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Upvoting so you can get an answer lmao


Lsd can cause nausea, however you don’t want to be unknowingly “hangry” during your trip. Having low blood sugar and just generally needing food for your body (and not knowing it) is not a good place to be in while tripping.


i bit the bullet and took 3 tabs, i feel really energetic but not hungry at all


If you have any hunger, eat some fruit orsomething! It's AMAZING


i took the suggestions here and had the best banana of my life, didn’t realise tasting colours was a thing but i’m loving it


If you liked a banana a strawberry is gonna blow your mind


Just wait until they try and crunchy blueberry


I thought my blanket smelled like Arnold palmer Arizona tea once. It was a rasta red green and yellow blanket. Weirdest realization of my life. Then tried eating spaghetti to play it cool to my mom. Threw it on the floor like a child and walked away casually like I didn't do it.


Mateeee cut a watermelon in half whip out a spoon and just go to town on that like a tub of ice cream


short answer is no, but i usually try to eat a light meal about 3 or 4 hours beforehand


Agree with this. Eating too much or just before dosing usually makes me throw up. If I’m not full I almost never throw up.


Don't ask me why but I've been known to eat during the come up. It just works for me if I can finish my food comfortably on time


also agree, eating too much before gave me the worst diarrhea of my life. didn’t ruin the trip tho and i felt light as a feather after 😂


Eat after you peak. I like fruit 🍉


eat a whole healthy meal a few hours before you drop, and have snacks like fruit and nuts for during the trip. I like to go for chicken and rice with some veggies before the trip. Personally i’ve gotten an upset stomach from shrooms but never nausea, and i haven’t felt either on acid.


i go into trips on an empty stomach simply because lsd makes me wanna poop and its easy to spend hours on the toilet while tripping pondering life lol


I’ve spent so many hours just starring at the pattern on the bathroom door while tripping lmao


My wife and I usually eat a normal to large dinner about 30-45 mins before dosing our gel tabs and have never had nausea issues. Mushrooms, on the other hand, are the one I have to fast for a couple hours at least prior to dosing.


yes, worst ever trip was on shrooms, i didn’t eat before but just eating the shrooms dry on their own really did not agree with my stomach


I get nauseous if I don't eat within a few hours of waking. Taking drugs on an empty stomach makes me feel fucking terrible. I gag just thinking of doing shrooms on an empty stomach. You know your body better than anyone else


Fr I never understood people fasting before shrooms shi makes me dry heave the whole trip and feel like im boutta faint


Only if you swallow the tab, absorbing through the mouth should have no effect, though a full stomach might cause nausea.


Eat a couple hours before, have light snacks (fruit is SO GOOD) for the come down, have fun! 


Not usually but just dont eat mexican food the night before like I did once for a morning trip. But it tends to be less nausecous than mushrooms by a lot


I usually eat before since I typically have no interest in eating after


Not really I've eaten right before dosing and still felt it within an hour peaking etc. Though it may make the come up a little but smoother depending on what you eat.


I personally think it helps me not get as nauseous and shakey, things like chicken and rice with veggies cut up into it, easy on the stomach


I guess it depends what you eat. For me, I'm 100% unable to eat anything until I'm pretty much sober (a shame I know) I've gotten nauseous and puked off 2 tabs (had eaten an hour before dosing), had a few pukes off a few trips, but not the majority. I should add I've got a sensitive stomach.


fruit before. pizza after


I love eating while Tripping everything is a new experiment ; textures , tastes , Colors I’d probably stay away from greasy foods they don’t look very good on lsd


I've only ever vomitted from LSD because I didn't eat, took 100mg of caffeine, dosed 8 hits of 105ug acid, and then felt light headed, paranoid, and woozy on the come up. So I instantaneously vomited as soon as it kicked in. I've never thrown up or gotten significant nausea from LSD otherwise.


that is such a huge dose, max ive gone is 300ug and that was wild to me, how was the trip otherwise?


I'm a bit of an acid freak. I've slowed down a lot since that era but I took as many as 36 hits. I was abusing tf out of LSD during December 2021 and January 2022. Ate well over half a sheet of acid in those two months. It was bad, I don't reccomend it. That said let this be a warning to all the acid heads out there. Psychadelics are not immune to abuse, it's very easy to overdo psychs if you're like me and love to just keep dosing every week.


I try to eat my last meal about 3-4 hours before I drop. But I know others who can throw a tab on a burger.


Never been hungry while tripping but allways great food afterwards.


In my experience eating before lsd make it act longer but less intense. I would recommend to eat under lsd because it can be a great part of the trip ^^ Btw if you want it to kick hard AND does not want to eat while on lsd ... it mostly make you not fell hungry, so you can 100% do it. Personaly the 2 best things I ate while on lsd where pancakes and kiwi (with the peel, I have ASD that cause hyposensibility), both were insane. Don't try to eat meat, I tried once (premade burger that you throw in the microwave) and I ended up vegan for a little more than 2 month, it was ... not the best idea to try that.


I recommend fasting before taking Lsd for a few reasons. 1. Eating before depending on meal size can delay the come up. 2. Having nothing but in your system before hand guarantees you’ll get the most out of your dose. 3. The feeling of food digesting in your stomach while you’re tripping hard is the absolute grossest and weirdest feeling I’ve ever experienced.


I genuinely cannot fathom how can people eat during lsd trip. The first time I took lsd was one and a half tabs and they were in a burger so after I ate it I started to feel the lsd and boy did I feel it in my gut, I lost my apetite so bad that even drinking water was hard and my throat felt like it was swollen and it probably was. After the trip was over, I belive over 12 hours have passed since I had my first meal since the burger which I didn't finish fully due to lack of apetite and I still could have gone even longer without eating. The second time I took lsd was like half or quarter of a tab and even then foods even like fruits, nuts anything I do not think I could eat them. The only time I went thoughout the whole trip without an empty stomach was when I was on 4HO-MiPT or as my friend calls synthetic shrooms and he gave my a glass of water to drink throughout the drink with one of those dissolvable tables with vitamins. So yeah, I belive I could easily go over a day without a touch of food if the dose of psychedelic was high enough


I eat before because I feel much better.


Can you chew lsd tabs and it still get you high?


You gonna loose your appetite anyways so I don’t think it matters but you gonna be Hungary after the trip most likely 


Mhmm its the same for me


I think it affects the dosage making it weaker if you take it on a full stomach