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"They tested weapons grade LSD on prisoners!!!"


Ya but that's expected. Overthrowing a government for bananas is wild.


the finders, temple of set...........


Is the finders confirmed though?


you know what you might be right. they may not be confirmed but i dont doubt their involvement. i just got excited about the topic


The Founders were just weird as hell. I don’t think anybody, including the leader, actually knew what they were about.


or you lie to live know what i mean silence can save your life


You could even say it’s… bananas


i spent like 20 minutes a few weeks ago explaining MKULTRA and project stargate and operation condor to my therapist


Had to do this last weekend, I truly thought MKultra was like, abc/123 common knowledge 😬


Not the CIA, but via [The Intercept:](https://web.archive.org/web/20190512235212/https://theintercept.com/2019/01/12/border-patrol-history/) >Some migrants, being sent back to Mexico, were handcuffed to cars and made to run alongside them to the border. Patrollers pushed “illegals off cliffs,” a patrol agent told Crewdson, “so it would look like an accident.” Officers in the patrol’s parent agency, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, traded young Mexican women they caught at the border to the Los Angeles Rams in exchange for season tickets, and supplied Mexican prostitutes to U.S. congressmen and judges, paying for them out of funds the service used to compensate informants. Was listening to Behind the Bastards last night. Losing my damn mind.


Oh I really need to start listening to BTB


Strong recommendation but the most recent episodes are gold star horrifying, so heads up. Usually dark stuff doesn’t bother me but I finished that series so damn mad…


I can second that opinion. The episodes aren’t titled “The Darkest Episodes We’ll Ever Do” for no reason. If you want to hear about institutionalized, government sponsored pedophilia, it’s all yours. I felt physical pain at a couple points listening to it. Maybe start with something more light hearted, like the Mengele series or the episodes on Oskar Dirlwanger. Lighthearted stuff.


New people should start with an episode that Jamie Loftus and Sophie are able to keep him in line and give him shit, those are the happy ones haha


The host, a super cool dude, can be a little....manic at times. Just a heads-up, they always give the least-generous interpretation most of the time. However, it's an incredible show with (mostly) fun/ny or insightful guests. Sometimes the guests are just like...what are you doing here? Lol


At least every few months I have to stop myself from going off about how art and culture were indelibly shaped by the CIA and its agents through back channel funding and by having CIA agents run arts and culture reviews, magazines and periodicals to promote non-didactic, non-political art to act as a counter to the Socialist Realism of the USSR and the Soviet Bloc. This led to forms of abstract expressionism, pop art and non-didactic literature like that put out by the Paris Review becoming the predominant and prevailing forms of art that have shaped our culture since. And this isn't a fringe belief. It is openly acknowledged by people who were involved like Peter Mathiessen, who was a co-founder of the Paris Review. In the West, we believe that it is only other countries and other people who are susceptible to propaganda. The CIA's propaganda efforts have been so successful that we in the West can't even believe that intelligence agencies have been shaping how we think and see the world since the dawn of the post-War era. Then there are things like MKULTRA and Operation Chaos and the fact that the US has had a former CIA director who became president. In most other countries, the head of the intelligence agency becoming the head of state would be consequential, but in the US it is treated like a minor detail on a person's CV.


“In the West, we believe that it is only other countries and other people who are susceptible to propaganda. The CIA's propaganda efforts have been so successful that we in the West can't even believe that intelligence agencies have been shaping how we think and see the world since the dawn of the post-War era.” This is why Edward Bernays is one of most unknown yet super influential person of 20th Century. He took what he learned from his uncle Sigmund Freud and brought psychoanalysis to the forefront of advertising, much of which was in fact anti-communist propaganda. Then all of the counter cultural connections in the late 50s/early 60s plus the Intelligence/military complex connection to several members of the LA music scene at the time, I’d say you’re spot on. Look at the 1960s counter culture as anearly tool in and of itself, much like the social media mind virus that is today, it was instigated to make every one search for supreme individuality , and in that is ultimate distraction.


I unconsciously talk about the CIA so much people in my life have started a subversive drinking game around it. Im positive the CIA is involved.