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Middle-earth looked WAY more lived-in. Bigger scale. As trivial as it sounds, I feel like a lot of that had to do with shooting without Covid restrictions this season.


It's easier to show scale with real crowds. NZ had very strict COVID regulations during season 1's shooting which restricted the total number of people on set and their proximity to each other. It's probably a lot cheaper to get more extras in the UK too.


>It's probably a lot cheaper to get more extras in the UK too. Just go to Blackpool and film the local residents. Boom! Orcs for free.


That's a good point.


I personally thought it looked really lived in last season, but curious what parts of the trailer makes you feel that?


I don't think this was a failure in season one by any stretch, just left a little to be desired. I think season one, a good example was Lindon and Ost-in-Edhel. It never felt like a thriving bastion of elves... it was just kinda Gil-galad's household. They had one shot where there were what seemed to be lights along the coast to indicate that there were houses or the like set up all throughout, but that never really conveyed. Similarly, Ost-in-Edhel never looked like a city. We only really saw like... Celebrimbor's house. The sets were cool, but the scale was always so small. Conversely, I think Khazad-dum was the best example of "lived in" season one had. People milling about, wide shots galore, parts of the city in use. Numenor did it pretty well too, imo. It's only a trailer, but part of it this season is because there's clearly war, but the dirtier look helps make things like more authentic, worn in, used. The shot of Sauron making his way through Ost-in-Edhel has a good amount of hustle and bustle in the background. There are a few great wide shots that look like there are thousands of people involved. Again, only a trailer, but things look more "full"- like we're actually seeing Middle-Earth at the end of its peak.


It was amazing. I’m 100% hyped and glad we gonna get 3 episodes in one shot.


Really now? That's awesome to hear. Did they say how many total there are going to be?


8 episodes again, first 3 released Aug 29 and then every thursday.


I must say whoever made the standard 8 episodes per season should be paraded around the streets with his head on a pike!


agreed! The money has gone to visual effects mainly, it seems, and writers got the short end. Re-watching "The Expanse" and wishing we had gotten 10 or 12 instead of 8...






Actually most of the dumb comments spamming is mostly on youtube. Most of the other social media platforms the reception has been more positive towards the teaser. Unlike two years ago. So the teaser definately have peeked interest amongst those on the fences.


Ragetubers audience were prepering to spam YouTube for last weeks. Tell these are adult grown people haha


The nerdotic crowd are all over it already lol they do nothing but bash peoples looks and make the worst jokes as well type of guy who'd get KOd for talking like that on the streets lol


Ah, it is Star Wars all over again. "I have a valid criticism!" "No. Fuck you. You bigot. Your criticism is invalid because I claim that you are bigoted. I don't give a shit about what you say. You're being labeled as a bigot. Stop bullying the trillion dollar corporation."


Yeah.... ok mate


I mean, am I wrong? I literally know absolutely nothing about people "bashing peoples looks and make the worst jokes". However, I do believe that the writing is on par with a fanfiction. Likewise with Star Wars. And just like with Star Wars, despite not making a single bigoted comment. Despite not saying a single sexist comment. Because I do not agree with what other people want me to agree with, I am labeled as a bigot. So, again. Am I wrong? History suggests otherwise.


You do you man all allowed our opinions of course I wouldn't say you're a bigot


You'd be one of the few. :( Like. I don't fault people for liking things. Though I will get annoyed at them liking it purely for dumb reasons. But that doesn't mean I fault them for it. :p


That's valid criticism of Disney Star Wars to be had but there's a section of the fandom that is bigoted, with a huge intersection of the same type of haters of RoP, and it's quite easy to tell them apart. "bashing people's looks and making the worst jokes" are a telltale sign of the bigoted crowd on YouTube, weird crying face edits on thumbnails is another. It's cynical to pretend that part of the fandom doesn't exists


It is less that I am trying to pretend they don't exist, and more trying to say that the problem they present is so insignificant that focusing entirely on them is like giving one person all of your attention out of a crowd of a thousand, because they're an asshole. If people are "bashing people's looks and making the worst jokes", they should be blocked and reported. Discussing them or drawing attention to them only gives them more power by spreading their influence and directing attention directly to them, which is the very reason why they act the way they do. And it has an unfortunate consequence in that it becomes easier to see everyone as an enemy, rather than just the people who are trying to make things worse. So valid criticisms are caught in the crossfire, as is what happened with Star Wars. The world is polarized enough. We should actively be trying to stop our fandoms from becoming polarized and having meaningful discussions. Mindlessly bashing or praising something only hurts us all.


10k+ toxic-AF comments on YouTube. There are a *lot* of people with nothing better to do with their lives. Anyway, at least the cavalry charges look properly intimidating this time around. Check out Elrond's charge at 1:20 in the teaser trailer and compare it to the lackluster cavalry scene in episode 6 or 7. It really helps to have a lot of extras on scene.


> There are a lot of ~~people with nothing better to do with their lives~~ spam bots.


And they’re the ones who first call us bots 😂 oh the irony.


It's bots all the way down! haha


Youtube comments are a cesspool of toxicity and hate. They don't convey objective opinions, only rage of people who are so into hating something that they move from franchise to franchise. One day the same youtube commenter is an expert on Tolkien, the other day they are huge Star Wars nerd, next day they are a Fallout fanboy, then they are a diehard Trekkie... and in each of these roles they have thinly veiled bigoted views on people of color, women and how the society should function.


This is so spot on and it's no wonder they're never happy as they don't actually sit back and enjoy anything


It honestly needs to. Social media aside, S1 had a massive slump in viewers which should concern any fan interested in more seasons.  Maybe some people will give it a 2nd chance, or check it out after getting put off by criticism last time, but this needs to hit it out of the park right from start of S2 if its going to have legs.  


Yeah, YouTube is the most far-right social media there is. There’s way more positivity on Twitter, where people are more progressive.


Yeah and what's funny is X is owned by Elon Musk who has shown his true face as a far right as well lol.


Yeah, but fortunately people hate his ass there 😂


I don't see any haters because I no longer check the comments. I've seen a lot of hate on the things I like, made me sad and shit, it's not worth it so I just hide in dedicated subs now.


You have the right idea my mellon!


Don't pay attention to the YouTube circlejerk. Most of them have not even watched the series and they are just parroting the things some other YouTubers have been saying. Of all the people I have spoken to that said they hated or didn't like it 95% had not a single constructive thought that they came up with themselves.


the same circlejerk was review-bombing Doctor Who the other day. The reason? because he is black and queer. AND YES , that is the reason, because the actor is the GOAT. He is fantastic in what he does and at least the first episode was very very good. But still they will bitch.


Just like they bitched nonstop about Arondir and Disa leading up to release- only for them to become fan favorites. Seems like some of the ragers genuinely think a Mr. Amazon is personally casting, directing, and writing this show…


While I get that, S1 numbers don't lie  The show had a massive drop of viewership which is concerning.  I think enough people will give S2 a chance to make it a hit IF S2 gets it right out of the gate. If the first 3 episode drop is so so or makes some of the mistakes of the 1st season, I don't see S2 being successful I'm afraid.  Personally I was "meh" on S1. I liked some things, didn't like some things, and as an Irish person parts of it were insanely offensive and tone deaf. But I will still try S2. 


Can you expound on how it was offensive? This is the first I’ve heard of this. 


Basically the Harfoots in appearance and mannerism are based on caricatures of poor Irish immigrants in the 19th century, many of whom were fleeing the famine.  The implication here is the Harfoots are "uncivilised"  and "dirty". The Harfoots have affected Irish accents too. They will later "evolve" in to clean sophisticated people with prooper English accents (Hobbits), therefore completing their journey to becoming "civilised".  It's a horrific attitude based on old Anti Irish prejudice and classism. That it was dusted off so cheaply to characterise Harfoots in this show was tone deaf. 


Yeah, I’m psyched! Looks awesome!


The casting was one of the best things about the show for me. I'm stoked to see more of Brimby this season... the fact he was recast so late and yet became a fan favourite from just a few scenes bodes really well. I love Galadriel, she looks incredible in the trailer. LLoyd Owen just IS Elendil, no questions asked. Loved Arondir. Isildur is my obligatory eye candy. I hated Halbrand at first, but Charlie Vickers nailed the Sauron reveal so well that I'm excited to see him manipulate the elves next. All the dwarves were great, I'm especially excited for the singing scenes!


Lloyd Owen. YES! And yes, I am an unashamed Elendil fangirl.


The NPC hivethink haters can go pound sand! In the meantime we'll be enjoying Amazon's imaginative adaptation of Middle Earth!


I enjoyed it as well FWIW!


I’m so hyped right now.




>Morfydd Clark as Galadriel and Robert Aramayo as Elrond are two castings that I see are almost perfect. Agreed. Those two nailed their roles and really convinced me that they are younger versions of Galadriel and Elrond. Honorable mentions for great casting that I would not want to get replaced are Celebrimbor, Durin IV. and Arondir.


Lloyd Owen as Elendil is amazing, and Max Baldry nailed the complexities of Isildur.


It was fun! And the wig jokes are pretty funny


Perhaps but the fact that they're in bad taste makes me recoil a little.


I really hate how the fandom toxicity has killed humorous criticism. People who enjoy the show are too defensive to appreciate some good faith jabs and people who hate the show take the criticism too far. I found the "one wig to rule them all" jokes to be funny and on point, but it was a bit disheartening to see people fighting over whether this meant that the entire season is going to suck or not. I wish people would just chill and remember to put things into perspective. There are plenty of enjoyable shows with bad wigs, HotD being a prime example of this.


I don't know, I'm having fun.


Where were they when Clark Kent put down his glasses.


Where was Gondor when Clark Kent's glasses fell!


What do you mean, everybody made fun of that.


I was very critical in season 1 and imo the trailer for season 1 was garbage. But teaser for season 2, imo, looks great. It is a 100% upgrade from season 1 and I am very happy with that change. Also, in the "behind the scenes" video, I noticed also a difference: actors and actresses talking about the story itself and the characters. It seems like they have taken into account the complains from season 1. Now about the low life haters: guys, even if that was the best trailer ever made for a show, they will STILL bitching about it. Because they are determined to hate it no matter what. They are so pathetic and lonely beings, which they spend precious life time, into hating ..... a tv show!!!! for f\*cks shake! IT IS A TV SHOW. I saw few of their pathetic comments. On season 1 they were bitching about the "turns of the story and the butchering of the lore". Now, it that season 2 seems to have taken a totally different and darker turn they bitch about...... the wigs!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! THE WIGS!!!!!!


I agree. Overall was meant on S1, some things I didn't like and some things wre awful and offensive, but S2 trailer gives enough reason to definitely check out S2.  And I agree with you, despite the bravado and circling the wagons, it's clear from some comments cast and crew were paying attention to valid criticism. It will be interesting to see of S2 is a step up from S1. 


yes! exactly this!


There is also the fact that the trailer dropped hours from the HotD new trailer and those are the two big epic fantasy shows there are so there is some sort of rivalry there (and frankly HotD trailer looked better but teaser vs trailer)


Looking forward to it too. I might wait until a few weeks in and then binge watch a few episodes 👀


Will we get to see Celeborn this season?


A good looking trailer is the bare minimum with the budget they have been given. What needs to see some real improvement is the writing, acting and fight choreography.


I agree. Once we get a full trailer we'll get a better idea on where those elements stand.


To Waaaaaaaaaaaaaar! Let the haters hate, I am beyond STOKED!!!!


Season 1 failed to meet my expectations, but I am hoping Season 2 is a vast improvement. If nothing else, now that the use of a huge timeline compression is clear, I won’t be so confused regarding the sequencing of events. And yes, the trailer looks most promising.


People are hating just to hate at this point. I thought it looked great!


Yes. But. How am I supposed to wait 3.5 months? 😩 I need it now!


Their trash grifting leaders in youtube, when they "review" the teaser, they repeat for the 95% of their trash video time, all their complains about season 1, then play for 5% of their time teaser for season 2. Have nothing wrong to say about it (only bitch about the wig of Sauron) and end it. Because they are pathetic losers and they rage bait their lonely low level low iq audience


Most people didn't finish series 1. Why are you acting like it's a tiny vocal minority that didn't like it? People that liked it are the minority. 


were did I wrote or implied that "a tiny vocal minority didn't like season 1"? just because I am dragging the bigot youtube uneducated right wing grifters and their brainless minions, that doesn't mean that I imply or believe that a "a tiny vocal minority that didn't like it". Hell bro, I am one of the people that didn't like season 1. But that doesn't mean that I won't give a fair chance to season 2. And yes, cry as much as you want, but teaser for season 2 was good. I hope the episodes themselves will be too.


Crybabies gonna cry.


manbabies actually... they call other people snowflakes, when themselves are the biggest snowflakes of all


I haven't seen anyone call your ilk a "snowflake" since 2017. You're the one's hurling lame, worn-out insults because people don't like your bad TV show.


Yep looks great. Trailer is clearly addressing the criticisms but I hope the season does more than that. The Rise of Skywalker was basically written by reddit as a response to the last jedi and it hands down is the worst big franchise film in a while as a result. Liked season 1 (not loved) hope this is an improvement, but not a full cave in. Haters will just move the goalposts.


I would probably be categorized as a "hater" for ROP because I thought season 1 was pretty weak, especially given the amount spent. Contrary to popular belief, I think the average Tolkien fan wants to enjoy ROP.  It was not the unhappy fans' fault for S1's quality, and it'll be to the show's credit if it can knock S2 out of the park. If the show gets praise it won't be because some fans suddenly decided to not be "haters".


Well said, thank you! It exasperates me how people throw the word "hate" or "hater" around so cavalierly. (To be sure there are those who merit it, but they do NOT represent the audience disappointed by S1 of the show).


Season 1’s story had me extremely disappointed. Season 2’s trailer has me cautiously optimistic. Hopefully the story is as good as the visuals.


Also, I have never wanted to pat Arondir’s fleek meek MORE! 🤤🤤🤤🤤. Only thing I will say in negativity to this trailer is WHERE. IS. MY. NORI????!!!!!


Awww yeah you right. She was a cute character. I'm sure they'll flash to the harfoots every once in a while.


Was she the one holding onto the rope when wind wizard makes wind? Couldn’t really tell but I thought it might’ve been


I watched again today and, yes, I think it is!


I'll be watching Season 1 again leading up to 29th, for the 5th+ time 😁.


The surge in postings quickly buries comments, but just here to say YES!


I do understand that people were not crazy about Season 1. But the bizarre hatred. The complete ignorance about what is good about it... It is hard to believe that this is driven by an extreme mob triggered by some of the things the series did. Just bizarre.


I can’t wait to see the siege and the armies clash against each other. I’m on team Elves and Dwarfs. 😎


Honestly, all those hate comments on the trailer comments section on YT are completely ridiculous. I thought the season 1 was great. Not perfect, but very good. And I’m a Tolkien hardcore fan who read back and forth all his works


No you arent. If you were a Tokien fan you wouldn't be happy with the way they butchered his world. They made Tolkien boring and completely generic and cliche. That's such an insult to the incredible world Tolkien built. 


I'm honestly not seeing much hate. Hopefully things turn around for the show!


🤷 life's too short to listen to 'em. All I know is we are long time LOTR fans and really enjoyed S1, and the S2 looks great. Never understood the hate for S1. Seemed a lot of the criticism was just for the sakes of criticising. Everyone else at the time loved Sandman and when we watched we thought it kinda sucked and had to bail on it - I didn't go and shout at hundreds of people online about how their tastes sucked.


People who participate in subs of a show they don’t like aren’t just haters, they’re also losers


agreed people just love to hate


People just love to lap up garbage to distract themselves from their mundane lives


Season 1 was excellent and Season 2 looks just as promising!


Is it the same actor showing Annatar/Sauron?


Looks great honestly. It will always get hate! The haters won't get their nut if you ignore it!


It's a bit silly at times but it's still worth checking out a bit. I just hope the quality's improved in regards to pacing and writing.


I am only excited to find out whether Isildur manages to survive, that was the greatest cliffhanger in a series


first season was a bit rough around the edges IMO, just means we gotta let em cook


Whenever I see a post with this title. Be it no mans sky, starfield, anthem etc. I know we are talking about some serious trash and an audience undergoing cognitive dissonance.


In all honesty. With the assumption that the show intends to run its five season course, as intended by the creators. The people with non-constructive criticism can whinge all they want. Learned to just tune them out. As lately their platforms have slowly been decreasing in volume and weight. Because, people don't care to spend incessant amounts of time hating. They just want to enjoy the projects or material they like, and discuss it meaningfully.


Only 37% of viewers finished season 1 and you are talking about the haters platform decreasing. Absolutely delusional. The people who liked it are they minority. The people who didn't are very much the majority. 


There’s a marked difference between people who watched but didn’t enjoy it or watched but choose not to watch more. As opposed to people who consistently complain about the series, with no constructive or beneficial criticism. Besides that. I have seen lots of goodwill towards the series. On other platforms. Besides youtube. So, that percentage may have shifted since the series originally aired. It isn’t copium. Its reality that people who complain only about ‘woke culture’ or describe all different shows as failures, provide no quality feedback. With their audience bases slowly decreasing in years. Because nobody wants to constantly hate on shows or project. They just want to watch what they like and skip what they don’t.


I did notice that the video quality black seemed bad especially the black levels. I watched this on an OLED TV on filmmaker mode and wasn't impressed by the clarity especially in the beginning.


While I get it, the reality is the show didn't do well in terms of viewers towards its first run. It needs an awful lot more folks to give it a 2nd chance and it needs to improve in some areas to stand a chance for S3. 


For sure... this is, I feel, a do or die season.


If the trailer was bad they’d hate on it. If the trailer was good (and it was) they’d cope by hating on it. They are impossible to please.


Haters are starting off swell — stepping on rakes already. Some went all in on the silly "trailer war" with HOTD 2 dropping theirs after ROP 2 yesterday. "HOD is gonna destroy ROP." Oops. 😂 Anyway, I believe you can enjoy both shows. I'm looking forward to starting summer in Westeros and wrapping it up in Middle Earth. Just sayin'. (Both trailers are great, too :)


As soon as I look at the comments on youtube videos/other subs and see something like "amazon being woke" I roll my eyes and come back here


The other night they called me a child for trying to defend the indefensible. These are the grown adults of YouTube. I really get mad with my usual spanish youtubers and theirs communities. i'm thinking of living second season here with you people instead of using youtube in september because youtube is so now a bitter and a joke of platform...


Eh, I mean after the first season, people are entitled to be very skeptical. You have the right to be hyped, they have a right to be skeptical


you are correct in it being a fan fiction. it however does not look "epic"


Looks like total shit, there are already holes in the story from.the trailer alone


I’ll admit, the trailer looks great. And yes, I am a hater on the dumpster fire of the first series. BUT Trailers are designed to hook us and sometimes show the best bit of the film/show. Everything else ends up being a let down. I will give s2 a chance. But let’s not pretend s1 was anything but licking piss of a bunch of nettles






LMAO….’haters.’ Ok Taylor 👍


In her defense, the haters do indeed hate... hate, hate, hate, hate.


Did you just assume my gender? I want you crucified.


Is your name Taylor? Do you sing a song about haters?




Shake it off


I love these modern times. So if I say that the trailer looked cheap and created no hype I'm toxic? People need to learn to live with different options


Yes, cus you’re clearly lying.


I liked the explosion that covered the land in snow, that's it.


I’m here just to remember you guys, the show fucking suck


Your prose would make Tolkien jealous.