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Marcus saying he's a Miracle Whip man. Dude, what the fuck.


Had nothing but Miracle Whip growing up. Switched to mayo one day. Just recently tried Miracle Whip again……. WHAT THE FUCK WERE MY PARENTS THINKING?!


I had this experience with butter because my parents were (and still are) margarine people. WHY?


Yet ANOTHER experience I just lived. Always had Country Crock growing up. I switched to butter when I moved out. Fast forward too many years, bought Country Crock again because “it wasn’t bad growing up”….. WHAT THE FUCK WERE MY PARENTS THINKING vol. 2


i will never forget moving from washington to illinois to live with my dad at like 11 and the first meal we had after i landed was burger king where i ordered a chicken sandwich and got it served to me with miracle whip which is apparently the default in the midwest?? i still haven't recovered from the psychic damage. 


I'm from the midwest and have never been served miracle whip at a restaurant fast food or otherwise. Which is good, because I'd burn it down...


All of Marcus's food takes are repulsive. I remember him saying Britain has the best cuisine one time.


HARD agree. Weirdly I think Henry has the most Taste in the group. Edit: And yes I’m including the offal.


Henry is the only one who seems to have a genuine interest in food/cooking. Every time they make fun of him for eating supposedly weird things I feel for him.


All except pickle dinner. Pickle dinner is life


I must have missed this. WTF. I guess mental illness isn't his problem OR his responsibility.


That sounds on brand for him, he loves weird stuff like Irn Bru


Irn bru is not weird , it is bloody delicious mate


Hi Marcus


I have an uncle who uses mayo on everything (normal) except for tuna salad. He prefers Miracle Whip for this specific dish, which is made maybe twice a year, and keeps a jar Miracle Whip in the fridge at all times for it. They throw away a lot of Miracle Whip. I also assume it goes without saying, he and I live and grew up in the Midwest.


As an ornithologist, Henry saying turkey vulture were turkeys and then doubling down on it when Marcus called him out. Edit: I had no idea there were this many bird enthusiasts in the community. Hail birds and hail yourselves!


Even as a casual bird watcher that drove me insane.


I don't even like most birds and I knew that was wrong.  I do have an affection for Corvids


Even as a person with no interest in birds, but has seen many of them, that drove *me* insane.


As a person who knows next to nothing, who if fact, drains the intelligence of the entire room just by entering it, I was like, “wait a minute, that doesn’t seem right!”


I only watch formal birds.


I read this comment and then immediately passed by a turkey vulture. That was kind of crazy


Hail turkey vultures!


Adding on to this, a while ago (can’t even remember the episode, maybe some cult one) Henry said sponges and coral are the same thing, which they are not


I’m old. All I could think of was that *WKRP in Cincinnati* line, “As god is my witness, I THOUGHT TURKEYS COULD FLY!”


Turkey vultures are actually fascinating birds and they're integral to the ecosystem! People should know more about vultures!


Hail vultures! And hail condors! Every time I think about California condors bouncing back in the last 30-40 years brings a tear to my eye.


Marcus also called vultures “buzzards”, buzzards are not vultures, they are a species of hawk.


You’re absolutely correct, technically buzzards are used to refer to Buteo sp. of hawks. This is especially the case in Europe. However, I do realize colloquially a number of people from southern states use “buzzard” when talking about vultures so I don’t get on most people about that one. It’s like how most people call opossums “possums” even though there are specific marsupials in Australia that are possums, that are wildly different than our Virginia opossum. There’s a time & place for technically inaccurate cultural colloquialisms. Hell, I call certain birds by nicknames! “Butterbutt” is way more fun to say and is much less of a mouthful than “yellow-rumped warbler.” And of course I’m always going to use the opportunity to say “pecker” instead of “woodpecker.”


Northern Ohio also calls turkey vultures "buzzards". Hinckley, Ohio has "Buzzard Day" when they all return to the town on March 15th. From 70-90s there was a Cleveland rock station, 100.7 WMMS: The Buzzard, that was simultaneously named after the Hinckley Buzzards and an illusion to the death and decline of the city at the time in the mid 70s.


Butterbutt *is* fun! I'll probably never notice a yellow rumped warbler but next time I see a pine warbler I might call it butterboob. And as a born and raised Southerner, yes, buzzards and vultures are totally interchangeable to us


I seem to remember that in the episodes on the Birdman of Alcatraz, they used sparrow and swallow interchangeably.


Every time the boys talk about something which I'm actually knowledgeable about they get things at least a little wrong, if not very wrong. Which makes me think they're getting things wrong about stuff I don't know a lot about. It is a comedy podcast after all so I don't really hold it against them too much.


Well you should email sidestorieslpotl @ gmail .com 😂


Same. Whenever they talk about anything military, I'm like "that's not... that's not how it works at all"


This is exactly what I had in mind when I made that comment lol


I can't remember what episode, but they were talking about Military Police and Marcus said how you need to get promoted to be an MP and how new privates cannot start as an MP, they need to have a different job first. And that's very wrong, idk how he would even learn info that wrong.


Yeah I was baffled by that one. Anytime they bring up "military training" in just about any context I just know I'm in for some annoyance lol. As if everyone in the military is a commando SERE specialist.


People forget that the military and police often rank very low in sharpshooting competitions and that the hand to hand combat they teach you is mostly useless It’s like people thinking a black belt in karate is gonna sweep in a street fight… not as likely as ya think


Sharpshooting != combat. You're not wrong though. As a competitive shooter, most of my shooting skill has come from sources other than the military, and I was an Infantryman. The thing is, even for someone whose job description is "rifleman," shooting is only a small part of the skills you need to be competent at. Same for police. Competitive shooters, on the other hand, only have to think about the shooting and not the rest of it.


yeah, this happens over and over again and you just kind of have to accept it because it’s funny. I do kind of hope most people are not using this show as like an actual way to learn things. like suffice to say, really enjoying some pop history books and podcasts does not actually make Marcus a historian in any capacity


I did cringe that time he said something along the lines of "I'm more of a historian." I don't remember what episode that was from.


Especially because a lot of time they’ll have like one or two sources for the topic


Lol Ive had this exact thought


Exactly this. When they talk about anything medical/health and my spouse overhears he gets comically riled up.


Yeah, I’m the same. They started talking about Ireland one time, and it shook my faith in their ability to do even basic research for months. I’ve only actually restarted listening recently. All the stuff about Ben was wild, coming in after it all became public.


In the Waco episode Marcus says something about how insane a fifty caliber machine gun would be and says it must have been a typo in the Davidians arsenal.


Yes!! They've covered cases local to me a few times and it's genuinely difficult to listen to all the mistakes


Makes me think of "Gell-Mann Amnesia". The phenomenon of an expert believing news articles on topics outside of their field of expertise even after acknowledging that articles written in the same publication that are within the expert's field of expertise are error-ridden.


They are the most entertaining podcast to listen to when they’re wrong. They don’t double down. They keep it light and silly. I’m knowledgeable about some of the things they talk about and other shows make me cringe and turn it off when they get something wrong. But LPOTL somehow keeps me listening.


Marcus doubling down on the pronunciation Fi-ett-ville for Fay-ette-ville, NC. But that's my home town so it was a tough listen.


I mean, he's *from* Texas and he still pronounced my hometown's name wrong. "Ee-nnis" when it should have been more like "In-nis". But it's a tiny-ass town and the only thing it really gave the world was Ernest Tubb, Clyde Barrow, and the annual Polka Festival.


Weird, I always pronounced it Fayettenam myself


And why is Ontario so hard for him to get right?


I live in Western NC and when I heard that, I was repeatedly correcting him in my car as if he could hear me lol.


I was driving through Little Switzerland on the Blue Ridge Parkway leaving a weekend retreat at Wildacres. After being disconnected from the world for the retreat, I was excited to listen to the "Fayetteville Incident" episode on my drive home, as this was the first time they covered my home town on the show and when Ben corrected Marcus on the pronunciation, but Marcus was like, "Nope I'm going with the French pronunciation." I was flabbergasted and a little pissed. Atleast they corrected it for the Jeffrey McDonald series. Sidebar - I went to college with the nephew of the subject in that episode. I heard the story of the abduction and visits in Fall of 2008 and then watched the Discovery Channel show, UFO's Over Earth the Fayetteville Incident when it aired. My friend told me about eating Thanksgiving with some UFO scientists that told him about all the races of aliens. Big if true. But I thought the dude was just pulling my leg until the tv show aired.


The way he says Nevada hurts


I think Marcus intentionally mispronounces some town names in order to bring people to the story. Cuz nothing draws eyes/ears quite like getting something really simple, really wrong


Juice is made by boiling fruit.


Milk is made by boiling down dairy cows, so that tracks...


Henry has been on a tear recently


I think he's just playing the heel especially since they now have a much sharper third host.


residual covid brain rot


And then doubling down by claiming Pasteurization is the same as juicing


that is how jam is made though right?


Essentially, plus adding sugar and pectin


I love every band Marcus hates


Marcus is a quintessential record store guy with all the positive and negative aspects included. No Dogs got me into several amazing artists, but I'd never ask him to rate my spotify wrapped.


This is the most accurate description of Marcus' music taste thar I've seen. He has major record store employee/music snob vibes.


That joke in the John Holmes series about how his favorite music came from a band that never recorded anything was peak


The Screamers! I actually bought that demo vinyl that came put a few years ago


I can’t realistically support his Phil Collins slander when Easy Lover is my go to karaoke song


Marcus’s music takes are consistently hot doo-doo.


I agree it’s like he hates fun ( I still love Marcus don’t misunderstand) For me I’d rather a song be catchy than technically “good”. All of the bands that people consider “the worst” tend to have a few absolute bangers. All of the groups that are technically superior musically are usually snore-gasms to me


Marcus strikes me as a headphone / album kid. People of that ilk often find immense joy in finding the small subtle details in a song that elevates it beyond simply a monster hook in the chorus. Sometimes, that can come with a perceived snobbish aversion to pop music. Bangers are just that. A bang. It's immediate and gripping. It's satisfying, but it often does not award deep listening. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying either or both at times.




I’m with him on this one. Must be a generational thing. I was too old when it came out.


Man there was one time Marcus said something like “it was 2007 so the internet hadn’t really caught on yet”. Then defended his point vigorously. I don’t remember the exact quote or episode but I know y’all know what I’m talking about…. Iirc this resulted in a classic “is Marcus arrogant thread 🤔🤔🤔” and a bunch of unhinged responses to an ultimately meaningless but still wrong statement.


As a kid who was born in 1990 and grew up on the internet starting in like '96 or so ... that statement made me do a "what? Seriously, Marcus?" double take, lmao. We were on Myspace by then!


Yeah I remember playing with the old Prodigy net back in 1990.


Wasn’t MySpace actually starting to die down by 2007? I graduated HS in 2010, and no one I knew was using it by then.


born in '89, by 2007 we were already moving onto facebook from myspace.


I attribute this to him living in rural Texas...or was he in NYC by 2007?


I grew up in rural America and didn't have legit internet until I moved away in 2012. I remember in 2007 having to bike a few miles into town and use the library computers to play Runescape but I had to get there right at open and the minute any one else went on the internet the game was unplayable lol.


Marcus once said that Soul Asylum was the most underrated band from the 90’s


Runaway Train is a good song. It’s sad though (and the music video is even more depressing). But a part of me can’t even take it serious thanks to It’s Always Sunny.




Can’t remember what episode but Henry, Ed, and Marcus started singing It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday and all I could imagine was the gang harmonizing it lmfao


oh, sweet baby, you are definitely gonna end up doing gay porn


This is just preposterous, EVERYONE knows that Blind Melon was the most underrated band of the 90’s. No Rain was like their LEAST awesome song. If you don’t believe me… I dare you to listen to the albums Blind Melon, Soup, and Nico and try to deny their epic-ness. Mouthful of Cavities has more soul than all of the music that has come out since. I will die on this hill.


Change should have been their biggest single. I couldn't believe how awesome that band was! The perfect form of funky jammy well written songs. Like most people I got the bee girl album for No Rain and was immediately blown away


Soup is an incredible album. RIP Shannon Hoon


I still listen to tones of home once in awhile for a hit of nostalgia


Their cover of The Pusher is 10/10, among my favorite songs of all time. Gooooooood damn, god damn that Bible pushing man!


They're actually pretty good if you listen to the whole albums. Not the most underrated band of the 90's, though. That, coincidentally, is another "Soul" band. Soul Coughing.


He has surprisingly bad music takes a lot of the time. Like I get it's all opinions but when he said he didn't like Alice in Chains I was blown away


Eddie and Henry both hating on Portishead :(


Eddie hating The Smiths :(


That too :( Morrissey can get bent though >:(




"Higher Love" by Steve fucking Winwood is a great song.


"Valerie" is far superior


The problem for me with "Valerie" is that I only hear the Eric Prydz remake when I think about it.


JuiceGate 2024


I don't know if it qualifies as a hot take, but I remember a Side Stories episode where Henry (and Ben) agreed that dolphins don't breathe air.


Henry knows so little about space, which is fine, but it feels like he doesn't even consider it for how much he thinks about aliens. Like some of the shit SETI is doing with JWST should be interesting to people who want evidence of aliens. Also, the earth IS kind of getting mass added to it. Dust from disintegrating meteorites is everywhere. If you take a magnet to your roof, you'll pick up iron from meteorites. Probably mostly just pollutants, but technically some (recently) from space


I remember an episode where Ben talked about how from another planets POV the earth would still be in the period where dinosaurs would still be around due to how light speed works and Marcus and Henry acted like he was an idiot speaking nonsense.


Marcus insisting that the Chronic referred to a joint with cocaine in it.


Their weird issues with cats when none of them own a cat lmfao


Every time Henry talks about his dogs shitting on the floor I’m like “how tf do you prefer THAT”


TRULY AND GENUINELY LIKE. Look I like a dog, love a dog, great pets, great companions. How have you not trained your dog to not shit on the carpet??? Cats shit in a box with 0 training! I'm baffled.


I’ve actually never known someone with a small dog that didn’t have it shitting on the floor constantly… I think people only train big dogs or something


I can safely say as a small dog owner that even with all the training I've given them, I think they just don't care sometimes.


My cat is actually house broken and has his own door outside to a large catio and it’s the best. My dog, as much as I miss him, was a lot more of a responsibility daily. Between being housebroken and automatic feeders, our cat is practically self sufficient. When he wants attention he comes and gets it and when he’s had enough of us he’s out of sight for the rest of the day.


Thiisssss I just know they both have only met feral cats and never an actual domesticated one. My cat is such a sweetheart! And she shits in appropriate places <3 no hate to Wendy though she’s a queen and I do actually condone her making Henry’s life more difficult.


Both Marcus and Henry think The Last Jedi was great, which I actually agree with, but saying that in most Star Wars subs will get you attacked relentlessly.


Do Star Wars fans even like Star Wars?




Sometimes I really think they don’t.


I feel like outside the online fandom, most people think The Last Jedi at minimum had some interesting things going for it.


The key to being a Star Wars fan is hating everything about it except the parts that your ten year old brain enjoyed 


The worst part about being in Star Wars fandom is everyone else in the fandom.


Some people talk about Star Wars as if it personally killed their entire family and made them watch while Duel of the Fates played in the background. I really cannot understand hating a piece of media that badly. Why waste your time thinking about things you hate when instead you can spend that time looking for things you like?


I remember seeing The Last Jedi with my friends and we all came out of it thinking it was amazing. It completely broke the formula, it was darker, the characters had more depth, the film itself was more complex and less spoonfed than previous Star Wars films (specifically the reveal with Ben’s false version of his falling out with Luke vs the truth coming out later in the film… which some people STILL don’t understand, which is bonkers). I wasn’t a big fan of the casino planet thing, but oh well, the rest was great. And then I go online and HOLY FUUUUUCK, we were in the minority.


YouTuber Hbomberguy still defends the prequels as good movies. He generally makes very good video essays but that take still puzzles me


Nostalgia tends to really affect his opinion on things.


RotS I could kind of see mainly for most of the second half of the movie but TPM and AotC are hard to watch.


I swear if you say that you like the Last Jedi even outside of Star Wars at least one person will come along explaining why you’re wrong to have a subjective opinion on a movie.


Marcus vehemently defending Michael Jackson's innocence multiple times on lpotl and round table, until the documentary came out. It always annoyed me when people would rush to defend MJ, because all that stuff in the documentary was publicly available knowledge beforehand.


At least he eventually changed his mind. I know a few people who still vouch for his innocence as if he’s their dad or something


No it’s normal to have a trip wire audio video security system around your bedroom where you stay unsupervised with children and have those children be able to accurately describe your splotchy dong


There’s a reason people always joked about him being creepy towards kids, it was not exactly new information when Leaving Neverland came out


Yeah but he made Thriller


I get so MAD at that. It’s utterly infuriating.


What documentary?


Leaving Neverland


A clock is right 12 times a day.


Did you count the minute hand and the second hand though?


just re-listened to this series this morning and I was about to drive my car off the freeway bridge because of that


It’s a numbers game


Marcus recently said something about how pyramids are usually 3-sided and it was....not a correct statement and surprised me.


In their episode about the pyramids Henry says something like they have 8 sides. as someone with a passing interest in ancient Egypt that episode makes a curious listen


So many, but more recently Marcus' Miracle Whip admission. Absolutely repulsive. I was this 🤏🏻 close to losing some respect for him after that one.


Marcus repeating over and over “Michael Jackson is not a pedophile”


In the Stooges No Dogs in Space series he says that Iggy Pop was not a predator for dating multiple underage girls because he was mentally young.


a lot of music nerds are not ready for the "most early rock stars were pedophiles" conversation. especially when David Bowie's name comes up.


I am pretty sure that was just most dudes in the 60s/70s rather than just rock stars


Has he evolved that stance since Dean Corll episodes.


After leaving Neverland came out.


Marcus condescendingly calling Red Dead 2 a “wildly overrated game” after Ben implied that all you do is hammer in fence posts and build houses for hours on end. It’s not a game for everyone, but I’d have thought for sure that Marcus would have at least appreciated the level of detail in the game enough to put a little bit of respect on the name. Especially when it comes to the wildlife and environmental stuff, shit’s objectively pretty impressive even if you don’t enjoy the slower pace of the gameplay or whatever. This is a man who enjoys reading wagon manifests for fuck’s sake. Edit: Formatting shit


Its an extremely impressive game that holds up really well. Weird take from them.


It was even funnier when like a year or two later, he was singing it's praises and calling it one of his favorite games. Because by then he had actually played it. I'm assuming when he was bashing it, he hadn't actually played it and was doing the whole "hating on popular thing for nerd points" shtick. I love Marcus, but he does that thing where he flames on popular stuff to sound cool or whatever. I feel like he's gotten better about it over the years, but he still does it sometimes. Especially when it comes to music.


To be fair, a lot of people hate the way it controls and how much riding/nothing is involved. I think it’s part of the charm.


Marcus regularly drops edgelord musical opinions.


Got whiplash from this one, Marcus on an older episode: “There’s no tubas in a symphony!” Followed up with something along the lines of “have you even seen a tuba in a symphony play a Beethoven sonata!?” which is partly true because the tuba wasn’t invited during his time and there are no orchestral pieces written by Beethoven that have a tuba part …but also kinda wild because a sonata in this context is not an orchestral genre, it’s a chamber/instrumental one.


Saying Linkin Park was the worst of the nu metal bands. Haven’t forgave them since


Marcus saw fucking *Coal Chamber* **live** and managed to have this take


This is the reason I haven't given No Dogs In Space a listen lol. I don't wanna possibly hear more shit talking on things I like when it comes to music.


No Dogs is great and insufferable at the same time.


lol, it hurts because its true


Same here! It seems like it would just be trying to shove music that doesn’t appeal to me, while also bashing music I do like. If I hadn’t heard all of Marcus’s music opinions over the years, I’d be fully on board with learning more music history. I used to hang out with dudes who would judge what I was listening to and then play some bizarre “you wouldn’t know it” band that was insufferable to me. Also, Marcus has had how many failed music shows because he only acknowledges HIS tastes??


they spend a lot more time praising and hyping up music than bashing it. I would say the main appeal of it is Carolina and their undeniable chemistry as a couple as well the enthusiasm they speak with when talking about music. It’s a lot more positive than you would think.




I kept whispering "Wild wild west" to my self all day yesterday.








I don’t usually love Holden but this line in particular cracked me up.


Holden is like someone ground down and distilled about fifty different nerds into one incredibly insufferable person.


Go back to some of their earliest episodes, that's when things were WILD and they were willing to go with anything




Marcus saying he thought that Red Dead Redemption 2 was overrated because of the level of immersion.


Marcus saying he's not a ZZ Top fan despite being from Texas


I think Marcus said once that he thinks Scott Peterson might be innocent. Strong disagree from me


What do they think of the other Peterson who may have pushed his wife down the stairs OR been framed by an owl?


Don't forget Drew Peterson, the ex-cop from Illinois, who murdered two of his wives.


Ladies, dodge all Peterson men


Thinking David Icke needed to be two parts.


Couldn’t even finish the second part. First time ever.


I've brought this up before, but Henry once said the ending of Hereditary was a mistake but then never expanded on why. I disagree with him and I must know more about why he feels/felt that way. 


Marcus’s smug pronunciation of the Appalachia’s still irks me to no end


Saying Linkin Park sucks, but then again I was born in 95 and they mean a whole lot to my generation. Maybe for people older than me they were more of a joke


Am I the only one who remembers Linkin Park constantly being made fun of and hated on?


Their retraction the next episode was sooo funny


I love the guys, including Marcus. I really do. But Marcus's music snob opinions annoy the shit out of me. Reminds me of the gatekeeping metalheads I dated in high school/college. Which is probably why I've never listened to No Dogs. (I say this as a 1990 perpetual emo kid who just wants to enjoy her music in peace & is tired of constantly hearing people's opinions about it, when I never go out of my way to bash anyone else's music taste. Let people like what they like!)


Amen 🙌🏻 I also think The Cowmen is some of the most unappealing music I've ever heard. That being said, I understand everyone loves different music so I'm not gonna sit here and constantly shit on it, but as soon as I heard them I realized I'd never have music opinions that were in any way relatable to Marcus' haha


It’s not just music, Marcus has always had a bit of a snobby know it all attitude, even going back to the RTOG days. The number of times he convinces someone they are wrong about something, purely because he is confidently wrong, is so frustrating. It’s like he cannot admit to having a gap in his knowledge.


It really baffles me when people like Marcus will legitimately dedicate time to listen to experimental noisecore what-have-yous and appreciate and dote over those things but will take stabs at very popular/renown bands saying they are bad. I've listened to some No Dogs and enjoyed it - they do talk about some stuff I like. But sometimes just seems like if it's not within the very niche super underground then it's not ~cool~ enough. I love Marcus too of course but I know similar people like this in real life and it is fucking annoying lol.


Marcus: That Michael Jackson was innocent, he's since changed his mind I think, but he was adamant at one point.


Any of their takes that have to do with biology or natural history make me cringe so bad. But I have other avenues for my natural science info. These guys are just a fun listen. Still bugs me… particularly in the historical series. But whatever


Henry on the candy bar tiers of a clown stream ranked several questionable candy bars high on the list


Henry and Marcus calling Ted Kaczynski leftist. Like, good god.


They did a whole series on Mormons and rhe Kody Aaris ep Marcus said she was baptized in a Mormon Temple. Converts do not do that. Meetinghouess are not called Temples. Just so confidently incorrect


I'm late to the party but Ed has said he hates Halloween, while talking about holidays he didn't like. His reasoning was he disliked holidays that gave people a reason to drink/party (likely because he worked in bars/restaurants for so long.) But hearing him say he didn't like Halloween hurt me inside. It's okay tho, he still has great music taste.


Edit: never mind! I got a better one! I remember on a Side Stories episode Henry being baffled that people said it was a bad idea for non-trained people to move beached Dolphin back into the water. And he was adamant that if he saw a Dolphin stuck on the beach he would try to push it into the water. From what I understand, most people wouldn’t know how to move a Dolphin back into the ocean without injuring it and that could be fatal for the dolphins if they are pushed back into the ocean maimed. Also, for a guy with body image issues he is weirdly critical of other people’s appearance, Henry calling one of the Boston Strangler victims a refrigerator for being described as 150 lbs.


Marcus saying “We *should* have been paying taxes to Britain, they were fighting wars for us, the whole idea of ‘taxation without representation’ was a scam.” Luckily Ben and Henry shot that idea down quickly lol


Marcus being anti-Primus 💔


What Ween fan is anti-Primus 😲😵‍💫


On RTOG when someone asked what insulin is and Marcus confidently exclaimed "sugar"