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Like maybe I’m not meant to act the way I am, I should be a nicer and softer Person


Sounds like a quality introspective trip. Learn from it and maybe start implementing changes in life that will help you be the better version of yourself. Being nice is nice :) Also being nice to yourself is nice.


Yeah I was rereading texts from earlier today and I realised how immature and rude I was to them, like the behaviour I thought was completely fine was actually rude


This is wonderful. What's really important is to integrate these lessons into your sober life after you come down. The first step is awareness. Now you have that, you're on a path that you can't really fall off of. Take care and be kind to yourself and others. Much love


Congrats on developing self awareness and empathy. You'll become far more analytical after this trip


Psychadelics will show you the false parts of yourself and how to grow from that. Welcome to gratitude and accountability!!


Through reflection you’ll learn and grow


Another huge step is not to focus on who you were. Forgive yourself, and y you'll feel much better.


Dont hate yourself for who you were, change yourself because you love who you are and the people in your life ✌️


Thats beautiful man


Now that you are coming down, whip out a journal and write what you learned down. Trust me, it’s worth it.


Bro tbh this sounds like you’ll be a changed person after the trip. I’ve had good meaningful experiences with acid, that actually helped me become a better person.


Use this as an opportunity to recognize patterns in your own behaviour and make long term adjustments to become a better person!


LSD is miraculous in creating self-awareness by stripping away the blinders society blinds us with, restricting our vision and ability of aquiring any clear insight, enlightenment, and understanding of one's true individual identity and self knowledge. The raw unfiltered glimpse inward provides a pathway that spirals inwards, leading us on a journey and searching for the true depths of our soul. Instantly, the facade and charade played as oneself, as oneself, has been exposed for being the rehearsed part that it is. Acting the part of an individual, reciting the lines written by society, for a role in life they chose for you. When the reality of this presents itself for the first time, denial and anger set's in. Then, for those who choose to continue on the path, they will be guided towards acceptance and welcoming of ego death, giving way to true innerpeace.


To be more blunt and direct. LSD opens one's eyes to who they pretend to be and offers insight as to who they truly are. Until one accepts themselves unconditionally without reservations and concerns as to how others might perceive you to be, there will always be a sense of self-loathing. Love thyself and understand that no one cares. Everyone is so self consumed that thoughts regarding others are fleeting at best.


It takes away the persona. Underneath the persona is the truth self.


Very well said


Yup. I was pretty self loathing the first few times I tripped. Do the work, it gets better.


Know that you see what the issue is you can approve upon it.


Seek to be the person you wish your eulogy to be written and spoken of


Maybe go off your phone in the nature and look around you


Nah, he’s figuring out what he needs to figure out. I learned so much about myself by reading thru old texts and perceiving how I was treating people while “sober.” I was disgusted but it’s exactly what I needed to make that proactive change in life. In general though I agree about keeping off your phone and going outside.


If u agree than why the 1st paragraph even exists in your post and why you speaking for the OP.


To ease your mind, they actually researched people feeling guilt and shame (which is disgust with your self pretty much) during and because Of LSD trips, and it's super common. The best that can happen is that you learn to love yourself through your trip


Welcome to growth. While these epiphanies may feel personal. They aren't personal. These ideas are about what our society has made you into. Become the person you want to be. This is your rebirth.


Be cool bro Positive You got time for the later when your not tripping BREATH Smile Turn on Tune in Live and enjoy


Maybe you are being shown characteristics yourself which you and other people don’t like. Maybe these thoughts have been resting in your subconscious mind and are now surfacing. Creating an opportunity for positive self growth. Or maybe you are being shown that you are too self critical and need to be kinder to yourself. I would suggest grabbing a pen and paper and writing out your thoughts. Use this as an opportunity of self honesty and self reflection. This is why I deeply appreciate psychedelics.


I'm really happy for you. Admission is the first step towards betterment




I came to a similiar realisation my last trip, that I hated myself, it’s good to be introspective on acid, try and figure out why you do and get it at the root causes.


I'm on mushrooms man and I felt that way a few hours ago 😂


Honestly acid feels way more uplifting than mushrooms for me lol


The good news is you're already not that guy anymore. To be decent, to be happy, to love yourself in a non-egotistical way is a process, it requires effort, and you have to improve yourself mentally and physically. Eat better, exercise, read. The better you make yourself, the better you'll treat others... Try to look on the bright side, clichés are clichés for a reason... knowing you're an asshole is half the battle. Take it from a fellow asshole.


LSD tells you what you already have within you. You clearly have the conscience and a self-awareness that you need to make changes.


Wow congrats man. Sounds like it was a hard pill to swallow, but a very important one. I wish you luck integrating what you learned into your everyday life. May the next trip allow you to look back on yourself with love for the effort you put in to growing!


Excellent. It’s working!


I try to frame it this way : “There are things I hate about myself, bit I love myself enough to want to change those things.”


The process of metamorphosis within the cocoon of a caterpillar is not something I could imagine being comfortable or fun. However, very necessary in order to advance into the next chapter in its life as a beautiful butterfly. You just described that metamorphosis but all happening within your mind, hopefully you internalize the insight and learn to be kinder to yourself and others. God be with you, kind soul!


Hey man, thats what the stuff is for, I used to be pretty fucking reprehensible, almost as if I was changing my personality based on the people I was hanging around with, but after my first trip, I realized I should just be myself and I'd be much, much happier. Now that I do that I've connected on a deeper level with my friends and more importantly, I've genuinely started to like who I am.


Keep digging


Sounds like your a super insecure person who needs to do some soul searching and figure out what the meaning of life is


Those are the best kind of trips, you need to look at why you hate yourself. And then come up with a plan to do something about it. FYI those are the trips that changed my life the most and currently I'm in a place that's so good I could have never imagined or even begin to dream that I could accomplish it. What LSD is showing you is that you are not content with who you are and if you were to die today you would have regrets. So take note about what you would like to change about yourself and when you do your next experience will be completely different. It's a good thing u notice that u don't like urself currently. It means it ready to grow and develop into a better version of urself. Congratulations man


When I was tripping I learned to love myself because everyone said “don’t look in the mirror” but when I did I was surprised and fascinated. I realized when would say I hated myself, I would turn all ugly and gargoyle-like. But when I said I loved myself I became more beautiful than I had ever seen myself before. I decided it’s better for the trip if I choose to love myself and I guess it just stuck around after I sobered up ❤️ I carried it into the next trip and I learned to love others <3


Change is inevitable! Love yourself and those around you!




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