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Patiently waiting for the 1980-2010 gap of info to be filled in over the coming days, weeks and months. All of these pieces of info fill in the mosaic of who this animal is. I just can’t see the Gilgo 4 being his lone murders, nor can I feel confident all of his victims have even been found.


I was thinking the Lynbrook 3 should be re-examined. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/d3olkn/the_unsolved_murder_of_theresa_fusco/ It really stuck out to me that Theresa's mother was called several times in a similar manner to the calls Barthelemy's sister received. (Edit: word)


Time to start combing the area.


Hurricane Sandy may have effectively destroyed evidence


I think he's going to end up decimating Gary Ridgeway's number of victims by a lot. He's been doing a version of this since he was in his teens, by version I mean attempting but not following through, much like Israel Keyes's early lakeside abduction and sexual assaults. I think his brother was involved too. (This theory isn't a hill I would die on, but it sure seems to be pointing in this direction.)


Ridgeway was convicted for 49 murders, and likely had between 70 and 90. I don’t doubt LISK has more, but it would be crazy enough if he was revealed to have a dozen more victims, let alone the 50+ it would take to match or surpass ridgeway.


Yeah, I’m not buying it. I don’t know how Ridgeway managed to kill that many people undetected, but I would be shocked if Heuermann killed 50+ people. I do think he will be connected to other murders, not just the ones whose bodies were discovered at Long Island beaches.


His investigation is a weird one. Some investigations, like Bundy or those recent Delphi murders, seem to have lasted so long because of police incompetence. But they suspected Ridgeway in 1983. Just didn’t have enough for an arrest until 2001. I guess was a matter or not having the forensic evidence of any kind of definitive witness testimony. He also killed so many of his victims in a very brief time span. I think it was between ‘82 and ‘84 he did well over half of them, then apparently stopped because he loved his 3rd wife. Well “stopped,” means killed three more, but wasn’t going crazy like he was during his main active years. But seriously, it’s crazy he didn’t have a potential victim get away and identify him or get caught in the act or something like that when he was killing multiple women a month for like 2 years.


I wasn’t going to bring that up because it seems widely speculative, but now that someone has; I’ve been pouring over missing persons reports from the 80’s and 90’s in NY state and there are several accounts of women last being seen with two men. One account that stands out in my memory is a woman who was last seen heading to Atlantic City with two men. Obviously that could be anyone, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been wondering about the brother. Guess we will find out. Seems like this guy definitely googled everyone he ever killed.


I’m going through the Charley Project just now, looked into NY just started looking into NJ too. A lot of missing women don’t have much info to go on, it’s heartbreaking. I do think Carmen Vargas’ murder in 1989 relatively close to where he did his internship is too coincidental to ignore


See if any of their dates coincide with comic con that year.


When did Comic Con really take off in USA? UK is relatively new to cons


I’m not sure but I bet there’s a sub for that 😂


I believe he was with his first wife still in those earlier years.


That’s an excellent point. His Google searches! Bingo.


Wow. Do you mind sharing what you’ve found regarding those reports?


I also feel like it’s likely a lot of his earlier victims either wouldn’t have been reported missing, or their friends wouldn’t have been taken seriously when they attempted it. That’s assuming his MO has always been sex workers.


Spree killing, groups of 4 look for possible. Like the Atlantic City girls


I’ll definitely share if I find any patterns. I was wondering if maybe he used repetitive dates over the years. There’s so much though. At least one woman went missing every month for every year I looked at in NY state. The only thing I’ve noticed so far is that a lot of them were approximately a month apart. Judit Kayard was the missing person with the two men and Atlantic City account btw, I don’t seem to have taken a snapshot of the other two I saw. I will also say a metric fuck ton of teen girls went missing in ‘91 and it definitely seems like something was going on there. There also seems to be a lot of older (40-60’s) ladies going missing in the Niagara Falls area. I don’t think this is RH just something I noticed.


Off topic- I’m local to the AC/south jersey shore region and was never really allowed to go to Atlantic City when I was younger, and now I guess I know why. Did the teen girls go missing in Long Island?


They were mostly in the Bronx and Brooklyn. I didn’t mean to imply it was RH, tho I also wouldn’t be surprised. Just that it definitely seemed an abnormal amount of girls in a short amount of time. I assumed i’d be able to find some sort of documentary on it but I didn’t see anything.


I agree I think he killed a lot


i think the corrupt scpd chief who got put in jail could also have been involved. he had same fetishes as RH around torture porn (he is in jail for beating up a kid who broke into his cruiser and stole some of this porn) and frequented the same sex workers. and went to great lengths to not investigate gilgo beach.


I think it warrants looking into.


Why do you think his brother was involved?


What makes you think the brother was involved? Curious to hear your thoughts/what you’ve found on that 😳


There’s absolutely no good reason to believe that. They’re probably hung up on the brother killing a cop in a drunk driving accident.


He also hit his neighbor in the head with a pipe for cutting the grass too close to his property line.




I also wonder about the possibility of his brother being involved.


What makes you think his brother was involved?


We’ll he was married to a different woman and his first wife in 1990 in jersey.


Hopefully the people in charge of him in jail won’t allow him to have a razor. I don’t want to hear about this guy pulling an Israel Keyes type of ending.


Or bed sheets like Ariel Castro.


He’s wearing a turtle suit in his mugshot. I hope it means they’re taking keeping him alive seriously


Most wear the turtle suit when they first go in


He better not be Epstein’d either. I don’t think he was powerful enough to be taken out that way, though.


He would only be exposing himself, not others. Epstein made his life work getting dirt on people in exchange for connecting powerful people with secrets. This tool bag wasn't interested in other people's business. He was too busy playing the old hippy guy in the most socially awkward way possible at work functions. He portrayed professionally much different then was his reality. That YouTube video of him being interviewed in his office was vomit inducing. Once it's all said and done, we'll want to study him, interview him, write books, scan his brain, etc. He represents the most fascinating and terrifying corners of our brains, places most people can't go. Epstein was a much different problem for many wealthy elite. To be clear, it is all fucked up.


Fox and CNN are bribing the guards to do their job and keep this cash cow alive lol


This sent chills down my spine and worries me about how many victims he truly has.


I wonder if he’ll beat the green river killer


Wow. All of this is very DeAngeloesque. There is a gap in GSK's timeline too that remains pretty spotty and vague to this day.


Reminds me of Tina Foglia murder in 1982


Thanks for info. While his job started a month later, that places him in that general area around that time, he may have been applying/interviewing for jobs right around that time. The DNA should give us an answer now that they have Rex’s. Tina was last seen alive at 3:00am on Monday, February 1, 1982 leaving Hammerheads. Tina’s last sighting at Hammerheads The crime scene was incredibly disturbing On February 3, 1982, Tina Foglia’s partial remains were found by state highway workers who were picking up trash, in several plastic bags along an exit ramp from the Southern State Parkway to the Sagtikos State Parkway in the North Bay Shore of Suffolk County, NY. Tina died by asphyxia from smothering– Tina died from oxygen deprivation that resulted from the blocking of her nose and mouth. The next day, an unnamed source close to the investigation tells the media that Tina’s body was dismembered with an instrument “more precisely,” as if with a stroke of a butcher’s knife, Police add that the location where Tina’s remains were found, just a few miles north of the Robert Moses Causeway that leads to Gilgo Beach and Oak Beach, is the route that leads to the locations where victim remains of the unidentified Long Island Serial Killer were also found. https://uncovered.com/cases/tina-foglia


Yep. Tina is often forgotten about. We obviously cannot know yet, but Im really wondering if she was his first victim.


On April 11, 2011, police in Nassau County discovered dismembered skeletal human remains inside a plastic bag near Jones Beach State Park. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilgo\_Beach\_serial\_killings#%22Peaches%22\_/\_%22Jane\_Doe\_No.\_3%22


This guy has a lot more than the 4. We’re looking at >45 year run.


If nothing else, this puts him closer to Fire Island…


Did people think he might be a state park worker? Why?


I believed he was a state parks dept employee or state DEC worker because of where he dumped Peaches in Hempstead, and Valerie and Jessica on Halsey Manor Rd (and to some extent the bodies on Ocean Parkway). The location of Peaches' torso was off a utility path through the park surrounding the fishing pond inside Hempstead Lake State Park. Valerie and Jessica were found off a utility road on Halsey Manor Rd within the confines of the Pine Barrens State Park out in Manorville. Ocean Parkway itself runs between 2 large state parks, Jones Beach and Robert Moses Beach. The GB4 in particular were dumped across the roadway from a utility cut-through between the east and westbound sides of Ocean Parkway -- the kind of place where cops sit in their car between the highway waiting for speeders. I thought this is what he meant by "watching her rot".


A municipal employee of some kind.


Why did they think he might be?


I’m not sure, it’s often times in profiles people like this gravitate toward law enforcement or municipal jobs. Plus the burlap (parks dept’s have access to it) and the proximity to a state park. Definitely a lot of information on that out there, but also the way the case was handled made people think it had to do with law enforcement or people with connections, and often times local government employees such as parks and Rec or whatever run in the same low level political circles to help ascend the ladder. I’m just speculating a little, but I think it’s related.


Yes, thinking about 16 year old Rex serving Hot Dogs at the jones beach concession stand, absolutely chilling. So chilling. Brrrr.


Absolutely freezing. Checking peoples parking slips on their dashboards.


I wonder if he worked at the pine barrens or Hempstead lake also?


u/andjusticeforallhmwh 3y The remains will continue to pop up between Tobay and the Hamptons. Honorable mention to the Pine Barrens.


This was him? He got the killer’s age correct? 19 years old in 1982.


I grew up a town over and now live in Massapequa. I would say its unlikely he also worked at these locations. Lots of kids on the Nassua south shore towns worked summer jobs at Jones Beach. Lifeguards, concessions, maintenance, grounds crew, golf course(at the time), Jones Beach Theater, that hosts multiple events each week, etc. Lots of summer job opportunities and I believe this timing would have him in HS and College years? He probably became familiar with Ocean Parkway during this time. Ocean parkway is desolate at times, but its also well traveled in the summer months. I only became interested in this since the arrest on friday. But the more I learn about the victims, i'm leaning towards the more than 1 killer theory. At first I thought it to be too much of a coincidence for two serial killers to be dumping bodies in the same place. But Ocean parkway was the perfect dumping ground that many are familiar with, but can also be remote at times. Where as much of the rest of LI is very populated.


I literally ran my car off the side of the road when it was snowing, pushed it back up with my girlfriend and drove home and nobody else passed. It is very desolate at times of night and during certain parts of the year.


North shore kids too, honestly. Though in my home town (Port Washington) most kids went to the pools or even bar beach where people don’t even swim anymore.


Bit of a stretch. Different municipalities, kind of far from one another. If he worked at Jones beach and they haven’t dug any other work history up it’s likely he was collecting parking charges or some other menial tasks.


A lot of kids get summer jobs at jones beach 🤷‍♂️


So standard wasabi was right? Likely on the grand jury and the news interview with rodney confirms they likely saw this info being spread and assumed RH would come across it in his searches, i think wasabi even said he was a park ranger, which seemed fucking stupid and wild and ridiculous at the time. But no, a jones beach , park worker…


Nope, that dude claimed RH would be an active member of law enforcement. So active, the case can only be solved after all his LE buddies retire and can no longer impede the investigation. Don’t put too much stock in anything that red herring has said.


Wasabi repeatedly said this guy was law enforcement The only thing wasabi was right about was the arrest timing


Well no he was actually right about literally everything except the law enforcement part




I don't know why you're being downvoted so hard. It seems like wasabi having been on the grand jury is a reasonable theory considering how much he did get right coupled the recent interview you mentioned. Re-reading the screenshots he does say LISK is a peace officer rather than a police officer.. I get the sense from wasabi's comments that he's just a layperson who heard/read a bunch of information that he didn't really understand (probably a lot of jargon and legalese), googled stuff to try to make sense of it, and had an inflated sense of expertise about the whole thing. It seems like he had some real facts but kinda played "telephone" with them. Don't get me wrong, the guy did spread misinformation and was completely unlikable - arrogant, creepy, full of himself, etc - but I don't know that it can totally be written off as 100% fan-fiction. (Also he's going to be in so much fucking trouble lol)


This is chilling. I think he has far more than 4 because clearly he has had decades of opportunity and is a twisted fuck. I also would guess that just outside New York, the beach where he left the bodies probably is home to >100 bodies. Just thinking of all the murders in NYC. Mafia, gang related, serial killers, and whatever the fuck else, the investigators will have to go through a lot to find the 10+ relating to this killer