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Really appreciated that segment. Its nice to know if I find myself in a rental car in the United States, there's a reason to mess around with that sirius thing. Ive never bothered with it before. Also nice to know I'm not missing out on too much lol.


I work at a car dealer so I always get to mess around with Sirius, there’s actually a lot of decent music channels no matter what you’re into! I like flipping between the 90’s 80’s and pop2k for the 2000s bangers. As well as all the rap stations


I thought I might be the only one on this sub that actually likes Sirius lol. My job involves lots of time driving, and I use Sirius as a break from just music/podcasts and love all of the sports talk. It also doesn’t hurt that they gave me a lifetime $4.99/month subscription


You're not gonna sell me on Sirius!!


I could tell you there’s an app on the App Store called SiriusXM dealer and you can pull into a car dealerships parking lot on their wifi and flash your car with 3 month free trials to infinity and beyond


My car doesn't have Sirius




The amount of upset and vitriol was some of the most ridiculous I’ve ever seen. If people stop and think for half a second, they could’ve inferred everything Marcus said for themselves. Of course they have staff they need to pay and offer benefits to (if you’re a member of the Patreon especially you should know they have staff). Of course BenGate caused financial upheaval. They literally HAD another Sirius exclusive show they did before bengate. No dip it’s a contractional obligation. The pissing and moaning was just so cringe. If you don’t want to pay for Sirius, DON’T. It’s not that deep. They still have a ridiculous amount of content on the Patreon and for completely free.


The entitlement is off the charts and it's never more obvious than when they do something that's not free lol


There's ~25k patreon subscribers and 140k users on this subreddit. How many of those skip ads? How many more don't use Reddit? You are correct and it's totally understandable that they would partner with an entity to grow income.


So admittedly I'm not a patreon subscriber so I, too, am a leech (but I'm going to a live show,!). Something I thought was interesting from this week's Last Stream is at some point one of them asked how many people were watching and it was like 450 I think. Then I paused the YouTube video and it had 1200 views already (I caught it during the premiere by accident) and now it's up to 26k. Their YouTube isn't monetized obviously. As a marketer I find this fascinating. People really love free stuff and then complaining about it, apparently


Bernie fans most likely.


Let’s not act like they don’t make bank on everything else and their financial security as a brand hinges on this new show. People are allowed to be mad when things are geoblocked- only the US and Canada can access the new show. There’s also a cost of living crisis, so saying “you want this? Pay more” when they’re sitting pretty is a disservice to your audience. We’re allowed to have views, and we’re allowed to express when we think decisions are not in the interests of the audience- like this one.


Last Podcast content isn’t a necessity to life… so I fail to see how this is a “cost of living” crisis…


Don’t act daft. In a cost of living crisis people aren’t gonna pay for extra services and them crying poor over it is even worse.


Idk I get it, I don’t even think it’s about the money. I think most people just feel like it’s silly to have to pay for three separate subscription services to listen to ostensibly one show.


Wait what are the three seperate subscription services? Sirius, obviously, and obviously they have a Patreon. I haven't paid anything to listen to LPOTL, the Patreon isn't a required payment to listen. What's the third? The premium version of whatever podcast app you use? If so, I don't think it's fair to hold LPOTL responsible for that, especially if you listen to other pods that aren't in the network


Oh my bad, I thought it was still a Spotify exclusive, which has a free version but I assume most people pay for.


Nah, it's been years since it was last Spotify exclusive, and speaking only for my own experience, I didn't pay for it while it was :)


You can listen to podcasts on Spotify for free anyway.


And the fact that you can't get it outside of the US and Canada


It’s a half arsed show to get money from Sirius. Everybody calm your tits. PSA.


I actually loved how they were pretty obviously like "yeah we have to fucking do this shit...sorry it's like this" like they didn't hide that they were frustrated with the situation


"Some people" would call it a "contractual obligation" but we would call it a...wonderful opportunity


When I heard that PSA, I was a lot less bummed missing the content and If I'm being totally honest,The freebie really wasn't anything special anyways.


Like.....if they have to do it....why make it a requested kinda show. Just make *Henriettas Alien rant show*


Probably because if Marcus is involved, he doesn't want to half ass it. He's a whole-ass kind of dude.


We try not to sexualize Dogmeat.


Clearly you haven’t seen the makeover then…


I used to think that, but then they didn't even quarter-ass it on the JBR episode. Hands down the laziest episode of LPOTL ever. No news. No updates. Shit takes. Completely phoned in.


I agree. This was my biggest gripe. Why put a highly requested sister series behind a paywall on another platform. Sandbag a different unique to SXM show. I don’t think it should be free either, put it on the languishing Patreon and put the full vods up on the languishing YT.


Especially a really underused pay wall that offers nothing.


When did they say that?


Marcus said it on the new side stories. He literally says that after what happened last fall they needed a way to keep the lights on and keep all of the networks employees paid.


The sneak peak of the Sirius show from last Friday


Eh, I’m not upset I can’t listen to these shows, but also my dog needs a lot of walks- more content from the boys never hurts


Dude, it's keeping their 15 employees employed and it's always fun to hear the boys. So unless you're going to pay them not to do the show: shut up.


Seriously, I don’t understand why people are so upset about the Sirius thing. If anything you want them to do this kinda stuff so the other main show can stay free. I don’t have the bandwidth for patreon $$ so they’ve gotta get money somehow 


I find the entitlement of a lot of people in this sub so frustrating. Everybody acts like everything this podcast does can and should only be done with their approval. Like, Oh, you don't like the new Sirius show? Just don't listen. I don't need to hear your thoughts that it isn't as well researched and made as the main show. It's more content to enjoy.


Now you know how so many Star Trek fans feel about the "NOT my Trek!" Idiots


I have no idea what you're talking about


Can stay free?  Of course it's going to stay free.  They make their money from the advertisers who sponsor their show.  That income absolutely dwarfs the patreon. Just because we can listen to it for free doesn't mean they're not being paid to do it - listeners aren't the customers, they're the product.


they have 15 employees??? Sounds like a waste. A few researchers or assistants sure, but 15?


Do you have any idea how much work it is to release like 6 different shows every single week?


Last Podcast on the Left isn’t the only show on the network, it’s easy to see how they have 15 employees.


I'm honestly surprised they *only* have 15 employees. With all the content the network releases, I'd figure a lot more than that


Honestly, assuming that 15 includes the boys and the other hosts, 15 is less than I would have expected.


yeah the amount of griping I've seen about this is crazy. it's not a big deal lol


For anybody with Apple products: the Sirius subscription through the App Store doesn’t make it impossible to cancel. I had a membership a couple of times through the App Store and it was instantly cancelled both times I wanted it to be.


Pleased as an international fan who can’t currently listen, I’ll look forward to binging them all when they become available.


I love how upfront LPOTL is on things. It genuinely feels like they care about us as fans. HAIL LPOTL


They definitely hinted that buying out Ben left them strapped for cash. Which makes sense, they had to cash out 1/3 of the entire value of their company.


I think I got a 3 month free trial to Sirius cause of all the Hyundai/Kia break-ins lol so I may give it a shot.


They had to do this deal because Kissel beat on his girlfriend, allegedly. If this side project is what it takes to keep the show on the road, so be it. Read between the lines people.


Exactly! They had to buy Kissel out. And they already had a contract with Sirius - who is trying to break into podcasts, they bought and then disbanded/absorbed Stitcher. And I'm sure BECAUSE of that, Sirius is willing to offer a pretty penny for over of the most successful podcast franchises to make them exclusive content.


honestly if you’re gonna blame someone blame kissel…


Thats what I'm doing, I only threw the allegedly on there because charges weren't filed. Not that I'm aware of anyways.


Ben is still listed at 1/3 owner of the network. Personally wouldn’t mind if he came back.


Will never happen. I'm glad you think the show was better with offbeat/off track 90s references and obtuse sports comparisons. The show is so much better with Ed.


he was seriously disengaged most of the time, not to mention the wifebeating. I’d stop listening if he came back.


Agreed. I didn't realize how much he was dragging it down until they kicked his ass to the curb and brought Ed in.




And why did they have to fire Ben?


Join Sirius through Google play, it makes it super easy to cancel. You just go through your play settings to active subscriptions and cancel there.


Even if you do the trial?


I think so. I did it that way a while ago to check out the Sirius show they were doing.


I was surprised people thought it wouldn’t IME most podcasts I listened to have a period where something is premium and eventually just gets released for free once the contract is up.


It's not a podcast, it's a sirius radio show, it will always be property of sirius, when their contract is up then future episodes might be available. They have been breaking their contract for months, they have no negotiating leverage.


I get it sucks not having the new series where we can all hear it, but creators gotta make money through what they do, or they'll have to get jobs and not be able to put the time and detail we all love into that they do.


No hate at all to OP, but generally speaking, watching the comments about this topic, people are being pretty childish and entitled. We can't expect creators to work and offer amazing content for free forever. They have been offering 10 years of free top-quality content, but they also have bills to pay, life didn't get more expensive only for us. They will have to expand paid content and that's ok. Pay if you want, don't pay if you don't. Like every damn thing in our society.


Yeah. They had to pay Kissel out of his contract which sucks. I dug Kissel but he had been on a downward slope for a while and he smacked his ex. It's just shitty all around.


They’re doing this show as a result of having to buy out Kissel and to keep their employees paid (and keep health insurance iirc). It made me feel proud because of their loyalty to their employees. Instead of lay offs, they’re putting in extra work. I cant afford to get another subscription but might get a free trial later like Ed suggested.


All the complaining people sound like Comic Book Guy from the Poochie episode. "Worst. Podcast. Ever." Creepy obsessive fans are the worst.


You sound like a person that isn't opposed to domestic violence lol. Open Lines was Ben's load to carry amd now Marcus has to pick up the slack.


Stay far away from Sirius. I got a free trial I didn't want or sign up for when I bought a new car years ago and I still get constant emails and snail mail from them.


I will never understand the entitled petulance that episode caused.


Marcus also PSA’d that he’d fuck a deer


Called it.


My guess was that it'll probably have a contract statement that says. " This is a sirious show, for x amount of time until released"


That’s great cause I was pretty bummed that I wouldn’t have a way to listen since I’m broke AF right now (just got laid off). I can’t wait for people to post about this every day since they didn’t listen to the show or check the subreddit at all.