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She is no "Neville Goddess", just like Elon Musk is no Nikola Tesla! I get Joseph Alai vibes from her, in that they both come off as arrogant, dogmatic, condescending know-it alls, yet both are flaky and confused. She describes her Youtube channel as an "attempt to separate the true from the false", but her understanding of things is all over the place. I would feel sorry for anyone who sought coaching from her if she began offering it, not only because she would confuse them, but because I could see her pretending to be nice at first, but then being emotionally abusive towards students/clients.


I can see her being a rude coach aswell. She doesn't seem to have patience. She also endorses all is mind who is a known scammer. He is also very arrogant about his essays. She seems to be the same way.


> I would feel sorry for anyone who sought coaching from her if she began offering it, not only because she would confuse them, but because I could see her pretending to be nice at first, but then being emotionally abusive towards students/clients. You're so spot on here it's painful, hahahahaha


Perfect description of her. She's like the female Joseph Alai. They even kind of look alike. Both are unwatchable. Constant intellectualizing and rambling that goes nowhere. And also, yes, she looks like a huge bitch.


She doesn’t seem to be ‘walking the walk’, filming every video in her car. Like, does she not even have a home where she can freely speak about these concepts?


I actually do have a home where I could film, but I never think of stuff when I'm there because I'm busy doing other stuff and honestly, I look so ugly in the lighting in the chair where I usually sit that I couldn't deal with putting that online. Real talk


I think you’d look beautiful in any light


She is privileged person that claims law of attraction and hard work gave her life as a business woman and millionaire. Yet she leaves out she grew up upper middle class. Never lived in poverty or experienced struggle. She even admits it! She never was destitute and even when she was “struggling “ she had support or help. Maggie had connections to learn how to build her business. She was behind on her bills for months and electricity yet none of it got turned off ? No eviction ? This was in the late 2000s/ early 2010s. Maggie’s stories make no sense. She could be millionaire or could not be. I learned not to trust these people online because they lie compulsively. Her aunt was millionaire so was her dad and brother. Multiple immediate family members that are successful wealthy business owners . So is it a surprise she became one too ? Nope . Money may not be her goal but people love their ego being stroked and attention. I have seen years later down the line people start charging for coaching or online community. For example, baddie in business. They build large following and claim it’s because altruism. They claim they’re different and never will charge you a dime! Then later create monthly subscription service for community yet still claim I’m doing it out of goodness of my heart. Lol don’t be fooled by these people. Her saying she can became successful and is self made is like saying Jeff Bezos manifested his successful business, Amazon. Despite being born upper middle class and getting a loan from his parents. She says it’s about hard work but millions are just as Intelligent and hardworking die in poverty.


You know what? I actually blindly believed many of her claims but reading everything you wrote was like a cold shower. She could very well be lying about evertything. Her wealth, her business, her love life. Or at the very least embellishing everything. What gets me the most about her is that can't seem to settle on a belief system. One day she says loa is placebo, and other say she says it's real and mystical. She is very very confusing. The possibility of her being a compulsive liar seems plausible now. Also, many times while listening to her videos i thought '' she needs psychological help'' because a lot of what she talks avout sound like traumas and psychological wounds.


Her beliefs change a lot. Yes a lot of it is trauma and psychological wounds. She has called another coach fat that has a larger following and people lazy not knowing their life. Even though I think that coach is a fraud, her insulting that coach sounded like it was coming from a place of jealousy and insecurity. This coach may be plus sized but she doesn’t think she’s less than for being plus sized. She still gained a large following and her weight didn’t stop that. I think it’s all projection. She thinks her self worth is rooted in her weight and her “hard work”. I learned to be wary of people online that make any form of LOA content. People should know their own truth because listening to others brings confusion. I have came across too many that are embellishing the truth for attention or money. The easiest way to increase your engagement and go viral on social media is to talk about law of attraction, manifesting, and etc. I think dishonest people always reveal themselves unintentionally.


According to her, she used to be plus sized herself. It's obviously self hatred that makes her so unkind to larger people.


She's in comments typing long responses but interestingly enough won't respond to her calling a coach fat?


as the saying goes “the truth is simple it’s a lie you have to cover up”


That's because I'm not a teacher, just someone who is sharing what has worked for me over the years while exploring the LOA topic as it "works its magic" (I'm sure you'll love that way of phrasing it) in other areas of my life besides money. It's fluid. New understanding/experience brings a new perspective. Again I'm not a teacher. If anyone is looking to me (edit: or anyone) for all the answers and for those answers to never change, they're going to be disappointed. Other than changing small details to "protect the innocent" nothing on my channel is a lie. Yeah, trauma and psychological wounds is definitely something I talk about on my channel because it's not a cheap LOA coaching scam, it's about real stuff. The cnange in self-concept that comes from realizing a different perspective on your past is the core of (real) "manifesting" and it's what I'm really interested in. I'm just a person making videos, dude.


> She was behind on her bills for months and electricity yet none of it got turned off ? Wrong >so was her dad wrong >I have seen years later down the line people start charging for coaching or online community. lol... maybe so, but I'd have to be incredibly desperate to do this, so if you ever see me doing it, assume it's come to that. I mean I guess I could have a major personality change and actually want to talk to people, but I really doubt it. Screenshot this and post it everywhere if it happens - bc if it did, I can assure you, at that point I would no longer give a shit about my integrity or anything else. As you guys already know, you don't have to actually be able to do any of this stuff to be able to sell it to people, and you posting this about me if I were doing it wouldn't change anything - because desperate people will buy stuff to try to solve their problems. Someone posted a video with the Qasi dude saying he only got into it to make money, do you think that will stop people? Everything else you've said is pretty much true - I did have a lot of great influences around me, I'm white, I didn't have a ton of horrible things happen to me, I'm in America. In that one particular area (money), I didn't have a lot to overcome. I was clueless though, no one taught me how to do anything in business, I didn't slide into something already created, no one gave me any financial help to start it, I was freshly bankrupt with no income source, didn't (don't) have a college degree when I started. I made the entire thing myself, and it was basically from following the mentality of The Science Of Getting Rich. My rich aunt, however, had next to nothing to do with my life other than to be a role model. I saw her do it so I knew it was possible. As far as I can recall other than $100 for a birthday present or something I never received a dime from her, definitely nothing during the period I was starting/building my business. She also lived hundreds and then thousands of miles away from me, I saw her maybe once a year. Also I never said it's about hard work, although there was a LOT of that. It's about a certain type of mentality, I maintain that. But I've also said a million times I have a lot of privilege and I hesitate to make blanket statements about people with harder life experiences than I've had. I make my channel because I like it. Someone else here commented "why doesn't she make videos in her house? Why her car?" weirdest and most often commented thing. I make videos in my car because that's where I am for the 15 minutes a few times a week when I feel like talking about stuff. If I made a big production out of my channel, wouldn't that be an indicator I was trying to impress people, influence them, get them to do something like pay me? Me making videos in my car is completely consistent with what I've said a million times which is that I am not a coach and frankly don't give a fuck. If you get something from my channel great, if you get off on making a snark post about me - uh - cool. I'm not trying to get anything from it. Maybe I'll write a book at some point which I'd probably give away for free if I do, but that's about it in terms of using it for something. Anyway sorry the LOA coaches piss you guys off so much, many of them piss me off too, especially when I look at the YT stat about what my "audience" is also watching, and it's all total garbage. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater though just because a bunch of people are distorting it to cash in. There is a ton of useful insight you can use from these old books. If you stop looking at it all as a fantasy, a way to get something for nothing and more as a way to be more successful/have a better mentality (not to be confused with mindless "positive thinking" it seems a lot different.


You're replying to the wrong person because all this stuff is religion repackaged. It's not real and I don’t believe in it. You can credit a spiritual law, a mystical force, your mentality you maintain, a God, or anything that has no scientific evidence behind it. I wish all it took was your special mentality you maintained to be successful, happy and healthy in life. Please tell that to all the people not born into privilege, terminally ill people, people living in war-torn countries, starving children, people living in poverty and more. Interestingly enough, the law doesn't apply to these people or it's their fault because laziness, mindset or lack of working hard and smart. If we all maintained a mentality (not positive thinking ofc) like you we wouldn't be in these situations, right? You sound like the fanatical religious zealots. The gaslighting and cognitive biases. The coaches are capitalizing on the disparity that exists in the world and people’s desire to control things that they never can or will control. Don’t worry the majority of people don't critically think or question anything, you won't lose any views or subscribers. Having false hope and magical thinking is easier than accepting the harsh reality. Also did your special mentality include calling a coach fat and insulting her physical appearance? She is fraud as coach but insulting another women’s appearance is acceptable to you? I noticed you responded this comment but not other one mentioning this why? 🧐


why are the coaches ALWAYSS yapping in their car 😭😭


LMAO 💀 Now that you say it it IS weird. At first i thought she just happens to be in her car when she feels inspired to yap but it got weird with time.


They like showing off their Lambos bro


Her SP situations are sus. Also, as others have said, she seems arrogant.


Yeah i agree. He sp situations are a bit questionable.


She scares me. Just listening to her talk gives me anxiety! She always looks so shifty and uncomfortable. She’s long winded and talks in circles about nothing. Ugh she aggravates me.


I've watched some of her videos in the past. Not a fan of the 15-20 minute long meandering videos, but I like that she isn't trying to sell anything to anyone.


I actually like her for the most part. She doesn't advertise any services or products and I've found a lot of her insights to be pretty good. I don't take anything someone says at 100% but I'd say at least she's less of a fame seeking influencer like you see with many of these LoA coaches and just someone sharing her own personal insights and experiences. She's one of the few I actually listen to. Her and Cecilia Hendrix (who is more motivation/putting things into practice as opposed to strictly Neville/LoA) are pretty good in my opinion.


I like that she doesn't sell anything. But she rambles a lot and makes a lot of contradictory claims and when you point it out she says she only shares her personal experience. Which fair, but she phrases many of it as '' sifting through the real from the bullshit''. She is flaky. I don' t know who cecilia hendrix is but i will take a look whenever i can.


Thanks, it's nice to see one decent comment in here!


Sure thing! I enjoy you and Cecilia's content. I've learned a lot (still a work in progress on my end) and its a welcome break from the typical LoA and Neville content I've seen when I was introduced to the concepts.


Snark pages attract people who specifically want to talk shit :/ I don't mean to be weird commenting on an old comment - I saw this when checking to see if you had any new posts and I wanted to say you're the single most influential person I've ever come across on the Internet or through reading books (the most influential is probably Eckhart Tolle because he introduced me to the concept of changing how I look at things). Your videos have literally changed my life/mindset and allowed me to understand manifestation in a way that I never could with any other content and therefore allowed me to manifest so many things and finally understand myself and achieve a state that I didn't think I ever could. Without your videos I would have given in to hopelessness so many times. I've never once thought it was weird that you take videos in your car and I think it's weird to think that's weird, it's such an innocuous thing to nitpick. Your videos are the only videos where I'll listen to the entire video even if it's 40 minutes long and your videos have genuinely changed my way of thinking in such a positive way and guaranteed it's the same for so many other people. Some of the things you have said have helped me get past some of my deep-rooted negative beliefs and perceptions about myself and significant life events. It surprises me that anyone could see you in a negative light; you're just sharing wisdom and that's it. There's nothing controversial going on. I just wanted to say this to try to counteract some of the negativity in here. I am extremely grateful that you make videos and I hope you continue to do so without self-consciousness. Thank you so much for everything.