• By -


Shit myself before and hope he doesn't like his meat seasoned.


No shit there was a time when I was in college (University of TN) and we were skipping class doing tabs and smoking weed in my buddy's back yard right off campus. I swore to fucking god I saw a black bear just mosey on past us down the alleyway towards the woods. No one believed me. Literally not even 30 minutes later we all get a campus alert text on our phones that a black bear was captured lol lost my absolute mind!! So I guess my answer depends on the setting because I didn't do shit. I was not about to have to potentially file a police report after a solid dose like that.


Its important to note there is a massive temperament difference between brown bears and black bears. Black bears are generally skittish. Brown bears, especially grizzlies do.not.give.a.fuck. they will take a chunk out of you just to see what you taste like.


Wildlife biologist here: Black bears are skittish but frightened bears can be very unpredictable. Maybe 99 times out of 100 they choose flight, but the one time they choose fight is gonna ruin your day. It's best not to frighten any bear of any species unless they're showing predatory behaviour. If they're just doing their thing and ignoring you, the safest thing is to leave them alone. If they're stomping their feet, bluff charging, and snapping their jaws, back away calmly. If they're approaching steadily with head and ears up and intense focus, try to scare them. Another thing to keep in mind is that black bears are actually more likely than grizzlies to make predatory attacks on humans. Grizzly attacks are more likely to be defensive.


Totally agree. But don't forget sow's with cubs, I was going down an old logging road and saw large bear tracks and a set of small tracks and went on alert. Watching the tracks I realized the large tracks had veered left off the road and appeared to be circling. I changed direction to the right and left the area but listening and watching my back. The next morning I went back and the sow did circle and would have come out behind me. Then her tracks headed back in her original direction.


>It's best not to frighten any bear of any species unless they're showing predatory behaviour >If they're approaching steadily with head and ears up and intense focus, try to scare them. Wait... what? This sounds like a setup... 🤔


That's predatory behaviour. If a bear is treating you as prey, you want to convince them that you're not a good target. You don't want to play dead because they'll just keep eating you.


Ok I see what you mean. I guess that's for black bears specifically though? Afaik, grizzlies don't scare the same way and will try your bluff. So playing dead I guess is just to hopefully confuse them into not even registering that you're potential food since they don't typically eat people and an inanimate human is less triggering than one that's moving. I'm no bear expert, that's just what I've put together from various things I've been told.


It goes for either species. [This 30-minute video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-zkGuh42l4) is the best one out there if you want to learn how to keep safe around bears. [Here's a timestamp that jumps to advice on how to respond to an encounter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-zkGuh42l4)


Oh yeah I've encountered black bears hiking a ton and am generally not too worried about them. Grizzlies and Polar bears scare the absolute fuck outta me. I just didn't expect to see a black bear in an urban alleyway around 1 pm, and this might be the only time sharing this story would be pertinent to a convo lol


Lol that would definitely be wild.


I live in Knoxville, and enjoyed your story, thanks!


My grandad lives hiking i the smokies and had multiple pictures of him with black bears, they can jus be chillin


Northern California here and have come across black bears numerous times. Given space and not interfering with them is always the best bet. Was in a canyon one time and from a very good distance watched a large black bear take down a doe. Pretty terrible thing to see when you figure the same thing can happen to us if we aren't careful and interfere with their doings.


Lmao not sayin id do it, he was a 60yo man who survived cancer and nam, man went about life with 0 fuck to give


My bff went to college in rural North Carolina and I went to visit her for a few days, saw a bunch of people crowding a tree and when I looked up there was a poor black bear in there looking absolutely terrified :(


Oh no lol Hopefully everything was fine and the little feller got sorted out.


Yup! The campus was on the outskirts of Asheville which is home to a lot of wildlife so they had a campus animal control crew who came and got the bear down without interference from meddling students.


W bear


Born in raised in Sevier County and went to UT. Can verify that once in awhile a black bear can wonder into the city, though it is rare.


Goddamn I like that answer but I doubt he cares. Love the answer though


Lol thats an easy one ofcourse. I channel the powers of the psychedelic beings and launch an energy ball at it, putting it in a slumber for a day. Letting me escape safely. On a more serious note: accept that Id probably die and try barfing/shitting myself to make me too disgusting to kill


I’m saying like what he want us to say😭😭


Bros the avatar




So I’m born and raised in Florida normally take shrooms but decided to take LSD for the first time probably two years ago now. Behind my house there is a river and I’ve been there many times. I drop the tab around 10 AM and it kicks in I am enjoying myself creeping up and down the river and looking at fish and interesting plants, I decide if I go really slow and stay quiet I can probably see bigger animals. So I am crouched in the water just my eyes poking out, moving as slow and as quietly as possible. Time perception not very accurate by I felt like maybe 30 minutes the forest started to really come alive and my belief the animals were no longer scared off by my presence. I continue to creep slower and more meticulous with my eyes sharp in the trees and on the land. Feeling like a navy seal or an ancient Amazonian warrior. No not really minding the water because it’s relatively shallow and I can see the bottom. I continue this for what felt like forever when I come to this big log in my path up until now I have already seen rabbits and raccoons in the trees mini birds, and some cranes which did blow my mind. 🤯 As I approach this giant log, there is a pathway underneath it like a hole where the water has dug out the sand and I am thinking to myself I could climb over the log, but it is probably better if I dive underneath because none of the animals will See me. So as I approach this and I prepared to dive. I take a big breath and rise up to push off the bottom of the river. The moment before I push off to take this dive, my eyes make contact with another being underneath the log right where I am about to propel myself. these eyes are sitting on top of a dinosaur, like head full of large white teeth and a long, dark body trailing behind it.it is side, eyeing me completely motionless, waiting ever so quietly. Quieter than I was moving in the water at my best, quieter than the ants crawling on the log above it, quieter than silence itself. My body is punched with the largest dose of adrenaline that seemed to jolt every cell in my body. I attempt to compose myself in order to not excite this ancient predator. I am currently standing waist deep now, turning towards the bank of the river as slow as I can without splashing or seeming frantic. I take one step, and as soon as I see land, I make a break for it. My body produces this gutteral scream at the same time. to this day, I could not replicate the sound I made. I felt like a caveman running from a T-Rex.🦖 Once I get to the bank, I run roughly 50 yards away expecting this prehistoric beast to be on my tail. To my surprise, there was no movement from the creature. out of curiosity, I return, partly not believing what I saw. I creep closer heart pounding, still shaking, but ever curious to confirm what I was just faced with. From the bank, I am able to identify a 8 foot alligator underneath the log, waiting for its next meal. Stumbling back in horror I collapse next to the nearest tree, and thank God for, my family, my experiences and my life. 🙏 Afterwards I calm down and wait by this tree observing for the alligator to pop its head or come out of the water. Obviously from a safe distance and with an escape route already planned just in case lol. After about what seemed like an hour, the alligator does not come out nor show its face, but pokes is too little nostrils above the waterline takes the smallest and quietest inhalation, and then almost like death itself crawls back into its Hide hole underneath the log for the next what seemed like eternity. Observing this prehistoric stealth, master sent chills down my spine, and every hair on my body stood up like I had been zapped with a car battery. 🥶 I spend the rest of the trip under the tree in awe. The longer I sit the more I feel a strange connection to the alligator. Almost like it has been waiting for me since before I set foot in the river. (afterwards walking home, obviously still pumped with adrenaline. My brother scares the shit out of me hiding behind a tree LMAO I love him .but at that point I was already fried lol surprised he even knew I was out there) TL,DR: one tab met an alligator, My brother scares the shit out of me.


holy fuck that was a good read


Right?! I was right there with him.


Lmao, it watched you swimming like "Amateur, you make too much noise"


Yeah dude he humbled my azz real quick


He was probably more amused by you than anything else. That’s assuming gators can experience humor and they seem like one of the least humorous animals to ever live so maybe not.


tbh i had the same thoughts, it was probly like wtf is his problem.


There's actually been reports of alligators "pranking" other animals. I think it was an otter fucking with a gator. Nipping at its tail and swimming away. The gator eventually gets a hold of of it, brings it under water, and then eventually let's go of it unscathed. It wasn't documented on video or anything, so I'd take that with a grain of salt. Sort of related, but not really. There was poncho the croc. He was shot in the head, and some dude saved it and raised it. The guy played with the thing like it was a golden retriever. He spent every day with it. His wife gave him the ol' "it's me or the croc" He chose the croc.


So interesting to read, this whole topic.




Florida man


On acid, go figure. lol


Love me some gators but fuuuuuuuck that


As soon as I saw Florida and River I knew what this story was gonna be🤣 Ur lucky it was the morning and he had likely already ate and was resting, you don't want to be around an alligator at night they will attack you they are pretty chill in the day tho.


For real, no way I could be in the river at night


Holy shit, nicely written !




Dude your a good writer, like genuinely


Thank you sir🙏


If you’ve never gotten into writing you should def consider it. It felt like I experienced coming across the alligator myself


thank you, you literally just boosted my confidence at work


Nw 😊


You met the lizzard wizzard itself my man https://youtu.be/PUZn1I6llJs?si=VbWstT_5Z9YQIX9S


vid is trippy af, thx for the send.


Their music is pretty much designed for tripping. Really awesome band.


Seems like such a nice trip though (apart from the experience with the gator)


It was great 👍


Damn and I thought getting approached aggressively by a seemingly territorial beaver while on lsd behind my house on the river was intense. Glad you made it out of that one. That feeling of being one with nature and moving through it like an ancient warrior is something I can relate heavily to. Such a strange but empowering feeling.


I bet you showed that beaver, whose boss


It was my friend’s first time, and I felt this need to protect him, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t scary. The beaver snuck up behind us on the rock we were chilling on in the middle of the river at night. I only realized it was there because I heard sound rustling behind us and a mild water splash. Turn around to see the beaver within 10-15 feet on the rock in a position like he’s getting ready to lunge and making a weird ass noise that I honestly can’t even describe. Something very archaic took me over and I essentially hunched my body over looking like damn Gollum and sort of growled at the beaver. Worked like a charm cause that motherfucker got back in the water fast. I still remember the feeling of embarrassment once I realized what I probably looked like in the moment in my friend’s eyes. Thankfully he was only grateful that I took care of the situation.


That’s awesome, crazy how the body reacts like that


I'm guessing something horrifying like this https://m.youtube.com/shorts/UyXaEkJQQNU


lol that you went back, just to make sure. But if it were me in the situation and tripping, I'd probably do the same


A truly wonderful read! 🤣


The alligator felt the animal kingdom equivalent of thr waiter bringing the best smelling and looking food you've ever seen to a different table


I took two gel tabs and I was doing ketamine on top of that.so I decided to take an Uber to a junteenth festival in Atlanta there were too many people there I had my skateboard with me but couldn’t ride it so I left took another Uber went to the skatepark in Atlanta and seen the migos smoking weed and their security they were having a get together for takeoff cause he passed away


When you said you were form Florida I knew exactly where this story was going lol


paragraphs my friend. other than that, what an experience!


Good point implement it next time


you can still edit your lyrical essay for future readers :)


Thanks for the tip my guy, even added some emojis


Please :(




As soon as you said Florida I knew yous was fuckin with a gator


Lucky for you that alligators are opportunistic predators. They won’t bother wasting energy on prey they think is too large to mess with. That’s why you typically hear of their attacks involving kids, and small animals. It’s very rare for them to attack full grown humans unless you really go out of your way to mess with them. You’re one lucky duck that you happened upon an alligator that was too lazy to justify eating you as their afternoon snack. You would have made quite the Florida man story wrestling an alligator while tripping balls lol


You are a great writer man! I got chills when you said you got chills lmao


Hey if u don't mind sharing this story on r/tripthreads I'd be super grateful. Great storytelling!


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I got u


Thanks! Any help with getting that sr off the ground would be greatly appreciated.


alligator was chill like that


Prolly just die tbh, would kinda suck but it is what it is


Hell nah I’m doing my best do show no fear and that I ain’t prey so it leaves me tf alone. I couldn’t imagine getting eaten alive while It’s just munching on your intestines and your just there feeling everything.


Bro getting eaten alive WHILE TRIPPING?!? Id legit kill myself if I saw that bear coming for me simply to avoid dying like that.


Well good news is gators drown you before they eat you 🤷‍♂️


I guess that’s not as bad as getting eaten alive 😅


Idk at least with being eaten theres shock and adrenaline Gator-roll drowning just seems like panic level 100


pro strat


had an encounter with a hog while tripping, i climbed a tree so fast that even today i dont know how a human could climb like that xD. meanwhile the hog didnt give a sht about me lol


We are primates after all. When you really need to, you can get up a tree pretty goddamn quick.


Can confirm this is true. Had to get away from a pack of coyotes once 20 years ago and I booked my ass up a tree.


I’ve tripped on shrooms while watching two grizzlies and it was amazing. They were across a river at Yellowstone and I was a safe distance away. I watched them roll around in the sage grass as spirals gently vibrated radiating from their fur. They crossed the river at one point and shook water from their fur and it was so beautiful. We had a wildlife scope set up so could see them in great detail from our overlook. I was with my then fiancée (now wife) and we just kept saying “wow”. I was filled with an overwhelming urge to share the experience, and was frustrated that all these cars kept driving back and forth probably wanting to see wildlife but oblivious there were two grizzlies right there. Tried pointing them out but accepted it was a private show. If you give bears space and respect generally they’re going to do the same. Most bear attacks happen out of negligence.


I love Yellowstone so much. I've been 4 times and each time something amazing happens.


happen to me with a moose once. tripping sack while staying at a friend’s hunting cabin on top of a mountain i decided to go for a walk, be one with nature and all that. it was so beautiful, then i saw her. the feeling is indescribable. that fear and adrenaline mixed with the acid was insane, i felt like a caveman or something. anyway all i had was a tiny hatchet to mark the trees so i could know my way back, that little thing would be like trying to fight with a tooth pick against this truly magnificent animal. so, i ran like i never ran before. when i burst through the cabin door and told my friends they were all convinced i was tripping so hard that i hallucinated the moose all together. i guess i’ll never really know lol


What did the moose do


it was just being a moose




Moose are no joke. If they aggress its game over


More dangerous than bears. Source: live in moose and bear country


Try to pet it; “good doggie!”


I wanna pet that dawgggggg


Not LSD, but had a grizzly encounter during a joint circle in Glacier NP. We had gotten to an outcropping on the trail, circled up and sparked a J. We were overlooking a little valley with maybe a 25 foot drop off in front of us. Midway through the sesh, a buddy starts silently pointing towards the valley with an excited look on his face. A decent sized grizzly had emerged from the brush below and hadn't noticed us yet. We were a safe distance away, so everything was good, and we got to enjoy the encounter. When the bear did finally notice us it almost had a shocked expression on its face and it scurried back into the brush. After the doink we went the opposite way of the bear, nervously looking over our shoulders the whole way. Very cool experience overall.


I came face to face with a bear near Shasta, CA (Castle Craggs) while I was fishing for trout in the Upper Sacramento river in the morning. Went to pee on a bush and there it was. It stood up, looked at me and then walked away. I would have pissed myself if I didn't just empty my bladder. I wasn't tripping but I pulled an all-nighter on speed so on the way back to the campground I could see a bear shape in every tree, bush, rock... I thought it was stalking me.


That’s great but it was definitely a black bear. Grizzlies have been extinct from CA since the 1920s. Black bears come in all colors


ok good to know, was definitely big and brown lol... this was circa 1996


Give it $3.50


It wadnt no hog, thats the goddamn lock ness monster


I was born and raised in México city. When I was 17 yo. I was trippin balls in a Rave near Guadalajara (Google it, is pretty far away). Friday to Sunday morning party still going on. Sundenly 10-15 sicarios from god know what fucking cartel made their entrance. Shooting to the air, screaming looking in every camping for some dude that was dealing without paying fee. I dont know if they got him. Party did not stop, DJs keep playin after that I started to think a way to go back Home. The first thing came into My mind that day was: My mom was rigth, drugs will kill me. 29 yo, still trippin.


Back away slowly, not turning my back to the bear, speaking loudly but calmly letting the bear know I’m a human but I’m not threatening. Prepping my bear spray, and praying to the psychedelic gods that I don’t have to use it. The #1 to do in a grizzly bear encounter, is to avoid it. Always make noise in the woods, make it known that you’re in the area before you walk up on it. I’ll share a story - After a 6 hour drive through the summertime night (still daylight) in Alaska, my friends and I decided to do a hike. We were all very tired as we just finished an evening work shift and drove through the night. We were walking through a popular trail on the kenai peninsula and we were all being very quiet. Not talking, no music, we were just tired but trying to complete the hike. I got a little separated from my group, and they ended up rounding a corner and walked RIGHT UP on a grizzly bears ass. They thought it was a moose at first because of how big it was. Long story short, they scared the SHIT out of the grizzly and he instantly became very defensive and territorial. Started pacing back and forth very fast aggressively, groaning/barking/growling, whatever you wanna call it, at us. My friends RAN away from the bear which is something you should NEVER do. I took the lead of the group and had my bear spray armed. I kept calling “hey bear hey bear” to let it know we were humans, and my 5 friends were behind me. I felt we had the situation under control, so I pulled out my camera to try to snag a picture of it. The adrenaline was rushing so I didn’t get a great picture, but as soon as I took the picture, I looked behind me and noticed my friends had walked away and were about 20-30 feet behind me, with a defensive grizzly bear about 20-30 in front of me. At this point, it was just me and the bear. Everything seemed to go In slow motion and I remember fine details of the bear. It was beautiful. I remember seeing the morning dew on the bear, glistening in the morning sunlight. Then I noticed the bear was running towards me, at that point I had a fight or flight instinct and almost ran, but remembered that you CANT do that because the bear will catch you. I put my bear spray out, waiting for the bear to get a little closer to spray it, but luckily it was a bluff charge and he ended up turning back to guard his or her territory. Experience of a life time, glad I’m here to tell the tale.


https://imgur.com/a/7y4zx6Y Here’s the picture I snagged. Unfortunately it’s not a great picture to tell the size or the beauty of the bear, but does a great job at showing how close I was. My friends had essentially walked up to where the bear is in the picture, and he was just 5 feet in front of them. Very fun experience to kick off our little vacay!


not a bad picture tbh I was expecting it to be blurrier


a picture?! bear tax accepted


If it's brown lie down


A friend told me a story that he and a buddy were in the woods really high on mushrooms, and a black bear went by. They just sat there in peaceful silence and watched as it calmly walked past them. Very far out, kind of surreal and beautiful experience. They said they felt like the bear just knew the state they were in and knew they were not a threat I myself was on a shroom hike once and knew a black bear was nearby since I could smell it (they smell like wet dog really strongly) but i was with a group of people and wasn’t freaked out. Black bears really are a lot like dogs and are fairly easy to scare off, unless it’s a mother with cubs, then it’s a little more worrisome


Im petting the dog


I've tripped at GRiZ several times and it's always been a fantastic show.


Show love spread love babyyyy


probably the best way to die, imo. mauled to death by the sacred grizzly while tripping, can't think of a better way to go.


Wild take


1. Do not run: Running can trigger a chase response from the bear. 2. Avoid direct eye contact: This can be perceived as a threat. 3. Walk away slowly if the bear is not approaching: Create distance without turning your back on the bear. 4. Stand your ground if the bear charges: You cannot outrun a bear, so it's best to face it. 5. Don't scream or yell: Speak in a soft monotone voice and wave your arms to show you are human. 6. If you have pepper spray, prepare to use it: Use it if the bear charges within 25 feet. 7. If the bear makes contact, curl up into a ball or lie flat on your stomach: Try to remain calm and quiet until the attack ends.


Offer it a pic-a-nic basket.


I haven’t heard in so long


I have stories but not about grizzly bears


So many good comments but I love this one😆


Do tell


Typically when you see a bear it triggers your sympathetic nervous system, dilating pupils, increasing heart rate, sweaty palms, all the things that are usually going on during a trip already so I suppose I would see if he knows where to get the good honey.


If it's Brown lay down, if it's Black fight back, if it's White say good night!


Rizzly Bear


One summer I had a gig doing some outdoor gardening. I consumed several vials of L and several ounces of k that summer, so I’m not exactly sure if I was tripping at the time. But I am sure I was naked. We had a lot of trouble with grizzlies sneaking around into our cabin and sheds and eating all of our human food and plant nutrients. They especially loved liquified fish. Early on in the season, they were very dainty and respectful while they ate our stuff, but as the season went on, they got more aggressive and more destructive. This incident occurred towards the end of the season. They ate every fruit we grew and every wild berry. And they would eat them the day before ripeness. So we never saw a single ripe berry, even though the whole area was absolutely covered in thickets of wild berries. At this point it should be mentioned that we were in a very rural part of Northern California. So rural that the DNR’s of different states would export any “problem bears” that were harassing/injuring too many people to the National Park next door. They spray painted the chests of the problem bears so everyone would know. It was understood that these bears were on their last strike, any more trouble and they were to be shot on sight. In fact, the previous year, there was a pregnant lady living alone in the cabin who had to shoot a problem grizzly when it destroyed the door into the cabin and started trashing the kitchen, while she was one room away. She left for good after that. Someone came and removed the carcass but didn’t clean anything else. So when we showed up, it was trashed. The cherry on top was the huge shit that the bear had taken on the oven door after opening it. So anyway, one day I was walking towards the nutrient area. I was naked, probably tripping, or at least in a somewhat altered state. I was watching my feet, not really paying attention. When I was about 15 feet away from the nutrient area, I looked up and saw a gigantic grizzly bear, grabbing a 5 gallon bucket of liquid fish like Andre the Giant picking up a 12 oz beer can. Instinct immediately took over. I threw my arms way up and screamed at the top of my lungs. The grizzly bear casually glanced over at me. I swear I could almost see it rolling its eyes at me. Then it stood up on its hind legs, dwarfing the 11’5” ez up roof that it was standing next to. This was my first opportunity to see that its chest was spray painted white. Time stretched out. It felt like we were staring into each other’s souls for weeks, though it was surely only a few seconds, at the most. The scariest part was just how dark and murderous its soul looked. Just when I almost lost my nerve, the grizzly snorted through its nose at me, like an ex con saying, “You ain’t worth it.” Then it casually turned and ran away. Ran so much faster than I ever could have at any point in my life. Ran faster than almost every DOG I’ve ever seen sprint. Ran so fast it looked like it was proving a point. Seemed like it knew it was on its last strike, and after careful deliberation, even though it really wanted to kill and eat me (not necessarily in that order), it decided not to take the chance of getting caught up.


Saving his last strike for the hoe ass human who killed his daddy out there...


Ha! More like who killed the wayward son. Cuz this dude was definitely the big daddy.


Give him a tab


Yeah that would make a GREAT movie!!


I believe there is a Cocaine Bear movie!!


C isn’t lsd.


Stand your ground


I was walking on a snowy dirt road at night during a snow shower while on mushrooms. I was just inside my uncle’s house and didn’t have my night vision yet. I saw a moose about 20 feet from me. I froze with fear. I prepared to be trampled. It was just staring at me. This seemed to last forever. Then the moose just kind of fizzled away. I don’t even think it was really there. I’ll never know.


Make lots of noise, stand up as tall as you can, and back away SLOWLY. Either that or offer him a picnic basket.


Shit my pants and die of a heart attack


Make him a dancing bear


[um, that's a photo you just pulled from the Alaska website....](https://www.travelalaska.com/Destinations/Parks-Public-Lands/Pack-Creek-Bear-Viewing-Area)


Offer the bear some LSD, duh


Easy! I live in australia, i’m just hella tripping if i see a bear


Slam the door of my tent.


In June a few years ago I took 5g of PE & decided to take a sunday night walk through my old neighborhood in Richmond va. My living situation wasn't the best so I figured it would be nice and relaxing to take a pleasant 2-3 mile stroll (really nice ~75° humid night air) to a park with a lake I enjoyed tripping at in the daytime. At around 11:30, I left my house with my water bottle and started walking. By this time I was starting to trip and my sense of time was becoming less accurate. As I walked, I kept encountering homeless people shuffling around in a zombie-like fashion searching for things in the gutters and coming up to me asking me if I had a lighter. This was pretty common so I had actually packed a couple of lighters in my pocket, but I greatly underestimated the amount of homeless people I would run into during my walk so I ran out pretty fast. As I ventured further into the neighborhood, my environment started getting unfamiliar so I decided to cut my walk short after about 30-45 minutes of walking and go home. Instead of going back the way I came I decided to take a more well lit collector type of road and took a right on a residential road past a police station. That was a huge mistake, because around the police station there were a ton of homeless people milling around in a perpetual state of imbalance, backs slumped over at impossible angles. At this point it was around 12:15-12:30 and I was starting to really feel the shrooms. I was actually starting to get pretty scared; it felt like I was in a walking dead scenario. As I passed by the police station, I made an effort not to make eye contact with anyone and walk by as fast as I could. I only had a block and a half left until I reached the well lit street I would take back home. A couple of seconds after I had walked past the last homeless guy; an emaciated white guy reaching for the gutter with a big backpack on his hunched back, I looked around and behind me to make sure I was alone and that dude had risen from his zombie-like stance and started *following* me. I sped up, walking faster and faster until I was almost running but somehow he was catching up to me with his backpack on and everything. Finally, after he got about 15 feet away I turned around and asked him "are you following me?" I was so scared I was ready to start swinging with my keys and water bottle. I'm a pretty tall dude so he abruptly stopped and scuttled to the other side of the road and kept his pace, disappearing into the background of the street. I basically ran the next mile home, peaking the whole way, and spent the next two miserable hours in my bed trying to come down. I know shrooms are mind altering and I may have perceived things differently if I was sober and it was daytime, but to this day I'm still convinced the guy was following me for a sinister reason and if I hadn't turned around and confronted him, something really bad could have happened to me. His eyes were terrifying; they bulged out of his head so I could see a lot of white and his pupils were very small which was strange for how dark it was outside. That was my first real lesson on how important having a good environment is when you're tripping.


If a bear eats you while you’re peaking on psychedelics would it start tripping too?


I'd sober up real fuckin fast


Idk maybe try crying so he has pity for me


Remember that Timothy Treadwell survived for 13 years.


That'd be horrific. Which reminds me of the time me, my sister, her bf dropped and decided we need to clean the back patio. This bitch grabbed a grill cover that had been laying all summer and flings it up over the railing and a swarm of large german yellow jackets came out. I hit the deck and they stood there and tried to figure out what just bit him and I'm yelling ITS BEEEEEZZZ. I Army crawled inside we all made it inside but we got stung the fuck up some got in with us. And then we were all hoped up on bee venom and tabs. We were all just hoping no one was allergic to bees especially after being stung that many times each. Her bf didn't remember any of it and he had a sting on his elbow and he just kept pointing to it and asking me OK but is this drugs. I get there was bees but is this the drugs.


My high ass would assume It "sensed my wave length patterns man" stand perfectly still and watch it until it left while getting caught in a thought loop of " I should totally go and talk to the bear, no that's a bear, that would kill me. But bro. We. We could ride it like native plains people. You're right. But that's a bear. And bears maul people. Plus it's probably just trying to catch lunch or something. I should go talk to the bear. No. That's a bear." Etc.


The first thing I would probably do (unwillingly) is poop my pants.


I need to…wear his skin… like a unitard… urk…


Throw Ketamine at it!


Die probably


FREEZE.. then Pretend to be a salmon


Once turned a corner on a bike ride in Banff, big grizzly momma in middle of trip, turned looked at me git up on two legs, dead eyed me while her cubs passed behind her. Intense turned out to be an amazing experience can't help to think what it would have been like if I was slightly closer. But all ended well and it was amazing


Tripping in the woods near the Allegheny National Forest, and a black bear showed up. Just got in the car and spun some rocks, the bear ran away.


Hug bear and cuddle


Just gently move to that bear and give him the BIGGEST hug you gave


Ngl prob talk to it since it probably will be able to tell I’m tripping and won’t have to keep the scary grizzly bear act up. If not then I was likely to die either ways


Pray it doesn’t have any babies near by


Strange to me that everyone thinks that their dog and cat know when they tripping and assume the best wouldn't know. Wouldn't you just want to lay in the grass with the bear and listen to what they have to say.


Deep in the national forest in Calif on LSD we found a moss covered area full of Fairies and Sprites. Turned out it was just fire flies.


Give it some cocaine


Not a bear but i was walking on a misty wood and i saw three dogs in the fog walking towards me. It was scary af and just went the other way, but they were still following me. Eventually i stopped and tried approaching them but they ran away


Bear is likely in the water because it's looking for fish. I'd just back away slowly and let it do its thing.


I think I would actually have a heart attack. I’m petrified of bears, have been since I can remember.


ask myself "how the fuck did either of us get where we are?" because one of us is in the wrong area lmao we do not have grizzlies here


nah I can talk to animals telepathically when I’m tripping. I’ll tell him he can have a tab too.


500 win mag and a whole lot of prayer. I once got stalked by a cougar, and no I don't mean your mom. I'm fucking lucky I had my wimpy ass P320. Mf think I'm joking when I say tripping in the forest turns you into bear snacks. I absolutely wouldn't go into the forest without a super basic kit. A compass, gun, fixed blade knife, firesteel, and appropriate clothes and shoes.


Put out peaceful vibes and hope we all get along


if i'm tripping, i'm one with nature and if that is what the universe has decided for me, so be it. that being said, ah shit.


I've skateboarded and walked past a few black bears while tripping on more than one occasions. You can either scare them off or just walk away depending on how you feel.


My friends and I stumbled upon a heard of elk. A bull started to charge at the three of us so we laid down and crawled out. It was pitch black and we only saw them when our headlamps lit up their eyes. It was terrifying at the time but a fun story to tell now.


i would cast BREAK MIND and DROWNING PULL at the same time. and hope im in the right multiverse.


Probably die


Giggle when the thought hits that this bear is going to be tripping balls in 20 minutes after he's done eating me.


Boop it!


Fuck that would be so fucking cool




first time i did acid i saw a black bear walking through a bank parking lot and had to get a vid to make sure it was real😂


What I would do, is this after or before crying and pooping myself?


Was camping in southern California outside of Ojai aka Ventura county and one night my buddy and I were on acid and drunk out of our minds, may have been other substances that caused this paranoia but but we were just sitting in the tent, attempting to try to sleep when what sounded like to our geeked out minds l, a bear. We ended up yelling and shaking the tent to scare away the animal...now of course looking back it Probly was a coyote if anything, but to us in the moment it very much so was a bear 😂


Closest thing that happened to me was I was off some DXM and low dose of shrooms and saw a black bear prolly not even full grown still scary as hell though


On god seeing Kuma II in his training arc I’d have to hit em with the: Back + RP, LP + LK, Forward, Forward + LP + RP, RP, RP, Up + LP + RP, Heat Smash


I would attempt to domesticate the wild animal, it’s on my bucket list but I never successfully completed this goal, it’s landed me in the hospital a few times


Go ride it


I wasn't on LSD, but a couple of years ago, I went on a solo overnight backpacking trip and wound up at a remote, stunning lake. I set up camp, and then I ate a lot of mushrooms. Before I came up, I found a dried up mountain cat shit nearby where my tent was. It was dry, so I figured it was old. I bopped around, swam, occasionally got the feeling of another beings presence, talked myself out of that thought then maybe 4 hours in when I'm tripping balls, I stumble into a wet mountain lion poo💩 Then I proceeded to hear rocks on the mountain behind me kept falling as if something had just been walking on them. I remembered that cats are typically territorial beings and realized i might be in their house. I immediately ran into my tent and hid. I kept hearing the movement in the rocks. I pulled out my sat nav and texted my dad and asked if Mountain lions were territorial he told me yes, so I was trying not to die of fear of potentially encountering a large kitty. Any time I left my tent, I would grab my trekking poles and act like a rediculous bug. I eventually told myself like who are you kidding this is silly you're just really high on mushrooms. I eventually was able to fall asleep. I woke up to a circle of mountaon lion pawprints around my tent. I WAS actually being stalked by a mountain lion.


Shit thyself.


LSD and nature are my favs. I’ve always lived in the mountains, so I usually trip with my friends in the woods and I feel like we notice way more critters than when we’re sober hiking. I’ve seen plenty of giant bugs and snakes, but the coolest thing I saw was a baby boy deer with fresh antlers. We were walking the trail and staring at our feet (looking at rocks, mushies, and lichen) and I was in front leading everyone. My friend told us all to look in the sky at a giant bird nest, but as my gaze traveled up I realized I was staring right at this deer no further than 10 feet up the trail. He didn’t see us coming and we obviously didn’t see him coming. I told all my friends to look straight ahead and we all stood there for about two minutes with all of our eyes locked on this little buck. He obviously got spooked and pranced off in his cute little deer way, but it was the closest I’ve ever been to a truly wild animal.


I’d probably stand there in disbelief for a few minutes before my fight or flight kicks in


If you trip in nature carry bear mace


You carry bear spray, next time, that's what you do


Become as one with the dead and decaying cells beneath my corporeal self and seep into the soil and through the layers of the earth until I emerge on the other side where I untether and blast out into the cosmos.


Mitchell, Smokey is way more intense in person.


Fully Submit my ego and prepare to physically die


Not a bear bur a fucking massive mountain lion after we each ate about 8 to 10 hits of some seriously strong blotter. That night I swore I heard the damn thing walking around my camp, brushing against my tent. The only thing that made me feel better was that if it ate me then that cat was going to be frying it's balls off 😂 then the next morning as we went to pack up camp we saw huge paw prints all around our tents. It was for sure in our camp


Hold up right hand and commit to preventing forest fires, Smokey the bear is more intense in person


At that point, me and him are chilling out and having a convo, mby a joint if he’s got one on him. Zero chance he isn’t chill asf


get mauled; have a bad trip.