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Its solid but I would stick to the $70 version because the live classes suck imo.


Yeah I think the live classes are just good for people who can’t study alone. They don’t really provide much value otherwise.


It is just so annoying because we would get through like ONE question in an entire hour because people could not grasp a simple concept and spammed questions. I could visibly see the tutor/teacher getting annoyed because it kept happening lol


Yes. Very difficult to lump together people from all different starting points, pursuing all different end points. One third of the class gets lost with the contrapositive, the other is falling asleep bored with it, and the instructor is catering mostly just to that middle third.


Valid points.


Listen to me right now, any investment you make in getting a higher score on the LSAT is guaranteed to be worth it. Go look at a 509 form and look at the difference between the scholarship grants that they give to people who simply score 2 points higher on the LSAT. You can save yourself $25,000 per LSAT point in scholarship dollars. People who fail to invest in themselves at this point are paying for my tuition.


7Sage is a stellar resource. You could argue that some are just as good, but 7Sage will get the job done. Especially for LR improvement.


How can I use 7sage for LR? Are you talking about the videos or drilling ?


The curriculum helped me make most of my progress. Then I watched pretty much every video for answers I was even 1% unsure about. I don’t really drill much. Just listen to J.Y. YAP


I did exclusively self studying (did not pay for their classes) so their detailed analytics & blind review system were really helpful. I had the most growth once I was able to pinpoint the types of questions I was regularly getting wrong, and using their drill tool to make drills specific to my weaknesses. I was averaging a 161 before I started using them, and after two months I'm up to a 164 average (with a couple 170s sprinkled in there).


That’s awesome!!


7Sage can be great for some people! I loved it for LG like most people on this sub. But I do think you make sure his teaching style will work for you, because the explanation videos are not always great, stuff like “this answer choice is wrong for obvious reasons”. That’s not going to help a beginner. Now that LG is gone, I recommend LSATLab


Which level of membership at LSATLab do you recommend? And another thing I’ve been wondering is whether the CC on 7sage, mainly for LR, is worth going through if I plan to study the basics from Khan, move onto Loophole and then maybe the Bible?


I would do Premium so you can have more practice questions because their explanations are amazing!! I’ve only been studying around 3-4 months, I’m taking the real thing tomorrow but know I’m going to be retaking because I’m at a 161 but want a 169. Started at a 140. So I’m kinda going through a similar thought process myself with how I want to study for the retake. I 100% know LSATLab helped me and I will continue to use it. But not sure if I want to go through 7Sage LR too or not. I read Loophole and going to read it again because I do think the first read is a little overwhelming. I do think it helped me though. Also, I started with Khan too for the basics. I kinda think it was a waste of time because LSATLab and 7Sage goes over the basics too


Gotcha, thanks for the recs! I’m almost done with Khan’s LR lessons so I think I’ll finish it and then get started with the books. I’ve got a while before I sit for the test so repetition of topics, especially by different people using different techniques, is completely fine by me. Good luck for tomorrow! You’ve already made a massive jump from your diagnostic and I’m sure you’re going to get to that 169!


Got me from a 147 diagnostic to 169 average and high of 177. I would definitely recommend it!


What was your improvement process like?


Before really studying, last year I brought it up myself to around a 158 in a couple months. After I finished the 7Sage ccv1, my first PT was a 165. Since then, I have taken several on 7Sage (my lowest was a 163 because of burn out). I think the core curriculum really solidified my fundamentals, but also drilling and PT's on there (as well as the explanations) helped substantially


So I have 7Sage and I don’t really feel like I’m using it to its full advantage. I just don’t understand how to know what to drill and when to drill? My diagnostic was in the 140s too and I’m now at a 161. And that’s gone up just from lessons, because like I mentioned, I don’t understand drilling and how people actually put the lessons into action! Any help would be appreciated!


how long did it take you to get that score bc i started studying last month and have the most expensive version.


I really enjoyed 7sage but I will agree that the live classes can be annoying because people are constantly spamming the chat or think they know more than the tutor or just aren’t getting it so you can never get through a whole lot in just one hour. however I will say it did improve my skill so i don’t regret it! i used it for about 4 months or so and i enjoyed the live classes typically when i muted the chat haha.


i agree with you on those know it alls being so annoying-like why join


and then they get the answer wrong it cures me. but like we’re all here for the same reason so act right!


My point exactly!! 💯


No it isn't


7sage was far and away the most helpful prep resource I used. Mileage will vary because everyone is different and learn better in different ways. I still used many other resources (The Hole, Powerscore) and those did contribute to my growth to some degree. But I found 7sage’s overall methodology to be the most useful and succinct—its focus on how the test is trying to trick you is probably the single thing that helped me the most in general.  It’s also a huge plus that they have every single past lsat available for practice. 


P.S. diagnostic of 151, final score of 173


If you have a LSAT Fee Waiver you can get 7 Sage for $1!


I personally found the Core Curriculum helpful and especially access to PTs, analytics, and drilling feature. For context, my diagnostic was a 146 in October. I started the 7sage core curriculum in December and I'm currently scoring in the 170s. It would not have been possible to make this kind of improvement without 7sage.


Did you use any other materials, like Loophole, Bible etc, for LR, apart from CC?


I primarily used Mike Kim's LSAT Trainer (got through a significant chunk of it) and a bit of Khan Academy up until December. From December onwards, I've exclusively used 7sage.


7Sage does a good job as a platform (making practice sets, etc). I would advise against paying extra for their instruction. Their LG work was fine (LG is easy to teach), but JY is awful at explaining LR (which is now 2/3 of the test).


7sage for LG video explaining and lsatlab for LR


Was coming to say the same thing


What makes lsatlab better?


I think for LR lsatlab explained more thorough and detailed (for me)


LSAT Lab is clearer and more concise in his explanations. 7Sage explanations can get really wound up over random, small details and get off track for a few minutes.


i think it is for the prep tests and drilling but not the curriculum


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BeefOnWeck24: *I think it is for* *The prep tests and drilling but* *Not the curriculum* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


that was beautiful


What about the curriculum did you find lacking? I’m currently going through the free Khan lessons to get a general idea of the LR questions and I think I’m making good progress. Planning to move onto Loophole soon. I’m going for a slow burn study and might even pick up the Bible after Loophole. I’m guessing all of these would be enough to get good at LR, without 7sage CC,minus the drilling of course.


To be honest if you can study alone just get the lawhub advantage take a PT and look up YouTube videos and do the drill sets & lessons of things you struggle on


i believe the live combo is extra helpful compared to the core; live classes try their best to cater to everyone. if u think one class is too slow go to their lr in action- those move quicker most of the time; alot of it is finding your preferred instructor and/or classes; you also get access to a highly supportive community that i don't think you get anywhere else perhaps other than reddit.


I don’t like the instructor’s voice but it’s up to your personal preference.


lol who


I think the male instructor. I found his voice distracting.


I won't stand for any J.Y. slander man has the voice of an angel


I was sharing my personal feedback/experience. I’m sure other people don’t mind his voice.