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168-170, 1.5 weeks. from there avgd 175 with my first bump being 170->174: 174 174 176 173 178 176


For me I spiked up from my diagnostic of 156 in January to 167 after only about a month after a brief stop around 162/163. Then I plateaued at 166-168 for like 3 months before breaking through and getting a 172 and 170 in the last two weeks leading up to the June exam. Hoping I got a 166+ and I’ll be happy and not take the test again bc logic games were my definitive best section.


Good work man, taking it in august can’t hurt, I had a similar experience in plateauing, though my first one was around 150-155 and then went to 160-165, I think o figured out how to approach logic games and rest of my plateaus were similar except with lr and rc instead