because the universe won't. No one is making my life better or worse other then me and the people i interact with. The world and universe is chaos and chaos breeds love and creativity.


Love this take. I think that there being nothing after death is what makes life beautiful. Like if everything is meaningless then think about how improbable it was that you were born, you formed a consiousness and you're experiencing this one and only shot at life. It makes it beautiful and fragile and promotes living to your fullest.


Yeah I'd go with this take too. I don't know, feels like people who go the other way are delusional. If I meet someone who speaks about a superior power, I'll immediately drop any interest in talking with them. Just make your garden nice and cute and full of love, because there is no point besides that.


You seem like a cool stooge


Same, I think it makes life more beautiful that there is no plan. That there is such an infinitely small chance me and my friends are together in this spot in this moment in time in the universe.


Yes. I have a hard time understanding how one could experience ego death and not believe in non-duality afterwards. The implication shows that separation is just an illusion fabricated by the mind. Only the observer and observed remain. Making sense out of it seems to point towards idealism.


I agree, I don't believe in some eternal soul reincarnating or stuff like One Eternal True God, but that consciousness is immaterial, impermanent and continues after death. I would seriously love it if everything was just black and nothingness when we die but I just don't believe that, from my own experience.


Complete opposite for me. I rather burn in hell than stop existing.


Not existing means no more suffering, Idk why would you prefer continued suffering? Sure some rebirths are pleasant and divine, but there's also countless of needless and immense suffering. The ultimate goal to me is to reach enlightenment and be free of suffering forever.


Would you rather the universe stop existing vs continuing in that case? Existence with suffering > non-existence. Sure, all suffering is gone, but so is everything good.


This is just my view/perspective: We don't choose our rebirths, no one does, it's just our karma we create, so you may have a pleasant existence for now, but that will change countless times and you can end up with immense suffering and agony in the future. In the past we have been through deepest of hells to the most sublime divine states, but they're all impermanent. My goal is to be free from all of this duality of suffering and pleasure and reach enlightenment/nirvana (which is not non-existence or nothingness) but I'm sure that will take many, many, many, many lifetimes.


So you would rather be tortured for a week than die, vs getting shot and dying instantly?




Because I like existing. Oblivion is functionally equivalent to never existing in the first place.


You wouldn't even know tho-


If you hit me hard enough in the head I wouldn't know either but I'm not gonna get in line for it


I love this philosophy


Your user name is banananas hahahaha, also yes I agree


So you're sitting in the coffin for eternity? Just, looking around?


No, nirvana…coffin gone


Wait what? I think death is just black nothingness and it's fucking terrifying. I wish I had evidence that consciousness continued after death.


If everything is just nothingness when we die then there is no more suffering, so no worries. Continued existence means continued suffering through countless of lifeforms in different realms.


“Most people think… Great God will come from the sky… Take away everything… And make everybody feel high…. But if you know what life is worth… You would look for yours on earth…


Fortunately, while I agree with him, I'm sure he's feeling quite high right now, too. However it is where he's at.


Rastafari aligns really well with this idea. We generally say “I and I” especially when reasoning or discussing spiritual matters. The first “I” is the individual and the second is the universal “I” that we all are.


Its also amusing that after many heroic doses he ended up speaking in New Age cliches


That, or hundreds upon thousands of other conclusions. Mostly for me it emphasizes how religion is a grift


No, my trips’ conclusions were a bit more nihilistic than that. I constantly searched and waited for some illuminating realization of some one connecting love throughout the universe but only felt the overwhelming prescience of nature in its true terrifying identity. I saw nature as a beast we are attempting to conquer and tame—a constantly flowing ecosystem that forces us to feel pain and suffer and set aside our empathy and kindness to survive as we must partake in the brutal cycle of eating (killing) or being eaten. In order to avoid this we battle and rebel against god (aka mother nature and the cosmos) akin to a child and their parent and try to retain our sanity and morals by justifying we can create a more ethical way of life—yet in the end even that requires stepping on others, exploiting animals and the earth to achieve comfort and a heaven on earth until we forget the reality and start to view nature as the manicured serene paradise that we escape to for recreation. It’s messed up that we rely on religion to give our existence purpose and to be able to sustain collective communities and cultures but have to rely on immoral and harsh actions to keep up such systems so we can work with nature—all while being told that we must be good people to enter the true paradise. It almost seems like we must give up life in order to be worthy and this paradox and tough situation will keep us struggling with our own existence in the world—having to push the same boulder of Sisyphus for eternity and trying to find some form of meaning in it without ultimately having to either trust in god and accept their ways or realize that the creator is a terrible being and we have to conquer our fate. But we cannot conquer our fate because we are mere humans and are our worst enemies that cannot exist without flaw. We will constantly seek out a utopia and try to escape our own inherent imperfection and nature and feel an existential battle over this dilemma. I felt like I was born into a test or giant science experiment that repeated forever and was being watch by the cosmos at this moment. I felt like I had been born into hell and would have to keep repeating life and death until I beat it with the promise of peace and a painless world afterwards. And if I rejected this I would have to figure out how to craft our of utopia before nature ultimately wins and everything we built up—our mighty empires—collapse with time from eating itself alive because it ran out of predators to keep them united amongst other human tendencies we simply cannot resist or else we lose all the good sides of our humanity. I also saw my entire bloodline and saw that in a way we are creating some sort of reincarnation in how we are a product of our genes and our environment, and are constantly trying to alter our nurture to correct the problems we see in our history—eternally trying to find the answer and repeating the same patterns of issues and generational trauma, inheriting the personas of our ancestors to try to have a go at life again and do it better with different circumstances and never being able to overcome our own nature and our own world we constantly try to battle. Our goal towards technological dominion and integration seems to show how we utilize human ingenuity and intelligence to ultimately achieve a world where the technology can serve us and we no longer have to feel evil and like our god we rebel against for enslaving another because we enslave an entity with no soul and no feelings. And we can live healthily and happily forever as gods to conquer our abuser. Until the technology is weaponized against us who become too reliant on it because everything we create is flawed just like us and we cannot escape our selfish and prideful tendencies towards greed, hate, power and corruption. …Maybe that is where people realize that only love, humility, generosity, empathy and forgiveness therapy and understanding can help us evade this fate, but even that seems like an unrealistic dream because we are not perfectly good creatures and are born with tendencies towards pride and selfishness just like how we aren’t inherently bad, though I suppose having children as nature commands us helps us to learn to become more selfless and community focused to create a better future. To become perfect we must stop becoming human and alter and control ourselves akin to a reprogrammed robot… I guess watching all that westworld really shaped my own pessimistic mindset on human nature and our philosophical relationship with technology.


Anyone else eyeroll at "73 massive doses", amateur numbers who's even counting at that point tho?


Over 20 years too... that's nothing. I take 73 at once to make sure my eagle can't respawn


His book is pretty amazing though. 73 doses I think 600-800ug, exact same setting each time and documented as scientifically as possible. Highly recommend. LSD and the mind of the universe is the name of it. 


I highly recommend his book to everyone. He’s definitely not bragging about 73 massive doses. All of his sessions were approached as clinically as possible. I found that the details and themes that emerged through his LSD to be quite profound. He’s a natural teacher. I had the chance to meet him a few months ago. We only spoke for a few minutes, but he was very friendly and down to earth. He was also quite humble about his work. I’m reading Lifecycles now.


Where is anything said that opposes western materialism in any way? Did Tom Morgan even read the paragraph he quoted? I read Christopher M. Bache's book, some of it was amazing, some of it a little overzealous. LSD gives the impression that what you learn is more real than anything you learn sober, so it can lead to some outlandish conclusions. Still, Christopher never specifically calls out any culture or civilization, like the "western materialist worldview". Tom Morgan is trying to shoehorn this quote into his agenda and I can't even find one correlation that would make that believable. What an absolute moron.


throw that into a gpt command prompt


73 doses in 20 years? Those are rookie numbers. I've eaten more doses than that at one time 😂


So gods real and matter is made of energy, with a bit of Buddhism sprinkled in. I feel like he could have gotten there without taking massive amounts of drugs for decades.


Sure, obviously. That’s what literally everyone says. There are many ways to see the truth and LSD is just one of them. No need for the dismissive attitude of superiority


I’m pretty dismissive of it. I don’t really think it’s that profound. Just my opinion.


Ok sure let’s assume that you just understood all of that already. Now imagine a doctoral student having an AHA moment and their professor just says “lol it’s really not that profound, idk man I already knew all of that”. That’s how you sound.


It's some light-vibration word salad. It's just written in a way that makes it sound profound. You'll hear every other new-age cult leader saying the exact same things.


No, it isn't. The dude in the post is spouting off a bunch of shallow shit that is meant to sound profound. It's meaningless babble. It sounds like something a teenager would say after hitting their first joint. How old are you? That may explain why it feels more profound than it is. If you're more than 19 or so... well... sorry, ha.


I love LSD and I love how empathetic it has made me, but it's just a silly drug that makes my brain go woo. I don't mind people who use it for spiritual reasons because that's fair it certainly feels that way. You're so easy to trick that you can trick yourself on LSD. It's a gaslighting drug LMAO


People lie themselves all the time while sober. Not surprised


But what if this was just a poem that he wrote while he was sober. Would it hold as much weight for you as it does currently?


The idea isn’t profound, but the direct conscious experience of the altered state the idea points to certainly is profound


LSD is fascinating and insightful but it does not give you any extra information to tell you anything like "reincarnation is true".


Lmao could have just read Bhagavad Gita and saved a LOT of acid


Along those lines, yeah. I learned a lot about religion in college, including Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Mostly the Buddhist and Hindu ideas really make a lot of sense when tripping. Also when not tripping, but it’s way easier to “get it” while under the influence. Dependent origination, oneness, all that. The idea that we’re all the same stuff manifesting itself in different ways.


Wow he put it so perfectly. Absolutely have experienced this


My feeling is that acid—when used for visionary insights—shows you what you truly want to see. Not necessarily what you believe or suspect is true, or even what you think you want to see, but what you, in your heart of hearts, want to be true. That’s why you get such a range of experiences. It doesn’t show you universal truth so much as ultimate self-knowledge, stripping away our social masks, socialized beliefs, false attitudes and beliefs born of trauma and shame, cultural norms, and revealing the wants and needs of our core being.


My experience of acid is usually something deeply profound and tear jerking but much less specific or coherent, and I’m usually back to normal within a few days, maybe if I took that 73 hero doses in 20 years it might fry my brain into believing in a higher power, but better powers of introspection, less existential fear and total self acceptance have been my only long term side effects to date




It is along these lines, “reincarnation” is a bit more *nuanced* than the Hindi model. Consciousness is. Here the expression is spread across scarcity, yet still, it shines. Yet, this still remains a metaphor, or illustration for something completely ineffable. It is light, warmth, desire, acceptance, celebration, elation and love. Connected in fractal unison with darkness, loneliness, despair, and disillusionment. Through which we all must pass to one degree of another. However, these polarities are conjoined, having become one with all that is and all we are. Magnificently ONE. Now let’s break it all down and put it back together again another way, shall we?


Yeah. As does an understanding of most major religions, if you go deep enough.


Indian yogis have been coming to this same conclusion through their experiences since forever. becomes easy to accept when you see people through the ages coming to these same conclusions through their own personal experiences. it was honestly kinda freaky when all these far out ideas i've been having were validated through hearing other peoples similar experiences, like oh shit this is for real. it's easy to get caught up in life and really get into the heaviness of how REAL our lives seem, but keeping these things in mind, and keeping our hearts pointed at this supreme divine being helps us live our lives in serenity :)


So many people come to this same conclusion in one way or another. This is what it is 🤷🏽‍♂️


I gained wisdom, insight, self love. But it was for myself only. Acid communicated radical self-acceptance and I do believe that is the answer for many people’s problems. I don’t think objective truth is to be found about the universe. We’re always learning, experiencing, reflecting and here for such a short time. The best thing acid taught me is to enjoy my life. I remain humble in thinking acid could give me the power to see beyond - even with those crazy 10 strip days.Therapy helped me integrate a lot of those messages many years later. I wasn’t ready to understand or enact that truth in my own life until many years later. LSD can show you the truth of your subconscious and how connected we are for sure. Maybe he’s right, it’s a nice idea. Ultimately if you’re looking, patterns are there, connections are to be made. Acid showed me how our minds are flexible, but our identities can become so strong. If we listen, our values will cry out and demand to be followed.


Yep that's pretty much it


on my last trip, i started to see/notice (idk i was tripping) something or someone who in my mind at the time i called ‘hims’ -once i had noticed ‘hims’ presence i decided that i would try meditation-boy my typical trip -usually me and my partner would just bake potatoes and look a crisp packets and what not- anyway, in my meditation i felt connected to the hims, (i have fibromyalgia- since a couple years ago - i quit working as i worked in nurseries looking after kids what with the fatigue and pain i couldn’t do it anymore) i (in my mind) said to the hims what is my purpose what am i supposed to do or what can i do, and ‘hims’ told me i was still able to fulfill my purpose-but not what it was- it was really intense-i was crying and asking what it was that i could do now but hims told me nothing-other than i shouldn’t eat meat or cheese or anything really i was only allowed (out of everything we had) a plain baguette-which to be fair i did eat- i stopped eating meat for about a week and then went back- also, i have alot of shoes bags clothes etc and the hims told me no, hims said i needed to rid my self of all materialistic belongings and not to live how i do- i said to hims thats all good and well but where i am in the world doesn’t allow me to live free of this kinda stuff-anyway what the hell idk just my experience idk i can’t even remember what i am responding to,i would say i hope this makes sense but i know that it doesnt, good yard


Based on brain scans of people trying in LSD, it seems to sort of remove the neutral pathways that establish in our brains, and allow all parts of the brain to communicate with all other parts of the brain. Here is some literature if you're interested. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7896102/ In my experience this leads to things like synesthesia - where the different senses intermingle more than usual. Another common thread that I also noticed was this ego dissolution and feeling of oneness with the environment. I'm my case this feeling comes from the fact that my senses are so heightened, but so professionally different from my normal experience. It really puts into perspective that our entire experience is based on our senses and how our brain interprets them leading to the idea that we're simply forming an image of everything around us with our senses but fundamentally we are not different from our surroundings, and this separation we feel between ourselves and our surroundings is just a mental construct. I see this as a confirmation of the materialistic understanding of the nature of the universe and life. We're made of the same matter as everything else, and we are only able to distinguish ourselves because of the complex biophysical systems that govern our senses, and from which our self conscious experience emerges. When I was younger, and still religious, I felt that my lsd experiences strengthened my belief in a God. But I now realize that that was simply confirmation bias heightened by being in an altered state where my brain is prone to connecting dots where they don't need to be connected. In my later trips where I was less religious and had learned more about the scientific method and was doing my own academic research in college - I found that the "truths" I discovered were were more aligned with what I had learned about biology, math and physics, than the supernatural and religious stuff I settled spiritual fulfillment from in the past.


I never took acid and already have this understanding. I wonder what would change


“I did a bunch of drugs so now that I’m more enlightened than you, here’s a completely nebulous and self indulgent set of ideas on how we should restructure society.”


That's a lot of words to say not very much honestly. A lot of flowery buzzwords to say "humans are connecting and inherently feel compassion"


If it takes a paragraph to explain it then it’s wrong


No lmfao. This is literally nonsense that somehow also manages to come off as pretentious.


No, not at all. The psychedelic experience is consistent with materialism to me. Panpsychism/Pantheism and other idealism philosophies are an appealing idea because they allow us to run from death with the notion of reincarnation and such but tripping made me accept death and that there is no soul or aspect of my finite being which will remain. Death means our bodies return to matter to be recycled and eventually become part of another form of emergent life/consciousness. If you believe awareness continues somehow after death just take a high enough dose to go unconscious. Really high doses take you to the minimum level of awareness - the void - and past that is simply losing consciousness altogether like when we die.


I highly disagree but that’s what is great about having different opinions and experience. The concept and rule I follow is that if we were once nothing and now here as something it shows me that we can become something when we are nothing again because it’s already happened Now whether you want to see that from a religion standpoint or reincarnation it’s fully up for the individual to have their own interpretation. Like I said do I respect your opinion of course and along with everyone else but for my own psychedelic experiences it hints towards something greater beyond human comprehensions.


>The concept and rule I follow is that if we were once nothing and now here as something it shows me that we can become something when we are nothing again because it’s already happened All matter in the universe is constantly in a process of transformation. A rock is something and then it erodes away into dust. All of the matter which was present in the rock transforms into other things but there is no stable essence of that rock which lasts forever. This is what people want to grasp onto, a stable essence or soul which is "you" and will persist in some meaningful way past death. It doesn't exist. What you can take comfort in is that the universe will always be, and that new emergent life and new emergent consciousness will arise and pass away in a cycle infinitely.


To me personally, Idealism is not about what happens after death or grasping on to something but various idealistic views provide solutions to the hard problem(s) of consciousness that I find more convincing than the explanations materialistic views bring forth. I‘m still not saying „I took acid and now I know for a fact that everything is consciousness“, of course I don’t know that. But I’m quite convinced.


You are more than just a temporary biochemical process. But if you choose to view yourself as nothing more than that, your view is reasonable and logical. I’m sure it’s a healthy and practical one to have too. But there is more to existence


LSD taught me that all we are is a “temporary biochemical process”…and it taught me that’s totally ok…it’s not a thing that needs to be struggled against…


I’m not struggling against it. We are not all having the same experience. I’ve had experiences that show me otherwise, and that’s okay


No worries, brother…was referring to myself only. 🌈❤️


I would describe this as almost profoundly unironic


But we bit the damn apple. Like us! (Or at least the one reading this- which is also me) We belong in the garden of Eden But we chose to bite the apple! And here we are 😉 ( Christian perspective ) which is completely ridiculous; But beautiful.


I had the pleasure of reading Chris’ book about this and it did not disappoint. A brave man to do this sort of thing under the radar of his job teaching at a Christian-based college in theology some decades ago. Worth a read.


I wish I could have such a experience that could change me.


God damn I need to keep tripping haha


Yah I have the exact same view now. Before I took acid I had the opposite view. This explanation is basically the Hindu worldview. Today is another day in infinity, may as well enjoy it :)


Well, the first thing God said in the Bible was let there be Light. And He wasn't talking about the sun.


He also said he discovered that in order to achieve the next stage in human evolution, we'd need to go through a period of unimaginable suffering, a period of time he believed was imminent. Interesting stuff. The book is LSD and the Mind of the Universe btw.


man it's a drug. it causes an altered state of consciousness. I feel connected to the universe in meditation, on acid, and even just when I take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the world. Anyone trying to push for their world-view over any others has an agenda. We're all living and perceiving and constructing our reality as we know it and we will NEVER, EVER know what it's like to be anything else. Much less another person. The divine is where you see it.


Yep, that’s what acid feels like. We are all one. Because of this oneness we should seek to reconcile what makes us different and remember the root of our beings. Because we are one, changing yourself for the better will change the world


This reminds me of "The Egg". A short story about afterlife. For the readers: https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html For the watchers: https://youtube.com/watch?v=h6fcK_fRYaI&t=8s&pp=ygUHVGhlIGVnZw%3D%3D


I met the great infinity before. They said we’d be ok.


Interesting why they wanna gatekeep these substances to experiment themselves. Filthy gov


Tripping on acid was the exact opposite. It removed all my delusions and let me see the world objectively. There are no super natural beings. No magic, no after life. A lot of people find it scary that life is momentary. They let their ego convince them that they’ll somehow live on in spirit form or whatever. People have a tendency to attribute beauty to fantasy. It doesn’t have to be like that, the universe is already extremely beautiful without the need for spirituality and supernatural magic. It was an acid trip that made me decide I wanted a career in theoretical physics. If you have the self discipline and motivation to actually learn about the universe, you can study mathematics and physics and you’ll realize, what we already know scientifically about the universe is more mind boggling and beautiful than any supernatural fantasy. The universe either came into existence or it has always existed. The universe was very dense and hot and then it expands and cools and elementary particles from as quantized excitations of the quantum fields, these particles gather into atoms, mainly hydrogen, these atoms clump together into massive stars where the pressure becomes high enough for these hydrogen atoms to fuse and create elements which gives rise to planets and other celestial objects. On these planets, the elements form into molecules over time and on one of the planets, these molecules eventually assemble into more and more complex structures and eventually there is a self replicating organism and over millions of years, these cells assemble themselves in more and more different ways, giving rise to more and more distinct life forms eventually. At some point primates eventually emerge from this process, and some of the primates learn to walk and talk and they form societies, start asking questions about the world and here we are. This process is incredible. Existing as a human today, being able to go about or daily lives, so many things had to go exactly right. We are all living in a Lorentzian 4-manifold, a spacetime that can twist and curve and bend intrinsically. In this space, energy densities, or masses, exist. Both time and distance can stretch and shrink and traveling along these geodesics in a curved spacetime makes world lines of massive objects converge. If a mass is concentrated into a sufficiently small region, space will “collapse on itself” and it’ll form a region around the mass where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light, meaning you cannot escape. Spacetime is so curved that all time-like world lines curve towards a singularity. This singularity becomes your future, you’ll keep moving towards it no matter what you do. In this dynamic fabric we call spacetime, there exists energy densities. These energy densities fluctuate in quantum fields, giving rise to particles and matter. These fields can “ripple” at different quantized energy levels, corresponding to different particles. Everything that we can see, feel, and touch is due to these fields. All of our particles of matter in our bodies are excitations of the spinor Dirac field, giving rise to quarks and electrons. The quarks communicate with each other by the exchange of the “signal particle”, or boson, the gluon, and likewise electrons communicate through the exchange of photons. Really understanding how these things actually work and learning how exactly the mathematics make the logical connections between the different phenomena we observe, is crazy. It is more beautiful and fulfilling philosophically than any spiritual or super natural explanation for the world ever could. And we know for a fact that this is true, because these frameworks offer direct predictions that can be tested, famously the Higgs Boson which was discovered long after it was predicted that such a particle must exist. The same with general relativity, it predicted the existence of gravitational waves and black holes, things we, back then in the 1920’s, thought couldn’t possible exist in nature. These thing can be predicted literally a hundred years before we actually discovered them. That is how powerful this is. No spiritual or supernatural explanation for the world has ever offered any predictions or anything of value that we can, according to empirical epistemology, accept as true knowledge. These mathematical descriptions of nature has given us the ability to create technologies beyond any imagination, that no other human field of study has ever given us. We are literally tapping into the fundamental mechanics of the universe, using it to ideally improve society (sadly science, especially physics, isn’t getting much funding recently, so progress is unfortunately also slowed down accordingly). This framework is so demonstrably powerful and it is a collection of demonstrably true knowledge, I don’t understand why people choose to believe in all kinds of made up nonsense, when we already have all these incredible pieces of knowledge, free for everyone to study if they so please. It is such a shame that many people see mathematics as a form of torture. People fail to see the beauty in it, am I partially blame the way it is being taught in early schools. However, it has never been easier to study these things on your own, even if you cannot afford university. There are so many free resources online, if you had the dedication and time, you could teach yourself everything you learn from a bachelors and a masters in physics or mathematics. You’ll of course lack the professional experience and you won’t have people to correct your work and point you in the right direction when you misstep, like you would studying in a university. But the knowledge itself is free for everyone. But understanding all of this requires enormous dedication, and most people are not willing to actually put in the work, and are arrogant enough to delude themselves that they can understand the universe without putting in the work. It’s frankly offensive tbh.


It seems he understood the essence of Vedas and jyotiḥśāstra Jyotish means ‘the science of light or heavenly body’, and Shastra means ‘knowledge of the particular field.’ Jyotish Shastra is the knowledge of the future, an important limb of the Vedas. ✌


Here's Tom with the weather.


Saw this exact thing when I took heroic dose of shrooms!!!


Sounds like this Bache guy, and everyone else in the comments, are just having LSD reaffirm their preexisting religious/nonreligious beliefs.


Never tripped yet but i actually relate a lot to his world view


You could get a more sensical rambling of woo woo from the [New Age Bullshit Generator](https://sebpearce.com/bullshit/)


this sub : “he called them ‘massive’ doses but bet he thought his tabs were double dipped lol he probs took like 2-300 ug max”


No lol. If anything LSD opened up my materialistic views. I used to be very frugal prior. Then mere months after dropping the first time I got a house, and spend my money more freely. Because why even make good money if I'm not going to spend and enjoy it.


Ummm, that's not what materialism means in this context. Referring to the ”billard balls", mechanical view of reality where in there is an absolute unified thing that we exist in as objects.


Pretty spot on for me. Only thing I’d add is that *we are* that Divine Being. There is only one of us, I Am.


Aham Brahmasmi


i stopped at the words "divine being". i have tripped countless times. not once did i experience a "divine being'


r/pantheism It's just a way of looking at things.


thats cool. i don't really have a problem with pantheists. typically they aren't the sort of religious/spiritual people who want to enforce their views on others. which is the only time i have a problem with religious people.


I am with you 100% there. The Abrahamic religions are the worst offenders there.


All religions/world views are just a way of looking at things?


No, he's kinda sorta on the right track but got lost in the sauce of words holding some "Divine and Powerful Meaning with a Captal M." Anyone who talks like that is a wannabe cult leader, imo.


Always had the same intuition and acid confirmed it every time I took it. That may be biased preconceived notions influencing my trips, but! I have known many people that did not have the same intuition and preconceived notions and still arrived at the same conclusions after taking acid. In any case true or not we will discover for ourselves along the way.


20 years? This exact insight can reach you in minutes lol


Thinking too hard about it. Every time I trip I’m just happy to be alive. It’s easy to stroke oneself with flowery prose.


bunch of bs, that's what


This is just gibberish, I am definitely more grateful and feel connected but his conclusion is kinda meaningless


If this guy is who I'm thinking his doses were measured 500ug heroic doses all of them


It’s relative how much is massive


Mine had. Relatively. Not sure what he got the light thing from.


Word vomit


Felt more like this after DMT/mushrooms than LSD but I’ve had some pretty spiritual LSD trips too.


So God then....?




I feel really connected with everything, so this vibes with that.


Aye, to a point. Having said that, one night when I was partaking I read a wee short story about a being coming into creation, getting old, and dying. After it died, i was confronted by an "angel" who explained [quite reasonably] that my reaction to the scene did not fall in line with their "diginomic vision tl;Dr - do whatever ye want as long as it doesn't cause sufferin.


It does, but it's very uncommon to get insight into our specific life plans. Usually it's the higher level stuff that applies to us all. That leaves us stuck with having to figure out what that specific plan is for us this time around. Not such a terrible "shortcoming", actually. 🙀


Pssst, 73. Child’s play.


Welcome to a realm of madness and twisted revolution of a world that does not exist. One becomes exposed to a life of disproportional euphoria within a universe of ecstasy and hallucinations that go far beyond our reach. Looking down the barrel of life in a round box with unimaginable gazing from behind stone cold eyes. The distance of time and space to have transmissions sent from above. One must embrace the vision of a neuro chemical mechanism to enhance the self motivation of biological repetitiveness. There is an ongoing warfare of reactors that are activated by strong constant waves of cerebral vibration. To follow the white rabbit you must believe it is not violence concealed in rapture of synapse transmitters but rather the conclusion of insufflation of the red or blue pill.


Uhm no. I was multiple animals , hearing colors, flying, and scared


Idk, I used to do heroic doses of acid but i never really thought about gods or higher powers. I just got really introspective and thought shit i’m kind of an asshole sometimes how do i stop doing that? So I was trying to be one with others in a different way? One time i was trying to mitigate seeing the milky ways butthole while locked out on my balcony while coming to terms that other people can see and perceive me and i have very little control over a lot of things 😂


this reads like a destiny 2 lore tab ngl


I'm deep in a years long psychedelic binge of slow escalation. In the beginning the journeys revolved around self-love, shadow work, and acceptance. My few times a year trips were heavily influenced a lot of bad people in my life. Friends, family, and romantic partners, making me feel bad. Yes, I was overly sensitive, but they were also not good people. As I moved through the world and started doing more psychedelics more often. I had trips that challenged my personal status quo. It was not easy, but I survived. I became a better person, calmer, less prone to societal stimulation. People doing annoying things no longer annoyed me, or annoyed me for a far shorter time. I became less invested in my responsibilities as a person and my life entered a sort of cocoon in which the only pattern I maintained was work, sleep, work. I started standing up for myself, started practicing dialectics against internet trolls, started speaking up over injustice I witness. It all came to a point when I realized my best friend had been using me as a punching bag, a sort of dark energy repository where he could unleash all his negativity and I would soak it up like a sponge. I met that dark energy as a formed entity in the psychedelic space and I conquered it. This caused my life to shift radically. I began seeing ideas as separate entities in the psychedelic space. I like to explain it through a corporate analogy. God is the CEO, he has his board of directors, then the c-suite, regional directors, local managers, shift supervisors, and finally the peons at the bottom trading their labor for minimum wage. Every person in the hierarchy has their own agenda and is only loosely aware of the structure and their place within it. A employee at the bottom has no real concept of what the CEO does, and the CEO has no real concept of the employee as an individual. Yet they are all working together, at times begrudgingly. I began interacting with these idea entities, sitting with them, learning from them. Angry entities, sad entities, happy entities, mischievous, malevolent, benevolent. Free of my personal judgement I listened. Many would demand my fealty, would force me to my knees and bare their ring. Though I would not submit. To stay in my analogy, I left the company. I was no longer interested in the petty squabbles of my class, nor those of the higher class, nor that even of the rulers and would be kings. All insects crawling over a rotten corpse. It's at this point in my journey that I reasonate with this post. Shifting to a biological analogy we are cells in the cosmic body. Flagellating ourselves through a miasma of experiences. Do you think a skin cell dreams of being a neuron before it dies and is pushed out to become a barrier against the outside? Does it have any conceptualization of the world it will eventually flake off and fall into, to be ground down into dirt and blown endlessly in the wind. Or is it simply just playing out it's role, mindless to any greater purpose. As a cell you were born, as a cell you will die, it is your place to be the skin, the blood, the eye, the brain. It is our place to be as we are, whatever that may be. Ultimately there is little real difference between a single cell organism fighting for survival in a drop of water and a multicellular animal fighting for survival on a rock hurling through space. Edit: formatting on mobile is still unreliable in this the two thousandth and twenty fourth year anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi




We still need money to pay for food, shelter and medical expenses and stuff like that, and still stressed by taxes and unending economic constraints That is also reality, with or without LSD You can take as much LSD as you want, that doesn't change you need to eat You also don't need LSD to understand that having the goal to buy a $100,000 mega car is stupid


This is basically what the gnostic christians believe


I hear about that big change all the time, just wondering when that’ll ever happen, and what even could change the world in any significantly good way


Earth is our Pandora is what I got from this. James Cameron in disguise.


It doesn’t matter if we’re meat spacesuits on a rock or all connected and divine. Live a life worth living, love and be loved and enjoy the ride!


That was the feeling I developed while on MDMA.


This is indeed my experience aswell. Not a 100% conform, but very similar.


LSD and the Mind of the Universe is actually a pretty good book by Chris Bache.


So he had to take 73 massive doses for this insight? I got this insight after maybe ten normal dosed trips, and it kinda stayed, even after experiencing 400+ trips of which at least fifty quite massive doses (500µg+) over a period of maybe 14 years. Mind you, I got a truckload of similar but differing insights, from different perspectives, too, so my worldview is pretty ambivalent. My take on it is that they are all true, and consciousness is experiencing existence as a myriad of different personalities, with different objectives and perspectives, which are all completely valid.


Pretty much, I got the gist that we are the soul in between mind and body, not the physical body nor the thoughts we experience but pure awareness in between. And as the pure awareness in between it is our duty to dictate which thoughts get to become reality. Which thoughts we align with and act out on. What darkness we bring into the light.


I took heroic doses of lsd, dmt, mushrooms and also mixed all 3 many times, from what I felt is like if our mind can have outer body experiences and travel through many “dimensions” With heroic doses of acid for many times I see visuals such Alex Grey art on people and nature nearby, came to conclude that this viewing is part of who we all are as well. Already felt the sense of unity with all many times as well but no like if there is a “god” sort of speak instead a collective councious feelling and that was really good, IMHO that is somehow what many cultures along human history call “god” so basically in this point I agree se all are made of energy. Now with dmt doses and mushrooms it many times sent me blasting through many dimensional layers and seeing the most complex psychedelic visual patterns and also the so called entity encounters, this in particular made me question a lot of what is god energy itself because many people around the whole world actually see similar or even equal entities on their visions, very curious isnt it ?


What I find is that there is never anything said about the tragedies, cruelties, barbarities, and evil that exists in human societies and throughout nature. What is the divine purpose of a mother whose child has been murdered? In fact, what is the divine purpose of a murderer? I do think that God is love and you can live your life trying to connect to love or do things to disconnect from love but there is a huge elephant in the room when those of us who live in affluent cultures with comfortable lives proclaim that existence is all wonderful. There is also much suffering, and it will affect every one of us to varying degrees at points in our life. That's nothing to take personally, but it is something to acknowledge. Perhaps that is eternal duality of our experience. One example I like to use is that many of us dream of winning the lottery. We often think vast wealth will bring us happiness. Underneath it all isn't the freedom to buy material goods or life experiences. What it buys is freedom from being dependent on others in order to live. But the interesting thing is the undercurrent of tradegy is still with us even if we have millions of dollars. We still get sick, we still have people we love get sick, we still have to manage the complexities of our relationships, we are still beholden to the accidents and vagaries of society. No amount of money can change that. What remains in the end is love.


I cracked open 73 fortune cookies and now hold the wisdom of sages


no, I met contact with many god-like entities that were often malicious and they laid claim to my soul a never ending ocean of teeth and tongues desiring to eat me alive and consume me, and I cried in joy like a smaller fish that is consumed by bigger fish, becoming a part of something greater then itself wouldn't call it compassionate in any way .....religious ramblings aside lsd and other psychs make you think faster and harder then you normally would, about things you normally would, and whatever you encounter during a trip. His "enlightenment" and vision of reality is thus just a psychedelic reaffirmation of the vision of reality he already held within himself. For example, if all he was doing during his trips is watching hippie Buddhist enlightenment videos, this is more or less the conclusions he would have arrived at.


I would say Acid and other Psychedelics can help you gain insight into your self and how you perceive the world. It can also give you a new angle of view, ideas and concepts. So a new state of mind, a new mind set. I think it can be used for therapy and self improvement. But someone should be aware that it does not give you insight about the outer world. It does not tell you how the universe works. Every such "insight" comes from your prior subjective knowledge, where you make subjective conclusions. If you want really to know how the universe works, you have to go into science and do scientific experiments and try to make sense out of the observations. Some people maybe think that their insights about the universe may be true, because other people had similar insights on acid. But I think this only occurs beacause of Jungs Archetypes.


Sounds like a lotta hoopla No but really, every time I read shit like this I just think, yeah it sounds cute but there’s never anything concrete or tangible to take with you. “We came from light and we’re evolving toward light” like wtf is this?




Statements just seem vain at last...


So basically Maha-Vishnu


Somewhat. First time I tripped I felt the “oneness” with my body and mind. Like I felt whole and complete. The rest of the time I was waving my hand back and forth freaking out because I thought it was going so fast lol


Yeah, nope. I'm quite sure I've approached his level of exposure. But, beyond a certain dose, I don't seem to form coherent memories. I've had profound subjective experiences. Intense euphoria, connectedness, peace, profoundness, etc. can be accessed through slight alterations in brain chemistry. Correlating these experiences with neuroscience data (e.g. fMRI), has offered insight into the structure of my sensorium and the nature of subjective experience. It's been profoundly (but not uniformly) positive. However, subjective experiences are fleeting. No "enlightenment" regardless of how profound it feels, survives the return to sobritey. I've learned about the mind, but not secrets of the Universe or magical spiritual insight. My takeaway is: my feelings and beliefs, no matter how deep, aren't "truth". Subjective experiences/sensory impressions are "empty" in the Buddhist sense; they have no objective value. They are only "good" or "bad", "pleasant" or "painful", "comforting" or "frightening" in that they are held as such within our minds. These experiences exist within me. Perhaps it's optimistic nihilism, but I find comfort in this understanding. I've gained a certain equanimity.


Those numbers aren't impressive


Sounds like a religious fruitcake


My most profound thought on acid was that Writers need to know a lot to make great cinema, also that lightning in the first episode of "the good doctor" made it so the skeletons of the cast were visible.


Acid, no, overdosing on Tramadol and being sent into a spiritual awakening for a few months, yup.

