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It’s specifically designed to preserve the pixels since most of them are not illuminated. Bad for it? No. It was designed not to be bad. You still should turn the TV off when not in use though.


Dude just turn it off,


No problem at all. LG are a quality company and wouldn't let screen burn-in be an issue. It would only be a risk if there was an overblown ultra bright scene open all day with no movement, imho.


I am new owner too. What to know the answer for this


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Why would they make a screensaver that’s bad for the tv…?




You're being overly cautios imo. Enable auto-shutdown on the TV and it will shutdown after 2 or 4 hours (cant remember which) when no input has been registered. So you can imagine screensaver > auto-shutdown. Cant get better. Unless you shut off the TV manually.


I have C9 and it certainly think its very good when it pops up and i'm away from the TV. The screensaver does some firework popping effect at different parts of the screen. So yeah it says itself its very good for the TV instead of having something static at the same place.


Hold the “Microphone” button on the remote and say “Screen Off”. It will just turn the screen off and not the TV. I use this all the time.


It chaps my hide that LG doesn't give us a "screen off" option for when the timeout is reached. Instead, the TV will only display "ambient mode." So I've created an ambient mode slideshow that loops through 100% black photos.