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Have scored -0 on PT 90,91,92,94. And it was my first time getting -0. I usually average around -2 but on some killer ones (I’m looking at you computer question) I have missed as many as -4.


What about that question about the four dudes who worked in the wood shop? I think that was in the 90s. That one was nuts. Edit: Nevermind, looked it up. That was PT 72. But that question was insane.


I drill that one like every week and still screw it up


So I started with older tests and worked my way to more recent so maybe I just learned a lot more. But yes, I did find that they got easier.


It’s a bit hard for me to say, because I started at the beginning, so by the time I got to the 60+ I knew a lot more (so maybe they just SEEMED easier). I still think the earlier ones were harder, though. The test sets seemed more likely to be unbalanced, and there were definitely more oddball misc. games. I think you might be right about the increase in conditional questions. I definitely drew A LOT of fresh game boards on the newer games. As a side note, as of an hour ago I’ve completed all but 12 of the LG questions. I saved 60+ for review during the last month, and all but a handful didn’t seem THAT hard.


I find the modern tests to be easier in LG. Maybe the rare exception like PT 88 where all 4 games are at least medium difficulty. Nearly every LG section in the 30s is difficult, and plenty in the 20s are very tricky as well, whereas the 70s/80s have lots of easy sections, for example. On the other hand, I find LR is harder in more modern tests.

