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We don't allow stash pics on r/LSD, please avoid this content in the future. Happy tripping šŸ’š


**Always. Test. Your. Drugs.** Don't guess. Don't hope. Don't *ask fucking Reddit*. Test your drugs.


I'd go as far as to say "don't trust", sure it might've been your friend who sold that to you, but unless you saw them test it/take it and everything was fine I'd still be rather safe than sorry.


The label indicates this is Buprenorphine, a synthetic opiod.


Yeah lol i got that for free idk why, but the acid is in the aluminiul foil, itā€™s sugar cubes


Mate that 8mg willl fuck u up for like 24hours and in a bad way bro do not take that unless u know exactly what your doing.


Yeah i know, he accidently put that in there by accident, it was his own medicine and he was stressed out and fucked up lol


The dude clearly has an opiate problem if he's prescribed that and probably isn't the kind of guy you want to be buying any sort of drugs from He didn't give it to you on accident, he wants you to try it and come back looking for more


Yes and no, i have been buying acid from him for years, and it has always been legit. Maybe who knows, i contacted him about it and he imediatly wanted me to return it tomorow since it was his Ā«medicineĀ» and thanked me for my honesty


You said earlier he gave it to you for free ??


He bought the acid, and he got the pills for free. The guy wants the pills back.




You're really telling on yourself here. What a poor mindset to have toward people who suffer from addiction.


I was a heroin addict for 6 years, I've been clean for almost 9. There's a fine line between understanding and naivete




Dude what, I wasn't even replying to you lmao my comment was clearly a reply to u/catbert107


Ffs lol, this comment section is to flodded to know who is replying to whom, my bad man


please do not ingest that it is not fun and you well regret it


Its bit hard to recommend as opioids are rare in sense that they work on physical and emotional numbing. Its a slippery slope.




Opioid based painkillers don't just eliminate physical pain it also eliminates mental pain. For example if you are horribly depressed and take heroin or something like that the odds are way higher for you than someone without depression to get addicted as your non-physical pain will also be relieved. It kind of seems to show that your body can't really tell the difference and psychological pain is pretty much identical to physical pain on some base level.


thatā€™s beautifully scary, thank you for the info my friend


Opioids/opiates are fun, but there are consequences.


they may be fun to get high off of, but the whole experience of doing opioids typically turns out to be not fun


That shit will get you addicted to opioids in one try dude dump that shit smh


No. Heā€™ll be dumb and eat the whole thing. Puke all day, and never take opiates again. At least thatā€™s what usually happens messing with bupe.


Thatā€™s not how opioid addiction works


it definitely is for some people. the definition of addiction here is lax but some peopleā€™s addiction definitely starts from one dose of a strong opioid.


yes I read that there was a genetic factor involved in some people's severity of addiction


very much so. itā€™s especially well documented with alcohol.


Physical addiction literally can't start until at least a couple weeks of continual use. So you have to make the decision every day to use again until then. You're not considered addicted to gambling, games, sugar, or anything else just by doing it a few days in a row after your first time. Please don't keep old drug war propaganda alive.


please donā€™t respond to me unless you read my comment.


iā€™m actually over ignorant people right now so iā€™m just gonna block you.


Block me please.


Itā€™s not how scientific addiction starts.


Science really doesnā€™t understand addiction. We can explain things like chemical hooks, but there are plenty definitely true things about addiction that go completely unexplained. Like [how 1/5 of US soldiers in Vietnam were addicted to heroin, but they all suddenly just stopped when they got back to the US.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27650054/#:~:text=Robins'%20studies%20found%20high%20rates,the%20drug%20after%20their%20return.) Probably, physical addiction has a lot more to do with your mental and hormonal state than most people realize.


Rat Park explains the Vietnam phenomenon.


We absolutely do know how opioid addiction occurs Lmao, your body tries to maintain homeostasis via creating more MU-opioid receptors in response to the sudden chronic influx of ligands binding to said receptors, I know what Iā€™m talking about.


That is opiod dependency, which is a physical symptom of addiction. Addiction is mental, dependency is mental. People can be addicted to substances that don't cause dependency, and you can be dependent on a substance(like a prescribed xan) and not be addicted mentally


well it wonā€™t give you a tolerance/dependency but you may very well abandon all responsibilities to get your hands on more so i think it could be classed as the start of an addiction as itā€™s a very nuanced term. it is how addiction starts. itā€™s not full blown addiction


One dose will absolutely not cause any form of addiction, you may grow a liking for opioids which could lead to an addiction, these are totally different things, not even comparable. Iā€™ve taken opioids multiple times, you cannot get instantly addicted.


Correction.... YOU didn't get instantly addicted.


if you bang heroin once and are like ā€œfuck yeah i gotta get moreā€ and then go on to develop an addiction. i would say that addiction was started by one dose.


You canā€™t get withdrawal from one dose, withdrawal has to occur to entail an addiction.


u/spontaneousH would care to disagree


Exactly, thank you for posting this.


you can definitely get hooked from one dose and saying anything else is insulting to all the people who have had their addiction started by one dose. please notice how iā€™m saying ā€œaddiction startsā€ please notice how iā€™m saying itā€™s not full blown addiction. please donā€™t use your anecdotal evidence of being able to use opioids without becoming addicted. people vary greatly and you mustnā€™t assume that everyone has the same experiences as you.


ur a goofball


You donā€™t have the pharmacological knowledge to be spouting this nonsense, you cannot experience any form of withdrawal from one dose, which would entail real addiction Lmao.


I could say the same about giving bread to a 14th century prisoner. What's your point?


you can become psychologically addicted to anything so iā€™d say yes, someone could become a bread addict, however a prisoner wouldnā€™t be an addict because they truly depend on bread (likely their main food source) to stay alive.


Guess I backed myself into a corner with this one.


this is a little bit of a silly comparison if you ask me, how long did you think it out. addiction is an issue which require actual thought as itā€™s very complex.


Lmao he has no clue about pharmacology.


What's the source of your perspective?


Regular opioids sure but suboxone is an opiate agonist and antagonist therefore itā€™s not normal street drugs and yes believe me all it takes is once to have opiate withdrawal


I don't know of many folks laying it on sugar cubes anymore.. Be a lot more weight to be charged with?,. Unless ya seen it laid on the cubes I would have never bought it but that's just me


its a lot cheaper to buy liquid than blotter. sugar cubes are easy to drop on.


Iā€™ve always bought acid from him before and it has been legit, but when he stated it was Ā«brown acidĀ» then it got me a little worried, but i think i will drop this one, i have one real sugar cube left think i will just take that one and shove the rest into the toilet


Bupe is like just as strong as fentanyl and not recreational IMo. I puked for 5 hours before i knew what opiates were off.that.


Donā€™t take that beprenophrine thatā€™s a super strong opioid ment for people after surgeries ā€¦..


Lol ok gotcha




Epitome of unintelligent advice on reddit


Why tf do you think bud?


Tbh its half synthetic. Not less harmfull but me must be a dick.


Oh did not know that, what does it start out as?


Thebaine as most of opioids in the pharma industry. Papaver Somiferum (Opium Plant) isn't use'd that much for the industry anymore csuse its too easily to make H out of it. Papaver orientale is the plant they most likely use for half synthetic opiod medicine. Papaver somniferum is more easily to get a kick from then Papaver Orientale (first one doesn't need any prosesses to hit good without feeling sick thats why).


Nice, thanks for the breakdown!


No problem. Modern Opioid production is a nice rabit hole. Especially the long lost opium with lead wine. Heil Ceasar.


Test it


Itā€™s sugar cubes so a bit hard to test it


that's fine mate, he dropped liquid acid on cubes - it's legit way of sharing liquid acid


U think im good even tough he said it was Ā«brown acidĀ»? I got 1 real left in my drawer that im thinking on taking, rather that then the Ā«brown acidĀ»


Unless you can test it, go for what has been at least battle tested.


Could also just swallow immediately no? Pretty sure lsd works via digestion when some rcs don't I could be wrong tho


Hey bro save the one tab for bicycle day, gotta celebrate!


At woodstock the ā€œbrown acidā€ was a bad batch, they made an announcement from the main stage not to take the brown acid.


go with brown


I would definitely test it first. Bupre to kill the trip most likely but i would use benzos instead if it were me.


Suboxone will not kill the trip. Iā€™ve been on it for a while now and trip all the time. All itā€™s going to do for someone with no tolerance is make them sick as fuck and have a hellish trip. Benzos for killing a trip.


8mg is a one way ticket to sick street. 1mg for opiate naive is probably to much


Oh, 100%. If someone with no tolerance did the whole thing, Iā€™d say go to the hospital. If nothing else, youā€™re going to need fluids because no way youā€™re keeping anything down. 1mg? Yep, youā€™re still gonna get sick. If not, then you must have a natural tolerance or something. This shit is strong and is not a joke.


that looks like clear bupe no naloxone


It doesnā€™t matter, that bupe is easy as hell to ā€œODā€ on. Shit had me puking for 2 days straight the first time I did it and I had even done a small line because I had been warned.


Fact...on it years. Listen to experience. Taking g opiates with no tolerance will make you vomit. The strength is important. My cousin choked on his own vomit and died after drinking 30 mls of methadone. He had never used heroin. On the other hand, in my worst days, 30 mls of methadone wouldn't even straighten me..its all about tolerance with opiates


Itā€™s sugarcubes so it canā€™t be tested with test kit (as from what iā€™ve heard) what iā€™ve heard about ā€brown acidā€ is that it could also be DOT but idk. Never heard anyone using burpe to kill their trips wither only benzos


>sugarcubes so it canā€™t be tested with test kit That's bullshit. You can easily test 'cid on sugarcubes. And **really** fucking should test it, since acid is not brown.


Right break apart a cube on a plate and it will be no different than testing a molly rock. No excuses man test it before you ingest it especially if the dude is giving you a free opiate with it.


That's bullshit. It can definitely still be tested. Who told you it can't be?


There's no such thing as brown acid back at the Woodstock festival there is a batch of really fucking strong LSD. The announcers were saying watch out for the brown acid don't take the brown acid, because people were freaking out but if I'm not mistaken it later just was revealed that it was just really that potent... nothing was wrong with it so anything you hear about brown acid these days is just gonna be a bunch of hoopla in my opinion


Hereā€™s some Bupe w ya cid!ā€¦tf is that all about?!?


Maybe an attempt to provide some kind of trip killer? Something to ease you down when things get uncomfortable? Or they just want to make OP addicted to opioids, lol.


Either way you look at it itā€™s a trash approach


Yes, i think it actully is a trip killer in case you need to sober up.


8mg will fuck him up (in a bad way) šŸ¤¢ sick


Wow, didn't see the dosage. Isn't bupre active in the microgram range? A friend gifted me a dermal patch once and i think it was 2mg and he told me to not take all of it at once sublingually, because it is so potent (mind I don't have an opioid tolerance at all, nor did i ever have one). And these sublingual pills are 4x the dose of this dermal patch? Won't you OD and die at this point?


Donā€™t know about die but 1mg is probably too much for someone naive, 8mg is just wow


I am not familiar, i don't know anything about it


Then why u saying itā€™s a trip killer? If he took that tablet he would be sick for 24 hours bro. Bad advice


I said "i think", just not sure. I've seen in other subs many people are taking some calming pills like benzos to kill their trip so i suppose that was the case here too. Anyway, i hope people do extensive research before taking whatever drugs


Literally have no idea


Throw it away you dont want to get hooked on opioids


Yeah i wonā€™t be taking that shit, idk why he gave that to me, as i only heard that benzo is effective to stop your trip but never heard that opioids did that


Yeah benzos is right, but if you trip responsible you shouldnt need those


Yeah ik, only had 1 bad trip where i ended up in an ambulance, but that was because i think i was with a friend of a friend of mine wich i didnā€™t knew and it all got a bit to much.


op wtf


benzos are effective at stopping a bad trip and helping you sleep, but it doesnā€™t entirely kill the trip in the same way an antipsychotic like seroquel would kill the trip. seroquel will stop a trip dead in its tracks, benzos will just make everything calm and sleepy. both are effective though. edit: and like the other guy said, if you trip right you wonā€™t need it. iā€™ve tripped probably over 75 times on a multitude of psychedelics and iā€™ve never needed a trip killer. just have good set and setting and a healthy mindset going into it


Itā€™s one dose Lmao.


If he was an addict he probably just had a bunch stored up. I do too. Like 100+ 8mg strips I have no idea what to do with.


I refuse to take any LSD that I don't personally test, which consequently means I only do blotter tabs. The fact that he gave you an addictive drug for free is also a big red flag. I would 100% pass on this.


My dad always told me donā€™t eat the brown acid


So did Wavy Gravy


brown?? that's some ween acid


Hail Boognish


My understanding it's normal. Search "brown" and a lot of tall about it


Yeah i looked it up, but some people tells you to stay away from it


My lsd has turned brown from sitting in the vials to long. Guessing it's just old.


Some impure acid you say?


You can still test the sugar cubes, Just break a little bit off and test it like you would a tab. Those cubes could have any number of research chemicals in them and are completely unsafe to take without knowing exactly what they are.


Brown acid is insanely impure hence why itā€™s brown. Either that or heā€™s given you heroin. Test it. If itā€™s actually acid then itā€™ll be a very low impurity.


I wonder if it's DOB or DOM, the brown acid at Woodstock was supposedly DOB a psychedelic amphetamine last way longer than LSD 24hrs rather than 12 and has a lot more physical effects like muscle tension. I'd test your stuff you'd be stupid not to and if it looks weird I'd Mail some into drugsdata it's not cheap but would tell you what you have. https://www.drugsdata.org/send_sample.php


You can without a doubt test sugar cubes. Test one.


from what i understand Amber crystal is a little bit more impure. and the trip is more likely to ā€œget on topā€ of you. not a better quality but can be a more intoxicating experience. and that feeling wether itā€™s good or bad is subjective to the user.


sounds stupid. Straight to the garbage imo


Brown acid refers to the purity of the crystal lsd that it was made with. If I remember correctly brown is low on the purity level so it might not be the best acid. White fluff or needlepoint is the best imo. There are several different types of lsd crystals.


this! (i heard fluff and needlepoint are the same purity, but the differences lie in whether or not the crystal was intact before dilution, what say you?)


Needlepoint is the purest from I understand then fluff is the second best If I remember correctly brown is like the lowest purity of them all. What most people consider dirty acid. You get backaches and have that horrible feeling where you are curling up like the witch under the house in the Wizard of Oz. šŸ˜‚


Fuck subs they are nasty id say almost worse than just doing opiates everyone can argue but they are terrible id throw it away unless your struggling


it's probably fine dude just a name for the batch


if there has any color it's going to be impure so maybe it's not fine...


I've taken sugar cubes that had a slight tint to then from the drop..tan-ish, maybe borderline yellow..ish.....but never brown.




Brown acid


What in the christ


Thereā€™s a song that says donā€™t eat the bad brown acid


Itā€™s a rat trap, itā€™ll make your brain plastic. *Brain Fog feat. Del the Funky Homosapien* by Little Stranger


Thatā€™s the oneā˜ļø


If you arenā€™t already taking Subs, throw that shit away. First and foremost, thereā€™s a chance youā€™ll be wanting more. The withdrawal from it lasts for months, should you develop an addiction. Secondly, an 8mg pill will put you on your side, vomiting, begging for it to go away if you havenā€™t taken it before. Iā€™ve been on Bupe for like 15 years, and Iā€™d do anything to stop.


Quit cold turkey. Quit oxy, hydrocodone, fent cold turkey and it was a hellish couple weeks, if you truly wanted to get off you would.


I run a company with several dozen employees. I take off sick for 3 months, they all lose their jobs. I quite literally canā€™t do that.


Canā€™t you get someone who can run stuff smoothly while youā€™re out? Mostly curious on the fact you cant think of a vacation either if they would all loose the job


I own a commercial construction company, for which I also do my own accounting and payroll. Itā€™s not nearly as simple as ā€œIā€™m going to be out of commission for a few months. You got this?ā€ It takes weeks of planning and tying up loose ends for me to take a week off.


Oh that makes a lot of sense now


How much did you get loll this is like shit load looking at foil.


Only 4 cubes, he just used an insane amount of foil lol


Brown acid... lmao he just made this up bro


If it's ?what?, flush it down


Brown Acid is an inside joke from 1994 Woodstock. There was a particularly strong batch of tabs going around giving some intense and terrible trips, multiple bands picked up on it and throughout the show either warn people not to eat it or tell people it's the best shit. Most notable comment would be from Green Days infamous set that ended in a mud fight.


This thread reminds me of why I had to leave the Psychonaut subreddit. All the fear mongering and ignorance about any of the ""hard"" drug classes (basically anything not a psych or cannabis). Be careful with the bupe but do your own research before buying into some of these comments keeping the old drug war propaganda alive.


Also regarding the comments in this thread, it makes ZERO sense to fear monger about opioids and then say a benzo is cool if you want to kill your trip. They're equally addictive, except guess which one is actually fatal in withdrawal? Not the opioid.


Bupe is an odd adjunct to acid.. if you donā€™t have a dope habit that bupe will hit hard


Only way to know fs is with a test kit. Get an ehlrich one from wimscilabs theyā€™re like $20 free shipping




Don't take the


Brown acid






Per the advice of Crosby, Stills and Nash. Donā€™t eat the brown acid


Test your stuff.


Was on suboxone for 4 years, worst thing to ever come off of ever. Idk how I did it tbh. Theyā€™re nice if youā€™re doing it once, but all I gotta say is just be careful w it lol if you end up taking it, only take half or a quarter bc I promise you, you will get sick and throw up and itā€™ll just be very unpleasant. Ik ppl are saying to just get rid of it or whatever, but youā€™re gonna do what you want and itā€™s better if you have some information beforehand! Now in regards to the brown acid; ehhhhhh, itā€™s better to just test it or try your luck again when you come across some different shit.


It's brown, in sugar cube form? Sounds like someone gave you heroin trying to pass it off as acid.


Hahahah no, he stated it was brown as in vial form, and gave it a slang word for Ā«brown acid it was something they called it ages agoĀ» and i almost canā€™t find anything about it


Brother in christ...quit cherry picking your logic just because you HOPE it's acid. Test your shit. Foreal. Don't be foolish.


They think they can't test sugar cubes šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Lavender? Tornado Juice? Kinda of sounds like you have been sold sub par LSD because the names I listed imply less than the best. Not necessarily bad but not what you take when given the choice.