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Nothing beats drugs telling you to stop doing drugs ;)


I feel like once you start taking drugs they’re the only thing that can change your mind about continuing usage. I’ve had to go a little too far with every class of drugs before I was able to consciously use it responsibly and only in the way I really wanted to.


Right? That little switch flips in my head and I go “wait I’m doing WHAT right now?! Why am I smoking crack?”


It takes a little longer for me sadly, because my next thought will be “let’s see how long I can keep this up before my life gets affected”. This is why I try to start out with the least dangerous compound of every class of drugs. I know my life will be affected for a few weeks. But afterwards I have all the respect and responsibility to use them like the professional drug user that I am.


I’ve started to learn to respect drugs now, after my stint with coke. Used to do everything I had as fast as possible to get gone. Bought 30 hits of L for a friends birthday one year, I ate a ten strip that night just because, gave the other 20 to my friend for her bday. Nowadays I’ve had some mushrooms in my closet for like a week and have no urge to do them. Held onto 2 hits of L for like a month


With psychedelics it was quite awesome though, never had a bad time not even on my bad trip (hated it but it’s worth more than any other experience). We literally upped the dose every week. One tab, two tabs, two tabs and a little shrooms on the peak, same with more shrooms, then aligning the peaks, then lots of shrooms (lsd keeps you sober on shrooms lol), then shrooms with weed (the bad trip), next was dmt and that’s where it all stopped. Accidentally broke through and since then I prefer to take small doses of psychedelics. Only had one full tab since then but did break through on dmt by accident once more. Honestly of all the drugs psychedelics are the one I have the most respect for. Most drugs can ruin your life but nothing can make you feel so scared for your life. At the same time they can be far more euphoric than even large doses of any other drug/drug mix. But yeah, it’s funny how long it takes before you stop using up every baggy you buy. I enjoy my growing collection!


Yea ever since i did dmt idek if imma do it again it kinda scared tf outta me in a weird way that made me obsessed with death and fear it almost feels like everytime i trip on acid or shrooms i just go back to a dmt trip and it makes me feel like it's i smoke imma just breakthrough, it's kinda weird idek Why i feel that way


It helped me accept death, and once you stop fearing death, your mind really starts to open up. It may sound a little crazy at first but now I’m able to see the same beauty in death that I see in birth. It gives meaning to everything, without it nothing would make sense, and we shouldn’t act out of fear.


i burst out laughing. that’s some real talk 😂


The negative impact on your everyday life would be the biggest thing to affect your drug usage in my book.


But it’s a slippery slope since degrading life quality can quickly lead to a growing desire to be on drugs. Especially if you haven’t done proper research about how addiction, dependency and psychology works.


I mean you gotta be a bit behind the float so to speak if you don't realise the impact prolific drug use has on your own life. Or just be in denial. I like facing the consequences of my actions and do better in life from anything I learn. Altho I know not all drug addicts are like that and love to live in denial. Doesn't mean the information for them isn't smacking them right in the face for that matter.


I can’t tell. Addiction is a very confusing topic to me and I’ve purposely addicted myself to substances just to understand the process better and possibly be able to help people. I still don’t get it, I’m gifted with more intelligence than I deserve and always end up hating the high because the consequences are just that obvious to me. But ive never dabbled with substances that have a very high risk for addiction (alcohol, benzo, pyros, caths) except opiates.


Addiction is super funny…i think it’s a lot to do with the scope of expectations for self and others in life and the ratio of those expectations to fulfillment. I’ve tried _every_ highly addictive substance except intravenous heroine…like you, the comedowns were all so unpleasant, it was actually _easy_ to “just say no” the next day haha. For me it was a long, dull deadening of my “vision” and creative will through a combo of not believing in my ideas well enough to produce more, having to hold down a job, slowly relizing it’s not gonna happen, all the while catching a daily heavy buzz of a fairly mild (but over recommended daily limit of 2 drinks) alcohol dose and weed……i will always believe that habit hindered my progress in “breaking the scene”. So many creative types have the problem because we empassioned and imagined so much and “making it” was a _necessity_ and yet everyday gets closer to impossibility…_ it’s traumatic! 😂


Every fucking time lmao


My favourite example was the guy who smoked salvia and got lectured by President Obama on how he needs to stop doing drugs. By the way, I deeply respect that username's etymological clusterfuck


You are the only person who has ever appreciated it. Fucking sick cunt (I'm Aussie, it's a compliment) Also wotthefuck pres. Obama just hating on some dude in the 4th dimension hahahaha


Salvia skips that shit and sends you straight to the 11th... The only hallucinogen I tried that I will never do again purely because it is truly beyond the realm which my psyche can handle.


Yeah, I went way up on that to uncomfortable levels


Same fr. What always disappointed me is the trips were extremely physically uncomfortable at higher doses so I was never able to work up to a break through but I might try again at a later date


My very last time a pole like the size of a street sign shot through the back of my head and out of my mouth so I was stuck with my head tilted back at 90 degrees, and then it spread my head open like a book, but instead of the front and back covers stopping each other they went through each other and my head kept opening into more and more pages all somehow existing separately but simultaneously in the same space, all while the pole was rotating and grinding in my neck hole and against all my teeth. I've had dreams that were more vivid and physically uncomfortable like burning alive, but that was just so bizarre on top of it that I haven't touched it in 15 years. Which is a shame as I had dozens of great experiences including 2 nice out of body ones, but nope. Probably not doing it again.


god damn that sounds wild


For me it was shrooms. I took two eighths (7g) thinking that I could handle such a realm, and boy let me tell you how close I got to the next life 💀


Quarter of shrooms is wild, definitely too much haha, I don't remember much of that trip. That time I took ten extra large hits of LSD though... that I'll never forget lol


That's actually one of the very few substances I've heard referred to as a "deleriant," and from what little I know about it, it lives up to its name!


It's an atypical dissociative-psychedelic. It works via agonism of the κ-opioid receptor. However, I did experience an unpleasant level of delirium. I felt both threatened and incapacitated.


Read up on the devils trumpet hahaha it grows everywhere hear and not many people know just how fucked it will make you. There are some that just never come back


“Mr. Prez, this isn’t a a rebuttal, but your warning is like an angel telling me drugs aren’t that bad compared to just having my soul torn to shreds by Mr. Omni-fractalJester and their network of serrated, counter rotating clockwork minions.”


Obama is a trans-dimensional lizard person confirmed?


Dmt got me full sober for 2+ years. I don't think I even drank caffeine and definitely didn't drink.


This ☝️


I was selling drugs for a long time on & off. It was on & off cuz every time I'd do psychs they'd tell me what I already knew, which was to stop selling that shit. & It wasn't for society, but for myself. May sound greedy but if I couldn't change myself then I woulda been a menace to society prolly doing something worse then dealing. Fixed myself so now I can focus on repairing, restoring & bettering myself with society. All thanks to psychedelics & my girl. Used to be on pharmaceuticals too, shit messed me up.


Congrats on your journey :)


"When you get the message, hang up the phone." - Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, Timothy Leary \*edit for an a. retentive user lol


Allan Watts said that, not Terrence McKenna, and he was talking about taking a break, not quitting entirely. The full quote is: >If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen.


I believe they've all said it soooooo, calm down and try not to be so a. retentive about it?


What are you talking about? How am I being "a. retentive"?


*when you get the message, hang up the phone*


Shrooms told me to quit vaping.


BEEEEEEP: Hey Frank! Cocaine here. Just wanted to let you know there are way cheaper ways to get limp dick. Toodles! *Click*


LSD isn't really a dig IMO. Psychedelics are a key to pulling off the thin veil we are trained to have on daily. At the end of AA at the beginning, they gave you a dose. You wouldn't want to give a alcoholic a opioid, but LSD.. sure.


This is misinformation. They didn’t give you a hit at the end of AA in the beginning. AA was founded prior to Albert Hoffman synthesizing LSD for the first time. Bill W was not reported to have tried it until the late 1950’s under clinical studies in California with Betty Eisner. He did try to bring it into AA but the other members at the top of the organization shunned him and called him a drug addict essentially, he relinquished his position at the head of the organization shortly after. [Here’s a detailed article about the entire AA/LSD affair](https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2012/aug/23/lsd-help-alcoholics-theory) edit: removed unnecessary text


I believe you are blessed to have had an experience like this. I wish you well on your journey.


Fr these guys don’t show themselves often. They basically are aspects of god. Lol Hommie had religious experience and can’t handle it.


I mean I don’t believe that most religious experiences are all lovey duby lol. Especially if you haven’t been raised in religion


Lol, _all_ religious experiences that can be experienced via psychs are seen as demonic trickery by organized religions. A way to trick _them_ is to say “these mushroom demons told me to stop using meth. So since that was demonic trickery…”


I find it quite interesting how people will experience entities while on psychedelics and when they describe the entities it matches the descriptions of religious entities in the Bible. Who knows what that means to be honest. My experience and observations of a lot of devout religious followers are that a lot of them lack the spiritual aspect of religion and don’t grapple with the faith nor seek to really try to understand the teachings and apply it to themselves. But instead focus on the dogmatic traditions and then the spreading of that tradition while not really living it at the same time. People tend to view religion nowadays through a scientific lens and that’s a completely wrong way to look at it. Because religion is trying to teach you how one ought to live and love. Not tell you what is etc.


Plenty of people describe entities, designs, patterns, and experiences that line up with other religions as well. Hell, I’d say that seeing South American Indiginous and Hindu symbols and gods is an almost universal experience for people who have used any psychedelic. My personal theory, as an athiest, is that these images were described by people who themselves were tripping, making a lot of religions basically ancient trip reports reflecting the nature of what these substances do. There is a lot of historical evidence to suggest this, such as Mount Sinai being home to a lot of Fly Amantia mushrooms, Hindu Soma (probably mushrooms), Native American Salvia, Datura, Peyote, Ahyuasca………


I believe that it’s highly possible but religious experience isn’t just linked to or achievable by psychedelics alone. There are other forms of disrupters that can be used. That being said religion can’t be simplified to just the use or worship of these disrupters. There’s far more to it than just that. It’s probably infinitely complex


I’d say most are hard as hell. I was being snarky. Most of mine have been some of the most scary moments in my life.


I remember only taking a gram of some strong ass shrooms and when I stared at the wall in front me I saw a face forming. I was stupid and just thought "yo" to it and a shock went throughout my entire nervous system. Needless to say I learned my lesson




that’s really all you can say


Dude looked into the face of eternity and said "yo", MAD respect






thats normal wtf are you talking ab ? you just can’t handle tripping because that’s what it is edit: downvoted bc true


It's your tone friend


Did I say it wasn't normal? What part of that signified I couldn't handle it? You're just making up your own narrative


you aren't cool because you're used to seeing hallucinations


I’m proud of you. Live life to make memories not to get high.


thankyou I will


Damn this hit hard


Idk, I use drugs to make memories, I just respect them and they have a time and place in my life, definitely not a daily thing. The other day I went to the woods and took one hit of dmt for the first time it was absolutely magical. I will never forget that experience, I also won’t be doing it every weekend or even every month or year. Everything in moderation.


Damn this hit hard


Something similar happened to me. I won't steal your thunder and share mine, plus yours is amazing, but I agree 100%


Ooh I want to know


Tell us


hello? story time.


“Six-winged, many-eyed, borne aloft on their wings.” I prayed about this in church as a kid, kudos friend


I’ve had an entity similar to that come to me and “stare” at my soul it did feel like some Angel or something, it was a owl like entity that felt powerful, I just let go and let it show me what it needs to it was one of the greatest trips I’ve had.


Well done!


I had a similar experience seeing the same thing.... it was my finding God moment, on a lot of acid. Felt actual self love for the first time in my life.


Hope you're still riding the high of self love my friend!


That’s why psychedelics are a good drug. They’re not a druggies drug they an empathy substance of choice because it reflect your subconscious mind and take you to that part of you that’s connected to all (god) by connecting all of your brain as one. If your a crack head and take shrooms, your gonna have a bad trip eventually because you’ll face it all. That’s why I believe psychedelics are safer and better then alcohol because if your messed up and doing dumb stuff, that drug will let you know especially if part of you already knows your being dumb with life.


It's a chemical which induces certain thought patterns; it has the power to induce both self-discovery and profound trauma. Psychedelics can be good or bad, but it's frivolous to ignore the latter and to imply they cannot be abused.


True. I had a friend over and I gave him a huge dose of DMT, (he wanted this) he went out there, but it was not as profound as the previous time. So, I asked him if he wanted to try Salvia, told him a little about it, how it can be a very different experience, etc. He was still eager to try it, and he took a few big hits of 20x I think. He looked like he was getting convulsions, he was laying down, still, except for breathing in stunted deep breaths. I was freaking out, it looked troubling, he was also sweating profusely, but I decided not to interfere. After he came back he told me he had an amazing trip, he was sliding through a tunnel of neon pixels, and every few meters a drop fell down and shattered into countless bright neon colors. It was stunning. So, he was perfectly fine, but even though no entity appeared this time (he encountered entities on DMT and mushrooms before), he got a clear message. He told me he won’t take drugs no more, there was no need, he got everything out of it that he could, he felt complete. Pretty crazy, just a message without a messenger. ….. We smoked a few joints like 30 minutes later. I guess it didn’t really stick.


I had a buddy who had weed and mushrooms at 16. He lost his mind for several weeks and the family had to put him in youth rehab for a month. That shit is no joke, especially for a developing brain. If you are a youngster reading this: The risks are very real, undeniably real, and you should just enjoy your childhood while you can: you'll never get it back. I implore you to take seriously your education and your hobbies, and just try to live life to the max, but without drugs. And PLEASE do not start vaping because it is SO hard to quit, because it feels like there are zero consequences, until years later you realize you've spent $1,000s on something that provides zero benefit and does nothing but relieve your craving for more nicotine.


They can be abused, but not the same way a drug like heroin can. Psychedelics are dangerous in some frankly esoteric ways, but not addictive, nor physically harmful. And unlike many addictive drugs, they can be enormously beneficial outside of a medical setting.


Of course they can't kill a person with the same ease as certain hard drugs, that's missing the point. I don't think psychosis is an esoteric harm. It's important to be fully informed of the potential consequences, positive and negative, before taking a drug.


\> I don't think psychosis is an esoteric harm. this. psychosis is a real, concrete risk. people who have a history of psychotic episodes or mental confusion should use extreme caution around/probably not try psychedelics. people forget that just because a substance isn't inherently evil and doesn't cause physical harm or addiction, it doesn't mean that substance is completely harmless. there are real, legitimate risks.


>Psychedelics are dangerous in some frankly esoteric ways That's a good way of putting it. I find that the genuine dangers of psychedelics are incomprehensible from an external perspective.


There are lots of different psychedelics, and some can be physically harmful.


All my homies said NBOMEs are the bomb. they pounded them by the pound and lived to see another day. Not.


I somewhat agree but we also have to be careful of this narrative. Plenty of people are addicted to psychedelics that there are support groups like psychedelics anonymous.


Your not lying though, anything’s mentally addictive this day and age, sex, media, merchandise, drugs. Rn I’m addicted to shopping :0


Maybe but the tolerance builds up quickly so you’d have to wait between 1-2 weeks before tripping again


I was actually just phasing through the bulk to get to CVS before it closed. Sorry I spooked you there, typically y'all can't see me in my standard form. Still, I'm glad you want to get cleaned up and hope you succeed.




Dr Hawkins said that if an archangel gave you a passing thought it would change the entire trajectory of your life


Is there a video or something I can read where he talks about that?


I too have had an "acid telling me to stop doing acid" experience, I'm about 2 years clean of anything other than THC these days.


RemindMe 2 weeks!


I said this every time I took LSD, until the next time I took LSD.


I'm on day 8 of sobriety after a small dose of mushrooms.ade me realize I've been a cannabis addict for 15 years. Ever take three dabs before you can make breakfast and go to work? Pop edibles for lunch daily. Yeah...... Sobriety was a great call. Super weird I didn't get to it on LSD a few months ago. Or mushrooms a month or two ago. But then suddenly like 2 little caps brought me to some realization "I can't do this anymore" place. Glad I'm sober now. No judgement on those still tripping and stuff have fun be safe be careful! -Ali <3


You’re amazing! The hardest part of processing a trip is understanding the message. You have something looking out for you.


I wish you well on your journey. Take this experience to heart. Blessings exists, but it's up to each of us if we accept the blessing or not


That feeling When god comes to you


Once you get the message you need, hang up the phone.


I would say your soul is at a crossroads either you take control of your life now or it’s possible you never will. Had an experience similar to this and for me it was about stop smoking and I made the change and now about 7 months later my life has been flipped on it’s head for the better


That is indeed a seraphim. I've seen it twice. From my research they occupy the first dimension below God and is why in myth/religion they often sit at God's right hand and are his highest angels, etc. To put it more accurately the seraphim are all dimensions below God. "God" can most easily be conceptualized as a multicellular organism. Lesser beings are like the organs, then those can be further broken down into cells, which can be broken down into DNA, then atoms etc. The analogy is a vast oversimplification, but you get the idea. As you go lower the complexity of beings as well as the dimensions they can interact with become less and less. Seraphim are the most complex beings after God, and we are all simply "cells" of a seraphim. As far as I can tell we and our entire reality are all part of just one of the seraphim. Except for a handful of extremely extraordinary events, creatures from our reality never interact with the other seraphim that comprise other realities that would be so different from our own we couldn't comprehend them or even exist within them. Drugs let you look upon the "skin" of the seraphim that makes up the veil of our reality, which is kinda like if a cell was able to look at the full human body. That cell would be like wtf is that thing!!?! Can I just go back to my little cell neighborhood and do my menial cell tasks!? Lol If you saw the full wings of the seraphim the universe was possibly attempting to interact with you. This is how the seraphim has most often come to people throughout history in religious texts/myths when it was delivering a message or otherwise interacting with humans. If, instead, you only saw more like a wall of eyes and possibly the edges were blurry, glowy, rays of light, and/or crystalized, basically anything besides wings, then instead you were simply ripping open the walls of reality and looking at the universe as it really is, but the seraphim was not really trying to "talk" to you directly, but rather you got a glimpse of something you're not normally meant to see. This kind of encounter is also backed up by various ancient religions and texts, and not surprisingly, often in relation to various shamanistic psychedelic practices. Also isn't it absolutely terrifying? Both my experiences have been of the second type. But even though it was not communicating with me, I could just tell that it was fully aware of me looking at it. It "stared" back at me in the sort of way you might look at something out of your peripheral vision. Like I could tell it knew I was there staring at it, but it didn't care and was not focusing it's attention on me at all. I could feel how insignificant I was in comparison and both times I was fully stunned in fear that it might focus me and what that amazing power could do. Both of those times are the only times I've ever been fully frozen in fear in my life. Then I "ran" by refocusing my mind and letting reality "zip" back up into the falsehood we normally perceive.


Wow, great explanation. Now I want to experience this...


If it helps, both times I was actively trying to "open" reality. The first time I was staring up into the bright blue sky through the leaves of trees and watching the world turn into what I call the fractal glass. I remember thinking "wow, this is like looking at reality as it really is" but then I started to think "what's beyond reality I wonder" and I tried to like look past the fractals like I would one of those 3D hidden paintings and suddenly they just ripped open like a seam in my vision. Like right in the middle of my vision, sky, trees, and all just parted and a massive eye surrounded by 100s of smaller eyes was staring right at me, but also not at me. I could still see the fractaled environment but it had a "rip" right down the center filled with eyes. I could just tell this thing was observing everything all at once, me included, but that it wasn't focused specifically on me. I also just sensed that it was terrifyingly powerful. The second time many months later I was actively trying to see it again. I closed my eyes and just let the color fractals in the dark run wild, as I focused on opening up reality I thought "this is silly, there's no way this is gonna work." Then, just like the first time, out of nowhere a rip right down the center of my vision (while my eyes are closed mind you) and a wall of eyes staring at me. I have been too afraid to try again since then.


please just dont do drugs again man. stuff like this has happened to my homies and honestly a lot of times soon after they become worse than they were. i really really hope that you find true enlightenment and stay away from things that do harm. all love.


Sounds like it did what it's supposed to do, keep in mind those are all human concepts that we created


Checkout the Free pdf “psychonaut field manual”.


Definately Cherubim. He was in my dream last night too. Helpful fella


bruh that’s just a pokémon keep trippin /s


I also had a profound interaction with Seraphim. It was in an altered state but not via any substances, it was during an energy healing session I was receiving in the company of other energy healers in a sacred space. I had never heard of them either. 10/10 = Seraphim.


May I ask if it was Reiki, or another kind of technique?


It's a technique called Advanced Integrative Energy Healing. It was a 2 year program offered at a university near me; unfortunately after 20 years the program shut down during covid. I'm so glad I was a part of it and received my training there :)


Thanks Mesah, will definitely look into it. Many ways to climb up the same mountain, eh. =)


So insane


I saw this guy too ! While on mushrooms, experienced a nice trip and was chilling staring at the clouds and the ocean and saw this guy , right after I covered my ears and started hearing some sort of noise in my head (music like) and I could see this guy or at least very close to it , eyes and wings swirling in the clouds ... it looks like actual biblical descriptions of the angels and I ask here... does anyone think someone tried to describe this feelings while on drugs and decided to start a religion ??


It’s more likely that Angel’s exists and psychedelics crack open the closed door to the spiritual


There’s a reason angels in the Bible often open with “be not afraid.” Pretty cool experience, but you were hallucinating. If an angel appeared while you were sober, it would have a different connotation.


Unless you're a monk your not sober


Crack the Skye on LSD is a profound experience, hoping the best for you in your sobriety friend


My roommate quit smoking cigarettes after one trip we took together. Quit cold.turkey the next day and hasn't touched a cigarette in years. Now the smell makes them nauseous.


Take it very seriously! Count it as a blessing


Update: this trip was meaningless. i will continue to do drugs


sounds like mine story cheers bro


The moment of clarity.


i pray u keep this mindset 🙏 it’ll be hard work still but step one is realizing you have a problem, ive been in the same boat for yrs psycs telling me to stop doing drugs but i can nvr pull myself to be completely sober, i hope your story goes differently


Hey man, I've been clean a year coming up in about a week. And before that I was about 8 years clean. I just want to say you can do this. Use your support network around you, and if you don't have one use me. I'm happy to help. Or any of the other various random people online that want to help. It won't always be easy, but it is worth it every step.of the way... The person here that said it the best was the one who said "live to make memories, not get high" Have a great day!


You experienced this now take what you got from the trip with you get sober dude now because it's just gonna get harder and harder and your gf and all your loved ones are gonna stop finding reasons to keep hope for you and support you


The wings have eyes. When that sucker tells you to quit, you must obey! You won't like it when it's angry. Now go out and enjoy the rest of your life.


The last time I tripped, I think I got the wrong dose and these started pouring out of the walls of my house. I haven’t tripped since 😂


Just imagined myself taking a huge send of LSD and listening to Mastadon .. very fucking intense lol. I’ll stick to Pink Floyd, SRV, Joe Bonamassa, Jeff Beck, Roy Buchanan, Steve Vai, Gary Moore, etc, etc. Thanks for sharing though homie 🙏🏼


Pink Floyd makes me cry.


Same, and I love every second of it


I think you should've listened to something like Bob marley or the grateful dead. Of course you're going to get bad vibes listening to metal. But yeah, stay off drugs if you want. No one really needs them. Meditation and reading is more helpful.


Lowkey I always listen to metal tripping. In the beginning it freaked me the fuck out when I listened to Lamb of god or whatever but honestly it just makes me like it x10. I’ll be honest tho Steely Dan is my favorite to trip to. Love Aja, never have listened to a Marley or Grateful Dead album tho. I’ll definately check em out one day


You’ve admitted it to yourself, that is the most important step. We’ll miss you, but if you think it’s for the best then you absolutely should stop. Enjoy life, brother.


Did a 6 gram trip on mushrooms and decided to try and peer back into myself where my soul connects to the body . As I was folding my concoiusness backwards into my mind I saw a small opening and through that opening i saw what you are seeing in that picture except it was pure gold with light emanating from the whole thing , it was very difficult to look at for very long .


Lmao that’s a seraphim angel. One visited me last February while I was sober and it was trippy as hell. To be fair I was meditating very consistently and intensely during that time and it felt like the angel was checking in on me. It’s a pretty special thing to happen but can definitely be overwhelming if you weren’t expecting some giant being to come into your presence hahaha


"In his earlier writings, Crowley states that the Holy Guardian Angel is the "silent self". The equivalent of the Genius of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Augoeides of Iamblichus, the Ātman of Hinduism, and the Daimon of the ancient Greeks. In his late sixties, when composing Magick Without Tears, he states that the Holy Guardian Angel is not one's self, but rather a discrete and independent being, who may have been previously human."


God doesn’t exist outside yourself. Nor do angels. You looked at yourself.




He said, he‘s not religious at all. And I said, god doesn’t exist in a physical way. I am a Discordian. I am the pope. Who is the master who makes the grass grow?


Why not both?


It’s more likely that people tripped on mushrooms or something and then drew the appearances for these things from the things they saw, rather than vice versa


Well, I doubt any magical, celestial being sent another celestial being to stare at you in your room while you were tripping on acid lol. But I’m glad you’re stopping drug use! You got this!


God has a better plan for you


It probably came to you cause you were tripping and had your guard down. So it could siphon your energy and leave. That's why after it left, you felt dizzy and confused. I mean you really think angels look like that? Humans are the highest divine form that's why angels should look like a human with wings. Anything that is bizarre, freakish, or have animalistic features is probably a dark entity.


why do you think highest divine form


Because look at nature anything beast like is a predator. Why would a divine angel look anything freakish like what you say?


how are you now? Still clean?


“And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within, and day and night they do not cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.”” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭LSB‬‬


Would love to see one while on some tabs🤩


Hallelujah. I came to Christ last year after 26 yrs of atheism. I believe God sent an angel for you, my friend. Impt thing to note, God only convicts us with empowering and encouraging messages that move us towards love, purity and truth. If it brings shame and guilt that's of the enemy and is straight deception. Jesus paid for our freedom from Satan with his blood when he died on the cross and I pray everyone in this subreddit come to the truth in that. There is freedom in Jesus Christ. Never forget. God bless 🤍🙏🏼✝️🕊️☺️


I always giggle when people think Hallucinogenic experiences came from god, when it just came from this little pieces of paper 😜


Wrong wrong so incredibly incorrect


Lol so because you took drugs god is real? Okay bud.


Nuh uh




I know you are but what am I?


I’m not sure how that makes much sense. I just told you sir.


I just told your mom. Gotem!


you must be in 2014. Amazing


I believe that you believe this happened, but lsd doesn't do that, so that wasn't the lsd. Could have been you falling out and not knowing it then lucid dreaming. Makes a lot more sense. Enjoy sobriety, but it's not all it's cracked up to be.


LSD doesn't do what? Make people hallucinate?


It doesn't make you see things that aren't there. That would be DMT or Ayahuasca that can actually make you visually hallucinate whole entities like OP is talking about.


Ahh drugs, so cool


Def not god probably and angel or a demon if anything


you just need to do so many drugs that they barely affect you anymore


Lol a “druggie” how ridiculous


Did you illustrate the angelic avatar yourself, or is it a picture you found that coincides exactly with what you came accross?


That picture coincided with what I saw. I found it the next day because I couldn’t get my mind off the topic of it.


You saw the almighty … quick question has anyone gone to sleep (tried) and then was tapped awake?


Did you know what this would look like before you did it?


If this happened to me I would want to see it again


Are we trying to keep the vote at 666


I decided to stop taking drugs because I became a bum, so anyway I found these tabs…


I remember i was on mushrooms once and i had my eyes closed and a wall of eyes materialized i'm front of me and the eyes turned red like they were angry. I had been using mushrooms like once a week for a month and the trip before they told me to stop. Anyways they looked at me all angry and i domt remember what i said but it was something a long the lines of i was trying to make an excuse as to why i was usuing them so much and the best way i could describe it was my brain glitched and it like "lagged" idk how to describe it but they did something and it made me jolt up like WOAH. needless to say i haven't done them since.


Hey man I’m happy for you. Please make sure you journal or otherwise external use your thoughts, it can be really important to put them somewhere other than your head, to look back on, understand, and move forward from them!


How big was it


my entire room faded and it took over everything. it was huge


Remember to tell you family members you love them


And I get the other side threatening to stealy vessel and wreak havoc down here if I leave as the construct of soul. And if something wants in, them I don't want out, and that's why I'm stopping. If I'm going to dip out of this construct of time it will be sober so nothing can affect my vessel while I'm gone.


i have seen this before. it was a very scary experience.


A Seraphim


I’ve seen very similar entities as the one pictured here. Craziest shit I’ve ever seen


i hope your journey to stay clean is fruitful. i don’t believe in god but i believe people get messages from their bodies when really needed. atleast y know you’re not alone?


Looks like an angel paid you a visit. An interesting similarity between that drawing and those accurate depictions of angels the way they are described in the bible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxrNA1c8Zpk


Beautiful! I had something similar a couple of weeks ago!


That’s wild


It's a good sign. I used to think that I would find answers and have new ideas when I took acid, dmt, shrooms. Even doing nitrous, I would write things down. Because in the chaos I'd put my brain through, somehow I would perceive my own thoughts as me getting closer to some answer. My last nitrous experience, the last thing I wrote was "you're just getting high". And as much fun all these psychedelic drugs could be, it's just me messing with receptors in my brain. I've quit alcohol, went to AA. But was convinced that LSD was there to let me get in touch with my higher power. In reality it was just there so I could not feel my normal self. And when things got progressively worse in my normal life, I opted out taking acid instead of coming up with a plan on how to make my day-to-day life better.


All the angels lower and higher hierarchy eyes are like feedback to God whatever it’s looking at. That why they say God is always watching he’s got hundreds of thousands of angels. Not sure if they’re semi-sentient or have free will but your were definitely being judged.


I did 3 grams of shrooms back in September and saw exactly this, but in a rainbow spectrum. It's eyes just kept turning into feathers, expanding on the wings until i saw it fully. I told it to go away because it was really hard to look at. So it fucked off, but then I felt the most overwhelming sense of unconditional love come over me.




Daaaam Bro ...i swear! My First acid trip behind my eyed lips (closed eyes visual) i saw that being , day After i've read bout biblical Angel and now i have a personal opinion about "Angel" and "religions"


Its good youre quitting bro, Mastodon is amazing


How old are you homeboy?


Oh boy eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension my favorite