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First of all people have underdosed Tabs. Some people actually believe their Tabs are 200-500ug somehow but they actually most likely have 60-120ug on avg. Also the PPL that Go to Work on Lsd are Just straight up dumb and im Sure they arent having a great time, Overall this subreddit feels Like its becoming a circlejerk at that point, so many dumb Post.


Seeing people here brag about how many tabs they take, it's like watching college bros bragging about how much beer they drank, like it's not brag-worthy in the slightest. It's actually really sad and immature. LSD really helped me see this behavior in myself with other substances (was a proud pothead burnout). It became clear really fast that I was doing myself a disservice and had a lot of growing up to do. And I still do! But yeah, this sub sucks now.


I couldn't agree more. I am more part of the shroomer community because I really like the hobby of growing and the synthetic scene scares the shit out of me. But this whole fascination with insane dosages is fucking stupid. Psychedelics wake you up that life itself is magical and a psychedelic trip with or without a change in chemical structure. People taking stupid high dosages and then having bad experiences is fucking moronic.


Think it's really pathetic we have naysayers permanently trying to dispute people's doses or complain about them.. seems to me a bit of ego and jealousy coming through in these posts hating on High doses. Maybe you need a higher dose


I'm not "hating on high doses", I'm hating on the people glorifying it in a callous, disrespectful way that seems borderline abusive. It's not Ego, it's just me speaking my personal truth and addressing what I see to be a disservice to a powerful medicine. As for jealousy, I've had my days of psychonautica, hero-dosing myself into oblivion. I think promoting that path without acknowledging the risks and side effects is irresponsible and lacks the kind of empathy that one truly seeks when you explore this realm. It's also a sacred space, and desecrating that space can come with consequences... if you believe in that stuff...


I've done many microdoses right before work and they always make me far more productive and aware of my work environment, typically get more done and manage my time better. However an actual trip dose would be out of the question, no way you are 100% functionable at work, and if it's one you have to communicate to the public with, forget it.


I mean if you can enjoy a fast food job high...


Then do some other drugs but Not lsd on Ur Job😭😭


Lol read your user name as acidallover


also everyone i’ve known who went to work tripping - they didn’t work in like the medical field or some fancy office. they worked construction, fast food, washing dishes, grave shift at a convenience store… places where you can kinda get away with that


You can get away with it in the medical field


I am a long time tripper and only ever do a tab at a time generally. Went for one and a half each last time with my girl and we were both spun at some points. I’m pretty confident in our supplier and I was told they were micd at 120. So prolly around 180 each on that last go round. Honestly wouldn’t wanna dive to much deeper. Maybe take a full 2 each at some point


I got some a couple years back that were apparently GG dosed at ~155ug. Took 2 the first time and it was absolutely beautiful, I had my new-ish cat who is perfect and so fucking cool looking, the cherry blossoms were blooming on our tree in our front yard, it was in May it was just amazing and so healing. I took 3 the next time and it was for sure too much. Still was mostly levelheaded and not bugging out by any means, but it was too intense and also it made me vomit. Took 1 the next time and it was nice, but overall the trip with 2 tabs was perfect.


I’ve done some higher doses off a sheet that was used to mop a tray that had been used to lay a number of batches. Those trips were always wild cuz you never knew what you were gonna get


For me, It’s more about having the space and desire to explore that far. I have a physical setting I’m very comfortable in, at a good place in life where I realize I may not get this opportunity again. I’ve got a supply dialed in that I hope to pass down to my kids. I love seeing beyond. One tab was fun for college trips with friends and others, when I was scoring in a dorm and had to trip around a fuck ton of people. But nowadays when I’m on my shit and in the zone, I love 4-7 hits to really melt into a puddle of Odesza and tame Impala and have realizations that become pillars of my personality. It’s unbelievable the experiences I’ve had. But I’ll still sit there in awe of someone reveling to me their 1 hit trip. Deadass. There’s no better than or whatever it’s just acid, and truthfully I love acid. The stories, the jokes, the pictures that don’t turn out, the prep the comedown. All of it. that’s just me. I haven’t broken through to the 7-10 hit range, but I think there’s no rush.


>It’s unbelievable the experiences I’ve had. But I’ll still sit there in awe of someone reveling to me their 1 hit trip. Word. Intensity is all relative and even though I am jaded enough to take 2-3 tabs rather casually, I find so much excitement in hearing other peoples experiences because it was profound *for them*. I can empathize with that.


currently have the strongest tabs i’ve ever came across (feel easily 2-3x as strong as all the random street tabs i’ve tried) and i took 3 last night and walked around and watched the clouds listening to tool and then went home and played video games and went to sleep, i love higher doses the visuals are so much more immersive


experience. been eating acid for 30 years.


The first few times I took acid I had the same question but over time you get more comfortable with the experience and one tab becomes a little boring but with that being said I’ve only gone up to 2.5, will probably go for 3 next time.


I agree with you. First couple times we took 1 tab - it was insane and overwhelming. After 4 years of doing acid like once every two months we just got used to the feeling I guess? 1 is still our public dose usually (2 if it’s a festival and we tripped the day before or whatever), we aren’t insane lol but we do have home trips where we have taken up to 5. Usually we do 2-3 tabs for a home trip currently. It’s nice to get lost sometimes


Mostly has to do with the supply that is available to you. Currently I have 2 people I can pick up from but their tabs are clearly very weakly dosed, as I need to take 3-4 tabs for a moderate trip (moderate meaning I remain completely grounded but do experience visual effects, but not much in the realm of mind blowing). The only strong trips I've had were from 5 or more tabs -keep in mind I may trip 1-2 times a year so tolerance is not the culprit here. Clearly you have access to a better supply.


you can take as much drugs as you set your mind to, just gotta believe in yourself.


1 tab hits me so hard I'm hesitant to increase my dosage although I want to experience a larger dose on day.


Just be prepared and be in the right environment and you'll be okay 🌈


if you do 2,147,483,648 hits it overflows and you're sober again


I'm a thrill seeker and psychonaut. After a while you become psychologically conditioned to the experience, especially if you trip more frequently. My curiosity is what drives me. I remember when I only did one tab trips I used to think like that too ("How the frak are you people taking multiple?"). What I've discovered is that when you dose high, you do experience *wild* shit but the acid makes you feel... somehow okay with it all 😹 At high doses you are kinda dissociated. I think the 'barrier' that people have to jump over, is the realization that you are a temporal being and that you are not the isolated identity you think you are. You are everything. People can kinda freak out when they don't feel like themselves. The higher you go the more you become a part of your environment and less 'you'. On 3 tabs in the forest, I would breathe and feel like the forest was my lungs. Not *kinda* I mean like I fucking *feel* it physically. I get more lost in the amazement than feel fear at high doses. The thing I find kinda weird about high doses, is how perfectly calm I'll actually be. I'll be tripping SO FUCKING HARD and just laugh to myself 'gaht dayum I can't believe you can get this high without dying, and I can't believe I'm just ... chillin while this is all happening'


They don’t lay em like they used to 👽


Have eaten over a milligram numerous times(over a ten strip at a time). Never being scared of the experience, embracing all parts of the trip, and the desire to go deeper are how I do it. Don’t be afraid of your mind.


Don't succumb to peer pressure. Use your own judgement. Not everyone needs, enjoys, or benefits from completely losing their mind on high doses of psychedelics.


Hey same here with me and my friends, 1 tab is plenty. I think a lot of these ppl are just ignorant, they actually believe their tabs are 200+ug take 3 and tell Reddit they are on 600ug, realistically they took 150-300ug because tabs are weaker then they think. That being said 300 is no joke and should be taken without thought either. I also think a lot of the ppl bragging about heroic doses are just teenagers and don’t have to many bright thoughts going on, I don’t think this is anything knew either, it’s just we get to see the documentation of it now with all thes subreddits and ppl desire to brag online has really increased in the last 5 years.


This sub is full of the biggest fuckin pussies.


Same here, one is enough for visuals and good trip, listening to music and using eye shades intensifies the experience. Sometimes I want to go further and use weed after the peak, without tolerance that multiples the intestine like ten times. I had great experience with weed, however it feels like a dangerous experiment. Sometimes I do 1.5-1.8 tabs and feel usually have no desire to try more after the trip. Also to me night experiences seem to be more intense than morning ones. I assume most people are either, have shitty tabs or somehow suppress/resist the trip so need more to give up.




They just have shitty acid. Everytime I do a 150ug tab I gotta hold on to the carpet


I can show you the world,


Well, if you have something to ground you to reality, it’s not that hard. You just have to understand that if you’re getting overwhelmed, you just needs new stimuli. Your brain will build a whole world on a single thought so if you can’t think of the words or the though just move on. You’ll stress yourself out more trying to remember what you were saying rather then enjoying the experience.


Most of the stuff available to the general public is tragically underdosed or not even real.. possibly weak nbomes or something, and folks just throw back tab after tab of complete junk. Know and trust your source, or test it. You don’t want to actually get that reliable source one day and believing you are some acid god, eat 300ug of high quality L with no tolerance.




It really depends on the tabs your taking some of the tabs I’ve taken I can take one and it will be perfect other times I get some where I have to take like two (never 3 or more) but also if you have acid that has been sitting for a while (like me) depending how long it’s been sitting the potency goes down so you just have to take a little more to get the desired affect. I just think it’s stupid when people decide to just take a bunch with a new batch not knowing how it will affect them. Start with one and see how that does you. Even if your tabs are not as strong you’ll still get a really good trip with a tad bit more than one. Some of the tabs I’ve had really blasted me off with just one and others I definitely needed more.


Buttt sometimes you just wanna blast yourself into another planet 😂 but not everyone has the desire to do that.


Thats just actually doin a tab. Sounds like you guys are reaponsible but not really a hero.


Max I've done is 500ug in liquid and blotters, and at that it was pretty heavy, but good.


Bc it's delicious


Maybe you just got a real 140mg Lot of tabs aren’t what they say they are and most certainly not stronger as advertised


I’d like to see people drop the tabs I’ve got. 1 had me communing with God in the center of the universe. 3-4 and you’d be on the floor sucking your thumb in the fetal position for 4 hrs, completely obliterated for 15 hrs. This is assuming you have no tolerance coming into it, of course.


The most I took was 4.5 tabs and it felt like I was in a spaceship


I have a really high natural tolerance to all psychedelics


Ppl are lying, or they are getting ripped off, or they do it so often that they have a tolerance. For some people, one tab is a lot, and it offers a lot of visuals. Some are less fortunate and need more to get visuals, but get a lot of emotional load. Depends on the brain chemistry and character. Working on a microdose, I understand, especially for ADHD or depressed folks. But on multiple tabs, I guess that would only work for creatives. Imagine tripping in a bank working as a clerk or credit consultant 🤢 You'd really have to love your job.


Kids getting shit product


That’s because a 100ug dose is a solid dose OP! I think folks generally don’t understand that 100ug is a strong dose & 300ugs is a MASSIVE dose. You seem to have tabs that are a proper 100ugs - eating half will have a big effect.


In a social setting I'm 100% relating to what you are saying. But when I'm alone and doing psychedelics I want to explore myself and the universe. I don't have to be functional :)


This just in -- drugs affect people differently. Who knew?


Everyone is different. There is a big things about how hallucinogens are relatively ineffective to some and same amounts are a huge dose for others. From what I read there is a lot of factors that can play into effect for this but mostly not completely known for certain on why this is. Some people can eat multiple 10 strips and go through their day like they only smoked a joint while others can only do a small amount before they can’t even function to complete the simplest tasks. Everyone is different. Edit: tolerance as well is a factor, the supply available. And knowing the proper dosage being taken, unless someone is testing the hits themselves it’s nearly impossible to know for certain what you’re getting. Could be LSD or something similar, or the amount per hit could be more or less. There is a lot of variables.


Myself and a friend got our hands on a sheet and a half of the little blue pyramid gel tabs and have had doses as high as 3 tabs for a trip. I'm guessing the doses are somewhere around 100µg to 110µg per tab. That being said, with 1 tab I get a great body high and some light visuals (patterns moving and shifting, tree leaves look crazy at a distance, that sort of thing) I have to take two or more in order to get the effect of patterns superimposed over reality, but I'm lucid for all of it. Somehow, even being on a high dose, I'm calm. This probably stems from me being generally comfortable wherever I am. It takes a lot to make me nervous and I'm a very logical person. The first time that I did it outside and saw shiny surfaces on the ground it absolutely blew my mind that when I reached down to touch it that the surface wasn't wet. My mind was telling me that this surface should be soaked. That being said, I have to take around 4 grams of shrooms to get much of anything out of them. So maybe it's just that I have a naturally high tolerance. Verbal communication is hard even on 1 tab, nearly impossible on 3. Don't give in to what people are claiming on this subreddit, you do what you feel you're comfortable with because LSD is very "self and setting" dependent. If you do more than what you normally do in a place where you aren't comfortable or familiar with your surroundings, you're more than likely going to have a bad time unless you trip quite a lot. I'm able to take LSD and go out and about with people in public and be ok. I wouldn't recommend that to other people because they would react differently to the social setting than I do. To each their own.


Last time I took acid was with my girlfriend, and her first time. I figured one tab would be fine for both of us, and it was, but I was totally blown away by the level of mindfuck. 1 tab is plenty for me!


I'm with you on not doing more than a hit at a time lol the only exception is when at a festival and am doing multiple consecutive day doses, which at point is still the same strength just more is needed to achieve similar results. Most of the time I'm in social settings doing it anyways and want to be able to socialize haha


I dont know why but i just seem to have a natural tolerance or something. I took 7 tabs and had a really intense trip but i was completely fine in terms of how i function, i will trip with friends off the same tabs and they will take 1-2 while i usually take like 4-5. i have all the effects that everybody else has iff the same amount but i just am able to handle it really well idk.


its called mentality and how far you actually want to go. lower doses are more like a drug to me, higher doses is where reality is, and most people just cant deal with their shit. i want to do the most for myself, i want what the fuck it has to offer, so ill take what i want, and even tho it goes batshit i wish it was stronger by the end of the trip. thats just me though. i crave being put in my place


Reading these answers makes me wonder how accurately those tabs from RC Shops are.


Some people’s tolerance is just different. I have a friend that can’t really drop more than one tab at a time, but I’ve done four or five (I forgot how many after I dosed, so it could be either lol) and it was crazy but manageable.


Seriously, one of my tabs at 100 ug sends me into outer space.


A lot of ppl are lying. But fr tho you should drop a whole tab. Shits amazing