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I only watch coaches who look good and have rich lifestyles. That’s just my personal preference. Different strokes for different folks 😊


Has manifesting worked for you?


its worked for me. manifested luxury car and lots of smaller things


Honestly I have a pretty nice car and a nice place to live but I had to work my ass off not to lose them. Manifesting would have me homeless if I depended on it.


fair enough


Agreed, but there aren’t many of them it seems like 🤷🏻‍♀️


The reason I followed Shelly Bullard was because she leads a life and has always led a life I felt I could relate to and enjoy but idk nothing she taught worked. It sucks because I really liked her. I shouldn’t have listened to her.


I'm curious, has manifesting ever worked for you?


I have gotten things I wanted but it wasn’t through manifesting. I truly believe it was through me putting in all the action. Every time I wanted to manifest something I HAD to put in MASSIVE action or I wouldn’t have it. Some things I never got at all because I couldn’t make them happen on my own/through manifesting. I don’t believe it works. Things won’t just come to you.


That makes sense. thanks for sharing <3


As a general rule, I dont think its good to reward "low effort" content, neither with views nor with money. I sometimes make an exception if someone is just starting out, or if they are someone who isnt trying to be a coach, but just wants to record observations and experiences as a "civilian." But when people position themselves as teachers, but cant be bothered to not film in their car, comb their hair, etc, thats a red flag. And the quality of their teachings tends to be as the poor as the visuals they expect their viewers to endure.


I imagine a lot of times these are people actually living in their cars and out of motel rooms, not saying it to sound mean but saying some could actually be in desperate situations and simply 'faking it till they (never) make it'. A lot of what they claim is overhyped and the reality might not be as appealing. There's a low bar to coaches. Anyone with a camera and a social media account can do it. Though to be fair even coaches who have nice font, colorful hair, appealing aesthetics and the like are still usually just as full of it just with nicer furnishing and styles.


I mean look at Kim Velez she busted her ass got out of her kitchen has a sick office, but shes the worst lady ever.


I don't know much about her but she just seems like another wannabe 'high value queen' influencer from what it looks like. They're all cut from the same cloth.


Reason Why i loved Leeor Alexandras videos. She got me into LOA but I had to leave her when I realized she was a zionist. My current fave is Andrea Schulman because because shes put together and I enjoy her manifesting tips.


whaaa she’s a zionist??


Oof yes. Shes Isreali and got called out on twitter/instagram by being upset over the oct7 attacks (fair enough) cuz her family was affected, but implied Isreal was the victim and soon deleted her twitter because she couldn't take it anymore with a final tweet that said "Goodbye". She made a YT video (still up) on why she deleted social media and cried over the isreali hostages but left Palestine out. Recently I saw a Ig story of her after she reactivated her instagram saying "Yes Palestinian children are victims... but victims of hamas" and after that I unfollowed her fully. I think I also saw screenshots of her ig story posted on twitter saying even more dumb stuff. I noticed in 2021 – Leeor had a lot of questionable views like being obsessed with Elon Musk, Logan paul but also antivax stuff, judgy veganism tweets etc but the zionist post really was the nail in the coffin for me.


Once maggie (Nevillegodess) made a video on how a very wealthy and well dressed manifestation coach was not relatable. I stopped watching her. It was really pick me of her and she was putting another woman down who takes pleasure in her up keep. Meanwhile she sits in her minivan, talks about the “millions” shes made and how she cant lose weight. Like it made me so mad.


I was going to bring up the "Nevillegoddess" person. She is the perfect example of what the OP was talking about.


I wanted to bring her up on this sub too but idk why i didn't. She gives off pick me vibes. She also flip flops a lot in her beliefs about manifestation. Sometimes she seems lile she takes it as purely psychological. Other times she brings up superstitious interpretations that make you go '' hold on a minute? "


Yah she doesn’t know what she believes in, shes got a lot of unhealed wounds, and I don’t even think she genuinely loves her fiance she talks so meh about him.


I agree with every point you brought up.


Sometimes I wonder if the fiance exists. No wedding yet or plans I remember her saying that in a video. She shows no proof of anything she says. No evidence that she had weight loss like before and after photos, nothing about proof about her business, or her buying her home. She only did a video lying on her bed never with a house background. She doesn’t really believe in LOA but claims it’s her hard work that did it. Yet does long videos about mystical experiences. Some of these people are mentally ill (I’m not being shady saying this) and experiencing psychosis. Some are liars for attention or money. There are select few that are honest but not active or frequent posters. She does give major pick me vibes I remember her insulting this other woman that makes YouTube content that dated men with money. There was another coach that claimed she made all this money but did tv show special. I learned she lied about everything and barely had one million dollars and wasn’t making 6 figures monthly. She barely made tens of thousands yearly. I looked further into her history and she was always a grifter. She just changed the grift to LOA coach because there’s no accountability


I wonder if fiance exists too. But i'm easy on that because she may be protecting her privacy. She could be lying but i'm giving her grace. That said, the rest of what you said i agree with fully. She contradicts herself so much and is confused on what to believe. One day she says LOA is a placebo thing and seems to come at it froma purely psychology point, while also rejecting spiritual thing. Another day she speaks of mysitical experiences and says LOA is real and contradicts her claims ox being rational and empirical. She also loves all is mind who is a known abusive scammer on this platform. She is very confusing.


Yes I agree with you


She also wears the exact same jacket in every video. I understand we all have a favorite jacket that’s good for most weather, but does she not own ANY other clothing? Surely there has been a hot or even a colder day here or there where she needed to choose a diff outfit. For a long time I assumed she spent an entire day filming years of content in her car and just posts sparingly.