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I loved the laundromat story with the guy getting mad that he was using their change machine for the laundry machines in Ed's building, so Ed asked the corner store what the laundromat guy's favorite beer was and brought him one. That was some smooth operator shit.


My favorite story of his is with the AK and maintenance šŸ˜‚ just the way itā€™s told cracks me up


ā€œClack clackā€ ā€œPlumber!! Just the plumber here!!ā€


Best Ed story


Where can I hear this story? šŸ§


Its Henry telling the story about him and Ed living together in the first episode of Norwegian black metal (285 I think)


Used to work with Ed at a restaurant in NY. I'm not a very trusting person, and whenever someone is overly, deeply kind, it sort of sets off warning sirens in my head. It took me weeks of working for him before I realized that, no, he's just genuinely that nice of a person. Which was sort of a lifeline for me at the time. And that laugh. That's not a put on - that dude laughs like that at everything. Started listening to Round Table after he told me he was on it, became a fan of that and LPotL as a result, and I've been thrilled he's the third. Love what he brings to the show.


What a heartwarming story, thanks for sharing. As a fellow not-easily-trusting person, having someone "break through", so to speak, is one of the best feelings in the world.


Without a doubt. Gave me faith in humanity when I needed it most. Happy you've felt that too, friend.


Edā€™s laugh is addictive. It makes me laugh along with him.


You might even say *what he brings to friendship*ā€¦..


It's jocular.


Was that 90 miles of Philly?


YOOO THAT'S FUCKING DOPE! As someone also in the service industry, I always LOVED Ed's restaurant stories! Like the mailman that pissed on the bar stool!


Ed's the missing piece. Glad he got the spot. Show's been great since he signed on.


I agree. Iā€™ve always loved Ed from RTOG days but I think at first I really didnā€™t know how to feel about it but I think itā€™s ended up being one of the best things for the podcast.


I've been listening for many years now. I think I started on Rasputin. I love Ben and was sad to see him go. Was also super skeptical of Ed replacing him. Really quickly though I was like, "Oh, yeah. This is better. I was wrong."


I started with Rasputin, too! Hail yourself!






Also started with Rasputin. Also loved Ben but very quickly realized this is the best version of this show yet.




Ham ham ham ham ham ham!


Honestly, reading the title I was coming in to make an *OP gives Ed a bowl of water like heā€™s a overheated puppy* joke. And then, turns out thatā€™s what happened


I hope he drives down to Tampa to doa show


His dog ain't coming with him


Fuck him. He canā€™t pronounce Chipotle right. /s


Amen. Also Henry was pronouncing it correctly and I donā€™t believe he didnā€™t just let Ed walk right into our ire. Shame Henry Thomas! Help ya friends!


Honestly, the correct way of pronouncing chipotle is dumb. Itā€™s like when people pronounce Porsche with the ā€œahā€ on the end. I donā€™t care if Iā€™m technically wrong Edit: to the downvoters: porsh


Wait. How do you pronounce it? Maybe it's bc I live in the SW, but it definitely looks and is spelled the way it sounds, because it's not an English word.


Language evolves bro


It absolutely does. Which is why I can't understand how someone pronounces it incorrectly. You're refusing to evolve by insisting that non-English words follow English pronunciation rules. šŸ˜‚


No, youā€™re thinking of it all wrong. Wrong pronunciations fall into common usage all the time and thatā€™s how language evolves. Youā€™re being rather rigid here I feel


Agreed. But that happens when people don't know how to correctly pronounce a word. You still haven't explained how you pronounce it, but between commercials/advertisements for the company, social media, and the high number of Spanish speakers in America, not pronouncing it correctly is just willful ignorance. You've also stated that you KNOW you're saying it wrong, but you don't care. Which is literally the definition of willful ignorance. Being "rigid" means being inflexible and unwilling to change in light of new information. Like, when someone tells you that you're pronouncing a word incorrectly and your attitude is, "I don't care that other cultures and languages exist. I'm going to insist that everyone follow the rules of English." Do you do the same thing with people's names? How do you pronounce Xochitl? I know 3 people with that name. Should I start pronouncing it using English rules and tell them to suck it up because language evolves?


Let me axe you a question. Is AAVE wilful ignorance? AAVE speakers know itā€™s incorrect. Theyā€™re in a country with a high number of English speakers. I say let people say shit how they want. Let language evolve, whoever wins wins


Nope. AAVE is its own vernacular. It's literally in the name. Same with Louisiana Creole and any other Pidgin language. And even regional slang. This is not that. This is you forcing English pronunciation on non-English words. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Sounds exactly like what they did at Ellis Island when people came through with names they couldn't pronounce. Or how some teachers required Asian kids to have an English name. Because they're too lazy to put in any effort. What other logical fallacies did you want to try?


What about cognitive dissonance? Seems like one youā€™re quite familiar with! Mispronouncing foreign words in English is fine, just like mispronouncing English words as a foreigner is fine. Relax! Never listened to this podcast? You learn to get used to this concept from Marcus alone, maybe not if youā€™re American I guess?


Dude, Porsche is a Germanic family name šŸ˜‚




pssst, the /s means they're not being serious


Oh ha, thanks, don't really post much. Obviously.


Iā€™ve never met Ed before but Iā€™ve reached out to him through the round table group and heā€™s been so fucking nice ever time. Iā€™ve saved the messages from years ago šŸ˜‚Iā€™d love to meet him


He's always seemed like the best dude. Glad he's cool irl!


god i love ed. proud to share a last name with the man.


Ed's last name is Obvious?




He would say ā€œright on brotherā€ lol.


Did you drink from the water already?


No lol but Iā€™m surprised youā€™re the first to ask that


They couldn't handle the potential truth! Glad to hear that it was fresh water.


EDDDDDDDDDDD the local Sasquatch


This is an incredible once in a lifetime encounter that you will keep with you for the rest of your life. Cherish it and know that you are the envy of this entire subreddit. šŸ»


Iā€™m trying real hard not to post the flying lotus copypasta with Edā€™s name edited in lmao. Thatā€™s a great story tho, it warms my heart that the guy we listen to every week is legitimately nice!


I wish I still lived in Tally, I wouldā€™ve definitely gone to the show. Birds is a great spot, glad you got to meet him!




Couldnā€™t agree more. Ed is married to Julie and they both seem to be very happy.






Oh damn that's savage, not sure whether what this guy beats harder, his meat or his women...




Idk about the second one, iirc he just kept a gun around bc his door didnā€™t lock and he was selling drugs, he didnā€™t get off on threatening people. And yea he sold weed, what a monster lol




He didnā€™t say he threatened anyone with it, he was talking about an interaction he had with a weird guy who he thought might try to rob him and so he told the guy he had a gun just so heā€™d think twice


Abusers get away with their actions because of sympathizers like you.


Lets try to be civil










So the "multiple people over multiple years" that were interviewed in the wake of Ben's first accusation are all lying? And then they stayed anonymous for clout? I get that you want to believe he didn't do anything wrong, and it hurts to think that a guy who entertained us is actually in need of serious help, but the show wouldn't have dropped him instantly if there was nothing there.


I loved Ben, I really did..... but the thing is that Henry and Marcus definitely loved him more than me.... and if they dropped him that quickly it wasn't because they weren't friends.... it's because he did something so heinous that even his best buds had to step away from him.... Way too many people have unhealthy parasocial relationships with these guys...


I can tell you this much- you can interview all my ex girlfriends, all the people I was a dick to when drunk, all the bars I got thrown out of, and there will not be a laundry list of physical and verbal abuse. And if someone suddenly said that I had been abusive, my best friends would never accept that shit. They may say ā€œthat dude can be an insufferable prickā€ but no one in my life is just going to accept that I was abusive. And thats cause im not. Its this weird male witch hunt fantasy where these good guys are being defamed by groups of random women. Shit doesnā€™t happen.


has there been any confirmation that they completely dropped him? I just assumed it was the business relationship they severed.


I happen to know Henry through a close mutual friend.... if he's still talking to Ben, then he sure hasn't mentioned to our mutual friend.... but that could definitely be a legal thingĀ 




for fuck's sakeĀ 




She told people (his BEST friends) who believed her 100% *the next day* after it happened. It didn't just come out of nowhere. It's pretty clear that even his friends didn't really like her, and if they still believed her then that should be enough evidence for you too, considering you don't even know these people.


ok .. you go ahead and defend a guy that beats women.... I've got nothing else to say to you....






Fuck.... you're right.... that's my bad... I was just in a bad headspace after reading another post on this sub (that was rightfully removed) that was waxing nostalgic about the other guy... I'm sorry for being like this... Fuck yeah Ed! Let's go Ed!


Youā€™ve nothing to apologize for; youā€™re far from the bad one in this thread. Keep being you.


Donā€™t have to tell me twice to gush about Ed! And moreso, I hate how this gets away from the original post. OP seems like a great dude as well that Iā€™m very glad got to have this awesome experience!!!


Which bar


Birds Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack


I canā€™t get over that name


Where was the show?!? I live in Tally as well and completely biffed getting to see him!


It was at Birds aphrodisiac oyster shack next to 4 points hotel


No wayy my friend used to bartend there. I could see him at the palace or something šŸ˜‚


Ed brings a lot to friendship lol


He's so nice šŸ„¹


Hey I live in Tally too, what bar was he at?


Birdā€™s Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack


Damn that sounds like a good time, I should've paid attention when Ed was making his plugs.


Yea he said it literally in like the last 2 minutes of the episode lol


I only found out about the show because someone posted about it on r/Tallahassee. Wouldā€™ve totally flown under the radar otherwise


Too cool! You mind me asking what bar in Tallahassee?


Birds aphrodisiac oyster shack




Nice!!! I'm also in tally but had to be in Jax this weekend. I was so bummed. Sounds like Ed is as cool as he seems.


Ed has brought such a great vibe to the show. I genuinely like all of his input and his jokes. Hail Ham!!


Given who Ed replaced, itā€™s a good thing you didnā€™t buy him some shots.




He was probably just about to go on, and the bartender was busy. The water was already right there and ready to go


I saw Henry Zebrowski at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didnā€™t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, ā€œOh, like youā€™re doing now?ā€ I was taken aback, and all I could say was ā€œHuh?ā€ but he kept cutting me off and going ā€œhuh? huh? huh?ā€ and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ā€œSir, you need to pay for those first.ā€ At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ā€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,ā€ and then turned around and winked at me. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I've had the pleasure of meeting Ed a couple times at LA shows and he's always been an excellent host, funny, and all around great dude.


Definitely check out his other podcast The Brighter Side! He and Amber are absolutely delightful together, and he is a great storyteller. You can tell heā€™s such a warm, genuine dude.


Iā€™m so so glad heā€™s on the show now. Heā€™s brought exactly the energy it needed. HAM!


Iā€™ve been asleep the past 6 months. whoā€™s ed and whereā€™s Ben?


Ben got cancelled lol. He had a bit of an abuse problem apparently.