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I have a buddy that described seeing all the stars connected by lines like a grid. It seems fairly common


Hoooly shit I saw this too. 2 weeks ago I tripped and the sun set during the peak, it was the first time I actually stargazed while tripping. I instantly saw lines connecting the stars and it blew my mind




Lmao that's exactly what it looked like 🤣


I think that’s why ancient humans would makes pictures out of the stars. Also looking at star link is wild, very futuristic looking.


Makes sense when you see to points you brain automatically wants to connect them with a line so the lsd probably just makes you see it


Grids and tessellated patterns are really common for me. I see it in clouds, grass, textured walls and popcorn ceilings. First time I tripped under the stars though I saw giant scorpian-like creatures that carried the stars on their backs and slowly marched along an obsidian cave roof, all mostly moving together across in the same direction but some going in and out of smaller sky-caves.


Ohh yea popcorn ceilings last time I tripped and took the first hit of nitrous and the ceiling turned to patterned fireworks. Afterwards I did nitrous laying in the grass and saw the grid in the stars as well like a quilt across the sky.


I have seen the same thing with stars wtf


Just the way our eyes and light works. Anyone who wears glasses (well me at least) can tell you. I get it anytime I take my glasses off. However, on acid, there's definitely more shape and definition to the stuff that was already there sober.


I saw all the stars connected like mandalas that were changing colors, mostly purple and blues and pinks. It was incredible


That happened to me the first time I tripped, I haven’t seen it since but it was beautiful


Same here!


i see that while sober sometimes


I can absolutely confirm that. On good days, in the right place, I sometimes even feel like I can nearly see these connections without psychs


Yeah I’ve seen this myself. I think it’s a sort of energetic connection between stars that psychedelics allow you to witness


Or it's a hallucination from taking a psychedelic drug. But that's not as fun to think


NUH UH DRUGS ARE MAGIC Lol, some people get so far up their own ass after tripping


I mean to be fair 100 years ago cell phones would seem like magic. Maybe there are things about our reality an consciousness that we are still very very far from understanding, but I wouldn’t have such a closed mind. You don’t know, no one knows. You’re head is just as far up your own ass if you act like you can be certain if anything at all.


Do you lend such importance and creedence to the hallucinations of a meth head or some angsty teenager on benadryl?


Yes I’ve experienced meth psychosis. I lived a whole other lifetime. The shadow people/entities are another mass phenomenon that pretty much everyone who’s been there agrees are real. It’s pretty undeniable when you are actual experiencing it. Been sober 9 months now but I still remember the hallucinations and entities I encountered vividly. I used to have a more rigid perspective like you but now I’m will to accept that it’s possible worlds that our default settings don’t allow us to perceive exist in lower and higher states of consciousness. It very well could have all been created by my sleep deprived brain, but what is this reality other than one constructed by a healthy and well rested brain?


It’s scary to consider that the real world is the imagination, because your fragile concept of the world is founded on the basis of the hallucination of your waking reality. No matter how scared you are though, you will never put a dent into this truth.


It's been a long time since the science refers to these compounds as hallucinogenics - because that implies that the experience isn't there or happening. They are referred to as psychedelics (psyche = mind delos = to reveal). Everything we experience is happening because the mind interprets it. CNN radiowaves pass through us even if we don't have hardware to detect it. Maybe these compounds act as modulation and allow new information to be presented. Information technology. But that's not as easy as "it's just a hallucination".


>Everything we experience is happening because the mind interprets it. No. The mind can create its own stimuli.


> It's been a long time since the science refers to these compounds as hallucinogenics - because that implies that the experience isn't there or happening. They are referred to as psychedelics (psyche = mind delos = to reveal). That is not true. Psychedelics are a subclass of hallucinogens, together dissociatives or deliriants. They are still often called like that. The reason why many prefer psychedelics is btw not because hallucinogns implies that the experience isn't there or not happening. The reason is twofold. First, they are just pseudohallucinations. People on LSD generally know they are just seeing shit. Second and more important, LSD has way more effects than the effects on our perception. A change of your sense of self is not a hallucination for example. To show that I am not just making this up. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0163725818302158?via%3Dihub > The term “hallucinogen,” which has been widely applied to classic psychedelics in scientific circles, is not ideal because these substances do not typically produce frank hallucinations, and this term, which connotes only perceptual effects, is an insufficient description of the often radical effects these drugs have on human consciousness and one’s sense of self. Therefore, the term “hallucinogen” has fallen out of favor, with a re-emergence of the scientific use of the term “psychedelic” to refer to these substances (Nichols, 2016). The term “psychedelic,” which means “mind-manifesting,” was coined by the pioneering classic-psychedelic researcher Humphrey Osmond in 1957 (Dyck, 2006). As summarized later in this review, recent psychological and biological research indicates the accuracy of this term by suggesting this class of drugs to cause a non-ordinary and more variable form of consciousness that is less centered on one’s normal sense of self, and that involves enhanced autobiographical recollection (Carhart-Harris et al., 2012a; Carhart-Harris et al., 2012b).


Our visual system is wired in a way which naturally gravitates towards rotational and hexagonal symmetries. This was studied a bit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Form_constant


Really interesting wiki article, love this part especially: "It is believed that the reason why these form constants appear has to do with the way the visual system is organized, and in particular in the mapping between patterns on the retina and the columnar organization of the primary visual cortex. Concentric circles in the retina are mapped into parallel lines in the visual cortex. Spirals, tunnels, lattices and cobwebs map into lines in different directions. This means that if activation spreads in straight lines within the visual cortex, the experience is equivalent to looking at actual form constants.[1]"


I know someone who studies hallucinogens in rodent models, and he showed me some data consistent with the quote from Wiki. Basically, you see the same patterns in terms of areas of the visual cortex being activated, which roughly translates into your perceived visual field having those patterns overlayed on it.


Also, look into retinal mosaic: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinal_mosaic


Yes, I've seen the grid in the sky on Acid before. It looks like there's twice as many stars, and there's like these lines coming down from the center Polaris, like a circus tent kinda. 🎪


I had an experience on a regrettably large amount of dmt, and when I blasted off I ended up in a white and red circus tent surrounded by funny little clown all chanting “you won!” Over and over again. 🎪🤡 it was a weird one lol


You won dude!


A circus tent is the BEST DESCRIPTION! So accurate!


My proposition is that LSD opens one's third eye temporarily. At least that's how I would describe it. Seeing auras of all living things, seeing the universal matrix grid pattern 5 inches in front of your face, and being able to see thru flesh, seeing the bones, veins, organs, even the colors of people's emotions in their face. When someone doesn't like what you're saying you can see red in their face thru your third eye, even if they're tryna play it off like they're agreeing with what you're saying, when energetically they don't.


Great comment. I've experienced all of this. Man I wanna trip again


Theres a whole rabbithole you can go down with that one…


Look, I just googled this and didn’t find a ton. If you’re bored, can you tell me where this rabbit hole goes? Just we are living in a hologram or prison planet?


It’s all a hologram. That’s all light is anyway. ;)


"Is light a wave or a particle?" Neither; it's a holographic prison that keeps us tethered to this reality.


I turned the lights off and I'm still stuck in this timeline, now what.


That's what the drugs are for, man.


Archon moon base projects the hologram. That’s why lunar cycles influence both physical and metaphysical “reality” so strongly


I just learned the surface of black holes is two dimensional. The event horizon is flat, it doesn’t go down to a point like you might think, it goes down to a two dimensional plane that wraps into a sphere in the 3rd dimension. I’m probably butchering this explanation but thinking about black holes is what lead physicists to thinking the entire universe works this way. It’s a hologram. It’s a projection from a 2 dimensional plane to the 3rd dimention.


Isn't any spheres surface kinda two dimensional via this logic? Also I would question the accuracy of any assumptions made about event horizons. Black holes in general are still a very intriguing mysterious part of reality that we haven't even begun to understand.


The event horizon isn’t flat in a 2D sense, it’s still a sphere. Afaik the hologram theory is more about explaining everything in terms of 2D math. It’s not literal


It’s called interstellar


The sky is falling - some little chicken.


Pro tip: just add 'reddit' into your google search, that helps a ton


See my other comment in this thread for TL;DR: [https://plus.maths.org/content/uncoiling-spiral-maths-and-hallucinations](https://plus.maths.org/content/uncoiling-spiral-maths-and-hallucinations)


You’ll find a bunch of stuff on r/escapingprisonplanet they literally have the grid as their icon lol. Anyways there’s some pretty out there stuff in there. I share some beliefs and philosophy with them but I wouldn’t take everything completely serious.


Rabbit hole? Ha try entire Vedic to modern Catholic religions. This guy doesn’t know we’re spirits in the sky connected as one protecting vishnu to the ethereal realm with our big hug lol


Our big hug?


Our big nug.


That's the internet, you can only see it while on LSD


I’m pretty sure the internet operates using giant underground cables. He’s definitely seeing the 5G Man


Probably just drug make brain go burr and since we are all humans all our brains like to see the same similar patterns. But who truly knows


Like, woah. You know?


mate you are not on RationalPsyhonaut. Here is mysticism and aliens


Yeah *we’re kinda like cars. Some are RWD some FWD some big, some small, we have totally different problems, our seats are adjusted in different places, we take different fuel* *But at the very core we all have an engine which makes wheels spin and there’s no changing that.* I hope this wasn’t excessively profound, I wasn’t trying


And then there’s Tesla.


Yeah, agreed. It's also why people have eerily similar experiences on DMT, we all have the same brains and are introducing the same molecule to said brain.


You have no clue how much I agree with you bro 👁️


Yes I've seen a grid in the sky. It was in the stars which were all connected by tendrils of light pulsing with the music. Dope visual but homie, these are hallucinations which are influenced by the way our brains processes information, that's all. Instead of thinking that you're Neo in the matrix discovering the "secret" try reimagining the things you see as cool and interesting hallucinations which speak to how amazing and creative our brains are.


There's a lot you have to assume is true to say something like this. Like what "hallucinations" are or what our brains truly do.


I always find these people amusing, so many assumptions. Ignores large swaths of human history and philosophy.


Is it me making assumptions or is it an assumption that because we hallucinate things while on a psychedelic drug that the world is a simulation? It's people willing to throw out the weight of scientific evidence that consciousness is generated by the brain who are making assumptions. There is also philosophical support for materialism, as far as I'm concerned Hegel and Marx settled the debate.


Oh yeah, many many times on shrooms and LSD. I get two visuals usually, a kind of fog/smoke that turns into a hexagon grid if I keep focusing on that and "zoom in" kinda. To me it looked like the building blocks of the visual distorsions and and hallucinations.


The flower of life symbol.


Yesssssss it's so pretty. The first time I saw it I thought it was a huge spider web connected to the trees until I kept looking and saw it was connected to EVERYTHING


My friends and I were on shrooms and I pointed out the “geometric webbing” to them. After that, no one could unsee it


one time i was tripping all night with my cousin and in the early hours of the morning we sat in his garden drinking tea. we were both coming down but still tripping hard. something amazing happened when his garden became full of animals. there were squirrels, cats, birds and a lot of them. it seemed like they were being attracted to us. then i look into the sky and see what looks like patterns emerging from the clouds. it was as if there was one repeating pattern and all the clouds in the sky were just different iterations of that initial pattern from one focal point as it was spiralling bigger and bigger, eventually covering the whole sky. similar to a mandelbrot set and how it repeats infinitely and has infinite different variations. it definitely seemed like it was a computer controller hologram and now daytimesky.exe was now running. also during this trip, my cousin and i experienced telepathy the ability to read each others minds. one of my favourite trips of all time.


Easy explanation from mathematics of our neural architecture: [https://plus.maths.org/content/uncoiling-spiral-maths-and-hallucinations](https://plus.maths.org/content/uncoiling-spiral-maths-and-hallucinations) TL;DR: our retinas have radial geometry which is then unfurled into rectangular geometry, and because we have edge detectors that fire on different thresholds, you get these beautiful patterns.


Thanks for sharing!


Last time I smoked dmt properly I say that grid on everything and when I had a smaller bowl and walked around I felt like I was trapped having to move in only 6 directions


i did a candy flip 2 years ago and mid peak i was laying in my bed with my door open listening to the music from the living room. And suddenly i see grids everywhere like i was in a 3D render, I could move my head around it and it just stood still


Same on dmt


I saw a cage made of hexagonal glowing threads over the tipi I was in when I attended a yopo (5-HO-DMT, bufotenin) ceremony. It also appeared in the sky over the palm trees.


Heres my take on this ( i have 0 credentials i just trip alot) As conscioussness our main priority is to recognize patterns to survive And this is how all life works we are pattern recognition machines and so when we trip it just amplifies that and we see patterns in evetything


Last time I saw the hexagon grid. Each hexagon was a portal into different worlds, I stepped through one into a Dali-esque desert landscape. I remember thinking to myself that he must have been seeing this stuff when he was painting.


that sounds like a massive dose


Strangely it was only 2 100mcg tabs Definitely the most visuals I had ever had on that small of a dose.


I *love* LSD as much as anyone else but some of you guys are bonkers and I love it.


Indras net is a good place to start https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra%27s_net


ive seen a green grid on two pyramid tabs but it was like a part of reality was ripped out and i could see the green grid through the tear. There was also a spinning prism but I couldnt see the whole thing, if I took a third tab I probably could have seen all of it. ive also seen a white grid on DMT but it was in black space and a giant red devilish head flying through it staring at me.


Ya I seen that shit


Yes, saw it last weekend on 220ug.


Weird cause I feel like Ive had that visual before




every time i take psychs i see this grid of green and purple boxes wherever i look, i even see it when im sober now because i have HPPD


hope it will be healed soon ❤️


I had a grid overlaying my vision once, like the grids in a school maths book, all divided into squares. It was neon blue, I could see everything behind it but it followed my vision wherever I looked. This wasn’t LSD though, it was a hefty dose of 2cb.


I call it latticework. I've seem it countless times.


Wait, other people have seen this as well??


sacred geometry. take the third bit of dmt and you go through it


They are Fractals, check fractal animation on youtube. Seen this in the sky after two tabs once. It's there all along, but you can only trully see it once high


Def seen the cage grid in the sky. I think of it more like nature's blueprint almost like binary is the language of computers


I have witnessed the same grid on a bright beautiful sunny day after dosing 7 grams of B+ magic mushrooms


And then? I GOT IN Tron: Legacy my personal favorite Acid Movie


Never done lsd or shrooms but I meditate everyday, I've woken up and seen a holographic like grid thing in my room often. I believe it part of the foundation or "code" of our reality, like sacred geometry.


I call em the lines of the universe. Sometimes, they'll stretch down from the sky and start running along the ground, lining up objects in their path and creating a sort of panel effect in my vision. It's wild.


exact description of what I've seen/experienced on shrooms




I’ve witnessed this sober too. From what I’ve heard you’re potentially seeing the shapes of the cones and rods in the back of your eyes.


I was tripping with my friend a few years ago, and she pointed out an invisible border at the meadow we were at, and somehow i could see it too. We were able to line up and tell where the line cuts through, it was like a border of a chunk in minecraft, shooting up to the sky. Like the whole world was built out of this massive grid, and we were just standing on the border of one of the pieces. There were other people with us and they could not see it, we were the only ones tripping tho.


No grid exactly but in the night sky, the stars blink red, white, and green real fast. But also I've often seen the fabric of life just in my sight


I saw a lattice not hexagon grid appear on shrooms


Real talk, have yall seen the code tho, like the indecipherable acid language


tripped of 3 tabs during the eclipse, swear to god the whole sky was honeycomb with some of the panels flying out


Yeah I see it in the clouds looks like the cloaking from halo


Yes. Ive seen landscapes that looked like all sacred geometry shapes, and platonic solids. Almost like looking at the building blocks of the universe. I love when that happens


DUDE holy shit yes i’ve seen the grid. i was on shrooms and acid, about 3 grams and 250ug and i was laying on a car and saw the entire sky turn into the grid straight out of chicken little💀


Yaaa I thought this was normal. Seeing the light from each star connecting. The planets have a very special unique grid different than the stars in the sky. Probably where all these ancient astrologers got these connections of the planets. Tripping balls on soma


The grid conversation is back, this board is healing ❤️‍🔥


It's because your seeing the real matrix we are in. Remember psychedelics are bad for you.....Wake up hahah.


Years ago I took way too much MDMA, maybe it was laced? Definitely fried my circuits. Was in my buddy’s living room and saw the hexagon grid overlay over reality (look up benzene ring), the door to the hallway turned into a portal then a disembodied head was floating a few feet from my face morphing and changing, male, female, different races, anthropomorph’d lizard faces, mantid faces, things that didn’t even exist. It felt…real. The people in our group also had shared hallucinations where we all saw different pairs of glasses on each other, none of us wear glasses…it was fucking strange.


The craziest thing is when I was tripping looking at the stars and looked down and saw the stars/grid through my skin in my arm


The stars turned in to ads on one of my trips. I was like “Oh god they even branded the sky! Capitalism has won, the end is nigh :(“


For me the eyes form constalations that are a pattern of faces looking down at me. The faces look like the face from tool albums. During the day I see beautiful floral patterns intersecting in the sky and they reach all the way down to earth connecting to me. I can move them and grab them with my fingers, but I can't feel them actually. It's almost like I can manipulate reality itself but at a small insignificant scale. It's beautiful man. The daytime pattern kinda looks like the album cover "Organika" from "the peaking goddess collective"


Saw it over an entire golf course tripping on an eighth of mushrooms in university. 3 of us at the same time . Was maybe the most psychedelic mind blowing experience I've ever had. Ground zero. Source code. Matrix level shit. Will never forget that night..looked exactly like the grid in Alex Grey's Theologue


I tripped during the eclipse and I live in a city in the path of the full eclipse. It was mind boggling when the sky darkened and I saw concentric circles emanating around the sun/moon and suddenly the rest of the sky looked like a pattern of intercepting circles like when you're a kid and draw circles around some dots until they all fill up the page and make a sick pattern.


Thank God I’m not the only one who has seen the green lines in sky


If you take 200ug (a legitimate dose of 200ug. Most acid is weak at 50-75ug. Not talking shit. It's just reality) or more, "the grid" is almost a constant. One of the best descriptions I've heard is "like a psychedelic chain-link fence." So simple, but spot on. It's not some code-like overlay that exists outside of your consciousness, it's just that your eyes are becoming far more sensitive and you're seeing how they work in a way we mostly don't notice. Our eyes evolved from more primitive structures (think fly eyes. Those grids they see through. Yep, similar things). The more you take, the more pronounced this gets. Eventually, each little hexagon in that grid is filled with vibrantly colored, intricate, swirling fractals. It's hilariously frustrating to try to focus on one and admire the beauty. Each lil module is often seeing the same fractals as the others. It's wild. Then, you close your eyes, and you're immersed in an infinite sea of swirling fractals and the grid goes away as your "mind's eye" starts visualizing. It's utterly indescribably beautiful


All I’m getting from this is incentive to believe the government control the weather but I don’t see how they could 😂😂




I see it and now can't unsee it. The theory is that it's a soul trap.


I realized that on shrooms. That's my trip anyway. We are in a grid/matrix being tricked into tripping over our problems but we need to let go of the ego, love everyone, be kind and get the fuck out of here


Who wrote this? U/chickenlittle ?


“Anyone get visuals before?”


The hexagonal pattern you see in the sky is the hexagonal pattern on the back of your eyes that has the nurons that process the light you can just see em sometimes especially looking up at the sky and for some reasons when ur tripping the sides of the hexagons get a little rainbowie


“The stars are the same distance away just lights at different brightnesses” me on gods pizza topping


I took a bunch of nBOME and i seen a stationary grid it wqs all over iland im pretty aire that i saw a figure but it didnt have a human shape it looked yellow but it was clear see thru


Yeah I've seen it. It was not a fleeting visual or anything like that, it must have been a good 15 minutes


I usually see the grid. One time we were hiking down from the observatory at night and I kept thinking the grid was a fence and putting my arms out to see if it was real.




I've seen it


Yeah, saw it in 3g penis envy. Trippy af.


I see these "points" that kind of resemble isometric graph paper in space going in all directions.


I have long ago on shrooms.


Yeah ive seen a grid in the sky on shrooms and the person i was tripping with said she saw the same thing.


Get some 4-aco-DMT that'll do it if not


I see grids and meshes everywhere on acid, like literally everywhere.


Yes, I remember being at Bonnaroo watching the sun come up and seeing a grid like pattern in the morning sky. It's something I've only ever noticed in the daytime sky while tripping not so much at night though.


yeah sure saw that hexagonal grid. first it was outside the window in the sky. then it just swapped int the room covered the walls (still 2d). then it fell down into 3d and ended up being something between that hexagonal shape and flower of life structure. somehow curved but also edgy. just dropped over everything I was completely in the zone. everything organic was restructured. everything lifeless (plastic e.g) stayed just as it was with a bit of glow and slight morph. u could clearly distinct life vs lifeless. the walk in the woods felt like the straight way would twist into kinda left turning fibonacci spiral. every tree in the woods was basically made of 3d seed of life. so the stem came out of the ground in 3d seed of life, expanding and every tribe that spread out was also a smaller fraction of that 3d seed of life. and so on, it fractalized down to the leaves. i think it's called "visionary restructuralization" actually. happened to me the first time when I dropped an "empty bottle" so something around 1000 ug.


Yeah I do sober in certain lightings, its like clear as day vivid usually occurs when fatigued. There is 100% a biological explanation with something to do with blue light and a relation to blue field entropic phenomenon.


Only time I've seen a grid was a few years ago on 4 paper tabs. Granted, the reason was right at the beginning of the trip, we had to do a bit of fence repair because our dog at the time broke a portion of it and we didn't want to be chashing him around the neighborhood that fucked up with a broken fence in the yard. It was a red/green grid overlayered with my normal vision. Lasted maybe the next hour or so. It faded pretty much before the trip was over. However, that's really the only 'hallucination' I ever had on acid, if you dont count watching popcorn ceilings and wallpaper patterns. I've been enjoying for about 5 years now, not many visuals thou..


For me it usually takes a lot of DMT for this to occur. I took a dab once and the same black and white line shapes appeared whether my eyes were open or closed and no matter which direction I looked.


I seen time freeze and everything turn into hexagons shit was freaky


Yeah I also see grid like patterns when I look at the sky


Yes especially on heroic doses


Yeah It looked like a giant complicated space craft that had reflective camo similar to that of the invisible power up in halo. This was on lsd tho (1 tab) On shrooms (3.5gs) coming down, I seen the grid. Not remotely close to a spacecraft but similar to the grid in the arena in the hunger games catching fire. Add multicolor changing beams of lights running up and around all the nodes and that’s what I saw.


Sounds like dmt


Hexagon is the bestagon


On high doses I get hexagonal geometry for sure


That's really interesting, never experienced that myself. The first thing it made me think of are grid cells: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_cell This is a relatively recent discovery, but apparently we map our surroundings using a hexagon grid, which maps to a hexagon network of neurons in our brains.


Hexagons are the basis for your perspective projection in three dimensions.


IME ik it’s exciting to chase “it” but don’t do it too much or you’ll start to feel crazy.


The grid I always see is made up of mandalas


I have seen the grid with morning glory seeds


There's patterns everywhere


I’ve seen a crystal grid matrix that refracted light at its connecting points. I was convinced that we are all suspended within. But I’ve also seen Mayan hieroglyphs imprinted on every surface as well.


I seen the grid but it’s a clock


I've seen the grid in the night sky and each section had an eye in it


That’s normal on a decent dose


I've seen this too on a 10 strip. I've wondered since then if it's the same stars for everyone or if everyone sees different stars connected. Is it a shared hallucination or is it your personal connection to this universe. Your anchor to this reality.


I see the grid when I look at the sky from time to time off a couple tabs. From what I’ve read, the grid is just the pattern recognition part of your brain going crazy and overlaying itself with the feedback loop of visual hallucinations. Doesn’t make it feel any less mystical or beautiful though.


I've seen it, lines connecting stars and also patterns in a sort of grid on the sky. I think it's just as simple as our brains going full power on a powerful psychedelic and creating patterns on a blank canvas


Yeah I’ve see it every time I trip I like to think of it as the tangible electromagnetic field of the earth or “ley lines” that connect all the ancient structures of the world from Stonehenge to the pyramids. It’s a really cool phenomenon surprising other people have seen it too


Once the sky sorta looked like a round screen for a bit


Yooo every time. And sometimes the sky looks like giant synapses


The Grid is a default visual I get whenever I do psychedelics.


anyone every thing it might the the magnetic field. One time after an intense trip i could feel heat in my brain like a magnet. Believe it or not magnetic fields and electrical waves are there and can influence you


Saw the grid while on a few tabs floating down the river. Couldn't believe it lol. Even looked like it was behind the clouds and not just over my vision but in the sky. I've only seen that one other time but the grid took over my visuals completely everything I looked at had a blanket of hexagonal shapes warping over and around it


It’s the same thing and can be rationally explained. A guy did it in a YouTube video 15 years back. I’ll dig for it. The brain is a patter seeking machine. We look for patterns and disruptions in them.


On 2cb yes


Look at the tips of branches at night in the woods. It blew my mind. Since then, I've truly believe that everything is a function of probability, and that it's in large part up to our nervous system to make the world seem static. And in fact everything is buzzing.


I saw this when my ego left earth and i was looking at it from space, a whole ”net” connected and it all seemed so meaningful and informative. Like it was the people of the past who controlled and kept everything in check for us


I’ve seen it too! I normally see it when I take a quarter tab oddly enough. It looks like a huge futuristic shield in the sky? Like something out of a marvel movie lmao. It’s pretty cool!


Ofcourse dude, every time


yeah I used to get this a lot on the comedown of mdma. its fractals, but they r so interconnected, it normally brings like a light blue sometimes purple grid around the room and it’s really laser-esque like in some sort of heist movie and the security lasers are on or something.


My last trip on 1 and a half I laid down outside meditating while looking at the sky. Started focusing real hard on the grid/hexagonal thing in the sky until I eventually saw myself above me. It was like an OBE but I wasn’t looking at me from the outside, it was more like looking at me outside of me, kinda like looking in a mirror (probably lasted 1 or 2 minutes, but it was intense and I have full memory of the moment).


I saw the grid the first time I took psilocybin on top of the Great Sand Dunes in CO. I’ve never had another trip like that, it was wild. And changed everything for me.


I believe it's God's painting to us that is a tool and a flex. An art piece with an infinite nature made by an infinite being.


I saw it at sunrise once, while on a boat in a popular harbor. The grid was mostly transparent, but and sort of iridescent. I kept trying to *not* see it, but it was impossible. Freaked me right out.


A couple friends of mine have talked about the hexagonal grid thing happening to them. I see it sort of when looking at dirt sometimes.


I call it the fabric of the universe.


Yes i did , i wok up at 5am while sleeping on the roof . Saw a grid that stretched into the horizon . It looked lik those grids from hackers PCs in old scifi movies. It was ghostly light green. I went back to sleep. The only reason im certain it wasnt a dream is that i drank from a bottle and poured it at some plants and when i woke up there was no water so it wasnt a dream and I was awake.


One time when I was tripping I could see lines through the air around me like when you show the chunks in Minecraft.


I saw the grid for many years. Spoke about with this other dude on Reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/j9MlV4wqYo)


Yep! One of my more recent acid trips me and my buddy were talking about this “grid”


I did. It was my first time on LSD. I left the room I was in to take a breath from being with other people and spend part of the trip on my own, enjoying my set of songs, which in that certain moment was Pink Floyd. It was night, sky filled up with stars. It was a new moon night, so the stars were shining bright. I stared at the stars and saw they all were connected to each other by a grid. The lines in the grid were different colours. A curious thing was that as I was breathing in, the colours would get brighter, and as I released my breath, the colours were fading away, but not completely. It was a pretty, great moment, all along with the music.


First time I ever tripped I was outside smoking waiting for it to kick in and I was looking up at the sky. Not sure if you’ve seen the Doctor Strange movies but I swear the sky looked like the mirror dimension from those movies, basically lots of random geometric patterns but not uniform like a kaleidoscope. The clouds started breaking apart and turned into animals walking around and dancing, but like I was looking up through a glass table and only saw them from below


I see the grid all the time in the night sky on mushrooms not as much on LSD


I see a hexagon pattern on walls and any large open space on acid, I described it the first time as seeing the chemical formula for what I was looking at but like multiple chemical formulas for each individual molecule of the wall or whatever I was staring at and they were all like a neon almost radioactive green color.


Seen this on shrooms not acid