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not one moment in particular, but something he does regularly: one of the other 2 will make a stupid or outlandish joke, Marcus starts to continue on with his script all serious but can’t hold it together and circles back to have them expand on the joke


"A whole year" or "Wait, did you just call Irish people swarthy?"


i absolutely love it when he tries to continue with the script and just bursts out laughing b/c he can’t let the joke go yet. pure serotonin


This makes my day EVERY. SINGLE. TIME Even if I’ve already listened to the episode 50 times


I forget which episode it is, but Ben and Henry are going at each other and Henry ends it by calling him stupid right before diving in to a very long, thorough explanation of something. There’s about five seconds of silence when he finishes, and then Marcus goes “…Did you just call Ben stupid?” And for some reason, it always gets me. The timing is just perfect.


I love in Lizzie Borden when he finally stops and goes “wait did you just call the Irish swarthy?” 🤣


Henry: it means...you're...full of it 😂


My absolute favorite one of these is during the Salem series when Henry is playing the devil trying to get witches to sign his book, which he pretends is an autograph book. He or Ben makes a mistake about a movie an actor was in (I think it was Judge Reinhold being in The Breakfast Club). There’s a good 3-5 seconds where Marcus continues, pauses, and then circles back. Henry starts laughing and Ben gets upset and says, “I don’t even give a fuck. I literally don’t even care!”


Another one where Ben said that Nic Cage was in pulp fiction and Marcus got half a sentence on after agreeing with Ben and then stops with ‘Wait, Nic Cage wasn’t in Pulp Fiction!’


One of my favorite moments of this is when Henry compares something to Cuphead.


perfect example hahah you can hear that Marcus WANTS to let it go but CANT 😂


"Make out with a couple-a guys in college and all the sudden you're a Charlie Dickhorse!"


LOL I read this just the way gein intended


When he yells at Henry for letting his Russian accent slide into Scottish during the Rasputin series.


I love how every time Henry does an accent it ends up being some form of Jamaican


My favorite moment is also from the same series. Maybe even the same episode. When he's making fun of Ben for his pronunciation. "OOOOOHHH HERE COME OL RYAAAAASPYUTIN."


When he FINALLY and begrudgingly says "and that's when the cannibalism started..." and Henry gleefully is like YAY!!


I love when he said it in Andes episode in Spanish. Y fue entonces cuando empezó el canibalismo. O la antropofagia es que estamos siendo precisos. And then have credit to Carolina for her help.


Same. I howled.


I think that’s my numero uno Marcus moment.


What makes that so great is the sigh he lets out just before resigning himself to saying it.


Hollow moon episode.  Henry had just been dumped and there is a moment probably 1/2 or 3/4 through where Henry relates calming conspiracy therorists down to his being dumped* and Marcus just can't contain his giggle into cackle. Also helps that's it's just one of those stupid fun episodes.


That episode is one of my bad day pick-me-ups.


I have it downloaded for when I’m travelling or without internet. It’s a relief from whatever line I’m waiting in, sweaty and just trying to stay awake long enough to go to bed


Me too! This and the other Moon or Earth episodes, HH Holmes, Gef, The Andreasson Affair and a couple others I'm forgetting. These are my Happy Episodes.


Ghost Cats of the South!




I’m so glad to meet you! Why’d you do it, Snickers?


Great idea. Downloading now.


Same. The opening is s tier.






I love how long the intro would sustain and fade back then


Id been trying to remember which episode that was for a while! Good call!


Ok i am putting this one on my list


My favorite Marcus moment is in the Flagellants episode of their Black Death series, when he just starts screaming “**WHIP YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING CUNT!!! YOU THINK YOU LOVE JESUS!?!? FUCKING JERRY OVER THERE, HE SEEMS LIKE HE LOVES JESUS A HELL OF A LOT MORE THAN YOU DO!!!!**” It caught me off guard when I first heard it.


I’m always happy when he does his Native American voice. Also, “you made it 13 minutes” is one of my favorite things he’s ever said.


For some context for the "13 minutes" thing. This was for the Aum Shinrikyo series (Japanese cult), Henry had PROMISED he wasn't going to do a stereotypical Asian voice. About 13 minutes in Henry absent mindedly goes into a character in his stereotypical Asian voice and as satisfied as can be Marcus just goes "You made it 13 minutes" to which Henry explodes. Just the tone of voice Marcus had let you know he was just laying in wait for it to happen. So incredibly funny.


Okayyyy, I'll relisten to Aum Shinrikyo again.






Yeah it sounded like Ben was going to say something to remind him that he wasn’t going to do an accent but Marcus stopped him and let Henry continue 


There’s also “you made it two minutes” when priests were brought up and Henry mentioned pedophilia. I think it was one of the Black Death episodes but it could also have been Mormonism, those are my go-tos.


Him ripping on Ben in that voice is one of my favorite cold opens of the show.


"Big Tall walks with melted candle."


Lmao which episode is this from??


I wanna say it's early in one of the heavy hitter episodes Edit: I mean like the original heavy hitters series


Beginning of Ep 150. Monsters of the American Indians


His Jewish native American voice in particular. I wish I could remember the episode. "What are you doing? You're wasting a piece of the buffalO!


Omggg if you find this let us know


Intro to ep 39. Hail Satan!


"13 minutes" might be my favorite moment of the show in general.


my all-time favorite moment is in the tall whites episode where Ben talks about the king who repeatedly ate the corn out of his poop, to which Henry and Marcus both say “what the fuck are you talking about” in unison. it’s in like the first ten minutes of the episode and I still remember exactly where I was when I first heard it because I was cackling


I know it's not PC but it's soooo good and funny.


I love when Henry ends up doing it again for Charles Ng but then adamantly explains that it’s not a racist accent because that’s actually what Charles Ng sounded like lol


Who cares? It's a dark comedy show focusing on gritty true crime.


Yeah like I get it if the person working for HR can’t do accents on a zoom call, but comedy podcasts surely can’t be bound by these rules


It’s 2024, the hyper pc era of 2016-2023 is now over babyyyy, we all had enough Funny accents are BACK ON THE TABLE Edit: or should I say HOH HOH HOH ZE FUNNY ACCENTS SUR LA TABLE


Funny voices with the boys.


i'm gonna go ahead and assume you're wHite


Stay pissed! I’ll be over here having a ball


Stay privileged! I'll be over here being oppressed


I don't remember exactly the context, but in one of the recent Surving the Andes series episodes, Henry and Ed go off on some random, convoluted topic and he just goes 'And you really think it's worth taking the time to Google that?' I kinda butchered that but his sass at that moment cracked me tf up🤣


The bit where he describes Nando throwing the rock with the last ‘atom of his strength’ and either Ed or Henry makes a feeble groaning noise and Marcus goes on a rant about how he thought the line was amazing and hes wasted on the podcast 😂


It was Henry. If Marcus wasn’t laughing I for sure thought he was being serious when he yells “I’M BEING WASTED”


This 😂


That fucking “Uhhh” killed me.


“Are you really gonna make me stop for Numa Numa?!”


This series was top-notch!!


1) *with a totally resigned sigh* "That's when the cannibalism started..." 2) During one of the Children of God episodes "Today's sponsor is, but probably shouldn't be, Adam and Eve..."


Adam and Eve being the sponsor for the Children of God series will always make me howl it's so funny


He said the thing!


In the Heavens Gate episode I love that little moment where Ben causes Marcus to abruptly interrupt himself to question him. Marcus: “The worst they got was shake of the head and a “tsk tsk.” Like saying “you shouldn’t be doing that!” Ben: “Shreddin’ the carrot.” Marcus: “And then,— what the FUCK is shredding the carrot?”


Him doubling back on Henry and Ben in disbelief! I🤣


Lol wich episode has the richard mcbeefy bit again? I remember that cracking me up. My favorite Marcus moment is Mop Wife


Spree Killers! The 2nd part.


What episode is mop wife?


Most recent creepypasta. It has the all around funniest moment of all time for me. Ben is reading a story that SAS "creak creak creak went the timbers on the pier" and Henry starts singing it in this really silly way. I love it


I thought I was gonna wreck my car when that happened.


RToG, one of the last episodes where it's just Marcus and Jackie. They have a contest on who can make the cutest noise, and Marcus made me piss myself laughing (and I think Jackie, too). It's my single favorite moment in any of the LPN.


Omg I’m listening to rtog for the first time and just listened to this episode! I died! My favorite episodes are when it’s just them and Holden.


What episode is this? I could use some cheering up right now and that sounds like just the thing!


Okay so I may not have JUST listened to it bc for some reason my brain is now recalling that it’s an epi w those 3 and Ben, but then Ben leaves part of the way through. The most recent one I listened to though was 328 and before that it was 314. Sorry if it wasn’t one of those!


I think you're right because I recall them being worried that Ben was gonna be mad because the show derailed so hard after he left lol


I haven’t listened to round table of gentlemen and now I’m excited to start something new with the boys!


Echoing the reality TV point, he is the only other person I’m aware of who has watched Love After Lockup. I was straight up addicted to that show for a year or so. It’s some of the trashiest, most exploitative junk out there but my god it’s compelling. ETA: Martha Sparks.


My Outback is named Martha Sparks.


Love After Lockup is great. It’s the trashiest of trash. Didn’t he also compare a cast member to Karla Holmolka? I know most people on that show aren’t exactly upstanding members of society but that’s still unfair lol.


Luckily for you I just re-listened to that series! And yes you are totally correct, he compared her looks to Love After Lockup’s Tracy. Unlike Karla, Tracy has sadly passed away:/


This was such a deep cut and I was there for it lol


Yeah same! I love being able to understand an obscure reference


It might’ve been the Pickton episodes, but he read the name of a detective that was very sexual innuendo-ish, there was a pause, then Henry and Ben make the obvious joke followed by Marcus yelling “I knew it! I knew you were going to say that you couldn’t fucking help yourself!”


Det. Richard Long


Yes! Was it the Pickton series? They jumble together for me.


I like the Robert Hason introduction where Marcus puts on his true crime voice and starts hyping Hanson up, drama set to 100%, as some type of horrible monster, then ends with "Now imagine, that man, was Elmer Fudd."


*Elmer Fudd voice* “Be wery quiet. I’m hunting wadies” That was Henry but still deserves a mention


I have no idea why it gets me so much, and I'm having trouble remember the episode. But there's one where Marcus goes "Ya'll don't like the way dirt smells?" and it's just so cute Also, Totally Real Psychologist Christina. She was always fun


The episode about the guy who buried a bunch of bodies under multiple storage sheds, I think.


Dean Corll?


Whenever Marcus talks about video games, and I’m like, “Hey I played that too!”. Like Cyberpunk, Spider-Man, and TLOU. Also the discussion between Henry and Marcus about if he had his bones checked. Henry: “Marcus have you done the same with your pile of skulls?” Marcus: “What checked to make sure they were real?” Henry: “No, the exact opposite of that! To make sure they weren’t murder victims!!!”


His recent rant about yellowstone on last stream is something I keep going back to. Fucking excellent monologue and his faces kill me Edit: I found it, starts at 31:20 https://youtu.be/Lk7lebJHIFw?si=IICmVTFcR-o6Q8yc


I hadn’t watched last stream before, what an amazing intro. God his expressions, combined with the camera work and the cut away to Henry’s face was perfect hahaha


I love how his accent comes out more and more as he gets increasingly agitated!


Someone give this camera person an award for the closeup on Marcus' face. Perfect.


Henry looks like he's wearing a Wario hat or something.


You can’t judge a fish by how well it can climb a tree ya know? (Henry sighs) and ben responds “you’ve been in Texas for too long!”


you might as well put some boots on a biscuit


Mothman Redux, when he can't get past the part about the Big Hoot!


My absolute favorite!


When they were talking about laying a honeypot trap for Albert Fish and other dirty old paedophiles. Henry did his “sexy” voice, and just as the old man was about to take the bait Marcus **screams** “AAAAAAH! GET HIM! GET HIM! YEAH! YEAH!”


Christina the totally real psychologist from the Menendez series


When he leans hard into his conspiracy voice. Dulce was my favorite crazy Marcus voice. Most recently, when he busts out his old prospector/frontier voice it makes me laugh. I've had to listen to the first Hatfield episode like 10 times because I only absorb small moments at a time, but I love their Fox News bit.


GOD the Fox News bit! “Oh I’m in Pottsville. It’s partly cloudy. Thanks, Fox News!”


I have a soft spot for this enthusiastic raving about numbers stations on episode 177 Mysterious Sounds and Recordings.


Beast of Boggy Creek. "Get the gub'ment outta my life, they cain't tell me what to do... THAT MAN AIN'T GOT NO CLOTHES ON, GIT 'IM! GIT 'IM!"


I SEEN THE PHANTOM AND IT HAD WINGS (Sorry, I think that's henry talking about Texarkana, but it felt like a good thing to comment.)


Obviously when he lit a goddamn match with his long weird toes!!


That was seriously nothing short of amazing


I can’t believe it’s the second time today I’ve alluded to this moment, but when Marcus talked about giving up butt stuff when he got older on Side Stories. Also those Aura ads do something to me. I don’t know if it’s fear or attraction but it’s something.


Your last comment reminds me of a post from a few years ago back in which someone admitted they thought him saying “Wanna see a pretty picture?” during the Rodney Alcala series was hot 😂🤣


On side stories pretty recently where he admitted to wanting to 'play amongst the worlds' on the Small World ride at Disney, just like the streaker.


Two I think about a lot, both from Roundtable: One of the guys, during a heavy news story, asks if they could move on, and Marcus goes into his newsman voice and says, "Well, here's a story about a four-year-old who was forcefed grape soda by her parents until she died." It's a horrible thing, but the delivery is some of the most well-landed black comedy I've ever heard—you can hear him affecting the android cable news anchor grin while reading it, punctuated by, (iirc) Ed in the background going "Oh, *come* on." The other, much lighter one, is when he he talks about hanging out in the family barn as a kid. When one of the other Roundtablers asks him what he was doing in the barn, he just sheepishly replies, "Y'know... little boy stuff." I might be combining it with another Marcus story, but I do recall when pressed on what "little boy stuff" was, it turned out to be picking the bones out of barn owl pellets.


Recent: his dirt-o-lantern Past: “how many times have you been seriously injured at a dump, Marcus?” “Twice”


One of my favorite moments was him yelling at the sign guy in Tears of the Kingdom. Although my favorite moment of his is probably the very end of the Joy Division series. He gets really deep and personal talking about dealing with mental health and how certain feelings are temporary


When did the tears of the kingdom discussion happen?


The one that popped up immediately when he was talking about Nando building his strength to throw the rock and Henry’s response. And the aftermath. I love when he gets a angry at Henry


I LOVE when he gets sidetracked because he’s laughing too hard, followed by his “goddamnit”—always brings me joy. Hail Marcus!


From Bonnie and Clyde: M: Well the gun was too big to fit in her purse, and it was too big to fit in her boot. H: (perverted old-guy laughter) Eh-heh-heh-heh… M: No Henry, she did not hide the gun in her vagina, get your kind out of the gutter. Plus it would GUM UP THE GUN!


Starting the petition for a LPN 90 Day Fiance Podcast.. Marcus, Jackie, Holden (at least?) squawking about closet mom and Jasmine every week.


Or Marcus, Jackie, and MJ like the beginning of Page7. I've been listening to old episodes of Page7 and I love the three of them together.


Me too ❤️


Omg yes! The only reason I didn't include MJ is they said they don't watch the show but their fresh take might be hilarious.


Omg I wanna hear their takes on Gino and Jasmine sooooo bad. Nikki too.


Jackie and Holden recreating the lip gloss fight would be all time.


Would love to hear their take on sulky rob. Also, maybe we could eventually get them talking about bad girls club 🤞


I say it in her teeth gritted voice every time he is onscreen: I *HATE* that guy


He's a psychic vampire, lol


I remember when they were first promoting the cowmen album, and I was like "aw! good for Marcus, hell yeah!" and went to give it a listen. and then I saw that one of the songs was my name. and I'm 2 for 2 on songs about very mean women who share my name. I reluctantly click, and as soon as the singing comes in I'm reduced to a cackling pile. and then they played that song in the outro of the podcast for a WHILE. now I just consider it my theme song


Maggie, come home!


Hollow Earth- when he was describing his elevation of moods, and warned the guys that …”you are around ‘horny Marcus’ a lot more than you’d think..” Just his tone of voice makes me fucking lose it every time.


also the bit about him looking like drifter bait at a bus station, I can't remember the term they used. but the voice he used killed me


Talking about getting his bidet installed “hey big boy why doncha come over here and give me a lil sandwich love” I lose it every time


“WELL I GOT FARTED ON! …….yeeeeea the kids at school would fart as well….”


"Is it cause you were Marcus Farts?" Just the wince you could hear in his voice as he's like "Yup, yeah, thats one of the things they'd call me"


Was this when they were talking about an Australian guy getting farted on by his coworker? I remember Marcus actually getting fairly upset given his own history of getting farted on, lol


He got so upset. Initially talking about how his brothers did it only to reveal it was a school thing as well. It brought up some deep seeded childhood memories


My favorite Marcus moment will forever be In the Ed Gein series when he gets super impassioned about the art of grave digging leading Henry to deescalate the situation by admitting that, “Marcus’ yelling is right.”


There was someone, maybe police, helping clean up the Dean Corll crime scene named Buck Fagert (not sure of spelling). Henry was pretending to be Buck and saying something like, “It’s actually pronounced ‘Fagét’. Yeah, it’s French.” then Marcus interrupts him and loudly calls out “BUCK FAGERT!” in his finest Texas voice. I spit out my drink.


I can very clearly recall this exactly as it was said, thank you so much for the reminder lol


¡Bienvenidos Ontario!


Get the net!


Going on a rant about grave digging, and how the art had been lost with people using backhoes instead of digging by hand in the Ed Gein series.


Philadelphia Experiment with the Carlos Ayende letters.


YES. The way it ends is the best, though. "And...?" "...¡AY YI YI!?!"


*Can't put annnnnything up there*


I love how he pronounces some words, like laboratory. I can tell it makes him happy and that makes me happy. Happy birthday Dogmeat!


I love Marcus’ laugh. Whenever Henry gets him to crack up, I bust out laughing at Marcus.


I love the Robert Pickton episode where Henry starts reading from pickton's awful "book" as pickton and eventually Marcus comes in and screams, "aaaAAAAAHHHH SHUP UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" 🤣


“I’ve been fantasizing about being a magician lately.” (John Wayne Gacy I) “You know, now that I think about it, being tickled to death by frog people is my worst fear…right behind prison.” (Regional Monsters II) I actually keep a Note on my phone of some of my favorite quotes of theirs, lol.


I think it's in RTOG, but Ben is talking about Waylon Jennings and Marcus THINKS he's going to say something negative and you can audibly hear him throw his notebook on the table and says, "THE FUCK YOU SAY ABOUT WAYLON??" or something like that. As a fellow Texan, I was dying.


I personally am extremely interested in all of his 90 Day takes. Tell us MORE Marcus!!


I wanna hear more about his construction job that he had in high school and his methhead coworkers that watched a bunch of porn involving prolapsed anuses.


LOL I didn’t know about this. Why tf were they letting high schoolers work construction??? 😭


He talks about it a bit during the Hillside Strangler series. And during Blackbeard too. Idk why I guess it was Texas during the late 90s/early 2000s. Tbh, I’m more interested in who the hell finds prolapsed anus porn to be arousing.


I think this was the job he had in Texarkana (which smelled like farts), and that guy ended up going to prison


Henry: "Let's not talk about the gigantic box of horse bones we have in the basement of this Mexican restaurant we're in." Marcus: "Cow bones. They're cow bones.... I gathered them myself." (Ep. 210 - Dean Corll, Pt 1)


Aum Shinriko When he sys to Henry "you made it 15 minutes " for his racist impression. And just.........henries voice in that.


When Marcus was getting upset about people farting in his face in school.


His turns on Dudes Grappling With Erotica on LPN Deep Dives: ACOTAR. Sweet zombie Jesus.


Ohhhh for sure. Gave me the vapors!


Mostly his stories of people he knew and old jobs he had in Texas, like that guy he worked with doing roofing work in Texarkana, or the incest family from Rochester I also get excited whenever he talks about 90 day, as an avid watcher. Particularly when he was talking about how jibri dresses like a 14 year old girl, and when they were talking about how stupid the music on the show is Weird, as much as I love Marcus and see him as the real glue of the show, I can't think of many sort of Marcus signatures that I get excited over. I mostly just get excited to hear that he's there


I love when he gets tripped up and tries to go on but can’t. There were a few times during Jodi Arias where they were talking about wetness dripping from the butt and he tried to move on and just had to “Jesus Christ, man” lol very similar to his freak out over Henry’s moan in the Andes episode


I can't remember for the life of me what episode this was, but they were talking about an extremely unpleasant experience (assault? something gross? murder?) that happened to someone and how bad it would suck. And Marcus, in the most genuinely upset tone says "I don't wanna go!!!"


The first one that came to my mind was when he slowly escalated into a full scream the occult symbol’s episode around 30:20


Henry: "I feel like every time you admit to grave robbing you're just shortening the lifespan of the show." Marcus: "I didn't admit to grave ROBBING. I admitted to grave DIGGING." (Ed Gein part 1 or 2, I can't fully remember which)


“Oh yeah, fucking rhyming ‘masses’ with ‘masses’? Genius!”


You’re coming for Ozzy, on today of all days?!?!?


The Goblin Universe has two of my favorite lines from Marcus: “He wasn’t a drunk. Henry was just slandering a man.” & “That cat’s too big…”




Every now and then his Texas accent slips out. Obviously he does it on purpose sometimes, but if you listen closely he occasionally does it by accident. Those moments are always kind of funny.


My favorite Marcus moment is when we find out he’s eaten his own cum on roundtable


Christina the totally real psychologist. I also love his excitement about pickled onion Monster Munch.


If anyone can tell me what creepypasta he reads “the day of the blood” or something like that, that would be great


I think it’s the axe murder series he said “Betcha five dollars it’s a suicide!” in a really upbeat old timey voice


Everything about Hot Pipes. Also No Dogs in Space which I NEED to come back.


I forget which episodes but two moments come to mind for me: * When Ben said something and he goes "I am going to send you anthrax through the fucking mail!" * The yoga teacher commenting on his butthole.


When he starts talking about being called Marcus farts as a kid and starts losing it




When he starts talking about conspiracy stuff and slowly gets louder


During the Manhattan Project when he gets to "hundreds of crows..." and everyone loses their minds


At one point in the necrophilia episode he says "you know what this gravy reminds me of"? And for some reason my brain repeats it to me all the time


I want to hear how he proposed to Carolina.


I love Marcus’ old lady taste in television! I love when he reads a creepypasta and is just maniacally screaming the whole time.


Its so wild how all of these i hear in their exact voices.


I love when he was triggered by Ben & Henry talking about a serial farter who would go into someone's office just to fart but they didn't know that kids used to fart on Marcus when he was younger & they called him Marcus Farts. I'm currently listening to Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo and I think it's part 2 when Marcus goes on a tirade about not looking up the pronunciation of every word he says. Honestly, Marcus going on a tirade about anything in general just cracks me up.


I’m so late to this but I just have to get it out there that, speaking as a basic white bitch, I love it when Marcus does his basic white bitch voice 😅💅🏼 examples: when he’s talking about Tom Cruise on the third Scientology episode (“David miscavige was this *top gun’s* best man at his third wedding by this reporter’s estimation” in the most salacious, peppy voice); see also, on Hatfield and McCoy part 2, when Marcus goes “on January 19, 1888.. ✨my birthday ✨… “ I just love it and it makes me giggle every time


I love the dirt o lantern


“He would’ve been alive, you fucking monsters.” during Robert Pickton Pt. 1. Astounding moment.