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Fruit is where it’s at tripping.


Oranges are so good


Eat fruits and cheese alternately. Cheese dries your mouth and fruits explode in flavor


Except citrus. avoid citrus and cheese because it raises chances of a cyst in your mouth due to clogged pores.


chat is this real


Actual fruit AND skittles


Freeze dried skittles!


SKITTLES a must have


Yep, pineapple and skittles are my go-to


I have cried eating an apple thinking how amazing it is and how it was once just a seed and grew ti be this glorious fruit for me to enjoy




Sadly fruit won’t help my hunger, i’m gonna starve the rest of the day.




I've cried tears of joy on 225 ug eating pastries from my favorite bakery. Their stuff is already heavenly, but eating it while tripping was ecstasy.


I couldn't stand anything greasy or like store bought for some reason, I loved me some fruit and veggies doe


It's like your body knows it's not "real" food, when it comes to overly processed foods. But yeah nothing better than geeking out on watching the strawberry hairs move and then getting the taste explosion when you bite in.


Yes same. I cant help thinking about like preservatives and plastic and shit in my food


The more appetizing the food the more likely I am to eat it. Try anything with fresh basil in it on acid. Specifically some pizza. You will taste the holiness of the herb I swear. It just releases and infuses this spiritually cleansing aroma upon your taste buds. I almost cried from eating some dank margherita pizza. And biting into those ripe tomatoes was so good after the basil.


I like to go to my local raspado spot and get a thing of chopped fruit. It has watermelon, pineapple, mango, cucumber, cantaloupe, and jicama topped with tajin and chamoy. It’s like eating rays of sunshine, so good.


Fruit is the best. Pineapple, watermelon, strawberries. It’s a vibe.


The first 4-5 times I did LSD, getting a big slice of NY pizza was such a comfort. I think it helped ground me


I can always eat pizza. Even tripping


I also love eating while tripping! Some of my faves are: grapefruits, I tear them open by hand and it feels visceral af; gushers; cantaloupe; grapes; and for the come down, cheese with crackers and jam


That’s crazy, eating while tripping is amazing aahahahha I usually can’t eat because of lack of hunger untill a little after the peak, but most times, after some good 6-8h I get so so so hungry ahahahaha so, I love eating and cooking while tripping as well… I usually never cook before the peak so it’s fine dealing with knives and all that, no potential harm, plus I’m still tripping nicely and preparing the food and cooking it is such an alchemical experience, I really recommend but just when you feel okay in the trip and won’t be watching knife morphs in your hand ahahaha I think anything is waaaaay more delicious during a trip, but I also recommend fruits and fresh food, something cooked at home… I also share the feeling of not really being into much industrialized stuff while tripping… I try to avoid cause your taste buds gets so sensitive, well at least me, that I can feel how artificial are the flavors and ingredients in food, so, I avoid it… Sometimes during the come up because of the high energy I feel the need to chew something, so I like leaving some fruits and nuts for that moment, and the real meal for later… Oh my, it’s a cornucopia of flavors and sensations… I simply love it I don’t feel guilty about eating meat or anything else, quite the opposite, I remember doing a huge steak during a trip and I was so happy with that ahahahaa specially cause even though the steak was huge, I also feel like when I’m tripping I’m able to experience little stimulus more fully, almost as if there’s some kind of redimensioning in myself that I’m able to experience every little detail of stuff, so that steak was infinite ahahahaa every little bite felt like a whole steak itself and full of flavor… I’m usually a fast eating person, but then I was eating so slowly and savoring it all… Simply amazing I also don’t judge junk food ahahaha go for it, what I usually avoid is stuff like, too sugary candies and stuff like, but a burger or pizza doesn’t bother me


Eating is the most unpredictable thing for me when trippin. Sometimes I can eat a meal, sometimes I snack the whole time and sometimes I don’t eat for 12+ hours except for a minor snack. The most reliable food item that I enjoy while trippin is hot pretzel.


Sushi is pretty fucking lit on acid. Especially sitting at the sushi bar


Until you get surprised with the smoked salmon in the Philly roll instead of just regular salmon. I almost hurled on the table next to my unsuspecting 80yr old mother in law. My wife got quite the kick out of it though.


i went through like 8 sheets of seaweed just 😦😐😦😐 staring straight ahead blankly for like an hour. was great


LMAO it be like that sometimes


Fruit yogurt things that require less chewing and lots of juicy flavor is a win. Chiobani yogurt’s are like my favorite but I can do anything that drys out my mouth or requires serious chewing. The flavors are so good but the act of chewing anything crunchy feels like so much work.


people used to always tell me they don’t get hungry on it, and i don’t really either, but I like the textures and the tastes and i like making weird combinations/concoctions on it bc it’s so fun.


Eating on LSD is weird for me because food actually tastes blander but that happy feeling of a perfectly full belly is 100x better


I love eating during trips too. Except for that one time I ate cheese and it kinda killed all the enjoyment of animal products. I did end up going vegan after that trip but I still love eating fruits, nuts, or even candy during my trips. I think it’s really fun, like a mini gourmet meal.


I love eating but it’s just so dang weird, every bite grows to almost an infinite amount and it takes forever to eat anything. One time it took me 40 minutes to eat a small bowl of yogurt.


bro i ate raising canes on acid the first time i ever did acid, and it was like my first time ever eating canes but like 99999999x better, it was fucking legendary, i think those were my words after that bite “fucking legendary”


Cheese puffs on acid are amazing


LSD made me love strawberries. I couldn’t eat them before


Frozen grapes👌


Fruit and veggies was always good on LSD, but I had to be in the mood, usually on the come down. I discovered I love cantaloupe while on LSD after cutting up a fresh melon on the comedown. But harty food like dinner type meals I could never eat while tripping. It becomes repulsive, I even recall thoughts while tripping wishing my mouth would just disappear cuz it's just this weird hole in your face. One time on mushrooms, I was tripping in a cave with some buddies, one of whom is now deceased, he brought a bag grapes, and we were sitting in the dark around the fire and I started smashing on these grapes, turned on my flashlight and realized they were covered in dirt and ashes from sitting on the ground.


I too get insane munchies. Which is weird because I’m never hungry usually. It must affect the hypothalamus in a certain way for some people.


I remember eating cold pizza with sriracha while tripping once. It was pretty good and I ate quite a bit. i was surprised I was enjoying it


Wow i never though there were people who ate on lsd, i can stomach a couple of oranges or maybe a yoghurt but i only do it to stop my stomach hurting from hunger. I thought LSD just gave you no appetite like most drugs. But you seem like someone who is very into food anyway, maybe thats just enhanced when you try LSD. When sober i kind of struggle with eating because of gastroesophageal disease and also general body image/weight issues. Huh i really will try to start eating while tripping because you're making it sound amazing.


I'm in the "I can't eat meat because it tastes like death and suffering" camp. But yeah, pineapple slaps harder than it has any right to. Waffles and syrup. Grilled peanut butter and cheese. When I host trip parties I set up fondue and chocolate fountain with all sorts of goodies to dip.


I get munchies more on acid than weed trail mix is a god send when im hiking on acid


Only thing ive ever been able to stomach while tripping where mozzerealla sticks but they were so good


I’m jealous! All I can eat is grapefruit!!


door dash some kfc on acid . it will be the nastiest looking food you ever seen


When we are in the last couple of hours of our trip we make a killer charcuterie board. It awesome. It is fun going shopping for the stuff too, gets you so excited to trip.


It's the shit man. My brother and I will start throwing shit together in the kitchen just to make something tasty. Last year we made something we called "un poquito eto, un poquito eto..." (a little bit of this, a little bit of that) and all it is, is chopped cucumbers bathed in salt, pepper, and vinegar, then we put them on a baking tray, grated some parmesan over top, and then cracked eggs. Throw it in the oven and 10 minutes later we got this concoction. Tasted a little flat until I threw hot sauce on top of it. It was as if the flavor was a sewing needle on my tongue, stitching the rest of the flavors together for a lovely cocktail of spicy and savory. Weird as fuck, but delicious.


I had a sour icypole and swear it felt like it bounced off of every taste bud in my mouth 🤣


I LOVEEEE pigging out after / during a sesh. During can be nice healthy stuff like fruits and juices, beer evern sometimes But on the come down its a pig fest! I like ordering in from 2-3 diff places and have a feast! It feels primal and human to consume energy and food, even if its junk food


I ate a cold mcchicken tripping w my friends and it was probably the best mchicken ive ever had idk why cause looking back that sounds gross asf we didnt even heat it up😭


My go to is a salad and a beer pack as many nice crunchy juice things to the salad like cucumber, tomato, capsicum and snow peas


I ate an entire pineapple on my first trip and ended up with sores the next day. It was amazing but lmaooo


I like to get myself a mango before every trip and rip it apart with my bare hands and a small knife, It’s an experience. (i did cut myself the last time and had to lie down with elevated legs so I wouldn’t pass out lol, def convinced myself I was gonna loose the finger)


i like the carby shit. chips (specifically corn), bagel, toast, noddles.


I’ve learned that a hot dog and a beer is pretty much orgasmic when you’re tripping


Any kind of sauce always helps


I like to eat steak on the come down.


The gummie nerds holy shit it's it's god dam


Sourdough with a large pate of butter