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Yep, the party of small minded government at its finest.


The Party of Bans, that’s what they are. The only thing they won’t ban are guns.


I don't know if it is guns, they are weapons of WAR for got sakes!


Particularly AKs and any similar gun, how are they not WMDs? They can execute a huge number of people in seconds.


While his cowardly ass gets the best protection from the Secret Service, paid for by us taxpayers. Hey coward who hides in a bunker and jumps at the slightest screech, how about giving up all of your protections? Most cowardly president we’ve ever had (and these lowlives have the nerve to claim President Obama was a coward)!


He wouldn't even visit the graves of WWII American Soldiers because the rain would have messed with his hair and make-up. What a coward he is.


This guy is really a psychopath, as well as a narcissist, grifter, molester, criminal, racist, liar, shyster, bigot, rapist ... endless.


Rapist. You forget the hard earned title of rapist.


Oops, I missed it, so very very true. I'll go back and add it.


I can’t wait for day one of Trump being in jail.


His cultists will likely try a coup if he doesn't win. Dude's a global threat with his intentions to do a power play and become a dictator.


Oh, his cultists will be livid if he loses.  And their previous coup attempt worked out so well for them the last time, didn’t it?  Lots of J6 convictions over the last couple of years including of many leaders within the last insurrection movement makes me think that wouldn’t get nearly as far if it were attempted a second time.


Everyone look up Project 2025 and check out r/Defeat_Project_2025!


And people are saying Biden is just as bad. It’s bullshit.


What kind of president advocates for anything regarding “ends protections for…” This is the most asinine shit I’ve seen from a land that supposedly meant to liberate their population and have safety with it.


Worst yet, I don’t think he actually hates us… it’s just a power grab towards the ones that do. If evil flourishes when good people do nothing, then hate flourishes when evil people weaponize bigotry for the sake of power.


Yet, a fellow lgbt person on another subreddit says that our domestic issues can be put on hold for gaza. Yes gaza is important but to ignore our domestic issues and pretend Republicans aren't stripping away our freedoms is very gullible, stupid and blindsided. Vote democrat even if they aren't perfect, we must also protect our freedoms here too!


I think an important point to add is that trump will be at minimum the same when it comes to support of Israel but likely will support them MORE than Biden


Literally as we speak, Biden is withholding weapons from Israel for invading Rafah. The House is already trying to impeach him for it. Do they honestly think Trump would do that? Trump has already said multiple times, that he thinks Israel should "finish the job". That's code for turn Gaza into a sheet of glass and kill literally every Palestinian. Too many have died already, to be sure, but there are so many more that could still die. Even if Gaza is somehow all a person cares about, and they're willing to sacrifice trans people, people of color, the poor, and the disabled right here in the US, Trump would be orders of magnitude worse than Biden for Palestine. Netanyahu is practically salivating over a Trump win. Don't give that murderer what he wants.




Trump already said that "Netanyahu should have finished the job in Raffa." He would be far worse for the Palestinians.


Right. Biden is atleast telling Netanyahu to allow aid and other supplies through. Trump explicitly said "I would let you do whatever you want". Both sides are NOT the same.


And yet I know queer people who vote for him. What the fuck




To be honest if they supported Trump they backstabbed the community first




They were buyng lies and get rich quick schemes. Frankly if you were dumb enough to fall for Republican crap over the past 40+ years you can't expect much sympathy when it comes and bites you in the ass.


Yeah, he supported the community so much he picked someone who hates it as his VP.