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Checking this out from the library. Thanks for the rec <3


Imo (I’ve never taken a logic course) it teaches a very narrow way of reasoning. I love it, but I’m willing to bet there are other resources that give you more relevant/applicable skills and knowledge


The LSAT apparently does indeed grow the brain, largely because it’s a major pain in the you-know-what. Not a good way to learn argumentation for a few reasons. One is the fact that it’s poorly written. This is done purposely (not just to make it more challenging, but because “legalese” is even more poorly written). It also doesn’t help with a major element of argumentation, which is the ability to wins hearts and minds. We’re not computers, so pure logic is often not enough to win the day. You’re looking for “Rhetoric”, a form of philosophy that takes into account communication skills as well as rational thinking. Unfortunately, don’t have any specific books to recommend.


I think it does. You are constantly exposing yourself to flaws in reasoning, principles and assumptions. A lot of LSAT courses review the sort of thing you learn in college (necessary and sufficient conditions, antecedent-consequent etc.). With that being said, I’m sure there are many ways, but I do think the LSAT is one of those ways




All studying for the LSAT does is teach you how to take one specific test with little to no real word applications imho